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HOPE (2 nd
Learning Activity Sheets
Quarter 2: Week 1-4



Name: _________________________________ Q1 W1
Section: ________________________________ Date: __________________

Brief Background for Learners:

In today’s academic world, students face different problems in their high school
years. This is where students struggle most and find themselves facing a lot stress.

Stress is primarily a physical response. When stress, the body thinks under attacked and
switches to fight or flight mode. Releasing a complex of hormones and chemicals that would
cause a number of reactions, from blood being diverted to muscles to shutting down
unnecessary bodily functions.

School is one of the elevated reasons in field of stress. That’s a fact. It is impossible to
eliminate stress because it is an evitable part of life. But you can learn to manage stress.

Engaging in physical activities helps you manage stress. They help produce endorphins-
chemicals in the brain that act a natural painkiller and also improve the ability to sleep, which
in turn reduces stress.

Learning Competency with code:

Describes the role of physical activity assessments in managing one’s stress


General Directions: Read all the information about the lesson and answer all
activities related to this topic.

Stress is not what happens to us. It is our response to what happens, and response is
something that we can choose. It might be impossible to eliminate, but we can always manage.
“The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another.”

Activity 1: What bothers you?

Directions: List down experiences from the previous week that made you feel uncomfortable
and describe you coping technique.
Places Uncomfortable/Demanding Actions you made to feel
Situation better




Stress and its Characteristics

In the daily challenges of life, individuals often encounter discomfort – circumstances
and events that disturb one’s physical, mental and emotional states. The body response to the
discomfort it experiences is called stress. Stress is the body’s ways of reacting to external
stimulus such as discomfort. It activates the sympathetic nervous system, which bring about a
fight or flight response wherein cortisol and adrenaline is release into the bloodstream. These
hormones stimulate your heart to pump faster making your blood pressure rise. Your muscles
start to contract your breathing quickens, and your senses become more sensitive. These
changes in your body caused by stress increases your stamina and strength, makes you react
quickly, and keeps you more focused.

Stress affects all – it is part of one’s life. The human body and its system are equipped
to respond to stress. Most of the events that happen to you and around you contribute stress to
your body.

The effects of stress differ for each individual, based on their ability to adjust to
certain changes from the environment and the people around them. Some are able to cope
easily, but others have hard time.

Stress is simply the body’s response to the discomfort. Distress is the negative term for stress.


-Nervousness, gets easily upset, moody.
-Overwhelming feeling.

-Loneliness, low self-esteem

- Lack of focus
-Disturb mind setting

-Weak & lesser strength, easily gets cold and infection

Types of Physical Activity

Aerobic – light to moderate-intensity physical activity that requires more oxygen that
sedentary behavior, and thus promotes cardiovascular fitness and other health benefits (e.g.,
weight bearing exercise like jumping rope, cycling, swimming, running, playing football,
basketball, or volleyball).
Anaerobic – high intensity physical activity that is done in short duration of time requiring
high energy. Anaerobic activities are strength-base activities in the absence of oxygen (e.g.,
sprinting during running. Swimming or cycling) requires maximal performance during the brief
Lifestyle – physical activities which have been part of our daily routine (e.g., walking, climbing
stairs, sweeping or raking the yard), which is usually light to moderate in intensity.
Physical activity play – an intense play activity that requires substantial energy expenditure
(e.g., playing tag, jumping rope).
Play – simple and self-reflected activities with flexible rules for the purpose of enjoyment.
Sports – a physical activity requiring skill and physical prowess that is governed by set of rules
and regulations that is often done in competition. There are two categories of sports: individual
and team.

Stress Management Tips

People can learn to manage stress and lead happier, healthier lives. Here are some tips to help
you keep stress at bay.

• Keep a positive attitude.

• Accept that there are events that you cannot control.
• Be assertive instead of aggressive. Assert your feelings, opinions, or beliefs instead of
becoming angry, defensive, or passive.
• Learn and practice relaxation techniques; try meditation, yoga, or tai-chi for stress
• Exercise regularly. Your body can fight stress better when it is fit.
• Eat healthy, well-balanced meals.
• Learn to manage your time more effectively.
• Set limits appropriately and learn to say no to requests that would create excessive
stress in your life.
• Make time for hobbies, interests, and relaxation.
• Get enough rest and sleep. Your body needs time to recover from stressful events.
• Don't rely on alcohol, drugs, or compulsive behaviors to reduce stress.
• Seek out social support. Spend enough time with those you enjoy.
• Seek treatment with a psychologist or other mental health professional trained in
stress management or biofeedback techniques to learn healthy ways of dealing with
the stress in your life.

