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You're so

funn!J :)
# lo/
#yQwn #school

Diary of a

AUDIO para
Diary of a
Catarina Chase Aleixo

Isabel Teixeira
Paula Menezes

Student's version :
use this QR Code to
T ex to listen to the story.
Table of contents

P d" . ..
re-rea mg act1 v 1t1es.................................3

chapter, Celebrity-Tube, the beginning.....4

chapter 2 YouTube channels - online
experiences............................... 10
chapter 3 The ups ...................................... 1. 4
chapter 4 The downs................................... 18
chapters Uncovering the truth.............24

After-read mg act"1v1••t1es ........................30

Pre-reading activities

A. Complete the definition of the word " Youtuber" with the words below.

MM·ii llllllillillilllil Ill

Yout uber : Someone who a. YouTube videos,
particularly someone who has som ewhat of a b.
base. Alt houg h it can mean anyone in c.
it specifically means someone who makes d.
www.u rband ict

B. The short story takes place in London, England. Look at the

pictures from London. Identify these famous sightseeing places
by writing their names in the correct boxes. You can also go online
to try to find the answer s.

Covent GardenScience MuseumLeicester Square

Houses of Parliament

Chapter, Celebrity-Tube, the beginning

8th September
The summer holidays have finished and today was the first
day of school. Most of the kids at school didn't want to start
classes again, but I was happy about it because I wanted to go
s back to Mr Atwell's IT1 class - that's all about computers by the
way - it's my favourite subject at school and Mr Atwell's classes
are always interesting. He thinks I'm a good student. "Henry,
you always ask such great questions," he always says. It's true,
I always ask lots of questions!
10 In today's class Mr Atwell set a challenge. He divided the class
into teams and each team has to set up a YouTube channel. The
team that gets the most subscribers by the end of October wins
a trip to the Science Museum. I've never been there, so I'm really
excited about it and REALLY, REALLY, REALLY want to win.
15 There are six teams altogether. My best friend Ashwin - I
call him Ash for short - and I are in a team with a girl called
Audrey. She's really intelligent and she has her own blog, so
that could help us win the competition, I think The only other
team that might beat my team is Anthony

20 Hardman's team. Anthony is really Vocabulary
good at IT. Last year he made an app I nfo rm at ion Technology

Science Museum
The Science Museum was founded in 1857 and today it is one of the city's major tourist attractions.
The Museum is famous for its collections: aeroplanes,
helicopters, space rockets, medical instruments, engines, etc.

and sold it in the App Store. Ash said Anthony sold more than
500 copies of his app and used the money he earned to buy a
new laptop! Incredible.
2s Anyway, Ash, Audrey and I have decided to call our channel
Celebrity-Tube. It will be about the celebrities we have met
or seen around London. It was Ash's idea. He has loads of 2
excellent ideas.
"I've seen lots of celebrities in my dad's restaurant," he said.
30 Ash's dad owns an Indian restaurant near Covent
Garden, which is a great place to see celebrities if you are
in London. There are lots of theatres nearby and the actors
go to the restaurant when they finish work Other celebrities
go shopping in Covent Garden, so Ash's dad
35 has met lots of singers, pop bands and Vocabulary
Hollywood actors, too. oads of:lots of
Covent Garden
Covent Garden was a fruit and vegetable m arket in th e past,
but now it is a pop ular shopp ing and tourist site. There you can buy lots of diff erent t hings, have aft ernoon tea in one of the
m any cafes or watch the street per form ers.

