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Dissertation Report


“Green Human Resource Management Policies and Practices”


Aishwarya Ashok Gaikwad

Under the guidance of

Dr. Rohan Dahivale

Submitted to

Savitribai Phule Pune University

In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


Batch 2017– 2019


Rajgad Institute of Management Research and Development, Pune


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MBA Program of Savitribai Phule Pune University.

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Table of Contents

Chapter Name of the Chapter Page Number

1 Executive Summary
Abstract 250-300 words
1.1Introduction 1 Page
1.2Objectives of the Study Half Page
1.3Need of the Study 1Page
1.4Scope of the Study 1 Page
1.5Limitations of the Study Half Page

2 Research Methodology
10 Pages

3 Review of Related Literature 15-20 Pages

4 Data Analysis & Data 30-35 Pages


5 Findings 2 Pages

6 Recommendations 1 Page

7 Conclusion & Future Scope 2 Pages

8 References 1 Page

Annexure 4/5 Pages


Human resource management is considered as the most valuable assets in any organization.
Similarly now a days go green policies are adopting in various environment management
Techniques. This study focuses on various Green human resource management policies and
practices followed in the organizations and its focuses on how to implement green human
resource policies and practices in educational sector. this study extend giving suggestions to the
organization (in institution).About initiatives to make the organization Green and utilization from
those value.







What on earth is Green HRM?

We are entering a green economy-one in which consumer and employee expectations and future
environmental change will require business to address “green” issues. Environmental conscious
organizations will become increasingly prom indent as we re-enter into a period of growth.
Green HR is a not just strategy used primarily for reducing the carbon footprint of each
employee and talent retention.

Green HR has two essential elements: environmentally friendly HR practices and the
preservation of knowledge capital.

Most people will say that Green HR involves reducing your carbon footprint via less printing of
paper, video conferencing and interviews, etc. The most important definition to remember in
terms of our current economic situation is the reclaiming of top talents of the organization.
Companies are quick to layoff when times are tough before realizing the future implications of
losing that knowledge capital. Green HR initiatives help companies find alternative ways to cut
cost without losing their top talent; furloughs, part time work, etc. More employees are becoming
more concerned about the environment and climate change. HR departments are seeing Green
HR as a cutting edge way to keep top talent in house. Top talent is considered the industry’s
most valued asset, yet many1
Now a day, the go green policies are adopting in various environment management Techniques.
In India, the corporate world is going global it’s become essential to explore Green practices in
the business as well as in an Environment. This study focuses on various green HRM practices
followed in the organization. The paper largely focuses on the various green HRM practices and
the relationship between corporate social responsibility and the green Human resource
management. And the study Extended giving suggestions to the human Resource department
about initiatives to make the organization green and utilization from those values.

KEYWORDS: Green HRM, Environmental

Sustainability, organization, green HRM Practices

Ecological imbalances and biodiversity issues are increasing day by day. Many scientists and
Researchers are discussing national issues like Carbon credits, global warming and climate
Changes resulting into natural calamities and disasters in national and international Conferences.
Excess utilization of natural Resources as raw materials by factories, Industries and other
commercial organizations has led to increase in environmental pollution and there is also huge
pressure on these Resources of our Earth to full requirements of coming generations. In the light
of these Issues, companies are becoming aware of their Responsibility towards the society from
where they get resources. The technical Term for this is Corporate Social Responsibility. CSR in
organizations is practiced by the HR Department. One of the various methods to Practice CSR in
organization that is increasingly coming into focus is Environment Management / Green
Management. The integration on of green Practices with HR policies for contributing in
Development of a culture of sustainability is Called Green HRM. Further explained are some
Concepts of Green HRM.

