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Indiana Wesleyan University

Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template

Social Studies--2018
Student Name: Corinne Walker
IWU Supervisor: Dr. Karr
Grade Level: 2nd Grade

This lesson will help students in problem solving how to reduce waste and recycle renewable resources.
I CAN STATEMENT: I can help my environment by reducing, reusing, and recycling.

A. Goal:
- After the lesson, students will be able to name ways they can reduce, reuse, and recycle.
B. Objective:
- During this lesson students will brainstorm solutions to reduce waste and recycle recourses.
C. Standards:
- Env.2.7 Differentiate between renewable and nonrenewable resources and compare and contrast
the pros and cons of using nonrenewable resources.
II. Management Plan
a. Materials:
o Anticipatory set: Paper, water, water bins, window screens, plastic plates, towels, and
o Lesson: a plastic water bottle, a reusable water bottle, a cloth mask, a disposable mask, a
paper towel, and a washrag
o Group Activity: trash bins, recycling bins, ball pit balls, tan tape, and sharpies
o Individual Activity: Construction paper, sharpies, scissors, glue sticks, tape, and stickers
o Closure: Tape

b. Time: 25-45 minutes

o Anticipatory set: 7 minutes
o Lesson: 10 minutes
o Group Activity: 10 minutes
o Individual Activity: 13 minutes
o Closure: 5 minutes

c. Space:
o Anticipatory set: There needs to be a table on each corner of the room, desk spaces will
also be utilized
o Lesson: Space in the front of the room will be utilized, the students will be at their desks
o Group Activity: If the weather is nice, the activity will be moved outside. If that is not an
option, the desks will be moved back to the walls and the space in the middle of the
classroom will be utilized.
o Individual Activity: The students will be at their desks
o Closure: We will use the hallway and then the carpet space for discussion

d. Behavior:
o Anticipatory set: The students will be expected to follow directions and carefully use the
water and paper mixture.
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
o Lesson: The students will be expected to have group discussion and listen when the teacher
is talking.
o Group Activity: The students will follow directions on how to do the group activity and
only throw the balls into the containers. They should not be throwing the balls at each
o Individual Activity: The students will be expected to be creative and try their best on their
o Closure: The students will be expected to participate in hanging the posters in the hallway
and listening to the teacher when they are speaking.
III. Adaptation to Individual Differences and Diverse Learners--
ELL: The students will be in pairs whenever there are reading portions of the lesson.
Early finishers: Students can make another piece of recycled paper over at the water bins.
Learning Supports for cognitive disabilities: Students will be given assistance where needed such as when
making the paper for the anticipatory set.


IV. Anticipatory Set
- There will be four or five bins full of water with paper scraps in them, on each side of the classroom.
The students will be assigned a bin to go participate in.
- The teacher will head to one of the bins to demonstrate how to complete the activity.

“We are going to use water to make paper! Look up here while I show you how you can do it. In the
water, there is already paper that has been soaking. The water makes the paper softer so that we can
form it into whatever shape we need. You will take this object, which looks like a window screen and you
will dip it into the water. The paper should pill up onto the screen, like this! Next, you are going to put a
towel over the piece of paper and a sponge and press the paper, ringing all of the water out. Then you
will flip it over onto a plastic plate and leave it to dry!”

- Allow the students around 10-15 minutes to complete this activity. The students might have to share

“When we made the paper, we just did something significant to help our planet. We just reused scrap
materials to make new paper. When we reuse resources such as paper, we are finding another use for it
instead of putting it in the trash. When we throw materials in the trash, it is put into other piles of trash called
‘landfills.’ Not everything can be reused, but when we can cut down on our waist, it makes a big difference in
keeping our environment healthy. Say this with me, ‘I can help my environment by reducing, reusing, and

VI.Lesson Presentation (Input/Output) Supporting Question/ Explicit Teaching

- The teacher will have a variety of different objects such as:
o Plastic water bottle and a reusable metal water bottle
o A disposable mask and a cloth mask
o A washrag and paper towel
- The students will begin the lesson at their desk
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
“I have a lot of items up here with me. Let’s start with talking about the two water bottles I brought.
What is the difference between these two water bottles? Take a moment and talk to your neighbor
about what you think might be different.”
- Allow students to answer the question

“My metal water bottle is one that I keep and can refill the water whenever I want to. The plastic water
bottle is most likely only going to be used by me once and then thrown away. What is a better option to
help us, if we have to drink from a plastic water bottle? Talk to your neighbor and come up with some
- Allow students to talk to their neighbor and then respond as a class

“One way we can help the environment if we have to use a plastic water bottle is by putting the water
bottle in the recycling bin instead of the trash bin. Plastic is an example of a reenable resource. When
we are done drinking all of the water from the bottle, we can place it into the recycling bin to be reused
for something else. This helps our planet to be a better place and keep it healthy.

