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Various Methods and Techniques of Teaching adapted by Holy Prophet (PBUH)

1. Teaching method of Holy Prophet (PBUH) was inclusive in nature and He never differentiated b/w his

In classrooms all over the world, it is a common practice for teachers to separate the strong students from
the weak. The latter of which are delegated to less challenging classes that do nothing to nurture the
mind, while the “smarter” students are given every opportunity to excel. Prophet Muhammad pbuh made
no distinction between students based on intelligence level, or any other classification that separates us
in society. This is evident from the fact that when on one hand Hazrat Abu Bakar (r.a), Hazrat Umar (r.a),
Hazrat Usman (r.a) and Hazrat Ali (r.a) were considered the faithful companions of the Prophet (s.a.w)
then, on the other hand, Hazrat Bilal Habshi (r.a), Hazrat Sohaib Rumi (r.a) and Hazrat Salman Farsi (r.a)
were also some of the closest companions of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) to the extent that even
Khulafa-e-Rashidun used to call Hazrat Bilal (r.a) as “Syed (master)”.

2. Holy Prophet used to first present himself as a role model and would then instruct his students to
follow a particular command:

Perhaps one of the greatest qualities that made Prophet Muhammad such a phenomenal teacher is that
he led by example. He used to first present himself as a role model and would then instruct his companions
to follow a particular commandment of Allah. Once a man came up to the Holy Prophet Muhammad
(s.a.w) asking about the method of ablution, the Holy prophet repeatedly performed it three times (Ibne

This is just one hadith of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) in which he is teaching his companion by
practicing in front of him, there were numerous occasions where he did the same. The Holy Quran makes
it clear by saying,” There has been certainly for you in the messenger of Allah an excellent pattern” (Surah

3. He also used to explain certain topics with the use of suitable examples:

One of the best methods of education is giving examples, as stories and examples more stick in the mind.
Man can look at the face of the truth through these examples and stories and can perceive it more easily.
The information given in the form of a story becomes more significant in the mind, and is remembered
for much longer. For this purpose, the Prophet (PBUH) highlighted the significance of the prayer with such
a metaphor:

“What would you say if there were a river in front of a man’s house and he bathed in it five times a day,
would he remain dirty?” Those who were there replied, “No, no dirt would remain on that man”. Upon
this the Prophet (PBUH) said, “This is how it is with the five daily prayers. Allah (SWT) cleans sins by means
of them.” (Bukhari)

4. He never burdened his students and used gradual and systematic approach of teaching:

One of the important teaching methods used by the Prophet s.a.w is to observe gradual approach when
teaching or advising. This means that the Prophet was mindful of the circumstances of his companions. A
gradual and systematic approach would help the student to absorb and understand better before moving
on the next part of the lesson. A heavy input might break the person or worse, create more confusion.
A companion, Jundab ibn Abdullah r.a said

We were with Rasulullah s.a.w – (at the time). We learnt what was Iman (faith) before we could learn the
Quran. Thereafter, we learnt the Quran. In this way, we increased our Iman.”

5. Use of drawings and figures is good way to ensure that teachings would remain in student’s mind and
Holy Prophet PBUH surely knew that:

Another way of providing information which will stay permanently in the mind of the learners is to make
use of drawings and figures. The right lobe of brain records drawings straight into the photographic
memory and it does not forget them for a long time. For that reason, teachers making use of drawings
and visual methods encourages the subject matter to be understood well. The Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH) explained the ways of Allah and Satan by drawing shapes on the ground while sitting together
with Jabir (r.a). Jabir (r.a) told the story as follows: When I was sitting together with the Prophet, he drew
a line in front of him and said, “This is it; this is the path of Allah (SWT)”. Then he drew two lines to the
right of this line and two lines to the left of the same line and said, “And these are the paths of the Satan”.
Then he put his hand over the line in the middle and recited the following verse: “This is my straight path,
so follow it.

6. Holy Prophet PBUH was such a Perfect speaker that his students could never missed his words:

The Allah Almighty has granted the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) with perfect speaking skills to convey
his message to the human beings. The perfection of Prophet Muhammad’s speech was intentional as a
means to really drive the message home to each one of his students. He never rushed his lessons. Such
was the tone of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) that his beloved wife Hazrat Ayesha (r.a) says,” The Holy
Prophet (s.a.w) used to speak in a way that if one had to count his words, he could do it” (Bukhari).