Activity 2: Be a stress manager!


1. With your partner, (thru online) interview 15 other classmates and asks them their
resources of stress and of what they do to cope with it.
2. Make graphs, tables and charts to help you interpret your data. Present your findings in
an oral report and give recommendations for plans to manage stress through physical
3. Produce your own information sheet to be given to your peers.

Activity 3: Checking what’s on your mind.

Directions: Complete the sentences

1. Participation in physical activity helps in managing stress by


2. Why is the release of hormones and its processes important to stress responses?

3. Therefore, If I am in a stressful situation, I’ll find time


Physical Activity Reduces Stress (April 17, 2016) retrieved from http://www.

What is Physical Activity retrieved (April 17, 2016) from


Prepared by:



Answer may vary Answer may vary

Answer may vary
Ac�vity 2 Ac�vity 3
Ac�vity 1
HOPE (2 nd
Learning Activity Sheets
Quarter 2: Week 2
Name: _________________________________ Q2-W2______________
Section: _________________________________ Date: ____________________

Brief information for learners

As you engage in moderate in moderate to vigorous activity physical activity, you

need to asses some personal safety precautions to avoid certain conditions related to physical
activity participation. These conditions include dehydration, overexertion, hypothermia, and

Dehydration - this refers to excessive loss of water from the body, usually through
perspiration or sweating, urination, or evaporation. Sweating and Thirst are example of

Overexertion or Overtraining - this refers to the detrimental cause of excessive

In an overtrained status, performance is known to decline sharply and this can cause
individuals to train even harder. This dip in performance may be mistaken for dip in physical
efforts so the exercise or athlete increases the effort to pull up the performance.

Hypothermia - this is an alarming rise in the body temperature, which is an effect of

exercising in a very humid environment. It sets the stage for heat stress and even heat stroke,
the potentially fatal collapse of the temperature-regulating mechanism.

Hyperthermia- excessively low body temperature, characterized by uncontrollable

shivering, loss of coordination and mental confusion.

Learning competencies
2. Self-assesses health-related fitness (HRF) status, barriers to physical activity
assessment participation and one’s diet PEH11FH-IIg-i-6
General instructions
Dear learners kindly understand the key concept in Exercise for Fitness. If not,
you may send me a personal message through my phone number from your adviser. Follow
the instructions below.
1. Read statements carefully.
2. Answer it to best of your abilities.
3. Try to finish it to before the day of submission


Activity 1. Write at least Five (5) sports-related advertisement on fluid replenishing lost

1. __________________________________ 4._______________________
2. __________________________________ 5._______________________
3. __________________________________

Activity 2. Identifying symptoms or overtraining

Directions: Answer the questions by placing a check (/).

____1. Has your performance decreased dramatically in the last week or two?
____2. Do you notice signs of unusual anxiety or anger?
____3. Do you feel depressed?
____4. Do you feel unusual fatigue?
____5. Are you less energetic than usual?
____6. Do you have trouble sleeping?
____7. Do your arms and/or legs feel heavy?
____8. Do you experience loss of appetite?
____9. Do you lack interest in training?
____10. Do you usually eat after an exercise?

Activity 3. “Let’s Be Health Aware” Essay

Directions: Imagine that you are writing an article about health assessment magazine. Your
task is to write in a piece of paper a persuasive essay about health assessment. You essay
should be brief and easy to read.
50 points
Directions: Write down your answer below in an essay form.

1. What have you learned in the lesson? How will you apply the
knowledge you learned from the lesson in your daily life?



Clark, M. A. Lucett, S., & Corn, R. J. (2008). NASM Essentials of Personal Fitness
Training (3rd ed) Philadelphalia: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins

Hoeger, W.W.K. Hoeger, S. A. (2001). Fitness and wellness (14th ed.). New York”

Marieb, E. N. (2002). Essentials of Human Antamoy and Physiology (6th ed.)

Singapore: Pearson Education Pte Ltd.

Prepared by:

Robel G. Sarmiento, LPT

Teacher II NV15IS

HOPE (2 nd
Learning Activity Sheets
Quarter 2: Weeks 4 to 5

Name: ________________________________________ Q2 W 4-5

Grade 11/Section: _______________________________ Date: __________________

Brief information for learners


Understanding F.I.T.T. principle helps create a work out plan that will be more effective
in reaching your fitness goals. F.I.T.T. stands for frequency, intensity, time, and type of
exercise. These are the four elements you need to think about to create workouts that fit your
goals and fitness level. It can be so confusing to filter out the differences between fad diets and
legitimate exercise advice. Late-night infomercials count on this confusion to sell all sorts of
gadgets and supplements promising a quick fix that doesn't exist. Unfortunately, there's no
secret to losing weight in a healthy way; it requires eating well and incorporating physical
activity into your schedule.

