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Berdasarkan bentuk :

1. Present  bare infinitive (V1)  do, be, study, put

 Additional addition (V1+ s/es) does, is/ am/are, studies, put
2. Past (V2)  did, was/were, studied, put
3. Participle past participle (V3)  Done, been, studied, put
 Present participle (V+ing)  doing, being, studying, putting

Berdasarkan perubahan

1. Regular verb  call-called-called

2. Irregular verb buy-bought-bought

Berdasarkan kedudukan

1. Ordinary  transitivemonotransitive  buy, read, visit

Ditransitive  Buy, give, read, send
 Intransitive  complete  cry, stands, swim
incomplete  be, feel, look
2. Auxiiary  primary  be (is, am are, was, were, been, being), do, does, have, has, had
 Modal  can, could, will shall, may, must, should,...etc

Fungsi Verb

Verbal function  ordinary  transitive  monotransitive  i read a novel

Ditranstive  i read her a poem

Intransitive  complete intransitive verb he stands

Incomplete intransitive verb  she looks beautiful

Auxiliary  primary  be (is, am,are, was, were, been, being  she is sleeping
Do, does, did do you love me?
Have, has, had  i had studied English

Modal  can, could, will, shall, may, must, .. etc  i can speak
Verb adalah kata yang menunjukan adanya aktifitas baik berupa tingkah laku, tindakan, perbuatan
atau pun gerak kegiatan), dan juga kata yang menunjukkan suatu keadaan/ kondisi.

Kinds of verb
A. Berdasarkan bentuk
1. Present form (v1)  bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan untuk present tense
 Bare infinitive : be, do, go, have, study, ....etc
 Additional infinitive : is/ am/ are, does, goes, has, studes..., etc
2. Past form (V2)  bentuk kata kerja ini digunakan untuk past tense : was, were, did, went,
had, studied, ...etc.
3. Participle form (V3 & V+ing  bentuk kata kerja yang digunakan dalam tenses perfect dan
continous serta kalimat passive. Selain itu, bentuk ini juga memiliki fungsi sebagai noun,
adjective dan adveb.
 Past participle (V3) : Been, done, gone, had, studied,... etc
 Present participle (V+ing) : Being, doing, going, having, studying,... etc

B. Berdasarkan ‘perubahan’ (dari V1-V3)

1. Regular verb  kata kerja yang perubahannya beraturan (dengan menambah) ed/d
Cara membentuk regular verb dari bare infinitive (bentu dasar verb (v1) menjadi past tense
(V2) dan past participle (V3) adalah sebagai berikut:

a. Pada umumnya, dengan menambahkan –ed pada bentuk dasar verb (bare infinitive)

Bare infinitive past tense past participle meaning

Call called called memanggil
Establish establishd establshid mendirikan
Offer offered offered menawarkan

b. Dengan menambahkan –d saja. Jika bentuk dasar verb (bare infinitive)-nya berakhiran
huruf hidup (vocal) --e

Bare infinitive past tense past participle meaning

Amaze amazed amazed menakjubkan

Describe described described menggambarkan

Smile smiled smiled tersenyum

c. Jika bare infinitive-nya berakhiran huruf –y yang didahului oleh hurum mati (consonant),
maka huruf ‘y’ tersebut diganti dengan huruf ‘i’ lalu tambahkan –ed

Bare infinitive past tense past participle meaning

Hurry hurried hurried mempercepat

Supply supplied supplied menyediakan

Try tried tried berusaha

d. Jika bare infinitive-nya huruf –y yang didahulukan huruf vocal maka huruf ‘y’ maka huruf
y tersebut tidak dirubah, akan tetapi hanya menambahkan –ed

Bare infinitive past tense past participle meaning

Convey conveyed conveyed menyampaikan

Enjoy enjoyed enjoyed menikmati

Pray prayed prayed berdoa

e. Jika bare infinitive-nya berakhiran huruf consonant yang didahului oleh huruf vocal,
maka huruf consonant tersebut diganda (double) kan, lalu tambahkan –ed

Bare infinitive past tense past participle meaning

Beg begged begged meminta

Gas gassed gassed membnuh dgn gas

Rob robbed robbed merampok

f. Jika bare infinitive-nya berakhiran huruf consonant berupa ‘l’ yang didahului oleh huruf
vocal, maka huruf ‘l’ tersebut diganda (double)-kan, lalu tambahkan –ed

