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Fitness Assessment Results

Please save a copy of these results for later use in the course.
Instructions: Please complete part one and part two.

Part One: Assessment Results

Please complete the chart using the results from the Fitness Assessments:

Fitness Assessment Your Results

Mile Run/ Walk Time: 13 minutes

Body Composition/ BMI 16.62

Aerobic Capacity 43.11

Sit and Reach Measurement: 12 inches or 30

centimeters (I am not sure if this
sounds like I’m cheating because
I’m flexible 0-0)

Curl-ups Number completed: 39

Push-ups Number completed: 10

Trunk Lift Measurement: 6 inches or 15.24


Part Two: Reflection Questions

Please answer the questions using three to five complete sentences.

1. How do you feel about your fitness assessment results?

I feel proud and very accomplished with my fitness assessment results. I didn’t
expect myself to go past 15 minutes until I truly practiced for a week and a half. I
ended finally with 13 minutes and just before that I had 13 minutes and 15

2. Which assessment was the most difficult? 

The most difficult assessment was the push-ups because I’m not used to doing
push-ups but I did way better than any days I have gone to the gym and pushed
my arms to their limits. I wish I could’ve done more push-ups but you get tired
after putting some pressure on your arms compared to my weight. Also, I didn’t
really find the mile run or the push-ups too fun like the other exercises/activities.

3. Which assessment was the easiest? Explain your answers. 

The easiest assessment is either the trunk lift or the sit and reach. I believe these
two were the easiest because I’m quite flexible so I can do the sit and reach
easily, the trunk lift is only difficult if you go too fast, so I went by pace. I took it
easy but I sped up as I practiced timing myself. I’m generally stronger in the
flexibility and stretching with the sit and reach, the trunk lift is similar to the sit and
reach with flexibility and stretching but it takes patience and a good breathing
technique like push-ups. Also, I quite liked the sit and reach and trunk lift.

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