Learning Competency with code:

Sets Frequency Intensity Time Type (FITT) goals based on training principles to achieve
and/or maintain health-related fitness (HRF) ( PEH11FH-li-j-7)

General Directions: Read all the information about the lesson and answer all
activities related to this topic.

The FITT Principle of Physical Activity

One tried-and-true method to forming a fitness plan that works for you is to apply the FITT
Principle. FITT stands for frequency, intensity, time, and type. Let's break each of these down
and look at them one at a time:
Frequency is how often you exercise. Usually we measure this by number of days each
Intensity is how hard your exercise. We might categorize this as low, moderate, or high
Time refers to the time of day you exercise and how long each session lasts.
Type refers to what kind of exercise you are doing. For example, you might do
cardiovascular activity (also known simply as 'cardio'), strength training, or a combination of
the two.
The frequency of exercise refers to a number of times a physical activity is done in
each week. According to the American College of Sports Medicine guidelines, it is
recommended to exercise 3-5 days per week and for more optimal results, exercise can be done
in most days of the week with a combination of light moderate-vigorous activity.
The rate at which the activity is performed is called Intensity. It is also referred to as
the magnitude of the effort required to perform an activity or exercise. It describes how easy
or how hard a person has to work in a certain activity, and it varies from one person to another.
The determination of intensity defends on some individual factors such as exercise experience,
relative level of fitness and needs of fitness. The intensity level target may be determined by
computing the target heart rate (THR) range based on the results of an exercise stress test
considering the resting and exercise heart rate, with 60% to 80% intensity level. (Karvonen’s
The type of activity is determined by following the principle of progression and
specificity. To attain a higher level of fitness, select the type of physical activity that
challenges the body to accept an increase of work and that answers your need

Time is the duration or the length of session of a physical activity. It is inversely
related to intensity for the more intense a work is done, the shorter time it is performed.

Here are some examples of physical activity and exercises that you may integrate in your
own fitness plan. Remember that the intensity of exercise as well as the type of activity to be
done will vary for each person as it is based on the fitness level results during self-testing.

Aerobic Exercises to improve Cardiovascular Endurance

⮚ Walking
⮚ Jogging
⮚ Cycling/biking
⮚ Hiking
⮚ Skating
⮚ Rollerblading
⮚ Step aerobics
⮚ Cardio machines e.g. treadmill
⮚ Sports e.g. football, basketball, volleyball
Moderate-intensity Vigorous-intensity
Physical Activity Physical activity
(Approximately 3-6 METs (Approximately >6 METs)
Requires a moderate amount of effort and Requires a large amount of effort and causes
noticeably accelerates the heart rate. rapid breathing and a substantial increase in
heart rate.
Examples of moderate-intensity exercise Examples of vigorous-intensity exercise
include: include
⮚ Brisk walking ⮚ Running
⮚ Dancing ⮚ Walking/climbing briskly up hill
⮚ Gardening ⮚ Fast cycling
⮚ Housework and domestic chores ⮚ Aerobics
⮚ Traditional hunting and gathering ⮚ Fast Swimming
⮚ Active involvement in games and ⮚ Competitive sports and games (e.g
sports with children/walking Traditional Games, Football,
domestic animals Volleyball, Hockey, Basketball
⮚ General building tasks (e.g. roofing. ⮚ Heavy shoveling or digging ditches
thatching, painting
⮚ Carrying/moving moderate loads ⮚ Carrying/moving heavy loads
(<20kg) (>20kg)
“MET” is another name for metabolic equivalent, a measure of exercise intensity based on
oxygen consumption. More specifically, a single MET is defined as the amount of oxygen a
person consumes (or the energy expended) per unit of body weight during 1 minute of rest. It
is equal to about 3.5 milliliters (ml) of oxygen consumption per kilogram (kg) of body weight
per minute, or 1 kilocalorie (kcal) per kg of body weight per hour.

Activity 1: My Target Heart Rate

Directions: Compute your Target Heart Rate Range in 4 steps. Fill in the blanks below.

