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MIDI Sequencing Using Logic Pro X

Jonathan “Capital” Patterson

Lab 9: Song Sequence and Sheet Music from Imported MIDI

Open Logic Pro X and create a new project

● Create 1 Software Instrument track, any patch
○ You likely won’t use this track, but can’t open a Logic session ​without​ at least one track.
● Save
○ Lab 9 - Lastname Firstname
○ Package
○ Uncheck all options for "Copy the following files into your project"

Find and download a MIDI file of any song/composition you like.

● Google “​Songname​ midi” (e.g. “tristan prelude midi” or “kashmir midi” or “ewf fantasy midi”...)
● Download the midi file

Import the MIDI file into your Lab 9 Logic session

● File -> Import -> MIDI file…
● If asked “Also import tempo information?” and/or other questions about
changing the session settings to match the MIDI file, say ​yes​ for now
(click Import Tempo).

Listen and adjust instrument choices where needed/desired

● Solo each instrument and make sure you like the sound
● To start from scratch in the Library on a channel, click in the
instrument setting area at the top of its channel strip and select “Reset
Channel Strip” (​see graphic​ ​→​)
● Beware of drums importing into a piano or other non-drum set track. They
will sound crazy, rhythmic and dissonant until you switch to a drum
● Feel free to make whatever creative choices you want to alter the original
instrumentation and arrangement.
Open and view the Score Editor
● Select the regions on one track
● Window->Open Score Editor (COM-5)
○ Once you open a Score Editor window it will stay open until you actually close it, but it
might get hidden behind your main workspace window. Use COM ~ (tilde beneath the esc
key) to cycle through open windows and bring the desired window to the front.
● Zoom in and out (COM up/down arrows)
● Select the desired view (Linear, Wrapped or Page)

Make changes and additions using the Score Editor window Inspector (I)
● Under “Region,” select the desired staff style
○ Guitar types offer TAB options
● Under “Event” with one or more notes selected:
○ Change pitch (0-127 midi # or letter+octave (e.g. C4))
○ Velocity (attack strength/loudness)
○ Length

● Under “Part Box:”

○ Click the icon to show/hide various types
○ Click and drag onto the score
■ Notes
■ Clefs
■ Dynamics
■ Notehead types (including slashes)
■ Fermatas, articulations
■ Slurs, crescendos, arrows
■ Clefs
■ Time signatures
■ Repeat signs
■ Text (including lyrics)
● Required​:
○ Drag the “SONG” text to the top of your score to place a title on
your sheet music
○ Drag the “DATE” text to the upper left corner of your score
■ Symbols
■ System and page breaks
■ Guitar chord diagrams
■ Guitar tab notations (bends, etc.)
■ Etc.

Creating various Score Sets (customizable individual parts, full score and/or sub-score instruments and
● Return to the main window and select regions on 2 instruments and COM-5 open the score editor
● Return to the main window and select regions on 3 instruments and COM-5 open the score editor
● Return to the main window and, select all regions on all instruments and COM-5 open the score
● In the upper left corner of the score editor window, click next to “Filter” to see the list of all the
Score Sets you’ve been creating. You can have save many score sets for creating individual
parts and layouts.
● Select “Show/Hide Score Sets Window” at the bottom of the menu
○ Duplicate, create, modify, delete Score Sets
○ Customize individual settings for each Score Set
■ Select and name instruments
■ Set system braces, brackets, end lines and bar lines connecting parts
■ Click the name and drag up/down to re-order
■ Adjust the “Scale” (upper right corner) to set the staff size

Creating/modifying Staff Styles

● Score Window -> Layout (pull-down menu) -> Show Staff Styles (​SHIFT-CTRL-OPT​-S)
○ Customize staff style features

Selecting, navigating and editing notes

● Click a note to select
● Click and drag around to enclose and select a group of notes
● Right/left arrow to navigate through notes
● OPT-up/down arrow to raise/lower pitch chromatically
● SHIFT-OPT-up/down arrow to raise/lower octave
● SHIFT-3 to enharmonically switch flat spelling to sharp (e.g. turns Ab into G#)
● SHIFT-B to enharmonically switch sharp spelling to flat (e.g. turns G# into Ab)

Explore additional pull-down options from the Edit and Functions menus
Page layout
● Layout -> Global Format… (​SHIFT-CTRL-OPT​-F)
○ Adjust all margins, spacing, etc. for scores and parts
○ Explore other tabs above to see how deeply functional and customizable score creation in
Logic can be.

Drummer Scores
● Create a new Drummer track
● Choose a personality and region settings
● CTRL-click the region and Convert to MIDI region
● COM-5 open the Score Editor window
● In the Score Editor Inspector: Region -> Style -> #Drums
● Yes!! It’s true!!

Lab 9 Assignment Requirements

When finished, save your full score (or a sub score with at least 4 parts) as a PDF
● File -> Print (COM-P) will print only the score that is in the focused view (at the front)
● PDF -> Save as PDF -> Lab 9 - Lastname Firstname

Mix the track to your tastes, including:

● Levels (full sounding mix with the focus always audible as so)
● Panning (wide, immersive mix)
● Corrective processing: EQ, Compression (clear sound with natural dynamics that don’t ever get
too loud or too soft)
● Creative processing: Reverb and delay (use Bus Sends to Aux tracks), distortion, modulation, etc.
to taste

Bounce out an MP3 at rough-mastered level

● Lab 9 - Lastname Firstname.mp3

Upload and submit 3 files: Your ​Lab 9 PDF​ (Lab 9 - Lastname Firstname) ​AND​ Logic Project File​ (Lab
9 - Lastname Firstname) ​AND M​ P3​ (Lab 9 - Lastname Firstname)

10 point grading rubric​:

1pt Correctly named pdf score

3pts Score includes at least 4 parts
1pt Correctly named mp3 bounce of your mix
1pt Correctly named Logic Pro project file
1pt Levels (full sounding mix with the focus always on top)
1pt Panning (wide, immersive mix)
1pt Corrective processing: EQ, Compression (clear sound with natural dynamics that don’t ever get too
loud or too soft)
1pt Creative processing: Reverb and delay (use Bus Sends to Aux tracks), distortion, modulation, etc. to

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