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Blended learning in high school chemistry to

enhance students’ metacognitive skills and

attitudes towards chemistry: A need analysis
Cite as: AIP Conference Proceedings 2194, 020068 (2019);
Published Online: 18 December 2019

Kartyka Nababan, Budi Hastuti, and Nurma Yunita Indriyanti

AIP Conference Proceedings 2194, 020068 (2019); 2194, 020068

© 2019 Author(s).
Blended Learning in High School Chemistry to Enhance
Students’ Metacognitive Skills and Attitudes towards
Chemistry: A Need Analysis
Kartyka Nababan, Budi Hastuti, Nurma Yunita Indriyantia)

Department of Chemistry Education, Postgraduate Program, Universitas Sebelas Maret, Surakarta, Indonesia

Corresponding author: a)

Abstract. Digital technology in the 21st century is considered as a powerful tool to support innovation in learning systems.
Blended learning is a model that adopts digital technology in the learning process, and if supported by technology-based teaching
materials, it will be very efficient and effective. This study aims to investigate the needs of blended learning in high school
chemistry to enhance students’ metacognitive skills and attitudes towards chemistry. Particularly, the purposes of this study are
described as follows: (1) to investigate students’ attitudes towards chemistry on High School; (2) to analyse students’ digital
knowledge and experience; (3) to analyse the needs of students and teachers on High School Chemistry for the blended learning
module with Thermochemistry-based Learning Management System (LMS); (4) to analyse the quality of instruments by Rasch
Model. Ninety eleventh grade students and nine teachers from three high schools in Surakarta, Indonesia participated in this
study. The research instrument was prepared based on the research indicators. Data collection technique used a survey and an
interview. The data were analyzed through qualitative and quantitative methods. The qualitative analysis focused on the teacher's
questionnaire and interview, while quantitative analysis was the students’ questionnaire using the Rasch model. The study
obtained the following conclusions: (1) Indonesian high school students’ attitudes towards chemistry were still relatively low (2)
High school knowledge and experience of digital technology in learning was high, (3) The need for LMS-based blended learning
module to improve students' attitude towards chemistry and metacognition skills was very high; (4) By variable map, the research
instrument test met the Rasch model requirements so that it was feasible to use.

Attitudes towards science are related to positive or negative feelings towards science [1]. Attitude towards
Chemistry can be defined as a positive or negative attitude towards chemical learning. Attitudes toward chemistry
show interests or feelings towards learning chemistry. Students' attitudes towards chemistry learning influence the
mindset and interest in long-term chemical studies. Hofstein and Mamlok found that the level of students’ disinterest
in chemistry was very high which correlated with a decrease in enrollment in science-based careers [2]. The other
study also showed that students' attitudes towards chemistry influenced academic achievement and predicted student
behavior for the long term [3].
Attitudes towards chemistry are considered as important results of learning activities and academic achievement.
Research has indicated that the development of students’ positive attitudes towards learning influenced their
academic performance [4]. The influence could be seen by evaluating students' attitudes towards chemistry learning.
Three domains of attitude towards chemistry can be observed, including affective, behavior, and cognitive [5].
Affective attitude response indicates feelings and emotions an individual has towards object of attitude. Behavior
attitude response shows a tendency of the individual’s actions towards object of attitude. Response of cognitive
attitudes refers to evaluative beliefs in object of attitude. This cognitive development must be balanced by awareness
of the ability of cognitive abilities and has the ability to manage cognition, known as metacognitive skill.
Metacognitive skills refer to individuals’ awareness of knowledge and how they regulate or control (regulation)
that knowledge. Flavel defines metacognition skills as "thinking about the thought process" [6]. Similarly, Wellman
stated that metacognition is a form of cognition with a higher level of process accompanied by the ability to control

The 2nd International Conference on Science, Mathematics, Environment, and Education