Green initiative
1.Green building
2. Paperless office
Green employee relations
3. Recycling and waste
4. Conservation of energy

Green performance
Green compensation

Green training and
Green recruitment OF GREEN development


Components of green hrm

1. Green recruitment

2. Green compensation
3. Green employee relations

4. Green training and development

5. Green performance management

6. Green initiative

1. Green building

2. Paperless office

3. Recycling and waste disposal

4. Conservation of energy

Green Recruitment

If possible, telephone or video-based interviews are conducted to minimize any travel-related a

Green Recruitment is active in the field of professional recruitment, with

"Come discover a difference in the sea of sameness"

Trustworthiness, reliability, ethic and transparency are a must together with delivering the
highest possible results through innovative communication channels (Twitter, Linkedin, RSS,
video etc). The current economic climate has led to a gloomy few months for the
recruitment industry but the green job sector has so far remained strong. Leading green

GREEN HR is a staffing services provider for Recruitment Process Outsourcing (RPO) to the
global markets. Green recruitment help to reduce recruitment cost and time by 80%. Green HR
provides recruiting and staffing support services to clients includes resumes searching,
candidates sourcing, and screening on leading job boards, short listing resumes for potential
candidates, talk with candidates and route only interested candidate's resumes to executive or
technical recruiters of client companies

Green HR work with companies throughout the process to define the talents, skills, knowledge
and abilities of top performers and manage the process from start to finish.

2. Green performance management

Performance management (PM) is the process by which employees are prompted to enhance
their professional skills that help to achieve the organizational goals and objectives in a better
way. The recognition of the corporate strategy culminates into the PM. With the EM affecting
global business strategy, PM is also being influenced by the green wave in a possible positive
manner. Green performance management consists of issues related to environmental concerns
and policies of the company. It also concentrates on use of environmental responsibilities. The
most important aspect of PM is performance appraisal. In addition to meeting the criteria of
reliability, validity, and fairness, effective performance appraisals provide useful feedback to
employees and support continuous improvements in the firm’s environmental outcomes We
suggest that future research on green performance appraisal should focus upon issues such as
environmental incidents, environmental responsibilities, communication of environmental
policy, and green information system and audits. The job description should be aligned with
green tasks and goals to be achieved. The HR staff should modify the performance appraisal
rating system to include dimensions for rating people on the following behavioral and technical
competencies: teamwork, collaboration, diversity, innovation, and environmental stewardship.
Such competencies would reinforce the company’s core values Managers should discuss the
performance of the employees and give the needed feedback not only during the scheduled time
of appraisal, but also all round the year. This practice will help the employees to enhance their
knowledge, skills and ability.

3. Green training and development

Green T&D activities make employees aware of different aspects and value of environment
management. It helps them to embrace different methods of conservation including waste
management within an organization. Further, it sharpens the skill of an employee to deal with
different environmental issues Encouraging innovative environmental actions in a survey of
managers, on best management practices concluded that environmental training and education,
along with establishing a favorable environmental culture for the employees where they feel that
they are the part of environmental outcomes, were the most important HRM processes that
facilitate the achievement of environmental goals

4. Green compensation

Rewards and compensation are the major HRM processes through which employees are
rewarded for their performance. These HR practices are the most powerful method which links
together an individual’s interest to that of the organization’s. We also assert that incentives and
rewards can influence employees’ attention to the maximum at work and motivate them to exert
maximum effort on their part to achieve organizational goals.

In the context of Green HRM, rewards and compensation can be assumed as potential tools for
supporting environmental activities in organizations. In accordance to a strategic approach for
reward and management, modern organizations are developing reward systems to encourage eco-
friendly initiatives embarked upon by their employees.
5. Green employee relations

Employee relations are that aspect of HRM which is concerned with establishing amicable
employer–employee relationship. The relationship facilitates motivation and morale of the
employees as well as, increases the productivity. Basically, employee relations involve employee
participation and empowerment activities. It also helps prevent and resolve problems arisen at
workplace that may affect the work. In fact, positive employee relations are an intangible and
enduring asset and a source of competitive advantage for any organization.

Employee participation in Green initiatives increases the chances of better green management as
it aligns employees’ goals, capabilities, motivations, and perceptions with green management
practices and systems. Involving employees in EM has been reported as improving EM systems
such as efficient resource Several workers in their study concluded that individual empowerment
positively influences productivity and performance, and facilitates self-control, individual
thinking, and problem-solving skills