- The teacher and the students will then discuss the rest of the items that are in the front of the room.
- The students will then watch a video that displays the different materials that are safe to recycle.
“Now that we have a better understanding of what we can and can’t recycle, let’s practice putting the
resources into the correct bins.”

Group Activity:

- Students will be put into groups of two. Each group will have a trash bin and a recycling bin. If the
weather is nice, this activity can be moved outside.
- The teacher will have plastic balls (ball pit type) with names of different materials (glass, plastic,
cardboard). The students will toss the ball and get it into the correct bin that the resource would go

“Now that you have your partners, each group will get a trash bin, a recycling bin, and 15 balls that
have the names of different resources on them. If the resource that is written on the ball is a reenable
resource, I want you to try to through it into the recycling bin. If the resource is not reenable, try to toss
it into the trash bin.”

- After about 10 minutes of the students deciding where to put the resources, have them come back
inside/back to their seats for group discussion
“What did you notice about the resources that you put into the different bins?”
“There were more items that we’re able to be put into the recycling bin than the trash bin, right? We can
recycle a lot of resources! Was there a lot more resources that could be reused than you thought?”

Individual Activity:

- The students will create posters that will be placed outside of the classroom on the wall for students
in other classrooms to see. The posters will say “I recycle because…” and the rest of it will be up to
- Students will receive markers, construction paper, tape, and scissors
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
“Now that we know how to recycle, we are going to make posters to help other students learn about it
too. Each person will get a piece of construction paper that says ‘I recycle because…” On this poster I
want you to give a good reason to recycle. Then, I want you to be creative and decorate your poster to
make it stand out. If other students are walking down the hall, we want them to notice our posters about
recycling. After you are done making the poster, I’ll give you some tape and we will decide together
where to hang it up!”

VII. Check for understanding.

- As the students are tossing the balls into the different bins, the teacher will walk around paying
attention to which bin the student’s put them in. This will give the teacher a better understanding of
how the students are doing with the materials and if they need extra explanation.
- The teacher will also be looking at the posters that the students are making to determine what they
have learned.
- If the students need further explanation, the teacher will show more examples of renewable
resources and ways we can recycle them. After, the teacher will have a student-led discussion on why
it is important to recycle.

VIII. Review learning outcomes / Closure –

- The students will all get a long piece of tape that they can cut and put on the back of their posters.
- The students will hang their posters outside of the classroom for other students to see as they walk
“Everyone had really good posters! What were some of the things you put on your posters?”

- Allow time for discussion

“I learned that we can reduce, reuse, and recycle a lot of things! When we do these three things, we are
helping our planet be cleaner. What would happen if we just threw everything we used away?”

- Response

“By reducing, reusing, and recycling, we are not only helping ourselves, but we are helping our planet
and the animals that live here too. If we threw everything away after we used it the first time, we would
have a lot of trash in the landfills. We would also be losing some of the resources that we need. It’s
important for us to try our best to follow some of these steps to make the Earth a cleaner place.”


- Summative: The students will be sent home two different worksheets, scissors, and glue sticks. One of
the worksheets will be blank and have boxes. The other worksheet will have pictures of renewable
and nonrenewable resources. The students will cut out the resources from the one worksheet and
glue them onto the appropriate boxes on the other paper. The boxes will say “renewable and
- Formative: The teacher will ask questions about the content frequently throughout the lesson to get a
better understanding of how the students are doing.