AIP Conf. Proc. 2194, 020068-1–020068-10;
Published by AIP Publishing. 978-0-7354-1945-2/$30.00

the cognitive process [7]. According to Flavel, metacognition has two important aspects, including knowledge and
monitoring of one's own cognitive understanding [8].
To obtain a positive attitude towards chemistry and enhanced metacognitive skills, chemistry learning systems
both learning model and media needs to be innovated. Digital technology in the 21st century is regarded as an
effective tool for innovation in learning systems. Digital technology media was used to record, manage, represent,
and communicate data and information [9].
In addition, Porat et al., argued that students’ interests in digital literacy strongly support the students’ interests
and abilities in learning process [10]. The result shows that the growth and development of the students in the 21st
century are affected by their birth year as a millennial generation. In 2018, Asa described the generation differences
according to the birth year. Taking 2015 references, Asa described the types of generations: Traditionalist over 70
years old, Baby- boomers between 51 and 70, Generation X between 35 and 50, Millennials between 21 and 34, and
Generation Z under 20 years old [11]. One of the characteristics of millennial generation is that their lives are
closely related to digital technology [12]. In line with this, this study focused on needs for a digital technology
innovation in the world of education.
One of the learning model innovations carried out by utilizing digital technology is known as blended learning.
According to Widiara and Life’s definition, blended learning is: “As combination of characteristic from both
traditional learning and blended e-learning environments. It merges aspects of blended e-learning, such as web-
based instructions, streaming, video, audio, synchronous and asynchronous communication, etc. with traditional
‘face-to face’ learning” [13].
Furthermore, Semler argued that “Blended learning combines the best aspects of online learning, structured face-
to-face activities, and real-world practice’ [14]. Online learning systems, classroom training, and on-the-job
experience have major drawbacks by themselves. The blended learning approach uses the strengths of each to
counter the others’ weaknesses”. Blended learning is defined as a combination of benefits from online learning,
face-to-face learning, and real-world experience. The combination of all the components can provide distinct
advantages in students’ learning outcomes.
Whereas, Stein and Graham stated “Blended course as a combination of onsite (i.e. face-to-face) with online
experiences to produce effective, efficient, and flexible learning” [15]. With digital technology, blended learning can
be implemented anywhere, anytime and collaborate with anyone. Based on the definitions proposed by Dangwal
[16], the characteristics and settings of blended learning can be described in Figure 1.

FIGURE 1. Characteristic and Setting of Blended Learning

Learning environment adopting digital technology positively contributes to students’ cognitive and affective
processes which can finally result in a high attitude towards learning [17]. As blended learning basically combines
several learning styles at once, each learner’s dominant learning style will be easier to adjust. The result is supported
by Sudarman’s finding which showed that the use of blended learning strategies was significantly better than face-
to-face learning strategies in providing learning outcomes of statistical concepts and procedures [18].
Furthermore, Raharja and Prasojo’ study showed that the learning management system-based learning model
with the development of Moodle software in Yogyakarta's public high school received a positive response from
school followed by the development of subject content [19]. Moreover, Alexandro and Maharta concluded that the
development of LMS-based blended learning devices with inquiry learning models on static electricity topic showed

high feasibility in learning [20].
One of media innovations is the development of learning modules, regarded as very effective in improving
learning outcomes. The characteristics of the learning module according to Rahdiyanta [21] are: 1) Self instruction;
2) Self-contained; 3) Stand alone; 4) Adaptive; and 5) User friendly. Masrinur et al concluded that the development
of roundhouse diagram-based learning modules could improve students' cognitive learning outcomes [22]. In
addition, Siahaan [23] showed that the students taught by using the learning module had more effective learning
outcomes compared with those taught by the lecture method. The other result indicated that learning media in the
form of e-modules was very effective to improve students’ learning outcomes [24].
The learning module is updated by adapting digital technology based on learning management systems so that
learning modules become more effective, efficient, and flexible. The system used to provide access to online
learning services for students, teachers, and administrators is called the Learning Management System [25]. LMS
tools include methods for managing users, roles, and course information, online communication, assessment, and
web-based or mixed content delivery. Some types of LMS popularly used in schools are Blackboard, WebCT, and
open source products, such as Moodle and Sakai or non-paid products, such as Edmodo and Schoology [26].
Teaching materials using LMS devices and that can be used in blended learning are arranged as a Learning
Management System (LMS)-based blended learning module. This module is a teaching material that can be used
blended, meaning that the module can be used for learning that occurs in synchronous learning (live and virtual) and
asynchronous learning (autonomously and collaborative). The LMS-based blended learning module innovation will
be able to improve the quality of chemical learning. The higher quality of chemistry learning can greatly affect
attitudes towards chemistry and result in higher metacognition skills.
This condition leads the study to investigate the needs of blended learning in high school chemistry to enhance
students' metacognitive skills and attitudes towards chemistry. Thermochemistry was used as the topic in this study.
The topic was selected based on literature review mostly describing that Thermochemistry was the most difficult
chemistry topic in high school. Thermochemical was targeted, then "suspected" as the suitable topic for the
development of the module.
The research findings critically led to the needs of LMS-based Thermochemistry blended learning modules that
can be used to improve attitudes towards chemistry and metacognition skills of high school students.


