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Kristell C.

Lagarde, LPT
English 10
Learning Competency:

 EN10LT-IVa-2.2: Explain how the elements specific to a genre contribute to the theme of a
particular literary selection
 EN10LT-IVa-2.2.1: Express appreciation for sensory images used

I. Objectives:
1. Note down important details from the story.
2. Express appreciation for sensory images used by analyzing the elements of the story.
3. Show understanding of the main idea of the story through differentiated tasks.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Elements of the Story – “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint-Exupery
References: K to 12 Curriculum Guide (May, 2016) p. 229
Celebrating Diversity Through World Literature (pp 407-421)

III. Procedure
A. Preparation
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Motivation
Write the name of your closest friend on a piece of paper. Think of adjectives that
describe his/her most admirable characteristics and make an acrostic. You may use
the sample below.

B. Presentation
Read the excerpt from the novel “The Little Prince” by Antoine de Saint Exupery. Take note of
the important details from the story. Use the graphic organizer below.

C. Practice
The class will be divided into 3 groups. Each group will analyze the story and do the following
activities by group.


Compare and contrast the Little Prince and the Fox. Use venn diagram to show their
similarities and differences.


List down at least five remarkable lines that struck you the most. Cite instances that you
can associate with the lines. Present your work in class.

Group 3. TOTS (THEME OF THE STORY) Determine the theme of the story. Create a poster to
show your interpretation of the theme.

IV. Evaluation
What did you observe in the characters? Describe the characters using words that appeal to the
senses. Use the graphic organizer below.

V. Assignment
Make a short article about anyone you know whose friendship is admirable. Be sure to answer the
following questions in your work.
How did their friendship start? 
What is the greatest struggle in their friendship? How did they resolve that?
What admirable trait does each of them possess?
What is their philosophy in friendship?
What is the secret of lasting friendship?
Kristell C. Lagarde, LPT
English 10
Learning Competency:
 EN10WC-IVa14.1.1: Expand ideas using principles of cohesion and coherence
 EN10SS-IVh-1.8.1: Point out relationships among statements

I. Objectives:
1. Elaborate the importance of coherence in a paragraph.
2. Create a short paragraph observing coherence.
3. Express ideas in a logically coherent paragraph.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Coherence in a Paragraph
References: Curriculum Guide (May 2016) pp. 229  English Learner’s Material for Grade 10
(pp. 299-305)
III. Procedure
A. Preparation
 Prayer
 Checking of Attendance
 Motivation
Read the following paragraphs and compare the structure. What makes the two
different from each other? Which one do you like better? Justify your answer.

B. Presentation

Are you aware of the different ways in creating a coherent paragraph? How do you connect
your sentences in writing? Write a short piece of creative writing about a student. The first
time you read it, try to think of a title for the piece.
C. Practice
What words did you find? Aside from them, what other examples can you give? Complete
the table below by writing the words that express the following. Put an asterisk (*) on the
words used in the text.

IV. Evaluation
Prewriting: Think of one situation needing effective thinking. Stock your brain with ideas
about this topic through a pre-writing strategy called Listing that will make you list down in
a column every idea that will come into your mind about your topic.
Writing: Write a paragraph based on the result of your pre-writing strategy. Remember to
make your sentences coherent with one another by using correct conjunctions or
connectives. Give your work an interesting title.
Post writing: Exchange your work with your partner. Proofread each other’s work, then,
revise your composition based on the comments and suggestions of your partner.

V. Assignment
Kristell C. Lagarde, LPT
English 07

Learning Competency:
EN7LT-IVa-6.1: Identify the distinguishing features of selected literary genres during the
Contemporary Period.

I. Objectives
1. Distinguish the notable features of literary genres during the Philippine Contemporary
2. Assemble historical accounts together with the related literary pieces.
3. Identify with the societal and personal struggles of Filipino writers during the
Contemporary Period

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: Features of Selected Literary Genres during Contemporary Period
References: 1. K to 12 Curriculum G (May, 2016), p. 162 2. Learning Package (Fourth
Quarter), pp. 4

III. Procedure
A. Preparation
Go Back!
Directions: Trace back our history as Filipinos and explain if the statements below
happened or not. On the other hand, have also the opinion of one of your
classmates on the third column.