1. How many students achieved the lesson objective(s)? For those who did not, why not?
2. What were my strengths and weaknesses?
3. How should I alter this lesson?
4. How would I pace it differently?
5. Were all students actively participating? If not, why not?
6. What adjustments did I make to reach varied learning styles and ability levels?
7. Were the students engaged in the lesson?
8. Did the lesson have appropriate management implemented?
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
9. Did the lesson make sense to the students?
10. Were all of the activities developmentally appropriate?

Worksheet #1:

Renewable: Nonrenewable:
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018

Worksheet #2:
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018

IWU Supervisor:
Grade Level:
Compelling Question:
Expectation: If any of the non-negotiable expectations are not met the lesson plan is returned unscored for
correction and resubmission. It will result in an automatic reduction of one letter grade.
Non-negotiable Expectations Element Met Not Met

Student uses the provided Template

template for Social Studies
Document is submitted as an Document
MSWord document for the Format
purpose of track changes.

Student includes all of the Headings

information in the template
heading along with the same
on the rubric page.

Rubric pages are submitted Rubric Pages

with the lesson plan

PowerPoints, worksheets, Lesson Plan

video links, web links, Resources
recording sheets, games, and
/or anchor charts are
included with submission of
the lesson plan.

Lesson plan includes dialogue Scripting

to be used in the lesson. Use
italics and line spacing for
easy reading.

Includes complete Indiana Standards: IAS

ac-ademic standards

Includes complete ISTE

Standard for
standard for students.
Students: ISTE
Includes NCSS standard from
Standards: NCSS
10 Thematic Strands list.

Includes a compelling Compelling

question and I can Question
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
I can statement
Rationale Statement of rationale for the
learning experience and
environment in this lesson.

Goals are broader statements

Goals that should encompass many

Each objective should include

the following: Conditions;
Objectives Desired learning; Observable
behavior; and Accuracy (as

Management A. Materials:
Plan B. Time:
C. Space:
D. Behavior:
E. Technology: (as
Anticipatory Set The anticipatory set is clear and
direct and focuses students’
attention on the lesson.

Purpose The statement of purpose is clearly

connected to the content of the
lesson and is presented in terms that
are easily understood by students.

Plan For Instruction

Adaptation to Instructional opportunities are
Individual provided in this lesson. The
Differences and opportunities are developmentally
Diverse Learners appropriate and/or are adapted to
diverse students.

Early Finishers
Exceptional Needs-
Lesson Demonstrate understandings,
Presentation for capabilities & practices associated
Social Studies w/ the central concepts & tools in
Civics, Econ, Geo, and /or History
w/in a framework of inquiry
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
Lesson The candidate’s lesson
Presentation demonstrates an understanding of
developmentally appropriate

The candidate’s lesson includes

both modeling and guided practice.

The lesson presentation includes

relevant activities that encourage
student participation and critical

Check for The lesson plan includes a plan and

Understanding the means to check for student
understanding of the lesson. A
[CU] provision is included to reteach all or
part of the lesson to all or part of the

Review Learning Lesson closure relates directly to the

Outcomes and/ lesson purpose and/or objective.
or Closure

Plan for Assessment

Formal and A plan for formal and informal
Informal assessment [focus on formative]
Assessment throughout the lesson is included.
The assessment strategies are
uniquely designed for the students.

Reflection and The lesson plan includes all required

Post-Lesson self-answer questions.

A lesson plan with elements that do to meet A competent lesson plan earns a An outstanding lesson plan
the competent level will receive a score of score of 34-37/40. earns a score of 38/40-40/40
33 /40 or lower

Additional Comments:
Indiana Wesleyan University
Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template
Social Studies--2018
40 RATING Points
Points Equivalent

100 - 96 Approved.
A/A- Outstanding 40-38 Print a copy of lesson for your university supervisor.
95 - 94
B+ Above Average/ Competent 93 - 90 37-36 Approved. Read Feedback, make necessary revisions
to document and then send to your university
89 - 87
B/B- Competent 35-34 supervisor and cooperating teacher. Not necessary
86 - 84 to resubmit to professor.
C+ Average/ Developing 83 - 81 33 Not Approved. Revise and Resubmit.
C Emergent/ Developing 80 - 78 32
C- Emergent 77 - 75 31-30
D Needs Improvement 74 - 66 29-27 Not Approved. Meet with Professor. Revise and
F 65 - 00 26 and Below Resubmit.

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