"My dad's got photos of lots of famous people eating his

delicious food in Covent Garden. I'll bring some to your house
tomorrow, Henry/' Ash said.
40 Audrey and I thought Celebrity-Tube was a great idea. She
said she saw One Direction near the Houses of Parliament in
the summer and she took a selfie with them. We're going to
use Audrey's One Direction picture and some of the photos
from the restaurant to do our first Cele brity-Tube video.
4s meeting tomorrow at my house to make the video and start our

very own YouTube channel. It's going to be the best thing


10 September
So, we've set up our Celebrity-Tube channel on YouTube. My
dad helped us create a YouTube account. My mum said we should
so be careful about the information we put online. She thinks the
Internet can be dangerous for teenagers, so we shouldn't show
people where we live, or tell them our telephone numbers or our
address. She even thinks we shouldn't give our names! I think
she's just afraid of something she doesn't understand. My mum
ss doesn't know anything about computers. My dad is really good
with computers, though. He is a programmer.
The first video took a very long time to make because
Ash, Audrey and I couldn't decide which photos to use.
Ash's dad

has hundreds of them. Some of the photos are very old so
so we picked the photos of celebrities that kids our age will
I wanted to use the photos of actors like George Clooney and
Angelina Jolie , but Audrey said teenagers prefer singers and
pop-stars. I think she wanted to use her One Direction photo so
s5 her face can be in the photos, too. Ash wanted to use pictures
of Bollywood actors - that's like Hollywood but for Indian
actors and films - but Audrey and I voted against that because
we hadn't heard of any of them.
In the end we chose Audrey's photo of One Direction
10 standing in front of Big Ben - of course! - a photo of a singer

called Ariana Grande standing in front of the restaurant and

two photos of one of those boy bands that were on X-Factor last
year. I can't remember what they are called, but Audrey says
they're very popular. I don't even watch X-Factor, so I have
15 no idea. Whatever!

Ash was the main

presenter on the video.
I filmed it with my
dad's iPad and Audrey
so it on iMovie. We
worked as a good team
after we decided what to
put in
the video. It looks very i"
good. Even my mum Houses of Parliament
The Palace of Westminster is the
s5 said so.
meeting place of two Houses: the
Our channel doesn't House of Commons and the House
have any subscribers of Lords, known as the Houses of
Parliam ent This is where politicians
yet, except for our meet. One of the towers is the
parents and us, but that
doesn't famous St Stephen's Tower or Big Ben (after one of the bells).
so really count, does it?

While-reading activities
A. What do you know about the main characters? Write in note form.

B. Read the chapter again. Find the words to complete the word

1. Audrey took one with a successful British boy band.

2. It 's the name of the main characters' YouTube channel.

3. It 's the surname of the IT teacher.
4. The team used lots of them to make their first vid eo.

5. Anthony bought one with the money he earned.
6. The teams need lots of them to win the challenge.
7. It's Ash's role in the team.
8. Ash's father owns one.
9. It 's a place in London where lots of people go after work.
10. It's the name of the computer programm e used to edit
the video. 9 10
1 8

C. Now write the letters of the coloured boxes t o find out what
Ash received for his birt hday. It 's a pie ce of information you'll
find in chapter 2.

Chapter2 VouTube channels - online experi•ences

16 th September
A strange thing happened. Somebody left a horrible
comment on our channel. People can be very nasty. It said
Ash was a "rubbish" presenter, that we stole the pictures we
used on
5 our video and that we should be arrested! I can't believe it!
My dad said we shouldn't worry about the comment.
Anyone can see our Yo uTubechannel and that means
horrible people will say horrible things and we have to get used
to it if we want to have our channel on the Internet. My mum
10 just said we should shut3 the chan nel down. I don't think so!

At schoo l I saw Mr Atwell in the corridor and told him about

the nasty comment on Celebrity-Tube. He said it was part of "the
experience of being online" and the best thing to do was ignore it.
Ash wasn't upset about the comment. I met him at the
15 shopping centre this afternoon and he said:

"It's just part of being famous. Some people like your work
and other people don't. I'm sooooo amaaaaaazing and people
are jea l o us of my talent!"
He's hilarious! He said it in a funny voice like an actor and
20 then pretended that everyone in the shopping centre wanted

his autograph. I couldn't stop laughing.That's why he's the

presenter and I'm the cameraman.
Anyway, we deleted the comment. I hope that's the end of it.

