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Our society need people with a good heart and good principles in life. However,
because of our desires as human beings we are deceived, which may drive us to be unethical
sometimes. I do not see any problem of becoming or having an outstanding and glamorous life,
however obtaining it is quite challenging. The process is actually lies our weakness, it is where we
fail oftentimes, and it is where our real behavior be revealed. Mostly, we are being fooled by our
desire without knowing that our unpleasant acts affect other people in our society.

According to Mahatma Gandhi, there are seven things that might destroy human beings. It is
very helpful to reflect with these things to assess whether our actions are justifiable or acceptable.
For me, wealth without work and pleasure without conscience are interrelated. Sometimes, we
manipulate people for our own good, we keep on wanting something without any struggle to pursue
it. That is why we tend to use other people to suffer/work for our own pleasure. This act is very
disagreeable, and we need to be responsible for what we want. We need to be sensible,
considerate, and live with a conscience.

Knowledge without character and Commerce without morality are also considered as
sins which can destroy human beings. Little knowledge is dangerous, but having more knowledge
without healthy and principled character is more dangerous. Therefore, we need to balance
everything, knowledge alone couldn’t bring us to life and the profession we desire. It is our
character that builds our future. The same as in the field of business, we need proper ethics and
moral foundation to make string connection towards the market. Science without humanity is also
very crucial that we need to address. We should not be the victim of our own scientific standards.
Through my observation, we are already technology-driven and we must bear in mind that
technologies are made for us to manipulate not technologies to manipulate us.  

Religion without sacrifice and politics without principles are generally considered as our
failures oftentimes. Many claim themselves as religious, but their actions opposed their
statement. Living spiritually requires sacrifice, and it is the hardest thing to do, but we need to. We
need to deal with the people, the church, which requires humility to instill oneness. We need to
be conscious to keep our connection with God and the people. Lastly, politics without principle is
like a boat without direction. Awareness towards political views is very important. We’ve noticed that
there are lots of lacking’s towards the different administrations because
of inappropriate principles that the politician and the people adhere. In terms of politics,
principle built good administration. Therefore, leaders with good ideals and principles are who
we need in our society. 

As an ending statement, ‘creating oneself takes time; however, it takes a second to destroy it.’ As a
result, we must be courageous to distance our self from immoralities and wickedness. The battle is
within us, so we must not be a victim of our own selfish thoughts and principles but live with
the truth and always do what is good.

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