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NIM : P01031120070



1. Tuliskan b.inggris dari demam berdarah

a) apakah jenis makanan yang dpt meningkatkan trombosit darah, 5 macam
b) bagimana syarat diet bagi penderita demam berdarah, min 3
c) apa penyebab demam berdarah

2. Anda sebagai calon ahli gizi. tuliskan perbedaan dari istilah dibawah ini dalam bahasa inggris
a) nutrition
b) nutrients
c) nutritionist
d) dietician

3. Tuliskan apa pengertian diabetes melitus sebutkan gejala dan syarat dietnya

4. Tuliskan translate b.indonesia ke inggris

a) kebutuhan yg di anjurkan
b) peningkatan tekanan darah
c) asupan zat gizi yang di anjurkan
d) sesak nafas
e) nyeri sendi
f) oral administration
g) Prevent tooth decay
h) Patient education
i) Prevent foods
j) Emotional satisfaction

5. Write some reason why women this continues lactation

1. About
a) Demam berdarah = dengue fever

b) types of foods that can increase platelets

 Foods Containing Vitamin B12
 Foods Containing Folate
 Foods Containing Iron
 Foods Containing Vitamin C
 Foods Containing Vitamin K
 Papaya leaf

c) Get plenty of fluids

Every dengue patient will be advised to increase fluids for the first time. Drinking enough
water is important to flush toxins from the body. Liquids can not only be obtained from
plain water but also sugar cane juice, electrolyte water such as coconut water, fresh
lemon or orange juice, or other juices.

Protein-rich foods
Dairy products such as eggs, chicken, fish are the recommended foods for DHF patients
to fight the dengue virus. A high-protein diet can be given after the fever has subsided
slowly, as protein helps to recover quickly and helps to regain lost important nutrients.

Tea with ginger

This is another traditional treatment option in addition to medicine. Tea with ginger is
one of the effective foods for dengue fever patients because ginger has anti- infective

d) Dengue hemorrhagic fever is an infection caused by the dengue virus. The dengue virus
is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. Dengue hemorrhagic fever can make
sufferers experience severe pain as if their bones are broken. In some patients, dengue
hemorrhagic fever can become a very life-threatening disease

2. About
a) nutrition
nutrition is process ofof food consumed through the process of digestion, absorption,
transportation, storage, metabolism and removal of nutrients to maintain. life, growth and
normal function of body organs and to generateenergy

b) Nutrients
nutrients are chemical bonds that the body needs to produce energy, build and maintain
tissues, and regulate life processes

c) nutritionist
nutritionist is a profession in the health sector whose job is to strive for the maintenance
and improvement of public nutrition and the knowledge that studies everything about
eating in relation to optimal health.
d) Dietician
Dietician is a nutritionist who already has an RD (Registered Dietitian) equivalent. This
profession is the only one who can diagnose, assess, and provide information related to
diet, nutrition, to health to individuals or the community

3. Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) is a metabolic disease caused by increased levels of glucose or

blood sugar. Blood sugar is vital for health because it is an important source of energy for
cells and tissues.

Gejala dari diabetes mellitus

 Often feel thirsty.
 Urinating frequently, especially at night.
 Often feels very hungry.
 Loss of weight for no apparent reason.
 Reduced muscle mass.
 There are ketones in the urine. Ketones are a waste product from the breakdown of
muscle and fat because the body cannot use sugar as an energy source.
 Limp.
 Blurred vision.
 Wounds that are difficult to heal.
 Frequent infections, for example in the gums, skin, vagina, or urinary tract.

Syarat diet bagi penderita diabetes mellitus

Enough energy, energy requirements are determined by taking into account the need for
basal 25-30 kcal / kg normal body weight, plus the need for physical activity and special
circumstances (pregnancy, lactation, complications). The distribution of food into 3 large
portions, namely breakfast (20%), lunch (30%), and afternoon (25%) and 2-3 small
portions (10-15% each).
Protein, normal is 10-15% of total energy needs.
Fat, medium that is 20-25%.
Carbohydrates, the remainder of the total energy requirement is 60-70%.
The use of refined sugar in food drinks is not allowed unless it is a small amount as a
seasoning. When glucose levels are under control, it is permissible to consume refined
sugar up to 5% of total energy needs.
Use of alternative sugars in limited quantities.
The recommended fiber intake is 25 g / day by prioritizing soluble fiber found in
vegetables and fruits.
DM patients with normal blood pressure are allowed to consume sodium in the form of
table salt, which is 3000 mg / day. If you have hypertension, you should reduce salt
Enough vitamins and minerals.

4. About
a) kebutuhan yg di anjurkan = recommended needs
b) peningkatan tekanan darah = increased blood pressure
c) asupan zat gizi yang di anjurkan = recommended nutritional intake
d) sesak nafas = shortness of breath
e) nyeri sendi = joint pain
f) oral administration = administrasi oral
g) Prevent tooth decay = Mencegah kerusakan gigi
h) Patient education = Pendidikan pasien
i) Prevent foods = Mencegah makanan
j) Emotional satisfaction = Kepuasan emosional
5. some reason why women this continues lactation
a) pain while breastfeeding
b) low milk volume
c) back to work
d) worried about damaged breast form
e) lack of support from the environment
f) lose beauty
g) the presence of formula milk
h) personal decision
i) follow trends
j) aging skin

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