18th September
25 Anthony Hardman and his team's YouTube channel is also about
celebrities in London! What a nightmare!
Mr Atwell said it didn't matter if Vocabulary
the ideas were the same and that "it j3to s hut: ence rrar
celebnew youtube c ama:zmg

the competition more interesting, doesn't it?" I don't think so.

30 Everyone will compare the two channels.

Anthony is very good at the technical part of making videos,

so his videos look really professional, of course. Ash, Audrey
and I watched all of Anthony's videos at the school library.
They're amazing. Nobody on the team is in the videos, but you
can hear
35 Anthony's voice. He already has four videos and 35 subscribers

and the channel is less than one week old! I don't think we can
compete with his team. Bye-bye Science Museum.8
The other teams have channels about London Museums,
Funny Cat Videos, Ed Sheeran and The Lord of the Rings. I
40 it's amazing what other people think is interesting.

Anthony said in IT class that one way of making

YouTube channels more popular is to start Twitter and
Facebook accounts, too. Mr Atwell said it was a good
idea, but that we needed to remember never to post our
personal information
4s because that wasn't safe.

Audrey, Ash and I set up accounts on Twitter and Facebook for
Celebrity-Tube as soon as we got home from school. We posted a
link to our YouTube channel on Facebook and in our first tweet:

Celebrity-Tube @Celeb- Tib L

J. u e- ondon

I0 n1 C eleb rity -Tube. Spo tting

ce le bs in the UK cap ital. La te s t ce le b news and gossip. https://

#am. on .

I thought the "hashtag" (#) was a bit strange, but Audrey said that's
so what everybody does on Twitter. Audrey and I will be responsible
for our Facebook page and Ash will do our Tweets because he got a
new smartphone for his birthday and can even tweet at school.
Audrey thinks we need to get some real videos of celebrities and
not just make videos in my bedroom showing the pictures we already
ss have. I think she might be right. Ash said there's a film
premiere4 in Leicester Square on Saturday afternoon. We're
going to stand
outside to see if we can interview some of the celebrities and use the
interviews on Celebrity-Tube. I'm going to
meet Ash and Audrey outside the Odeon
so cinema at 3 dclock. I hope we meet lots j4f il m prem iere: estreia
of famous people. I can't wait! de umfilmeI

ou nced Lester) is a pop ular meeting place and a m ust for tou rists. It is the beating heart of cinem a, with all th e m ajor premieres happ ening
rowd s of fans awaiting the arrival of the stars outside.

While-reading activities

A. Read the senten ces and mark True (T) or False (F).
Corre ct the false ones.
True False
1. Celeb rity -Tu b e is t he only project about
celebrities in London.

2. Anthony's YouTube channel is already a hit.

3. Henry expects to win the challenge.

4. The teenagers need to have accounts in other

social media to be successful.

5. The hashtag idea was Henry's.

6. Audrey will be in charge of the tweets.

7. Audrey wants to film live videos.

8. There is a film premiere on Sunday at

Leicester Square.

@ 13
Chapter 3 The Ups

2 0 th September
The premiere was
amazing! It was for a film
called Divergent starring
s Shailene Woodley. It was a
great experience.
When I met Ash and
Audrey there was almost
nobody there, but the red
10 carpet was already outside

the cinema. We decided

Ash should stand on the
red carpet and we filmed
an introduction to the
1s video. He did it really well.

"This is Ashwin Chandra standing

on the red carpet at the world-famous Odeon Cinema in
Leicester Square. I'm waiting for all the celebrities to arrive
for the European premiere of Divergent," Ash said as I
20 He was just like a real TV presenter.

t is t rad it iona lly used to ma rk the route

ds of Stat e
ia l and fo rmal occasions, and has in rece nt decades been exte nde d to use by VI P s andc e le b rit ie s a t fo rma l e vents.