An important way in which employee involvement and participation can be encouraged within
the organization is to seek entrepreneurs within the company who are socially or ecologically
oriented known as eco-entrepreneurs Eco-friendly ideas should be welcomed from all
employees irrespective of their designation which will encourage their interest in environmental
issues and make best use of applying their skills. The HR staff needs to pressurize the
management to create a participative work environment where the employees are free to put up
their ideas on green issues since they are the ones who in reality are responsible for
implementing ethical corporate behavior in the day-to-day life of the organization. This means
the achievement of green outcomes will largely depend on employees’ willingness to collaborate
Corporate social responsibility and employee commitment. The scope of employee relations
should be broadened by initiating a suggestion scheme within the organization, wherein each and
every employee from top most to the lowest level gets an opportunity to contribute to the
scheme. This practice will help in creating greater awareness on green issues besides, new ideas
for eco-friendly practices my crop up from different sources. Other benefits of employee
involvement are improvement in employee and organizational health and safety, as well as
development of eco-friendly staff. We propose that keeping the policies in place, long-term trust
among the management and employees will be built which will provide an opportunity to the
employees to express their personal ideas at workplace and help to create climate conducive to
green management practices and systems.

6. Green initiatives for HR

We can say that green initiatives included in HRM manifesto is a part of corporate social
responsibility in the long run. Today, organizations are implementing and integrating green
initiatives in their agenda with the help of their human resource. Managers make sure that their
HR is utilizing green human resource practices in appropriate manner. As an addendum to the
statement, several authors have suggested that it is important to promote a great deal of technical
and management skills among all employees of the organization in order to implement an
effective corporate green management system in companies Conceptual model for organizational
citizenship behavior directed toward the environment Organizations across the world are
incorporating and working toward implementing GHRM practices to gain competitive
advantages among the corporate world. Complete adoption and integration of GHRM in business
is not impossible but requires a changed approach toward the existing HR practices on part of
both the management as well as employees simultaneously. A key role for HR environmental
executives could be to guide line managers in terms of gaining full staff co-operation toward
implementing environmental policies which means HR needs to nurture supporters and create
networks of problem-solvers willing to act to change the current status quo Green HRM-
Delivering high performance HR systems. There are numerous issues related to GHRM that is to
be taken into account by HR department before implementing green initiatives and, all of them
can be not contained within a single document. Owing to the space limit the following section of
the paper briefly focus upon some of the major green initiatives for HR departments.

6.1. Green building

The organizations round the globe are considerably opting for green building as their workplace
and offices as an alternative to traditional offices. The phenomenon is quite trend setting as
Green buildings fulfill certain criterion for reducing the exploitation of natural resources that are
utilized in their construction. Furthermore, green buildings include some enhanced features
related to green practices such as energy efficiency, renewable energy, and storm water
management. Recent years have witnessed a great upsurge in adoption of green buildings by
organizations at a fast pace. The business world has become increasingly aware of the significant
role played by green buildings while dealing with environmental issues. Green buildings also
serve as a platform for financial savings for organizations as their construction and engineering
involve low cost. Business giants like Ford, Pepsico, etc. are committed to sustainability and
have included green building design principles into their buildings. Fortune 1000 companies are
adopting company-wide sustainability policies that have increased the demand for work space in
Green or sustainable buildings.

6.2. Paperless office

Most of the work in the office is managed on paper but, with introduction of IT, the consumption
of paper has been reduced. Today E-business and learning have changed the methods and
procedures at offices converting them into paperless offices. Paperless office is a work place
where the use of paper is either restricted or eliminated by converting important official
documents and other papers into automated workflows. The practice greatly reduce the
consumption of paper, the costs of paper-related actions including copying, printing, and
storing, and also save the time used for searching paper documents. At Idea Rebel, pay stubs are
emailed to employees and notes are taken on tablet devices and whiteboards. Designers are
allowed to bring in a pad of paper but they have to take the pad to their home at the end of each
day. Finally, we assert that by reducing the use of paper, we can directly conserve natural
resources, prevent pollution, and reduce wastage of water and energy.

6.3. Conservation of energy

Conservation of energy in the office has the potential for a great environmental impact. In an
effort to provide more efficient and eco-friendly services, offices around the world have
implemented several energy conservation initiatives to reduce the environmental impact. The HR
department at the UK arm of Sky has started a campaign where the employees are asked to turn
off PCs, TVs, and lights when leaving, to use 100% renewable energy, and introduced solar
lighting natural resources.

