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Sri Dewi Safitri ( as a lecturer at FKG)

2. Zyanka Shafira ( as a little sister 1)
3. Septi Herliza Nofianty (as a sister)
4. Raja Sindy Clodya Krisma (as a little sister 2)

Liza : zy, sindy. Come on down, we have lunch together. This is meatball
Liza : tok tok, zy let's go down and eat meatballs
Zyanka : zy eat later kak
Liza : why zy? How is your voice different? Not feeling well? (Holding zy forehead)
Zyanka : yes sist, zy is not feeling well. Then my back tooth gums are swollen sis
Liza : Wow, you have a fever, let's go to Sindy's room first and take her down to eat. (To
sindy's room)
Liza : tok tok sindy let's go down and eat
Sindy : no sist, I'm having a toothache. My teeth have big holes. It’s so pain, I want cry….
Liza : Wahh, it looks like my brothers and sisters have problems with this oral cavity. Come
on down
Liza : okay zy sindy. I want to tell you. Swollen gums are caused by infection and
periodontitis can occur if not treated immediately. Well, if the tooth is cavities because of
bacteria and sweet foods that you often eat.
Zy : So, can you treat the swollen gums or not?
Liza : wait a minute I want to consult my lecturer at FKG so it's clear
Wait a minute
Liza : assalamualaikum doc
Dewi: waalaikumussalam Liza
Liza : sorry to disturb Liza and want to ask. Swollen gums and cavities during this pandemic
what kind of treatment should you do, doc?
Dewi : so this is the swollen gums you have to check the gums first to see how far the
infection is. So, if we have a cavity, we can see how deep the hole is. So it's best just to come
to my clinic but adhere to the existing health protocols.
Liza : oh I see doc, ok tomorrow I'll go to the doctor's clinic
Arrived at the clinic
Dewi : After checking, the condition of the gums of the zyanka must be scaling and root
planing, so if the tooth has a Sindy cavity we should just fill it because the hole is not that
Liza : so doc, is that being treated now?
Dewi : yes liza, but only zyanka. For Sindy, I only gave a prescription for pain relief. After I
didn't get sick, we just did the patching
Liza : Oke doc, thank you very much.

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