When the celebrities started arriving Audrey was
responsible for interviewing them. She talked to two people
who were on Britain's got talent three years ago and to a
presenter from the BBC5 • It isn't easy to interview celebrities
when you are only
2s 14! We got lots of great videos of the really famous celebrities
arriving in their cars and when we went to the back of the
cinema we saw Brad Pitt and
Angelina Jolie just walking down Vocabulary
the street. We filmed them and BBC: British Broadcasting
Corporation (TV, R adio and
30 they even waved at us!
nline services)

We've got lots of videos to upload to Celebrity-Tube now
and the Angelina and Brad one is going to look excellent!
When almost all the celebrities had gone we saw
Anthony and his team. They had arrived lat e and were
35 at the back of the crowd. I don't think they filmed many

celebrities. Anthony looked very unhappy. Lo ll Maybe we

have a chance of winning this competition, after all.

2 2 nd September
We've got 5,449 subscribers! When we uploaded all the
40 new videos and posted links on Facebook and Twitter

new people subscribed. The most popular one was of

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. That video has over 8,000
Anthony's team has only got 206 subscribers, so far.

While-reading activities
Complete the senten ces with the words below.

1. T he t eam was at the of the film Divergent.

2. First Ash was standing on to film the
the introduction to their
video. at Leicester Square for the
3. There were lots of
event. from a British
4. Audrey interviewed a famous
5. They were extrem ely happy because some of the videos
were really good and two of Hollywood's most famous actors
at t hem .

6. As Anthony's team had arrived

, they were
standing at the back of the
7. Henry and his friend s are qu ite pleased with the number of

8. They think they have a shot at the challenge.

Chapter 4 The downs

25 th September
Cele brity-Tube has had lots of negative comments from
anonymous people. There are also lots of positive comments
about our videos, but it's hard to forget the bad things people
5 say. Most of the bad comments are about Ash. They say he

is a rubbish presenter and that he is ugly and has a strange

voice. It's not true, and Ash knows that, but he doesn't want to
present the videos anymore.
One of the comments said Ash had stolen all the videos of
10 celebrities from websites and that the work wasn't even ours,

which is ridiculous because I filmed them all. People can be

soooo weird.8

30 t h September
The comments are getting really bad. They're on Twitter and
15 Facebook, too now. I'm even scared to look at my computer.

Audrey and I think we should just delete them, but Ash

gets very angry and replies to them all. That makes everything
worse. The "tro ll" just gets nastier and nastier. He, or she I
suppose, even said Ash should "go away and die. Nobody will
20 miss you." I told Ash that was stupid because I would miss him

and so would his family. Audrey said she would, too.

I wanted to tell Mr Atwell about it all, but Ash said that wasn't
a good idea and that Mr Atwell would think we had stolen the
videos, like the "troll'' said and "how can we prove that it isn't

25 1 October
We haven't done any new videos for Cele brity-Tube. Ash
doesn't want to do them and Audrey is worried that the trolls

will start sending her horrible messages if she presents the
videos. I don't even care about the competition anymore.
30 This is getting scary. Who is this person sending out all these

horrible messages?

2nd October
I'm starting to wish we had never started Cele brity-Tube. I
was really happy about how successful it was but it's caused
35 so much trouble.

At the end of IT class today Anthony Hardman showed

Mr Atwell the Cele brity-Tube Twitter feed. It was full of tweets
saying horrible things about students and teachers at school.
Some of the tweets called the teachers some very bad names.
40 "This is very serious. I have to report this and will have to
send you out of the class," Mr Atwell said.
Audrey, Ash and me couldn't believe it. Mr Atwell sent
us to the head teacher, Mrs Collingdon. We told her we
didn't send the tweets, but I don't think she believed us.
45 "I'm very disappointed in you all. This is a very serious
situation. Hen ry, what do you know about this?'\ she asked.
I told her I hadn't seen our Twitter account for a few days
and was surprised about the horrible tweets.
"Why should I believe you, Henry?" she demanded.
so "Beca use it's true/ I said.
"This is so serious that I will have to exclude all of you
from school if you don't tell me the truth," she said.
Tha t's when Audrey explained she only used the
Facebook account and that Ash was the only one who
ss uses the Twitter account so he must have sent the tweets.
I don't think Audrey's ever been in trouble before so she
doesn't know you are not supposed to do that to your
Mrs Collingdon told me and Audrey to leave the room and
so told Ash to stay. Ash started to cry.