6.4. Recycling and waste disposal

Recycling is the methodology of processing used up materials (waste) into new and useful
products. Recycling reduces the use of raw materials that would have been otherwise used to
produce new products. Consequently, this practice saves energy and reduces the amount of waste
that is thrown into the dustbins, thereby making the environment cleaner and the air fresher. As a
part of their green initiatives, several organizations are implementing recycling program to
increase the amount of recycled products and decrease the amount of waste.

Ever since the organizations embraced the concept of saving money, focusing simultaneously on
the environment and sustainability, several human resource professionals were assigned the task
of creating company recycling programs and monitoring office thermostats. In the process, many
HR professionals ascertained that green initiatives were a necessary aspect of overall corporate
social responsibility. At present, the whole corporate world is reciting the old mantra of three
Rs—Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle to save the environment

Ten ideas for making the most of organization’s efforts to provide green benefits: 1. Employees
can be advised to start making changes at home, and then watchthem practice environmentally
responsible behaviors at work. Once they witness substantial energy savings from the solar
panels or Energy Star-rated refrigerator, they’re more likely to buy into the value of saving
energy and resources at homeland at work.2. Employees can be asked to suggest ways the
organization can go green. Example: Companies can start an employee green team” that can
draw some volunteers from the and some from employee workforce. The group can meets
monthly to bring changes such as the addition of transportation incentives and these of recycled
papers.3. Publicly congratulate to employees who take advantage of the company's
green benefits and then publishing a quarterly, online newsletter devoted exclusively toothier
stories-and to reminding workers about green benefits and how to participate.4. It is essential to
look beyond the obvious benefits like mass-transit subsidies.

Everyone can be informed about green benefits like job candidates, shareholders, the media and
community. In advertising campaigns environmental issues can be focused. Press releases can be
sending to local media, which will publicize the unique employee benefits. Every employee
communication must be green.

It is important to review what employees have already done and it must be publicize them while
focus can be done to rewrite job descriptions to highlight any green aspects of a position.

The concept has to be explained to the top management by collecting data. Example: Gathering
information on whether quality job applicants are accepting job offers because of the
organization's green benefits. HR professional can make it a point to ask candidates
how important those benefits were to their decision.

They can choose a green theme for events like the employee health fair; benefits-enrollment fair,
holiday parties, recognition ceremonies, even staff meetings.
Contemporary Green HR Practices in Selected Companies

Several companies have initiated the process of integrating environmental concerns with their
business strategy, with HR taking centre stage. Google is leading the way not just in its
environmental practices but also in publicizing their environmental record and approach. Like
many emerging green companies, Google has hired a director who coordinates corporate
environmental efforts in an attempt to match their corporate business strategy with their
environmental efforts. Companies like Honda, S.C. Johnson, Goldman Sachs, Starbucks,
Patagonia, Timberland, and GE have successfully used their environmentally friendly policies to
sell their product and gain media exposure.
In India, green movement and Green HR is still in a nascent stage with a few companies following
green agenda. Green Toyota has made a public pledge that it would do business only with those
concerns that are certified “Green”.
The Tata Group has gone “Green” and has made a list of third parties, vendors and suppliers whom
it deals with in the course of business without releasing toxic emissions that could harm the
environment. There are many companies implementing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
initiatives which also have green projects. ITC Ltd. and The Associated Cement Companies Ltd.
(ACC Ltd.) have since long practised CSR with emphasis on environment management.
This has helped generate interest and awareness about green movement and green HRM IN India.
HRM has to play a central role in creating awareness about environment management in
organisations besides taking the lead in implementing Green HR practices as part of the bigger
role to save planet earth. The companies that have been selected for this study are business giants
having robust HR practices, known to be favourable employers in India and across the world.
IBM: Over the past decade IBM has undergone a significant and well-publicized transformation,
turning a strong multinational business into a globally integrated enterprise. Such companies
integrate production and value delivery worldwide by placing business functions where they are
best located, based on the right costs and skills.