1. Get the Maximum Heart Rate.

MHR = 220 - ________
(your age)
2. Determine the Heart Rate Reserve.
HHR = MHR - ________________
(Resting Heart Rate)
(*Please refer to self-testing activities)
HHR = - _________________

3. Take 60% and 80% of the HHR

a. 60% x HRR = ____________
b. 80% x HRR = _____________

4. Add each HRR to Resting Heart Rate (RHR) to obtain to the Target Heart Rate (THR)
a. 60% HRR ____ = ______ = ________ beats per minute
b. 80% HRR ____ + ______ = ________ beats per minute
Therefore, your target heart rate range is ______ to _____ beats per minute.
(4.a) (4.b)

(When performing physical activities, your heart rate is within the normal range therefore
you have to select moderate – vigorous activities that will make you heart pump within the
THR range).

Activity 2:
Directions: Identify what HRF component these physical activities belong to. Choose your
answer from the word pool and write your answers on the table provided for.
Cardiovascular Fitness Flexibility Muscular Strength &

Walking Jogging Lunges

Dynamic stretching Swimming Yoga

Stretching Squats Sit-ups

Body Weight Exercise Brisk Walking Plank

Activity 3: How Intense Are you?

Directions: Perform one activity at a time and supply the information by filling-up the table

Describe the activity Walking around for 5 Brisk walking for 4 3-minute jump jacks
based on the minutes minutes

How are you felling

How is your breathing

How is your sweat

How is your talking


1. Which among the three (walking around, brisk walking, 3 minute jump jacks) is

a. Light activity:


b. Moderate activity:


c. Vigorous activity:


Activity 4A: My Fitness Plan

A. Determine your weakest component and strongest component. Refer to your results
obtained during the self-testing activities. Rank them by writing 1-4, where 1 is the
weakest and thus, should be given top priority in making your fitness plan.

__________________ Cardiovascular endurance (3-min step test.

__________________Muscular strength and endurance of arm (push-up/flexed)

__________________Muscular strength and endurance of abdominal (curl-up)

__________________Flexibility of the hamstring muscles (hamstring& hip flexor test)

__________________Flexibility of the shoulder muscles and joints (zipper test)

B. Following the fitness plan design shown below, select activities guided by the
Principles of exercise and FITT goals.

FITT Goals Frequency Intensity Type Time

Form of exercise, (Total fitness

Parts of the (Indicate days of Light Moderate selected physical plan
Fitness Plan the week) Vigorous activities not less than 60

Warm – up

Prioritize the
Work-out weakest
component based
on data in Activity

a. _________

b. ________

c. ________

d. ________
Activity 5: My Daily Fitness Record!
Directions: Fill in your data.

Schedule Resting Heart Exercise Heart Recovery Heart Remarks

Week 1 Rate Rate Rate

Day 1 _________

Day 2 _________

Day 3 _________

Day 4 _________

Day 5 _________

Anspaugh, David J. Wellness; Concepts and Applications (1997) USA, Mc-Graw-Hill
Google References:,,20629237_6,00.html

Prepared by:

Activity 5 Activity 4-A Reflection:
Answer may vary Answer may vary Answer may vary
Activity 4-B
Answer may vary
Activity 2
Cardiovascular Flexibility Muscular & Endurance
Activity 3 Walking Dynamic stretching Body Weight exercise Activity 1
Answer may Jogging Planks Sit-ups
Swimming Lunges Squats Answer may
vary vary
Brisk walking Yoga Stretching
Teacher II
HOPE (2 nd
Learning Activity Sheets
Quarter 2: Week 3
(Individual and Dual Sports)
Sets FITT goals based on training principles to
achieve and/or maintain HRF. (PEH11FH-lli-j-7)
Individual and Dual Sports
Name: _________________________________ Q2 – W3 ______________
Section: _________________________________ Date : ____________________

Brief Background for Learners:

Sports are activities that require physical actions and skills performed under a set of
rules. Sports includes all forms of competitive activity or games which, through casual or
organized participation, at least in part aim to use, maintain or improve physical ability and
skills while providing enjoyment to participants, and in some cases, entertainment for
spectators. A sports also includes different physical activity or skills with a recreational purpose
for competition, for self-enjoyment, to attain excellence, for the development of skills, or some
combination of these. The different of purpose is what characterizes sports, combined with the
notion of individual (team) skill or prowess.
Individual/Dual sports provides benefits that team sports do not. Aside from
providing development in tennis of motor skills, agility, hand-eye coordination and endurance,
individual/dual sports combine physical fitness and mental development. Unlike with team
sports, a player’s success or failure in individual sports is totally dependent on his own ability.
Individual sports athletes are completely responsible for every play and cannot rely on the help
of other teammates, this build coping skills and resilience while developing self-esteem and

Learning Competency with code:

Sets FITT goals based on training principles to achieve and/or maintain HRF.

