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Dawson Therre

Professor Shari McGriff

ENC 1102

March 7th, 2021

Reflections Essay

For my research paper, I decided on the topic of the internet. I was interested to write, as I have

never written a research paper before. I will tell the truth, it was tiring.

When I decided my topic, I knew I had wanted to write about the negative impact of the internet,

but I had also wanted to write unbiased. I ended up not. I had to select my argument, the internet

is bad, and write.

It was a bit funny because I thought we got to write about whatever, but we did not. I think the

topic I decided on was enough.

I wrote about the expansion of fake news, and how it could be a much greater threat than we

might think. I wrote about mental health, and how the internet affects teenagers. I concluded my

paper with tips on how to avoid the internet, and I would like to use that advice.

I think it was an important topic for me to research, and I was upset at some of the articles I had

read. The internet is authoritative, and we may not realize it. I hope what I wrote can help people

realize that.

I do worry that I did my whole paper wrong, so let’s hope not. I am interested to see what my

classmates have to say about it.

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