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Guided Reading Groups

2nd Grade


Kristen F Word by word, no prosody, short phrases, reads accurately attends to punctuation

Monica G Word by word, no prosody, attends to punctuation, reads accurately, reads in short

Peter G Word by word, no prosody, attends to punctuations, reads with accuracy

Cindy I Word by word, no prosody, attends to punctuation, reads accurately

Ben J Uses prosody, reads with accuracy, developed automaticity, short phrases

Evan J No attention to punct./no prosody/short phrases

Kelly J No attention to punct./no prosody/ short phrases

Danielle J No attention to punct., no prosody, reads word by word, reads accurately

Jamison J Uses prosody, reads with accuracy, developed automaticity, attends to punctuation,
reads in long phrases

Ebonyia J No prosody, attends to punctuation, accurate reading, reads in long phrases

Gabrielle K No prosody, attends to punctuation, accurate reading, reads in short phrases Concerns
with comprehension

Nicole L Uses prosody, reads with accuracy, developed automaticity, attends to punctuation,
motivated reader
Brandon M No prosody, reads in long phrase, attends to punctuation, reads with accuracy

Heather M Uses prosody, reads with accuracy, developed automaticity

Landon M Reads with prosody, reads with accuracy, reads with automaticity, attends to
punctuation, reads in long phrases

Candice M Read word by word, no prosody, attends to punctuation, reads accurately,

Comprehension concerns

Lauren M Uses prosody, reads with accuracy, reads with automaticity, attends to punctuation,
reads in long phrases

Beckett M Word by word, no prosody, attends to punctuation, reads accurately

Group 1: Lesson Group 2: Center Group 3: Center

1. Kristen 1. Ebonyia 1. Danielle

2. Monica 2. Gabrielle 2. Candice

3. Peter 3. Brandon 3. Beckett

4. Cindy 4. Evan

5. Kelly

Group 4: Center

1. Ben

2. Jamison

3. Nicole

4. Heather

5. Landon

6. Lauren

Teacher Candidate: Megan, Katelyn, and Runia Date:11/9/20

Cooperating Teacher: Coop. Initials:____

Group Size: 18 Allotted Time: 25 min Grade Level: 2nd

Subject or Topic: Guided Reading- Fluency Section:EEU301


● CC.1.1.2.E- Read with accuracy and fluency to support comprehension: • Read on-level
text with purpose and understanding. • Read on-level text orally with accuracy,
appropriate rate, and expression on successive readings. • Use context to confirm or
self-correct word recognition and understanding, rereading as necessary.

I. Performance Objectives (Learning Outcomes):

● Students will be able to demonstrate their ability to read fluently with prosody by
reading Friends in the Stars.

II. Instructional Materials

● Friends in the Stars by Racheal Rice
● Sentence strip containing a high frequency sentence: I see an eagle; I see a bear; I see a
fox; I see a king

III. Subject Matter/Content (prerequisite skills, key vocabulary, big idea)

Prerequisite Skills
● Reads accurately
● Attends to punctuation
● Able to read at their own instructional level
● Basic decoding skills

Key Vocabulary
● Fiends- a person whom one knows and with whom one has a bond of mutual affection
● Stars- a fixed luminous point in the night sky which is a large, remote incandescent body
like the sun
● Title- the name of a book, composition, or other artistic work
● Prosody- the patterns of rhythm and sound used in poetry
● Fluency- the quality or condition of being fluent
● Picture walk- shared activity between an adult reader and child or group of children
before reading an unfamiliar story
● Prediction- a thing predicted; a forecast
● Breathing- the process of taking air into and expelling it from the lungs
● Looking- having a specified appearance
● Slithering- move smoothly over a surface with a twisting or oscillating motion
● Waving- move one's hand to and fro in greeting or as a signal
● Hunting- the activity of hunting wild animals or game, especially for food or sport.
● Ruling- an authoritative decision or pronouncement, especially one made by a judge
● Flying- moving or able to move through the air with wings
● Making- the process of making or producing something

Big Idea
● The students will learn how to properly read with fluency and prosody on an instructional
level text.