B. Presentation
Directions: Answer the following guide questions.
1. In your own opinion, did our early Filipinos writers stop creating poems, short
stories and essays upon encountering personal trials and societal problems?
2. If not, what do you think are the reasons why Filipino writers and Philippine
literature survive up to this day?
C. Practice

IV. Evaluation

V. Assignment
Filipinos are now living in a modern world where a lot of things happen. In a time when
social media flourishes, gender equality is supported and other issues sprout, a writer can
use what happens around him as he writes poems, short stories and other literary pieces.

If all of us are writers and we will write something about our surrounding, what will be our
topic? Interview some individuals and also ask their views as part of the activity.
Kristell C. Lagarde, LPT
English 09

Learning Competency:
EN9V-IVa-29: Get familiar with the technical vocabulary for drama and theater (like stage

I. Objectives
1. Be familiar with the technical terms related to drama and theater
2. Define drama and theater
3. Accomplish a puzzle through recalling learned terminologies related to theatre

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: Technical Theater Vocabulary
References: 1. K to 12 Curriculum Guide (May 2016) 2. A Journey through Anglo-
American Literature Learner‘s Material for English 3. Teacher‘s Guide pp. 210 4.
Online References

III. Procedure
A. Preparation
Read the words in the word pool below. Observe correct pronunciation.

WORD CHECKLIST Form four groups with 10 members. Assign a leader to

facilitate and an observer to maintain the discipline and proper attitude of each member
during the activity. Look at the list in the word pool. Make a list of words that are
already familiar and not familiar with you.
B. Presentation
Work together in analyzing the terms that will be given to your group. Try to
remember as many words as you can in a given time frame. The groups will be
exchanging the list of words.
C. Practice
After all the groups have gone over the list, they will be given limited time to
write down the words they remembered with short definitions.

D. Evaluation
Identify the term being referred to in each statement.
1. The lever on a lighting control console that simultaneously dims all the
channels from one cut to the next.
2. The book compiled by the stage manager, containing all the pertinent
information about the show.
3. A platform that pivots on one corner.
4. A small drapery that runs across the top of the grand drape and hides the
hardware that suspends it.
5. The space on the stage that is not visible to the audience.
6. A device that creates a thin mist of fog throughout the stage.
7. The backstage bulletin board where announcements, schedules and other
information is posted.
8. A common area where performers wait until it is time to go onstage.
9. The right side of the auditorium, from the audience‘s point of view.
10. A microphone designed to pick up sound only directly in front of it.

E. Assignment
Kristell C. Lagarde, LPT
English 08

Learning Competency:
EN8LT-IVa-13: Identify notable literary genres contributed by South and West Asian writers.
EN8RC-IVi-15: Synthesize essential information found in a given text.

I. Objectives
1. Introduce ― The Arabian Nights‖ and ―Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves‖ as notable
literary texts contributed by a West Asian writer.
2. Discuss the essential information found in the selection.
3. Show understanding of the lesson by writing the plot diagram of the story.

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

1. K to 12 Curriculum Guide (May, 2016) p. 30
III. Procedure
A. Preparation

Directions: Each burger patty contains a word from the literary selection Ali baba
and the Forty Thieves. In the table below are the synonyms as well as the antonyms of the
words. Create your own veggie burger by matching the word with its synonym and
antonym. Write its synonym on the upper bun while the antonym on the lower bun. Work
on this for three minutes. Enjoy! Note: The words in the table do NOT necessarily match as
B. Presentation
Silent Reading of the selection ―ALI BABA AND THE FORTY THIEVES‖

C. Practice
Enumerate both the major and the minor characters in the selection. Write the name of
the character at the center. At its right, write his good qualities while at his left write his
bad qualities. Make sure to explain briefly why you consider such attributes good or

IV. Evaluation

V. Assignment

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