Research Design
This research was a preliminary study of a Research and Development (R&D) of LMS-based Thermochemistry
blended learning modules to enhance attitudes towards chemistry and metacognition skills of high school students.
The R&D used refers to the modified Borg and Gall model. The literature review and data collection were used as
the preliminary study, and then the result of this study are used as a reference for further research. The stages carried
out were the preliminary stages that included literature review and data collection; the development phases is started
with product design, followed by design validation, design revisions, individual trials, main field trials, operational
field trials, product revisions, and product evaluation and refinement, until the final module product is produced.

Data collection technique included a questionnaires and an interview. The instruments were arranged based on
four indicators, as shown in Table I. The first indicator showing attitude towards chemistry was compiled by
adopting Attitude towards Chemistry Lessons Scale (ATCLS) developed by Cheung [27]; the second indicator
shows the current state of chemical learning; the third indicator refers to the knowledge and experience of digital
technology; and the fourth indicator indicates the needs for an LMS-based blended learning module. Questionnaires
and teacher’ interviews were arranged with the same indicators as student questionnaires, but with questionnaires
and interview types.

TABLE I. Indicators of needs analysis of LMS-based blended learning modules
Indicator Item
Attitude towards chemistry X1.Chemistry lessons are interesting
X2.Doing chemistry experiments in school is fun
X3.Chemistry is useful for solving everyday problems
X4.I am willing to spend more time reading chemistry books
Chemistry learning conditions X5.The most difficult chemistry topic is Thermochemistry
X6.Practicum about Thermochemistry topic is often conducted
at school
X7.Teachers used special teaching materials to teach
Thermochemistry (e.g. modules, videos, teaching kit, etc.)
Knowledge and experience of X8.I often use modules or the internet to help me understand
digital technology in learning Thermochemical.
X9.I am used to using information technology in everyday life,
such as cellphones, Facebook, and internet.
X10.I am used to searching information about chemistry’ topic
from the internet.
X11.My school is used to using mobile phones, computers and
internet in chemistry learning.
The need for LMS-based X12.The lab and library in the school have not been enough to
blended learning modules help me understand the topic of Thermochemistry.
X13.I still need a textbook or other handbook to study
X14.I like the learning system that I can do anywhere and
X15.I need an online study discussion room with my teacher
and friends outside school hours.
X16.I need a chemistry learning module that I can use
anywhere and anytime.
X17.I like learning online, offline, and face to face using
mobile phones, computers and internet.

The participants in this study were 90 eleventh grade students and nine teachers from three high schools in
Surakarta, Indonesia. Public high schools in Surakarta were chosen as the representative schools because the
facilities and infrastructure in the schools, especially computer and internet facilities were adequate. Most students
already had computers/laptops equipped with internet/Wi-Fi facilities or mobile phones for students having web
browser facility. The schools were selected based on several criteria. First, the schools must be public high schools
as they adopted same curriculum and similarly had complete facilities. Second, the schools were selected based on
the achievement level of the 2017/2018 National Examination in order to obtain sample heterogeneity, including
School A as a high group, School B as a moderate group, and School C as a low group. Thirty students and three
chemistry teachers were recruited from each school.

Data Analysis
Qualitative and quantitative methods were used to analyze the data. The teacher's questionnaires and interviews
were analyzed qualitatively. The instrument items were divided into four indicators: (1) attitude towards chemistry;
(2) chemistry learning conditions; (3) knowledge and experience of digital technology in learning; and (4) The need
for LMS-based blended learning modules. On the other hand, the students’ questionnaires using the Rasch model
were analyzed quantitatively. The Rasch model developed by Georg Rasch, a mathematician from Denmark, was
employed to examine the reliability and validity of the instrument. With variable map in Rasch model, it can be
examined whether the difficulty level of the items fit the individual’s ability [28]. An item and a person passing the

value of 2 Standard Deviation (T), are stated as an item or an outlier person. The average value of the logit item is
always set at 0.0 logit which shows the initial reference point of the scale. The average logit person is obtained from
the ability of the person to answer the question. Outlier items refer to unsuitable items to use. Those who pass the
upper bound T indicate people who are too easy to approve questionnaire items, while those who pass the lower
limit T are considered as people who are too difficult to approve questionnaire items.