To remain aligned with this strategy and support other business needs, IBM’s human resources
(HR) organization analyzed its own functions and processes, separating core HR roles, such as
designing policy and internal business consulting, from noncore back-office administrative tasks.
“We were spending an inordinate amount of time on processing and administrative aspects,
operating technology, and a lot of foundational things that were not adding a lot of business. Now
in more than170countries and with 62percent of our business service based, IBM sees the need to
capitalize on talent worldwide. To do that, HR has shifted to a globally based, process-driven

IBM’s five building blocks provide the tools to operational savings and business growth. They
have realized that by going green the pocketbook and the planet get impacted. Double your IT
capacity In the same energy footprint Reduce operational costs 40-50% energy savings $1.3M /
year savings Positive environmental impact 1,300 less cars or 3.5M less pounds of coal Diagnose
Get the facts to understand your energy use and opportunities for improvement Build Plan, build,
and upgrade to energy efficient data centres Cool Virtualized Implement virtualization and other
innovative technologies Manage & Measure Seize control with energy management software. IBM
Project Big Green Use has initiated innovative cooling solutions and has a holistic Green IT

Wal-Mart: Wal-Mart is gaining a considerable amount of attention from its big-picture strategic
goal to be supplied 100 percent by renewable energy, creating zero waste and selling products that
sustain people and the environment. Much has been written about its intent to green its supply
chain to achieve a 20 million metric ton reduction in greenhouse gas emissions and the
development of environmental product ratings. Walmart is engaging its 2+ million associates,
located across four continents, to turn its announced strategies into tangible results through a
volunteer associate sustainability program. Walmart’s associates around the world are focusing on
wellness, their community and the environment. Walmart also follows the practice of continuous
recognition of associates and their stories of achievement. Walmart is enabling collaborative
management/associate thinking that has succeeded in growing green revenues, profits and
environmental improvements.


Wal-Mart ITC
Green HR
Practices in

Gas Authority of India Limited (GAIL):

GAIL is one of the premier Navratna Public Sector Undertakings of India which has consistently
maintained its position in Navratna list since 1997. The company is following the best of Human
Resource Management practices which are prevalent and followed in top level international
organizations. 3. It is ranked as the number one integrated energy company of Asia, by Platts, an
international survey company based in U.K. which makes a survey of about 250 energy companies
of the world every year.

GAIL India Limited owes its success to TEAM GAIL, a name given to its employees. It has a vast
potential of growth in the coming times as it is spreading its base in India for more use of green
energy. It has been able to check the environmental pollution in the country to a great extent.
Saving of Taj Mahal from air pollution, reformative steps in New Delhi, Surat, Mumbai and a
number of other cities is a living example of its excellence. It is one of the safest public sector
companies with no reported cases of industrial hazard or accidents in any of its plant over a number
of years.

It is because of the high level of commitment of work in its human resources. It is contributing
two percent of its Profit After Tax (PAT) to the social causes. It is a very big help to lakhs of poor
and needy people of India. It is rated as one of the best employers in the nation as for the reports
of Hewitt International which is an internationally recognized survey company. The company is
one of top level corporate citizens of the world.

The best of management systems have been in use for a number of years. It is a very fair and
transparent company. Its customer satisfaction level is very high. Its employees are among the best
paid and most satisfied employees due to its good Human Resource Management practices. It has
contributed significantly to the socio-economic development of the nation and its future prospects
of growth are very high. The company has proved that following the best of Human Resource
Management practices yields organizational excellence.
ITC: ITC is one of India's foremost private sector companies with a strong commitment to the
triple bottom line. It has been a frontrunner in adopting eco-responsible processes, much ahead of
legislation – setting benchmarks for the industry to follow. It has a market capitalization of over
US $ 22 billion and a turnover of over US $ 5 billion with a diversified presence in cigarettes,
hotels, paper boards and specialty papers, packaging, agribusiness, packaged foods and a whole
range of other services.

ITC Ltd Sustainable Initiatives at ITC Green Products are Premium Business Paper. For the first
time in India ITC has launched an environment friendly multipurpose paper ‘Paperkraft Premium
Business Paper’, for office and home use using a new technology 'Ozone Treated Elemental
Chlorine Free Technology' replacing Elemental Chlorine which was conventionally used in the
bleaching process during paper manufacture.

ITC's Green Leaf Threshing plant in Chirala is the first in India and among the first 10 units in the
world to bag the Social Accountability (SA 8000) certification. ITC as a responsible corporate
citizen is doing many activities for the welfare of the society: Environment, health & safety (EHS)
initiatives; Reaching out to society; Preserving national heritage and Supporting sustainable
development. It is committed to protecting the environment in which it operates. It is equally
committed to ensuring very high standard of safety at the work place.

