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Devie John Maghanoy BSME-1

Group 3
On Additional Notes 3
Exercises 1, 2, 3 ,4c, 5c

Slide 6, Exercise 1.

Find an equation of the tangent plane to the elliptic paraboloid 4x2+y2-16z=0 at the
point (2,4,2).

F(xo,yo,zo) = 4x2+y2-16z=0
P (2,4,2)

∇F(xo,yo,zo) = < 8x, 2y, -16 >

∇F(2,4,2) = < 16, 8, -16 >

Scalar Multiplication: v = < a, b, c > ; mv = < ma, mb, mc > = m < a, b, c >
< 16, 8, -16 > = 8 < 2, 1, -2 >

An equation of the tangent plane is described as:

Fx(xo,yo,zo)(x-xo) + Fy(xo,yo,zo)(y-yo) + Fz(xo,yo,zo)(z-zo) = 0

2(x-2)+1(y-4)-2)(z-2) = 0
2x-4+y-4-2z+4 = 0
2x+y-2z-4 = 0

Slide 8, Exercise 2.

Find symmetric equations of the normal line to the surface 4x2+y2-16z=0 at (2,4,2).

F(xo,yo,zo) = 4x2+y2-16z=0
P (2,4,2)

∇F(xo,yo,zo) = < 8x, 2y, -16 >

∇F(2,4,2) = < 16, 8, -16 >

Scalar Multiplication: v = < a, b, c > ; mv = < ma, mb, mc > = m < a, b, c >
< 16, 8, -16 > = 8 < 2, 1, -2 >

Symmetric equations of the normal line to S at a point Po(xo,yo,zo) are:

x − xo y − yo z − zo
= =
Fx ( xo , yo , zo) Fy (xo , yo , zo) Fz ( xo , yo , zo)

x − xo y − yo z − zo
= =
a b c

x −2 y−4 z −2
= =
2 1 −2
Slide 10, Exercise 3.

Find a set of symmetric equations of the tangent line to the curve of intersection of
the surfaces 3x2+2y2+z2=49 and x2+y2--2z2=10 at the point (3,-3,2).

F(x,y,z)= 3x2+2y2+z2=49
G(x,y,z) = x2+y2--2z2=10
P (3,-3,2)

A normal vector at Po to F(x,y,z) = 0 is:

Nf = ∇F(xo.yo.zo)
∇F(xo.yo.zo) = <6x, 4y, 2z>
∇F(3, -3, 2) = <6(3), 4(-3), 2(2)>
∇F(3, -3, 2) = <18, -12, 4>

A normal vector at Po to G(x, y, z) = 0 is:

Ng = ∇G(xo.yo.zo)

∇G(xo.yo.zo) = <2x, 2y, -4z>
∇G(3, -3, 2) = <2(3),2(-3),(-4)(2)>
∇G(3, -3, 2) = <6, -6, -8>

Nf X ⃗
i j k i j

Nf 18 -12 4 18 -12
Ng 6 -6 -8 6 -6

Nf X ⃗
Ng = <-12(-8)-4(-6), 4(6)-18(-8), 18(-6)-(-12)(6)>

Nf X Ng = <120, 16j, -36>

By Scalar Multiplication

Nf X ⃗
Ng = 12 <10, 14, -3>

Symmetric Equations of the Tangent Line

x −3 y+ 3 z −2
= =
10 14 −3
Slide 11, Exercise 4c.

Find an equation of the tangent plane and equations of the normal line to the given
surface at the indicated point.

c. zx2-xy2-yz2=18; (0,-2,3)

F(x,y,z) = zx2-xy2-yz2=18
P (0, -2, 3)

∇F(xo.yo.zo) = <2xz-y2, -2xy-z2, x2-2yz>

∇F(3, -3, 2) = <2(0)(3)-(-2)2, -2(0)(-2)-(3)2, (0)2-2(-2)(3)>
∇F(3, -3, 2) = <-4,-9,12>

An equation of the tangent plane is described as:

Fx(xo,yo,zo)(x-xo) + Fy(xo,yo,zo)(y-yo) + Fz(xo,yo,zo)(z-zo) = 0

-4(x-0)+(-9)(y+2)+12(z-3) = 0
-4x-9y-18+12z-36 = 0

-4x-9y+12z-54 = 0

A symmetric equations of the normal line to S at a point Po(xo,yo,zo) are:

x y+ 2 z −3
= =
−4 −9 12
Slide 12, Exercise 5c.

If the two given surfaces intersect in a curve, find equations of the tangent line to
the curve of intersection at the given point; if the two given surfaces are tangent at
the given point, prove it.

F(x,y,z) = x2+z2+4y = 0
G(x,y,z) = x2+y2+z2-6z+7 = 0

A normal vector at Po to F(x,y,z) = 0 is

Nf = ∇F(xo,yo,zo)
∇F(xo,yo,zo) = <2x, 4, 2z>
∇F(0,-1,2) = <2(0), 4, 2(2)>
∇F(0,-1,2) = <0, 4, 4>

A normal vector at Po to G(x, y, z) = 0 is

Ng = ∇G(xo,yo,zo)

∇G(xo,yo,zo) = <2x, 2y, 2z-6>
∇G(0,-1,2) = <2(0),2(-1),2(2)-6>
∇G(0,-1,2) = <0, -2, -2>

Nf X ⃗Ng
i j k i j

Nf 0 4 4 0 4
Ng 0 -2 -2 0 -2

Nf X ⃗
Ng = -8i + 0j + 0k – 0j – (-8)i – 0k

Nf X ⃗
Ng = < 0 > TANGENT

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