Students’ Questionnaire
Level of need for LMS-based blended learning modules; Based on the results of the Wright person map
distribution analysis in Figure 1, 87 respondents were above the average logit item value (+0.00 logit), indicating
that respondents highly needed LMS-based blended learning module, while three respondents were below the
average logit value which showed that they less needed LMS-based blended learning modules.

FIGURE 2. Map of Wright Item Analysis Needs for LMS-based Blended Learning Modules.

The Wright map in Figure 1 shows the left column as the person column, and the right column is the item
column. Items above the average value of logit item (+0.00 logit) means that the items are relatively difficult to
approve by the respondent, while items below the average value of the logit item means that the items are relatively
easy to approve by the respondent. Based on the item distribution on the Wright map, all items were on the average
logit item scale (there were no outlier items), meaning that all question items in the questionnaire were suitable for
use. Based on the questionnaire indicator in Table III, information on the item showed the level of item distribution.

TABLE II. Distribution of items based on each indicator
Indicator Items above the average value of logit item Items below the average value of the
logit item
Attitude towards X1.Chemistry lessons are interesting X2.Doing chemistry experiments in
chemistry school is fun
X3.Chemistry is useful for solving
everyday problems
X4.I am willing to spend more time
reading chemistry books
Chemistry X5.The most difficult chemistry’s topic
learning is Thermochemistry
X6.Practicum about Thermochemistry is
often conducted at school
X7.Teachers used special teaching
materials to teach Thermochemistry
(e.g. modules, videos, teaching kit,
Knowledge and X8.I often use modules or the internet to X9.I am used to using information
experience of help me understand technology in everyday life,
digital Thermochemical. such as smartphone, Facebook,
technology in and internet.
X10.I am used to searching
information about chemistry’
topic from the internet or
X11.My school is used to using
smartphone, computers and
internet in chemistry learning.
The need for X13.I still need a textbook or other X12.The lab and library in the school
LMS-based handbook to study Thermochemistry. have not been enough to help
blended learning me understand the topic of
modules Thermochemistry.
X14.I like the learning system that I
can do anywhere and anytime.
X15.I need an online study
discussion room with my
teacher and friends outside
school hours.
X16.I need a chemistry learning
module that I can use anywhere
and anytime.
X17.I like learning online, offline,
and face to face using
smartphone, computers and

Based on Table III, information was obtained for each indicator, as follows:
1. Students’ attitudes towards chemistry were classified as low. Based on the logit scale, items X4, X1, and X3
had logit values above +0.0 logit, while item X2 was below the average logit item, indicating that the
students tended to like chemical lab activities.
2. Chemistry learning conditions were not optimal. All items in this indicator tended to hardly approve.

3. Students’ knowledge and experience of digital technology in learning was high, meaning that the students
had positive attitudes towards the blended learning system.
4. The need for LMS-based blended learning modules was high, indicating that high school students required
LMS-based blended learning modules.
The distribution of people on wright maps illustrates the level of students’ responses that shows the level of their
need for LMS-based blended learning module. Figure 2 shows two outlier students, 60B and 42B students (both
from School B). The students had logit value more than +3 logit. Students 60B and 42B crossed the boundaries of
the two standard deviations (T) which indicated a different level of need (very high), meaning that all questions in
the questionnaire tended to be approved by the two students. The student with the lowest response level of need was
55B (from School B). The logit value was very low (outlier) because it was outside the T limit, meaning that the
student had very low level of need. The results also showed that students who showed the level of need for outliers
were from School B, meaning that the level of students’ needs for LMS-based blended learning modules in this
school was diverse.
Twenty seven out of 30 students in School B that the level of need for LMS-based blended learning modules was
high. Specifically, two students gave the highest response, while one student had the lowest response (tended not to
need). All students in School A and B provided responses within logit limits (none exceeding the T limit), meaning
that they had high level of need for an LMS-based blended learning module.

FIGURE 3. Distribution of persons showing the level of need for an LMS-based blended learning module.

