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Name: ___________________________________________Grade & Section: _________________

Subject: Practical Research 1 Teacher: _________________________Score: ______________

Lesson : S2 Quarter 2 Week 3 LAS 3
Activity Title : Research Questionnaire
Learning Target : Construct a research questionnaire.
Reference(s) : SLM Practical Research 1 :

Research Questionnaire: It is a set of questions intended to answer specific study/research.

Activity 1.1 Let’s Explain the Methods!

Write a question for an interview with a topic: “Influence of social media to the students”. Based on
your question, conduct an interview session towards your chosen participants. Then, write their
responses on the space provided. (Note: The responses of the participants must not be translated.
Then, write their responses on the space provided.
Question 1 __________________________________________________________________
Response of:
Participant 1 ________________________________________________________________
Participant 2 ________________________________________________________________
Participant 3 ________________________________________________________________
Participant 4 ________________________________________________________________
Participant 5 ________________________________________________________________
Criteria 3 5 8 10 Points
Content Information given Information given Information Information
is not enough is somewhat given is almost given is enough
and substantial. enough and enough and and substantial.
substantial. substantial.
Organization Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are Ideas are
disorganized. somewhat almost organized
organized. organized. properly.
Accuracy Information given Information given Information Information
commits ample is somewhat free given is almost given is free
errors. from any errors. free from any from any errors.
Grammar All sentences are Few of the Almost of the Sentence
ungrammatical. sentence sentence structures are
structures are structures are all grammatical.
grammatical. grammatical.

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