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#102, Aung Myittar 1 Street, (1) Ward, Hlaing Tsp. Tel : 09 25 25 85 085. Fb :

စာသင္ခန္းသံ ုး အဂၤလိပ္စကားေျပာ - ၁၂၀

စာသင္ခန္းသံ ု း အဂၤလိပ္စကား နဲ႔ ပတ္သက္ၿပီး ယခု ေရးေနတဲ့ စာစု မ်ားသည္ မူ လတန္းအဆင့္ အဂၤလိပ္စာ
ဆရာ/ ဆရာမ မ်ား အထူ းသျဖင့္ အဂၤလိပ္ဘာသာစကားကို Classroom Language အျဖစ္အသံ ု းျပဳၿပီး သင္ၾကားမ
ယ့္ ဆရာ/ ဆရာမ မ်ားအတြက္ အဓိက ရည္ရြယ္ပါတယ္။ ဒီတစ္ပတ္မွာ Primary အဆင့္သာမက အားလံ ု းအတြက္
သံ ု းလို ႔ရမယ့္ ပံ ု စံ ေတြကို အစကေန ျပန္စလို က္ပါတယ္

A1. Entering the classroom

1. Let’s go in
Let’s go inside.
Let’s go into the classroom
(You can) Go in.
Go on in.
Go in and sit down.
I’ll open/ unlock the door and let you in.

2. Take off your coat.

You can leave your outdoor/sports clothes in the corridor.
Put your sports shoes in your locker.
Take/ leave your bag outside, please.
Hang it up.
Hang up your things.
Use the coat rack.

3. Come in and sit down.

Come in and take your seat.
Come on/ along in, Mr. ……
In you come (now), Marco.
(Come) this way, please.
Close the door (properly) behind you.
Please don’t slam/ bang the door.
You can leave the door open.
4. Hurry up now.
Hurry up so that I can start the lesson.
Try to hurry, please.

 Idiomatic word order:

Off with your coat!
Out with your books!
Away with your books/ phones/ MP3 players!

I’m cold so can I keep my anorak on?

It’s so hot. Can I take my jacket off?
Can I leave my bag here?
Will my briefcase be all right here?
Is it OK/all right if keep my coat on?

English is the door to the world!

#102, Aung Myittar 1 Street, (1) Ward, Hlaing Tsp. Tel : 09 25 25 85 085. Fb :

 Preposition:
in the corridor, in the hallway, in the classroom
on a peg, on a hook, in a locker; on a coat rack; on a coat hanger;
over the back of your seat.

A2. Everyday greetings

1. Good morning, everybody.
Good afternoon, everyone.
Good evening to you.
Hello, everybody.

2. How are you all today?

How are you getting on?
How are things?
How are we all doing this morning?
How’s everyone feeling today?
How’s it going?
How’s life?

3. That’s good.
That’s good/nice to hear.
I’m glad/pleased/happy/sorry to hear that.

4. I hope you all had a nice weekend.

I hope you all had a good/enjoyable/relaxing holiday/break.
I hope you’re all feeling well/fit.
I hope you had/you’ve having a nice/good days so far.

 ႏႈတ္ဆက္တဲ့အခါ informal အေနနဲ႔

Hi, Hi there
Howdy, Hiya လို ႔ သံ ု းႏု ိင္ပါတယ္

 ပထမဆံ ု း အတန္းဝင္တ့ဲအခါ
Welcome, everybody.
Welcome to all of you.
I’d like to welcome you all to this course. လို ႔ သံ ု းႏို င္ပါတယ္

 Students’ Response
(I’m) very well, thank you.
(I’m) fine, thanks.
(I’m) No so/ too bad, thanks.
I’m feeling great.
All right.
I’m good. (AE)
I’m not feeling very well.

English is the door to the world!

#102, Aung Myittar 1 Street, (1) Ward, Hlaing Tsp. Tel : 09 25 25 85 085. Fb :

I think I’ve caught a cold.

I’ve got (a bit of) temperature.

အားလံ ု းပဲ လို အပ္သလို သံ ု းစြဲ အဆင္ေျပၾကပါေစ …

English is the door to the world!

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