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Special requirements of the proficiency test

Guitar - Master of Music

Artistic Professionalization (2 semesters, 60 CP)
Artistic Professionalization with Profile (4 semesters, 120 CP)
Two-subject Master (4 semesters, 120 CP)

Multi-stage procedure

1st step video selection

Video requirements:
At the time of the application deadline, the recording should not be older than one year.
The duration of the video is 5 - 7 minutes including a personal introduction.
All works will be played in a link one after the other without editing.
The camera distance is about 3 meters, applicants are to be seen completely, incl. hands and feet.
The technical quality of the video recording does not have to be professional.

Presentation of the following works:

F. Moreno Torroba (Madronos or Turegano) OR J. Rodrigo (En los Trigales or Tiento Antigou)
an etude by F. Sor (Studies Op. 6 No. 6/ Op. 29 No. 14/ No. 15/ Op.31 No. 19) OR
L. Legnani (from 36 Capricci No.7, 12, 15, 21, 23, 24, 29, 36)

2nd step Attendance test (invitation after passing the 1st step)

The examination must meet the requirements of a diploma or bachelor's degree in the same major
subject. A 45-minute program of works from three stylistic periods is expected.

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