IV. Implementation
A. Introduction: Before Reading
● “Can I have group 1 come to the guided reading table? Everyone else will be going to
different centers while I am helping this group.”
● “While I am working with group 1, please work quietly, follow the directions at each
center, and remember to ask three friends before you ask me.”
● With group 1: “By the end of the lesson today, I want you to be able to read fluently with
prosody. Does anyone know what that means?” (variety of answers)
○ Fluency- as the ability to read with rate, accuracy, and proper expression
○ Prosody- the patterns of rhythm and sound
● “Each of you is getting a sentence strip containing a high frequency sentence and we are
going to take turns reading them aloud.”
○ Each student will read their sentence aloud: I see an eagle; I see a bear; I see a
fox; I see a king
● Give everyone a Friends in the Stars book.
● “Can anyone read the title for me?”
● “Yes! Our book is called Friends in the Stars! By looking at the illustration on the cover,
can anyone make a prediction about what they think the book is about?” (variety of
● “Now we are going to flip through the pages to look at the pictures. For each image, we
are going to talk about what we think is happening on that page.”
● “On each page there is an important vocabulary word that we will be reviewing to help us
understand what’s going on”
○ For each of the vocabulary words we will have the students put their fingers
around it and review what they mean.
● “Remember that our goal is to read with fluency and prosody. Remember when we read
with fluency and prosody we pay attention to our pace and expression.”
● The teacher will model reading with fluency and prosody on the first page so the students
have an example to follow while reading.
B. Development: During Reading
● “When we start, remember to be mindful of your friends, we are going to whisper read
to ourselves.”
● “ Do not start reading until I tell you to do so.”
● “Remember if you finish reading the book to go back and read it through again until I say
to stop”
● Stagger students reading
○ While they are reading, the teacher will listen in on each student reading to
complete their running records. In addition, the teacher will redirect students and
prompt them at different points. They will also take anecdotal records on what
strategies the students are using and how the student is reading such as using
their finger, blocking things out, etc.
C. Closure: After Reading
● “You are going to have 2 minutes left to finish up what you need to read.”
● “Now that we are done reading, I am going to ask a couple of questions about the story”
● “Does anyone remember what types of figures they saw in the sky?” (eagle, dragon,
snake, fox, king, queen, swan, and bear)
● “What were the characters really seeing in the sky?” (stars)
● “What time was it in this story?” (night)
● “What was looking down? You can look back in your book if you need extra help.” (an
● “Does anyone remember what slithering means?” (to slide)
● “At this point I will let you reread through the story again, please take your time while
● The teacher will use the running records, anecdotal notes, and observations taken to meet
with each student and talk about the correct and attempted use of strategies. The rest of
the students will be rereading their book until it is their turn.
● When all reading and activities are completed, the students will be doing a word work
● The students will have the books closed and right in front of them
● “I want to play a game with you guys using your book. I will be saying words and you
must page through your books to find it. Once you find it put your finger on it. After we
have all found the word, we will sound it out together and put the sounds together to form
the word.”
● “Let’s do an example, can we find the word looking. Let’s sound it out together
l/oo/k/ing, say it all together now ‘looking’
● Now students will practice this independently
● “I spy….
○ Hunting
○ Waving
○ Breathing
○ Flying
○ Slithering
○ Making
○ Ruling
● “What have we learned today?” (wait for students to answer)
● To the whole class: “Okay boys and girls. We are going to stop where we are and move
into writing now.”

D. Accommodations/Differentiation
● Students who are struggling readers will be given more teacher assistance.
● Students who are struggling can sit closer to the teacher.
● Students who are above skill level will be considered to be moved to a higher
instructional group.

E. Assessment/Evaluation Plan
1. Formative
● Running Records
○ Allows the teacher to directly observe the students reading ability and use of
fluency and prosody while reading aloud.
● Anecdotal records
○ Allows the teacher to make note of strategies students are using.
● Observational- reading aloud their high frequency sentence
○ Allows the teacher to assess the students beginning level of fluency and prosody
before the lesson.
● Comprehension Questions
○ Will show the teacher the level of comprehension a student has.
2. Summative
● None needed for this lesson

V. Reflective Response
A. Report of Students’ Performance in Terms of Stated Objectives (after lesson
is taught)

Remediation Plan

B. Personal Reflection
● Did the centers support each students’ needs?
● How can I improve this lesson?
● Did I pace the guided reading to fit the allotted time?

VI. Resources
Sentence Strips



There will be a total of three centers for the students to work on. Those centers will be on
fluency, prosody, and use of punctuation. Students will be rotating through the centers while the
teacher is working with the other group this will last about 25 minutes. Students are to do these
independently unless confused, they may ask their classmate about it. Students should be aware
of what group they are in. The centers are self-regulating and there will be an answer key in each
center needed to self assess their answers.

Center 1: Fluency

For this activity the students will be listening to two audiobooks and then reading the
stories aloud. They will first listen to the audiobooks as a model for what pitch, pace, and
expression to use while reading and they will follow along with a hard copy of the book. Then
after they listen to the book they will read the story aloud trying to emulate the pitch, pace, and
expression they heard into their own reading. The center will be differentiated based on the
student’s skill and ability level. There will be different levels of books for the students to choose

Center 2: Prosody

For this activity the students will be with a partner. They will be given a
passage based on their reading level and have to read it in different
voices and styles while whisper reading. The students get to choose
which spot on the tiktak board they want to read in and then when
finished reading they will place an X or O in that spot. Partners will give
each other feedback on their prosody. The center will be differentiated
based on the student’s skill and ability level.

Center 3: Use of Punctuation

For this activity the students will be completing sentences with correct punctuation they
will be reading sentences aloud that are written on popsicles and thinking of the expression you
should be using. Then they will have popsicle sticks with punctuation marks and have to match
them to the correct sentences. This will allow a student to self correct and assess their own
knowledge of punctuation marks as there will be an answer key on the back to check their
answers. It is important that students know what punctuation goes with sentences because when
reading a sentence each punctuation mark comes with a change in expression of the voice. The
center will be differentiated based on the student’s skill and ability level.

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