In the conduct of the Company’s business, the practice of good corporate citizenship is a
prerequisite and embraces the following: dealing with all stakeholders in the organisation, ITC
upholds the values which are at the core of their HR Philosophy - trust, teamwork, mutuality and
collaboration, meritocracy, objectivity, self-respect and human dignity. These values form the
basis of their HR management systems and processes.

The HR function in their department is contributing significantly to the green management

practices of the company. The Company attaches great importance to a healthy and safe, green
work environment. ITC is committed to provide good physical working conditions and encourages
high standards of hygiene and housekeeping. Particular attention is paid to training of employees
to increase safety awareness and adoption of safe working methods, particularly designed to
prevent serious or fatal accidents.
The Company believes that commitment to sustainable development is a key component of
responsible corporate citizenship and therefore is accorded the highest priority. Accordingly, the
Company is committed to Best Practices in environmental matters arising out of its business
activities and expects each business to fully demonstrate this commitment. In addition to
complying with applicable laws and regulations, they have established procedures for assessing
the environmental effects of their present and future activities.

ONGC: ONGC is the only Indian energy major in Fortune's Most Admired List 2012 under
'Mining, Crude Oil Production' category. It is ranked 171th in Forbes Global 2000 list of the
World's biggest companies for 2012 based on Sales (US$ 26.3 billion), Profits (US$ 5 billion),
Assets (US$ 51 billion) and Market Capitalization (US$ 46.6 billion).
ONGC has been ranked 39th among the world's 105 largest listed companies in 'transparency in
corporate reporting' by Transparency International making it the most transparent company in
India. Project of Landscaping, designing of garden and greening of area in the campus of Jolly
grant Airport, Dehradun is started. ONGC has many such initiatives towards green HRM. Another
one is Vadodara Movement with Indian Express.
Literature Review

“Magna Carta” June 1972

On Human Environment was declared in the first United Nation’s (International) Conference on
Human Environment held in June 1972 in Stockholm declared that, to defend & improve the
human environment for present and future generation has become an imperative goal for mankind.
The Green Human Resource Management will play an important role in industry to promote the
environment related issues by adopting it, in management philosophy, HR policies and practices,
training people and implementation of laws related to Environment Protection. The Green HRM
will also help the employers, manufacturers in image and brand building and by strictly
implementing the ISO 14000 standards, environmental audit, thus changing the organizational
culture, thinking about waste management, pollution and helping the society.

Wehrmeyer, 1996

General job descriptions can be used to specify a number of environmental aspects. These include
environmental reporting roles and health and safety tasks, which staff are exposed to harmful
substances/potential emissions (and their extent), and matching personal attributes to needed
environmental competencies, i.e. buying-in specialist competencies via new hires or investing in
training. Induction for new recruits is seen to be needed to ensure they understand and approach
their corporate environmental culture in a serious way
Fineman (1997:37),

The environment belongs to everyone its damage is quintessentially a matter of broad consensual
moral concern and organizational actors are as culpable as anyone else. So HR managers are
requested to reconsider the implications of what their passive position on the environment could
mean by giving them important role of shaping employees behaviour in organizations and beyond.

General job descriptions can be used to specify a number of environmental aspects. These include
environmental reporting roles and health and safety tasks, which staff are exposed to harmful
substances/potential emissions (and their extent), and matching personal attributes to needed
environmental competencies, i.e. buying-in specialist competencies via new hires or investing in
training. Induction for new recruits is seen to be needed to ensure they understand and approach
their corporate environmental culture in a serious way (Wehrmeyer, 1996: 14).

Chad Holliday (2001)

CEO DuPont says shrinking your environmental footprint is more than just the right thing to do;
it also generates tremendous business value. This is the challenge of Sustainable growth and to
meet it, the primary motivation for any company should be improved business performance of
course, environmental societal benefits will follow.

