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Escuela Normal Superior de México

Enrique Chombo


Cruzalta Cano Natalia

Flores Hernández Nidia Daniela

Rocha Jaime Verónica

4 de Abril 2021

4° semestre

Fonética y Fonología
Phonetics deals with speech
sounds, and how they are organise
into system for each individual

How they are made (articulary )

How they perceived (auditory)
Physics involved (acoustic)

Phonetics is the physical

description of the actual sounds
used in human languages.

Phonetics, the study of speech

sounds and their physiological
production and acoustic qualities. It
deals with the configurations of the
vocal tract used to produce speech
sounds (articulatory phonetics), the
acoustic properties of speech sounds
(acoustic phonetics), and the
manner of combining sounds so as to
make syllables, words, and
sentences (linguistic phonetics).

D A V E N P O R T , D . , & H A N N A H S , S . J . (2 0 0 5 ). P H O N E T I C S & P H O N OL OG Y (2 .A E D .). H OOD D E R
L A D E F O G E D , P . N . ( 2 0 1 4 , A U G U S T 2 1 ). P H O N E T I C S . E N C Y C L O P E D IA BR IT A N N IC A .

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