Where to start: Fitness Principles:

To maintain and develop the fitness level of an individual, select the correct
exercise or activities that is suited to the person. Individual is very important in
selecting the right one for is/ her own body. Here are the fitness principles that we need
to consider.


FITT is an acronym that will help you plan your workout or exercise. The better result of
improvement depends on how frequent we exercise and how high the intensity. Is it for a long
period of time? Or what kinds of exercise we are engaged into F.I.T.T. stands for.

Frequency : This asks how often do you exercise? This exercise is very important if you want
to achieve your objective of being physically fit. Example: once a week, twice a week, trice a
Intensity: The intensity is the level of work you giving or how hard is your workout. It is
important to do more than the usual exercise to improve the level of fitness.

Time: Time is the duration of the exercise per session. It’s the period time we spent in one
exercise, most of the routines are done in repetitions sessions and in sets. Example:30 minutes
a day, 1 hr a day

TYPE: It is the kind of exercise you are engaged into, Plan ahead and plan for a week.
“Trough” planning you can carefully pick on the workouts that body need. For example
aerobics, cycling, using weight machines and others.

People also ask

Why do we need to do warm up before playing the game?
The warm-up should gently prepare the body for exercises by gradually increasing the heart
rate and circulation; this will loosen the joints and increase blood flow to the muscles.
Stretching the muscles prepares them for physical activity and prevents injuries.
It's important to consider a few things before you start an exercise routine.

1. Check Your Health. It's important to consult your doctor and get a physical medical
examination before starting an exercise routine.
2. Make a Plan and Set Realistic Goals.
3. Make It a Habit.
Is it good to workout before a game?
A study suggests that performing a low-volume explosive workout a day or two before a
game could enhance your explosive muscle performance on the court. Entire annual plans are
made to build muscle, get stronger, and finally transition these traits into minor changes in
explosive ability.
Activity 1A. Health-Related Fitness
Based from the previous lesson, do the following activity below. (30 seconds)

Health-Related Fitness Test Score Analysis

3 mins. Step test
Basic Plank
Flex Arm
Activity 1B.
Answer the following questions below based from the result of your self-assessment card.
1. What is your stronger HRF Component?

2. What is your weakest HRF Component?
3. Why is Health related fitness test important in designing exercise program?

Activity 2: Make a list and give a short description pf exercises you can do during

Type of Activity Short Description

Activity 2: Perform the Seven Sports Endurance and Agility Workout

The purpose of the this activity is to help gain an understanding of what happens to
your heart rate when you perform activities to develop the seven sports endurance and agility
workout. Perform each activity as fast and as many times as you can for 16 seconds. Use your
heart rate monitor, and record heart rate before and immediately after the activity. Between
each exercise, walk slowly and allow your heart rate to go below 125 if possible.

Activity Time Heart Rate Before Heart Rate After

Lateral Hops
Squat Jumps
Ventral Hops
Lateral Jumps
Jumping Lunges
Agility Dots
Maintain Climbers

Direction: Think of all the activities that you do for the whole day. List it all in the
table below and tell weather it is healthy or not by putting the corresponding ( / ) check
on the providing table beside the activity. An example is provided.
Example: playing mobile legend /

Activity 4
Nowadays students are addicted to the gadgets mostly they spent more time online
games, social media, and rather than involving their self in different physical
activities or exercises. This activity will surely help them engage in different exercise
or physical activity.Do the following activities per day/60 seconds each activity. Write
your score and time reach on the blank.
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
High knee in High knee in High knee in High knee in High knee in
place _____/ place ____ / place _ place _____/ place _____/
____ mins ____mins ___/ _____mins ____mins ____mins
Walk in place Walk in place Walk in place Walk in place
____/ ____mins. _____/ ____mins ____/ ____mins ____/
Jog in place Jog in place ____mins
_____/ ____mins ____/ ____mins Jog in place
Jumping rope ____/
____/ ____mins ____mins
Jumping rope
Kick boxing

RUBRICS 5 4 3 2 1
Perform the activity in an exact time
Perform the activity in a half time
Perform the activity in a less than a
minute requirement
Why do athletes or athletic individuals need skill-related fitness?

If you have a strong or healthy skill-related fitness, what will be the benefits that
you can have? Explain.

Physical Education and Health by Mary Grace T. Andriano/ Maglyn M. Manrique
Answers key:
Answers may vary

Prepared by:
Teacher II
Name of Writer

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