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Positioning patient in side-lying position in the early postoperative phase should avoid stress
and pressure on the operative site. Side lying positions are ideal from a comfort perspective. A
high Fowler's or supine position will place pressure on the operative site and is not
recommended. There is no need for Trendelenburg's position.

6. A priority goal of care during an acute exacerbation of Crohn's disease is to promote

bowel rest. This is accomplished through decreasing activity, encouraging rest, and
initially placing client on nothing-by-mouth status while maintaining nutritional needs
parenterally. Regular ambulation is important, but the priority is bowel rest. The client
will probably lose some weight during the acute phase of the illness. Diarrhea is
nonbloody in Crohn's disease, and episodes of rectal bleeding are not expected.


After inguinal herniorrhaphy, an ice bag to the scrotum will help decrease pain and edema. The
client is encouraged to turn and deep-breathe, but coughing is not encouraged, to decrease
straining on the surgical area. A truss is not needed for support after surgery. While resting, the
client may be most comfortable in a semi-Fowler's position, but there is no need to maintain a
high Fowler's position.

8. The hypothalamus is the master switchboard. It's the part of the brain that controls the endocrine
system. That pea-sized structure hanging below it is the pituitary gland. It's called the master gland
because it regulates the activity of the glands.

The hypothalamus sends either hormonal or electrical messages to the pituitary gland. In turn, it
releases hormones that carry signals to other glands.

The system maintains its own balance. When the hypothalamus detects the rising level of hormones
from a target organ, It sends a message to the pituitary to stop releasing certain hormones. When
the pituitary stops, it causes the target organ to stop producing its hormones.

The constant adjustment of hormone levels lets the body function normally.

This process is called homeostasis.

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