Bare infinitive past tense past participle meaning

Cancel cancelled cancelled membatalkan

Propel propelled propelled mendorong

Travel travelled travelled Bepergian


Jika huruf ‘l’ tersebut didahului oleh dua huruf vocal, maka huruf ‘l’ itu tidak diganda
(double)- kan

Bare infinitive past tense past participle meaning

Assail assailed assailed menyerang

Boil boiled boiled merebus

Reveal revealed revealed mengungkapkan

g. Jika bare infinitive-nya berakhiran huruf consonant yang didahului oleh huruf vocal dan
huruf vocal tersebut didahului huruf consonant (atau berpola CVC [Consonant Vocal
Consonant] tidak bersuku kata satu (tidak 1 syllable) dan tekanannya terletak pada suku kata
terkahir, maka huruf terakhir tersebut diganda (double)-kan, lalu tambahkan –ed

Bare infinitive past tense past participle meaning

Allot allotted allotted membagikan
Occur occurred occurred terjadi
Omit omitted omitted menghilangkan

Kecuali kata
Allow allowed allowed mengizinkan

Namun jika suku kata terakhir terdapat dua huruf vocal (atau berpola VVC (Vocal Vocal
Consonant), walaupun tekanan terletak pada suku kata terakhir, huruf consonant yang
terletak pada suku kata terakhir, huruf consonant yang terletak pada akhir kata tidak boleh
diganda (double)-kan, namun tambahkan –ed saja.

Bare infinitive past tense past participle meaning

Repair repaired repaired memperbaiki

Repeat repeated repeated mengulangi

h. Jika bare infinitive-nya berakhiran huruf consonant yang didahului oleh huruf vocal dan
huruf vocal tersebut didahului huruf consonant (atau berpola CVC [Consonant Vocal
Consonant]), bersuku kata dua (2 syllable) dan tekanannya terletak pada suku kata pertama,
maka huruf consonant terakhir tersebut tidak boleh diganda (double)-kan, kan tetapi hanya
menambahkan –ed saja.
Bare infinitive past tense past participle meaning

Cover covered covered menutup

Follow followed followed mengikuti

Picnic picknicked picnicked berpiknik

2. Irregular verb kata kerja yang perubahanya tidak beraturan.

Bare infinitive past tense past participle meaning

Arise arose arisen terbit

Buy bought bought membeli
Choose chose chosen memilih
Drink drank drunk minum
Get got gotten memperoleh
Kneel knelt knelt bersujud
Put put put meletakkan

C. Berdasarkan ‘kedudukan’
1. Ordinary verb kata kerja murni atau kata kerja yang mempunyai fungsi paling pokok
dalam sebuah kalimat.
a. Transitive verb : kata yang membutuhkan object. Seperti: ea, drink, have, love, hate,
read, write, lend, send, give,... etc
Eg : is read a novel
S V1 O
Kinds of Transitive verb

 Monotransitive verb : kata kerja yang hanya mempunyai satu object. Eg: I
bring a bag
 Ditransitive verb : kata kerja yang memiliki 2 object yaitu direct object dan
Indirect Object
- Direct object : object langsung
- Indirect object : object tidak langsung

Noun adalah kata yang digunakan untuk menamai suatu benda baik nyata (concrete)
maupun tidak nyata (abstract)

Kinds of noun

A. Berdasarkan wujudnya : concrete noun dan abstract noun.

1. Concrete noun  kata benda yang berwujud atau dapat diindera.
a. Common noun : kata benda yang sering kita jumpai dalam kehidupan sehari-hari,
seperti: mosque, hat, car, book, teacher, table, chair, helmet.. etc
b. Proper noun : kata benda nama diri- orang, kebangsaan, suku, agama, hari, geografis,...
dll. Kata benda ini penulisannya diawali dengan huruf capital seperti: George, Lisa,
American, Islam, Sunday, Atlantic, Ocean,.... etc.
c. Material noun : kata benda material/ zat atau nama benda yang berupa bahan dasar
untuk membuat sesuatu. Kata benda jenis ini biasanya tidak dapat dihitung, seperti:
Water, sugar, sand, wood, gold, paint, silver, oil, .... etc.
d. Collective noun : kata benda yang menunjukkan suatu kelompok atau kumpulan
tertentu seperti : Army, class, club, committee, congress, crowd, division, family, flock,
government, group, jury, organization, parliament, public, team, .... etc