6th October
Ash hasn't been at school since Thursday. He won't
answer his phone or any emails I send him. I called his
house and his mum didn't know he'd missed school.
s5 "Hello Henry, how are you? How was scho ol today?" she
asked me.
"Fine, thank you, Mrs Chandra. Can I speak to Ash? I tried
calling him but he's not answering."
"Oh, yes he lost his telephone a few days ago. You've just
10 seen him at school, haven't you? You and Ashwin have been

talking all day, I'm sure. He's just come home. I'll pass the
telephone to him," she said.

I didn't know what to say. Where had he been all
day if he wasn't at school with me? Should I tell his
1s mum? Probably not, that would just get him into more
"He says he doesn't want to talk to you, Hen ry,"
Mrs Chandra said. "Have you boys fallen out6?"
"No... he's probably just tired.
so We... had a really busy day at Vocabulary
school. Double maths." o fall out: zanga r- se

7th October
I decided to go to Ash's house early this morning before
school started. We live on Weston St, not very far from City
s5 I didn't go to the door immediately, I waited until I saw his mum
and dad leave for work and then I knocked on the door.
"What do you want?" Ash said when he opened it.
"I just wanted to see if you were ok," I told him.
"Well, I'm fine. You can go away now."
so "What's wrong? Why are you upset with me?" I stopped
him closing the door with my foot.
"You left me with Mrs Collingdon and you didn't even
defend me."
"She told me to leave the room! What was I supposed to do?"
s5 "You should have told her that it was impossible for me
to send the tweets. I didn't do it!"
"Well, who did send them? You were the only one of us who
used the Twitter account," I said.
"I've lost my phone. I lost it four days ago and that's when
100 the bad tweets started," Ash said. "I told Mrs Collingdon that

I'd lost my phone but she didn't believe me. She said she's
thinking of excluding me from school. Henry, that can't
happen, my dad will be very angry and my mum will be so
disappointed." He started to cry.
105 "Ash, let me come in. We need a plan to find out what
happened to your phone. Maybe somebody stole it, or found
it and that person sent the tweets," I told him.

Cit y Hall
City hall is where t he Mayor of Lond on and
his team work. It is a high -tech building
designed by Norman Foster, the famous
architect behind another London high-tech 1

building, 30 St Mary Axe, or the Gherkin.

While-reading activities
A. Find the tech words in the chapter to match the following
explanations/def initions.

1. User's responses to published content on the Internet:

2. To remove something:
3. A person who posts provocati ve or inap prop riate messages
or comments online to upset ot her users and provoke an

4. Uploaded material (online answers, pho tos...):

5. Very short messages posted on a social m edia website:

B. Match the columns.

1. People's comments
a. a good idea to tell their
have been quite
t eache r ab out the t
2. Audrey and Henry roll.
think they should b. what was happening on
3. Ash didn't think it was the YouTube channel.

4. Ash didn't want c. he didn't go to school.

5. The teacher d. that Ash was responsib le
decided to report for the Twitt er account.

6. Audrey told the e. Ash's house to work out a

head teacher
f. delete the mean comments.
7. Ash was so upset that
g. nasty.
8. Henry decided to go to
h. to present the videos
anym ore.

Chapter 5 Uncovering the truth

8th October
I told my dad what had happened with the tweets and that
Ash had his phone stolen. He says that if we find the phone
we can find the person who sent the
s tweets. My dad suggested two things Vocabulary
we could do to find the phone and rr; o bber: lad rao

the mystery tweeter:

I 8
reward: rec om p ensa

1. Ca ll the phone to see if anyone answers it. (This is really

obvious and only a stupid phone robber1 would actually
10 answer the phone. Anyway, I've tried calling it lots of times

and nobody answers.)