Stephen King (2004)

Stated that the future of HRM will be built on innovation and creativity, in nutshell innovation
and creativity approaches were needed towards quality of life, environmental improvements
through the healthy, sustainable, vibrant community theme. In summary it was said that money
and support of employees can put HRM on the road to environmental Sustainability.
The initiative can be like electronic ñling, car-sharing, job-sharing,teleconferencing and virtual
interviews, recycling, telecommuting, online training,and energy-efñcient spaces. These ideas are
being implemented to supportexisting green HR efforts focused on increased process
efñciency, environmentalwaste reduction, and revamped HR products, tools, and procedures.
Thesemeasures also have an impact on intangible yet invaluable assets such as brandand
reputation. Green Human resource management (HRM) is an important topicfor research (Paawe
and Boselie, 2003, 2005) and some basic theoretical issueshave been well accepted (Paawe and
Boselie, 2005). It has contributed to our understanding of the relationship among strategy, human
capital, HRM andorganizational performance

John R. Rathgeber (2007)

Has said in his research that many business leaders are embracing Corporate Sustainability and
Green Business practices as a way to improve their operations and enhance their competitiveness.

Justin Victor (2008),

One half of HR professionals indicated that their organizations have a formal or informal
environmental responsibility policy. Top Three green practices reported by HR professionals were
encouraging employees to work more environment friendly, offering recycling programs and
donating / discounting used furniture supplies.

Candice Harris and Dr. Helen Tregidga (2008)

Many organizations have quickly to Jump onboard the Sustainability bandwagon, little appears to
have been done to consider the role of, and effect on, the HR function and managers. How are HR
managers defining and enacting Corporate Sustainability. All participants felt that HR function
has a role in fostering environmental practices within an organization due to their role as stewards
of value, and as skilled communicators in the organization. Findings indicated the HR managers
espouse private moral positions around concern for the environment; however environmental
action in their personal lives appears limited.

Malt Bolch (2008)

In his research has said spreading the word about Sustainability initiatives may fall to more than
one department but human resource plays an important role, it is important for human resource
professionals to have conversations with employees and the community at large about the
implications of environmental initiatives.

Buck Consultants (2009)

The Greening of HR Survey examines the types of environmentally friendly "green" initiatives
that companies are utilizing involving their workforce and human resource practices. The results
confirm that companies are incorporating and working towards integrating a number of green
practices. While the study’s questions and results are broad, they hint at several areas for HR
practitioners to consider in the green space. Over half of the companies surveyed have incorporated
environmental management into business operations and have a formal green program in place or
plan to implement one in the next twelve months. He has showed that greater than 60% of
companies have made environmental responsibility a part of their organizational mission statement
and view the promotion of social responsibility as the most critical objective of their green
program. The review of literature is done on the topic and it has been found Green HRM is an
upcoming topic, there is still limited research done on the concept of Green HRM and
Sustainability. The overall aim of the study is to contribute to the existing literature and highlight
the major role of HR for Sustainability.

N R Aravamudhan
In his Research Paper has said that HR departments in many companies are increasingly greening
their processes. The time has come to greenify their companies and build world class sustainable
businesses. According to Douglas Renwick, University of Sheffield Management School, in his
paper he has mentioned the different shades of HR starting from Non Green in yesterday and Dark
Green In future which he has adapted from James and Stewart, 1996. He in his study has said that
HR can include environmental aspects in Recruitment, Training and development, Induction,
Performance appraisal etc. He has also mentioned in the study that HR professionals appears as
one close to management as well as employees and thus can help the management and employees
to implement Green initiatives in day to day life.

John Sullivan (2009)

In his paper has stated that environmental issues are on most every one’s mind so if your firm has
a competitive advantage in this area will create an employment brand. Green recruiting is a chance
to differentiate yourself in a recruiting marketplace where standing out from the crowd is already
extremely difficult. Moreover Gen y is focusing on the Green Recruitment.

Suhaimi Sudin (2011)

Shows that green management initiatives have become an important factor in forward thing
businesses around the world. Researchers argued that employees must be inspired empowered and
environmentally aware of greening in order to carry out green management initiatives. The paper
focuses on development of a new model of strategic Green HRM which includes relationship
between assessments based HR interventions, environmental management system, Green
intellectual capital and corporate environmental citizenship.

How to Green Human Resource Management practices implement in educational sector?

I] Green Recruitment

Basic Concept:

Green Recruitment means a paper-free recruitment process with a minimal environmental impact.