2. Abstract noun  kata benda yang tidak berwujud (tidak dapat diindera) seperti :
Connection, love, freedom, confidence, complaint, hope, ...etc

B. Berdasarkan Jumlahnya : countable noun dan uncountable noun serta mixed noun
1. Countable noun  kata benda yang dapat dihitung.
Countable noun dapat berbentuk tunggal (singular) maupun jamak (plural). Penjamakkan
countable noun ada yang beraturan (regular) dan ada yang tidak beraturan (irregular).
Adapun aturan perubahannya adalah sebagai berikut:
a. Regular plural non (beraturan): Nama benda yang penjamakkannya memiliki atura.
 Dengan menambahkan –s pada kata benda tunggal seperti: books, hands,
tables, trees.
 Dengan menambahkan –es, jika kata benda tunggal itu berakhir hurf –s, -x, -z,
-ch, dan –sh seperti : buses, clasesse, boxes, quizzes, benches, brushes
 Dengan menambahkan –es jika kata benda tunggal itu berakhiran huruf –o bisa
ketemu keduanya (-s/-es) seperti : Commandos/ commandoes,
mosquitos/mosquitoes, porticos/ porticoes
 Hanya dengan menambahkan –s saja, jika kata benda tunggal itu berakhiran
huruf –o yang didahului oleh huruf mati (consonant) seperti : bamboos, radios,
cameos, embryos, photos, dynamos
 Dengan mengubah ‘y’ menjadi ‘i’ lalu ditambah –es, jika ‘y’ didahului oleh huruf
mati (consonant) seperti : babies, flies, ladies
 Hanya dengan menambahkan –s saja, jika ‘y’ didahului oleh huruf hidup (vocal)
seperti : boys, days, keys
 Kata benda tunggal yang berakhiran –quy penjamakkannya dengan merubah ‘y’
menjadi ‘i’ lalu ditambah –es, karena –qu (=kw) dianggap sebagai huruf mati
ganda seperti : colloquies
 Dengan merubah –f atau –fe menjadi –ves. Seperti : calves, halves, lives, wives
 Ada “pengecualian’ terhadap sejumlah kata benda tunggal yang berakhiran –f
atau –fe di bawah ini, hanya dengan menambah –s untuk menjamakkannya
seperti: chiefs, cliffs, dwarfs, gulfs, hoofs, proofs, reefs, roofs, safes, scarfs/
scarves, turfs, wharfs.
 Dengan menambah –s pada kata pokoknya, jika kata benda tersebut compund
noun (kata benda gabungan) seperti : courts-martial, fathers in law, lords in
waiting, passers by, step daughters, step sons.

b. Irregular Plural Noun (tidak beraturan) : nama benda yang penjamakkannya tidak
memiliki aturan
 dengan mengadakan perubahan huruf hidup (vocal) yang ada di dalamnya
seperti : feet, men, mice
 dengan memberikan –en untuk menjamakkannya seperti : brethren/ brothers,
children, oxen.
 Kata benda gabungan (compund noun) yang kata pertama dan keduanya
dijamakkan seperti : men servants, women teachers
 Kata benda jamak yang memiliki bentuk yang sam dengan bentuk kata benda
tunggalnya seperti : deer, fish/ fishes, swine
 Sejumlah kata benda yang berkahiran huruf-s dan kata benda nama diri yang
erakhir dengan bunyi desis, bentuk tunggal dan jamaknya sama seperti :
amends, series, species.
 Kata benda yang berasal dari bahasa asing menggunakan bentuk jamak dalam
bahas aslinya. Seperti bahasa latin: alumni, alumnae, codices, media. Bahsa
yunani: analyses, criteria, dogmata.
 Kata benda yang berasal dari bahasa asing yangmempunyai 2 bentuk jamak,
yang satu berasal dari bahasa aslinya, sedangkan yang lainnya berasal dari
bentukan bahasa inggris seperi : curricula/ curriculums, foci/ focuses.
Formulae/ formulas
How Nutrition Affects Teens' Mental
Research reveals the power of particular nutrients to
increase our well-being.
WHAT WE EAT AND HOW WE eat it are closely associated with our
emotions and mental health. A growing body of research is revealing not
only the power of particular nutrients to increase well-being, but also the
multifaceted ways in which our attitude and choices regarding food impact
our state of mind.

