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Community Engagement, Solidarity,

and Citizenship

Date: January 20, 2021

Submitted by: Kenneth Lourd Aster Bade Gardones

Submitted to: Ms. Mary Rose P. Casuyon

Community Engagement, Solidarity, and Citizenship
Synthesis Questions:
1. Define community using a concept map.

2. Give at least five (5) contributions you did to your community as an individual.
 I do help my hood through cleaning my surroundings as a part of it.
 I do support my community through following their guidelines such as 12:00 PM curfew
and many more.
 I always attend our community meetings because it can help me as a person and my
community to grow as well.
 In my community, we build gardens and other agriculture livelihoods so that we can we
can save up money and eat healthy foods.
 As a local in my community we support our local economy, we shop locally in our
neighborhood for foods and other things we need in our daily life.
3. Using a concept map, give at least 3 perspectives of community and define their


Individual Perspective
defines a person who
is a member of one or Social Perspective
more community, the describes the This perspective of
strength of his/her interactions and the community is
membership the relationships of based on the online
community is based individuals living in platforms to develop
on his/her the community. online connections
participation and
This lets the people and contacts for
activity in a
engage in more useful specific purposes like
community. This
talks about the things fast communication,
perspective considers
commonly done and business promotion,
what someone think
talked in the studies, etc.
about himself and
what the people in community.
his/her surroundings
think of him.

Individual Perspective Social Perspective Virtual Perspective

4. List down at least five (5) activities in your community that you actively engaged in.
 Mass
 Fiesta
 Christmas Party
 Medical Mission
 Military Founding Anniversary
5. What do you think are the importance of understanding community dynamics and
community action?
 For me community dynamics plays a really important role in the community because it is
the choice of the people on living in an area. We people have different preferences on
where and how we are going to live, many people like peaceful and nature friendly areas
also there could be people’s too that likes crowded and social environments, that is why
community dynamics is very important because it is our choice. On the other hand,
community action is the facilities and the amenities that caters the need of the people
living in the hood. This is a common problem for most people when choosing our
preferred place to live in, because many of us individuals really want to live in an area
where complete things we need such as protection, health services and others but we
couldn’t really afford it, that is why individuals are forced to make a choice.

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