Concept Analysis:

Applications are invited through online mediums like e-mail, online application forms,job portals

Opinion of the Researcher:

1) Applications are invited through email. Official e-mail id of the HR Manager or Principal
/Director can be given
2) Through the official website of the Institute, web based application form can be filled by
the applicant.
3) In institutions, we can apply green recruitment if we inform to candidates to apply for the
job by sending their CV through mail.
4) then call to candidates for an interview or invited online application forms that means it
will be paper free recruitment process.
Analysing vacancy

Dvevelopment of job

Create pool via online

medium like portals,
website, application etc.

Screening application

Screened candidate
Invited to them for
interview by via.mail

Conduct various round

via online process like
online aptitude test
,technology test

Deriving result on line

PI Round

II] Green Performance Management

Basic concept

Green performance management consists of issues related to environmental concerns and

policies of the company. It also concentrates on use of environmental responsibilities.

Concept Analysis:

Opinion of the Researcher:

1) We can apply Green performance management in institutions. providing

performance appraisals by forms.
2) performance appraisals forms colleting through ERP systems or online.
3) For performance management this is useful to evaluate the employees ( faculty)
performance at the workplace.
4) It represent how successfully an individual satisfied their requirement and its
promot to enhance their proffesional skills that helps to acheieve institutions goals
and objectives in better way.
Informing employees
regarding online
performance appraisal.

Fill online form

Online form submission.

(To Head)

Declared Result online

Evaluate Feedback

Negative Positive
feedback feedback

Improvem Promote
ent in employee
employee s
III) Green Employee Relation

Basic concept

Employee participation in Green initiatives increases the chances of better green management as
it aligns employees’ goals, capabilities, motivations, and perceptions with green management
practices and systems.

Concept Analysis:

Employee participation in Green initiatives increases the chances of better green management.

Opinion of the Researcher:

1. In education sector taking feedback of employee and employer(faculty and Director)

2. with the help of online survey to find out relationships between them it helps to prevent
and resolve the problems of them.
3. Positive employee relation are inatangiable and enduring assets and source of competitive
advantages for any organization.
IV) Green Initiative

Basic concept

Green initiative included in HRM maintain to is a part of corporate social responsibilities in long
run. Today organisation are implementing green initiatives in the agenda with the help of their
human resource management.

Concept Analysis:

In green initiative included paperless office, conservation of energy, green building ,recycling and
waste disposal.

Opinion of the Researcher:

and waste of energy

Concept of

Paperless Green
office building
1. Green building

In green building , institution should include green initiative like use of renewable
energy and waste water can use to trees plant in the college campus or the create
system of direct water supply for trees.

2. Paperless office

Providing any information about college and any study material or notes which are
important and useful for the student it will be provide by mails through or by college

3. Recycling and waste disposal

Those old computers that are closed can be repaired and used for simple and small
tasks. Or computer parts can use.

Wasted solid also it will helps to make the fertilizer.

V) Green Training And Develpoment

Basic concept

Green training and development educate employees about the value of EM, train them in
working methods that conserve energy, reduce waste, diffuse environmental awareness within
the organization, and provide opportunity to engage employees in environmental problem-

Concept Analysis:

Training and development is a practice that focuses on development of employees’ skills,

knowledge, and attitudes, prevent deterioration of EM-related knowledge, skills, and attitudes.

Opinion of the Researcher:

VI) Green Compensation

Basic concept

In accordance to a strategic approach for reward and management, modern organizations

are developing reward systems to encourage eco-friendly initiatives embarked upon by
their employees.

Concept Analysis:

Opinion of the Researcher:


1. After analyzing of Green Human Resource policies and practices fund that, in instiutions
these all policies and practices are not conducted.
2. Most of the work in management is managed on paper.
3. In any organization which is used up of wastage material is totally disposed by
4. In institution students are solved assignment almost on the papers.
5. To employee some training are given by the institution that is face to face which is not
necessary or time consuming.

1. If in all institution they can use all green human resource management policies and
practices then it will be more helpful for doing ecofriendly work and growth of any
2. E business and learning have changed the methods and procedure at offices
converting them into paperless offices.
3. Some training are giving by institution to employee or faculty through digital way it
is very helpful for is to understanding and less time consuming.
4. Some wastage material is disposed so, we can help of recycling method or process
we can use again that product in new way.
5. Provide E assignment for student and digital library for student.

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