That's why it's so important for teen mental health providers and treatment

programs to incorporate specific nutrition plans into their approach to
sustainable healing – not only for adolescents with eating disorders, but
also for those who are addressing depression, anxiety, trauma and other

How Nutrients Support Mental Health

Science is increasingly validating the amazing impact of food on our mood.

A 2013 study found that the risk of depression is 25 to 35 percent lower in
those who eat a diet high in vegetables, fruits, grains and fish, while
avoiding processed foods and sugar.

In another study, the percentage was even higher. In fact, teens in the
study who ate a low-quality diet had an 80 percent higher risk of
depression in comparison to those who ate a higher-quality, whole-foods

Nutrients such as omega-3 fatty acids (found in salmon, walnuts and chia
seeds), vitamins D (eggs) and B (spinach, mushrooms and pineapple), folic
acid (whole-wheat bread, green vegetables and nuts), magnesium
(seaweed, beans and leafy greens) and tryptophan (turkey, eggs and
beets), among others, have a measurable impact on depression and other
mental health conditions.

However, it's important to note that the effect of our eating habits on our
mental health isn't just about what we eat. How we source our food, the
care we put into preparing it and the way we eat it can be as – or even
more – important than our food choices when it comes to our state of mind.

Gardening Is Good for Us

Vegetables and fruit almost always contain more vitamins and minerals
than highly processed foods or snack foods – and that's a plus for mental
health, as research makes clear. But the good stuff isn't just in the produce
itself; we can also reap mental health benefits from the experience of
growing and harvesting our own food.

According to new studies, growing our own food lowers the risk of anxiety
and depression, reduces stress and increases life satisfaction. Part of that
is neurobiological: Researchers have found a link between soil bacteria and
stress resilience. Bacteria promote the health of the microbiome, which
subsequently promotes healthy brain function. (About 95 percent of our
serotonin is produced in the gastrointestinal tract, so it makes sense that
the digestive system plays a major role in regulating our emotions.)

Two more good reasons to garden: It promotes exercise and time in nature,

which are both proven to have a positive impact on mental health. These
elements are especially important for teens, who spend so much of their
days indoors and plugged in.

Boosting Well-Being in the Kitchen

Once we've sourced our food, the next step is preparing it. This part of the
process can also be an avenue for enhancing teen mental health –
particularly when young people approach cooking as a creative activity that
they enjoy doing with and for others.

A recent study published in the Journal of Positive Psychology followed

more than 650 young adults. Each day, they reported how much time they
spent on creative activities and how they felt that day. The researchers
found that the adolescents experienced greater flourishing and positive
emotions on the days following increased creative activity.
Thus, when we approach cooking as a creative act, there are mental health
benefits inherent in the process. And, if we're working alongside family or
friends, the enjoyment and connection we feel are also mood boosters.

On top of that, when we cook for and serve others, we get an additional
benefit: the "helper's high," that sense of well-being we feel when we do
things for others. Cooking and serving a meal with care, for people who
enjoy and appreciate it, builds positivity.

The Benefits of Mindful Eating

Along with growing, cooking, serving and carefully choosing our food,
enjoying it is also key to mental health. Taking time to savor our food
enhances well-being, through the mechanisms of presence, gratitude and

In fact, research confirms that meditation (essentially a structured form of

mindfulness) can be as powerful as antidepressants for relieving symptoms
of anxiety and depression. The positive emotions of gratitude and
appreciation have also been shown to increase happiness levels.

It works the other way around, too: What we eat influences our emotions,
and our emotions, in turn, influence our choices around food. For example,
in a 2010 study, people who were in a positive mood were more likely to
choose grapes as a snack instead of M&Ms. Bottom line: Eating well builds
on itself, and the result is thriving and health, in both mind and body.


1. Translate into B. Indonesia

2. Figure out kinds of verb from the article
3. Find out kinds of noun based on the article

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