2. Send a message to the phone
offering a reward8 for its return. --........;

Ash and I decided to send a

1s message from my phone offering

a reward:

We weren't optimistic that it

would work, but about 15 minutes
later we got a message back!

20 We said we would meet outside school tomorrow
morning. We're quite scared about it, but excited too
because we want to know who this person is.

9th October
Anthony Hardman stole Ash's phone! He also sent
2s all those horrible tweets and messages to our YouTube

When we got to school this morning, Anthony was
waiting outside. He told Ash he had "found" his phone
and that he wanted the 250-pound reward.
30 "You stole my phone!" Ash shouted, "And I
bet you sent all those tweets, too..."
I could see that Anthony was starting to get
angry because his face was red and he was starting
to sweat9 • He suddenly moved towards Ash and
35 kicked him in the leg and he was going to start

punching him when Mr Atwell ran from the school

gate and stopped it. It was awful!
Ash and Anthony and I went to the head teacher's
office with Mr Atwell. This time we got an
40 opportunity to explain everything to Mrs Collingdon

and Mr Atwell. Anthony denied everything at first,

but when Mr Atwell looked at the phone, he saw
photos of Ash and his family on it, and then Anthony
had to admit he'd stolen it. Now Anthony's been
4s excluded from school for three weeks! I can't believe

it. When he comes back - if he comes back - he'll

have to be in a special class for difficult students
because of his behavio ur10 and while he's away he
has to go to "anger management" counselling.
so Mrs Collingdon even apologised to Ash because
she hadn't believed him when he said he didn't
send the tweets. Audrey also told Ash she was
sorry she had told Mrs Collingdon that Ash was
the one who sent the tweets. Ash is still not
ss very happy about it,
but I think they'll
be friends again,
l9t o sweat: t ranspirar
eventually. I 10behaviour: com porta mento

The best part for me is that Mr Atwell decided to cancel
so the YouTube competition because of all the trouble
it caused and now the whole class - except Anthony
Hardman of course - is going on the trip to the Science
I don't know if we'll continue to upload anything to
ss Celebrity-Tube, we'll see how we feel about it in a few

While-reading activities
A. Order the sentences according to the chapter.

The head teacher decided to exclude Anthony from school

for three weeks.

Anthony got angry and kicked Ash in the leg.

The reward for the phone was 250 pounds.

Henry's father helped the teenagers to work out a plan

to find the mobile phone.

The IT teacher decided to cancel the challenge.

Mr Atwell managed to stop the fight.

They decided to meet the next day in front of the school.

Anthony admitted he had stolen the mobile phone.

B. Match the sentences with the following people: Ash, Anthony,

Henry 's fa t her, Mr Atwell, Mrs Collingdon.

1. "C all the phone to see if anyone answers."

·- -
.......................................................... ............
.. -..·..·.·..·.·..·.·..·.·····································
2. "I am offering a reward (...)"
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ...........,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.........
. .........

3. " I have found your phone."

4. "I didn't do anything wrong and I didn't writ e the comments."

5. "I am really sorry for not believ ing in you."

6. "I have d ecided to cancel the YouTube projects."

After-reading activities

A. Answer the questions about the short story.

1. Where does the short story take place?

2. What is the cha lleng e about?

3. Why does Henry want to win the cha lleng e?

4. What happens to their YouTube chan nel?

5. W hat does Anthony do?

6. Why is Ash mad at Audrey?

7. What does Mr Atwell finally decide?

8. Would you like to be part of the IT project? What project

would you do?

B. An inter view

1. Imagine you are a journalist and work at BBC. You have to

interview a famous actor or actress for a kid's show. The
show is called A career in ten que stions. Prepare the qu
estions you would like to ask. There is some help below.

