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Guía de aprendizaje en

ambientes virtuales

“Lámpara es a mis pies tu Palabra y

lumbrera a mi camino”

Salmo 119:105
Grado: Undécimo

Asignatura: Inglés

Docente: Katherine

Duración de la guía: 15 al 19 de marzo de 2021

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Integración bíblica:
“Ever since the world was created it has been possible to see the qualities of
God that are not seen. I’m talking about his eternal power and about the fact
that he is God. Those things can be seen in what he has made. So people have
no excuse for what they do.” – Romans 1. 20 (NIV)

“Toda verdad es Verdad de Dios”

Desarrollo cognitivo
Tratando de explicar en qué consisten los verbos modales, con
seguridad podemos decir que son un tipo de verbos que añaden
sentido general a otro verbo, y que ayudan a mostrar la intención o la
actitud de un hablante. Así que…

1. Inicio: ¿Cuánto sabes?

INTERMDIATE: check the content on the following link: .
UPPER INTERMEDIATE: check the situation on the following
link: .
- What would you do in Rachel’s position?
- What would you recommend her do, if you were
one of her friends?
- Is it correct, or sane, or logical, or healthy for a
person to start a relationship over finding out
someone has feelings for them?
- Can you identify what advice was she given?
Have you ever been in a situation where someone asks you for your
opinion about something that they really like or want to do but, not only
you don’t like it (at all), but also you know for a fact it’s not good for
them? Let’s check the next link and talk about that:
- Do you believe in “white lies”?
- Can you identify what advice was she given? Do
you agree with it?
2. Desarrollo ¿Qué voy aprender?
MODAL VERBS 101 (Basic rules):
1. No -s is needed to form the third person singular.
2. Adding NOT forms the negative structure. Example:

 You can’t just bail on your friends when you actually do have the chance to
help them! (possibility)

 People with Alzheimer’s disease couldn’t live alone, they couldn’t depend on
themselves. (ability)
3. They always require another verb because they cannot act as the main verb.
4. There is no past tense form for modals.

3. ¿Qué aprendí?
Have you ever been in a situation where someone asks you for your opinion about something that
they really like or want to do but, not only you don’t like it (at all), but also you know for a fact it’s
not good for them? Let’s check the next link and talk about that:
- Do you believe in “white lies”?
- Can you identify what advice was she given? Do you agree with it?

4.Instrumentos de evaluación
INTERMEDIATE: redacta una respuesta al autor de “Haven’t Met You Yet”. Asegúrate, por su puesto,
de usar la gramática de los verbos modales.
UPPER INTERMEDIATE: Luego de observar y comentar en clase los siguientes links:
1. Simon Fallowfield to Mary Foster
2. Nurse Specialist Ana Frappell
3. Richard Feynman
4. to Sir Richard Branson
Redacta una carta o correo electrónico en respuesta a una de estas personas en la situación en
que se encuentra. Puedes asumir el rol de quien en alguna vez recibió la carta, o de alguien
cercano a quien la recibió, y escribir en nombre de esa persona. Recuerda usar la gramática de
los verbos modales.

PARA AMBOS GRUPOS: esta actividad se iniciará el miércoles 17 de marzo, y se continuará el

jueves 17, en clase.

“Toda verdad es Verdad de Dios”

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