The level of students’ needs for LMS-based blended learning modules can be easily analysed with the scale on
the same distance (equal interval). If the level of need is 42B (with logit +3.20) compared with 28A, 50B, 51B, 53B,
64C, and 69C (logit around 0.82), the level of 42B needs for LMS-based blended learning modules is four times
from that of six students earlier.

By combining logit person information and item logit, some interesting findings were obtained:
1. The average value of the logit item was always set at 0.0 logit which showed the initial reference point of
the scale; the average logit person was 1.34 logit which meant above 0.0 logit. The results showed that the
response level of "A need" students was above the average level of difficulty (to be approved) of standard
2. 55B student gave the lowest "A Need" response, but when compared with items with the same logit (-0.3
logit), including items X17, X2, X14, X9, X16, X10, X12, and X11, the probability of the student to declare
approval was 50%. The result indicated that items X17, X2, X14, X9, X16, X10, X12, and X11 were
relatively easy to approve.

Teacher’ Questionnaire and Interview

Teacher questionnaires and interviews were arranged with the same indicators as student questionnaires. The
qualitative data were analysed that cross-checked with student questionnaires.
TABLE III. The Teachers’ Questionnaire and Interview Results
Indicator Description Sample
Attitude towards Still low, the students tended The students did not like chemistry lessons.
chemistry not to like chemistry. The students’ attitude of when doing practical
activities were still low.
Chemistry learning Taking place less optimally, Conventional methods still dominated the learning
conditions conventional methods still process.
dominated the learning process, Digital technology was only used as a learning
the schools were not familiar resource.
with the blended learning
Knowledge and The chemistry teachers have The students were often assigned to use the
experience of digital already had the knowledge and internet as a learning resource.
technology in experience of using digital The students were often assigned to collect school
learning technology to teach students, assignments via the internet (for example, e-mail
but only asynchronous or whatsup).
communication, and they were
not familiar with blended
learning systems.
The needs for LMS- The students and teachers need The available materials were not sufficient to
based blended a teaching material that can be teach Thermochemistry.
learning module used in a blended learning Schools need teaching materials that can be used
system. online or offline.

Table III indicates that the development of the chemistry teacher’s knowledge and experience of digital
technology in learning systems was needed to improve the students’ attitudes towards chemistry. The result supports
Tigowati’s finding that cognitive performance and motivation of high school students can be enhanced by using
Schoology based on e-learning [29]. The learning outcomes of high school students also increased with the
application of LMS-based blended learning [30]. Through teachers’ experience in chemistry learning, students in the
21st century highly enjoyed the learning processes mediated with digital technology [31]. It needed a laboratory and
library that were considered insufficient by learners who need technological equipment. This finding is also
supported by Setiadi and Joyoatmojo’s study that mixed learning systems were the most suitable solution for high
school chemistry teachers in Indonesia using internet facilities in order to support the creation of more optimal
chemistry learning [32].

Based on the previous analysis, the general conclusions of this study were: (1) attitude towards chemistry of high
school students in Indonesia was still relatively low; (2) high school in Indonesia requires LMS-based blended

learning modules to improve students' attitude towards chemistry and students’ metacognition skills; (3) high
school’ knowledge and experience of digital technology in learning was high, meaning that the students had positive
attitudes towards the blended learning system; (4) the item reliability test results of item on the instrument of need
was 0.95 included in the special category, and the reliability of the person test obtained was 0.68 included in the
sufficient category, while the Cronbach Alpha value (KR-20) which measures the interaction between persons and
items showed the reliability value 0.73 (good category). These results indicated that the actual data obtained in the
research instrument test met the Rasch model requirements so that the research instrument was feasible to use.
It can be concluded that the implementation of blended learning is very important in formal education. The
development of teaching materials on blended learning that utilizes LMS applications is believed to be more
attractive to students’ interest and motivation so that it may cause positive feelings towards chemistry and can
improve students' metacognition skills. It corroborates the results of Siemens et al. that in this era the use of digital
academic materials constantly increases compared with that of printed textbooks [33]. Students’ cyber culture trends
greatly affect aspects of students’ life [34] and the character of students’ learning cannot be separated from the use
of information and communication technologies (ICT) in formal education [35]. Therefore, this study suggests that
preparation and adaptation to cyber culture and new cultural conditions derived from digital technology should be
considered in teacher training plans through the use of ICT as a support to the educational process and as a
projection for education in the present and in the immediate future.

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