MiiM&iilH place of birth first part-time job

ffl:MiiiM,i ilihiMiff i@ii·hii favourite genre
best place, city, country to film awards received
best film director favourite actor/actress

, . ......................................................................................................
.2 ....................................................................................................................................7........

3. .......................................................................................................................... 7........
4• ........................................................................................................................7......
5• .................................................................................................................................7........
6 . .............................................................................................................7.................................
7. ..........................................................................................................
8. .........................................................................................................................................7.....
9• .............................................................................................................................................7.
10 . ..................................................... ............7..

2. Ro le-p lay the interview. Take tu rns.

C. In groups write a summary of the short story but with some

incorrect info rm at ion. Then swap your summaries and let other
groups find the mistakes .

Pre-reading activities
A. a. uploads b. fan c. YouTubed. Museum 3. Houses of Parliament
4. City Hall 5. Covent Garden
B. 1. Leicester Square 2. Science

Chapter 3
Chapter, 1. p rem iere 2. red carpet 3. celebrities
A. Henry: 4. presenter 5. waved 6. late; crowd
favour ite 7. subscrib ers 8. winning
subject - IT;
good student;
he asks
Chapter 4
A. 1. comments (I. 3) 2. to de lete
(I. 16 ) 3. troll (1. 18) 4 . feed (1. 37)
questions; he
5. tw ee t s (I. 37 )
has never
8. 1. g 2. f 3. a 4. h 5. b 6. d 7. c 8. e
been to
the Science
Museum; his dad Chapter 5
is a programmer; A. 1.
he films the He nr
videos. Ashwin: y's
Henry's best fathe
friend; nickname -
Ash; he has loads
d the
of nice ideas; he
is Indian; his dad
has an Indian
s to
restaurant in
Covent Garden;
out a
he likes Bollywood
films; he is the
presenter of the find
videos. the
Audrey: mobil
intelligent; e
blogger; she edits phon
the videos
e. 2.
B. 1. selfie 2. The
3. Atwell
rd for
4. photos 5.
laptop 6. the
subscribers phon
7. presenter 8. e
restaurant 9. was
Covent Garden 250
10. iMovie poun
C. smartphone ds.
3. They decided to meet the next day
in front of
Chapter 2 the
1. F - There is also
school.4 .
Anthony's project.
2. T 3. F - He Anthony
doesn't think it's got angry
going to happen and kicked
since Anthony's Ash in the
channel is already leg.
very successful. 4. 5. Mr Atwell managed to stop the fight.
T 6. A
5. F - It was ntho
Audrey's idea. ny
6. F - Audrey will adm
be in charge of itted
the Facebook he
page with Henry. had
7. T stol
8. F - It's on en
Saturday. the
n the Science
e Museum and he
f 6. He
. has never been
o gets
r there. 4. People
mad at
st art posting
7 Audrey
nasty, mean
. t becaus
T comments. 5. He
h e she
h takes
r told the
e Ash's phone and
e tweets mean head
e things. teacher
h w that
e e he was responsible for the Twitt er
a e accoun
d k t so he
s must
. have
e writt en
a 8 the
c . comme
h nts
e himself
r . 7. He
s to
d cancel
e I the
c T compet
i ition. 8.
d Person
e t
d e
B. and C. Personal answers
t h
o e 32
x d
c e
l c
u i
d d
e e
n t
t o
n c
y a
f e
r l
s e
c challenge.
h B.1. He nr y's father
o 2. Ash 3. Anthony
o 4. Anthony 5. Mrs
l Collingdon
6. Mr Atwell

After- London.
2. It's about
designing a
activit channel in
ies groups. 3. He
A. 1. It wants to win
because the
in prize is a trip to


Este livro eparte integrante do manual move On 9.' ano.

nao podendo ser vendido separadamente.



•• Te xt 9
11ll l l ! l l!l ,I IJI l Jl l


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