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Assignment 1 Answer the following.

1. From the ten (10) reasons why mathematics is important, state five (5) additional reasons with a
clear description of the application. State disadvantage if a person does not know and understand

-Math is important to know how to track time so you won't be late for your appointment.

-It is also important when it comes to measuring how many kilometers did you reach by running. -When
it comes to cooking math is important to know how many servings you are cooking.

-Math can be helpful to balance your savings for the week.

-It is also important to determine the prices of the product they sell on the market.

-Math is important because it helps us think analytically and to have better reasoning abilities

. -It also helps with baking because baking needs exact measurement with ingredients

-Math helps us to determine how much dosage of medicine can our body take.

-It determines the population in every country.

-We aren't able to determine our weight and height without math that is why it is very important.

2.Cite the mathematical application that you commonly do in each of the following stations and state
your appreciation.

Stations Application of and Appreciation for mathematics

1. Market -Checking the sales on market to save some money,

2. Bus/Jeepney Checking of the change from jeepney is right.

3. Church Donating some money for the church

4. Club meeting Counting the number of people who attended the meeting.

5. Clinic Counting on how many days should I take medication prescribed by the doctor.

6. Court Monitoring the score of each team.

7. Laboratory Analyzing the results of your test.

8. Birthday Party Estimating on how many servings do you have to serve on the visitors

9. Watching Games Betting money on who won the game.

10. Police station Counting on how many people who is involve and affected in the case.

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