7. He often repeat his words so the information is strengthened in mind of his students:

Underlining and repeating the important points during teaching is an important teaching method for
making the subject matter remain in the mind. The learner feels that what is repeated is important.
Through repetition the information is transferred from the short term memory to the long term memory.
For this reason, when the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) introduced new information to his companions,
he often used to repeat it three times and in that way he tried to get the important points to stick in the
mind. Anas (r.a) said: “When the Messenger of Allah said a sentence he used to repeat it up to three times
making sure that it was understood.” (Hakim)

8. To develop a desire to seek answers in his students, Prophet PBUH encourage them to engage in
dialogue and mutual questioning:

The Prophet s.a.w also encouraged the companions to engage in discussions. By questioning his
companions, the Prophet s.a.w managed to further capture their attention and develop in them a sense
of desire to seek for answers. As a result, this stimulated their minds into a thinking process. At the point
where they are unable to follow up with an answer or a response, the Prophet s.a.w would provide clarity
and explain. This eventually led to a more lasting impact to the companions.
9. Sometimes He asked his students to answer some questions in order to increase his confidence and

This is another important aspect of the Prophet’s method in teaching. He did not only teach merely for
the sake of reaching out. Instead, he also ensured that the Companions were empowered with confidence
and resilience. Placing trust and responsibility to someone who is developing will help instill a positive
moral upliftment in them.

Two disputants came to the Prophet s.a.w, so he said to ‘Amr ibn Al-‘As: “You pass judgement on these
two”. ‘Amr said: “(Can I pass judgement) while you are present here O Prophet of Allah?” He replied:
“Yes”. He (‘Amr Ibn Al-‘As) said: “On what basis should I pass judgement?” The Prophet s.a.w said: “If you
endeavour and you are correct (in your judgement), you will be rewarded ten-fold, and if you endeavour
and are wrong (in your judgement), you will receive one reward." (Musnad Imam Ahmad)

10. Holy Prophet PBUH asked his students to learn by writing in order to engrave the lessons in mind:

Learning by writing is one of the best ways of education. While writing the attention is focused on the
subject and you have a text if you want to remember the topic in a detailed way. Writing once is equal to
reading ten times. By writing, we engrave the topic both on the paper and in our minds and hearts. The
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said as follows regarding this issue: “Bind knowledge by writing.”
Furthermore, emancipation of the prisoners of the war in return for teaching literacy to people shows the
significance that he attached to reading and writing. (Abu Dawood).

11. Miscellaneous Techniques of Teaching Adapted by Holy Prophet (PBUH):

1. Brainstorming: Brainstorming used by the Prophet when asked his followers: (What are the trees
whose leaves never falls, that looks like the Muslim? Tell me about it? Here the Prophet does not specify
a particular person to get the answer from which may have the impression of embarrassing.

2. Use of Metaphors: The Prophet gave preliminary and great importance to the metaphor for being an
effective and influential role in the process of teaching and development of moral and social values. The
Prophet (S.A.W) hired hitting proverbs to illustrate his sermons to the people; which has a rhetorical
persuasive power. For example, ‘The parable of the believers in their affection, mercy, and compassion
for each other is that of a body. When any limb aches, the whole body reacts with sleeplessness and fever’.

3. Pondering: He (S.A.W) used to polish the probing faculties of his followers by engaging them in
metaphysical subjects. He (S.A.W) says “Pondering for a moment is better than divine service for whole

4. Competition: Competition spirit among learners raises best learning and practicing. The Prophet
encouraged his followers in competition, as an example when he said: (If people know what excellence
reward is there in Azan and first row of prayer, they'll conduct voting on them.)

5. Mental Persuasion: The Prophet fostered mental persuasion development, which are the key of
scientific discoveries' growth of the human mind. An example of utilizing mental persuasion, when a man
came to the Prophet and said:( O Messenger of Allah, my boy was born black(suspect in his wife), the
Prophet said: Do you have camels? Man said: Yes, Prophet said, what colors? He said: Reds, said: Is one
of them grey? Man said: Yes, Prophet said: How so? Man said: mutation, Prophet Said: Perhaps your son
is mutation). (Sahih Muslim)

(6) Conclusion:
There has certainly been for you in the Messenger of Allah an excellent pattern.” (Al-Ahzab)
The life of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) provide complete guidance in all walks of life; be it family
life, be it dealing with his companions or be it ruling a state but his role as an educator is the most glaring
of all. Though He, himself did not get any kind of education from any institution in the world, yet the
teaching methods and techniques introduced by him has no comparison in history. The steps taken by
him to impart knowledge turned the illiterate and ruthless tribes of Arab into most well-mannered and
powerful nation of a time. But unfortunately not only Arabs but whole Muslim Ummah is lagging far
behind other nations in terms of education. For example, in Pakistan, literacy rate is hardly 60% whereas
in Western countries, it is more than 95%. As a model in human relationships, the methods that the
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) used in spreading his cause and mission will prove to be effective if we can
apply them successfully in our own educational activities.

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