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The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

by Steve Conrad.
Main Characters:

1. Chris Gardner: the main character in the movie, played by Will Smith

2. Christopher: Chris’s son, played by Jaden Smith

3. Linda: Chris’s wife, played by Thandie Newton


4.Chinese lady

5. Mr Frohlm

Scene 1: The scene starts from 7:11 to 8:19 minutes in the movie. The scene happens
in a small table with three of the main characters seated together.

Chris gardner: Since when do you not like

macaroni and cheese?

Chrisropher : Since birth?

Chris gardner: -What's that? Holding a rubik's cube


-What is this?

Linda: -It's a gift for Christopher.

Chris gardner: -From who?

Linda -Cynthia from work.

It's for adults. Chris can't use it.

She didn't know.

Chris gardner - What are you supposed

to do with it?

-Make every side the same color.

Did you pay the taxes?

Chris gardner - No, I'm gonna

have to file an extension.

Linda -You already filed an extension.

Chris gardner -Yeah, well, I gotta file another one.

That's-- It's $650.

I'll have it in the next month.

Linda -That means interest, right?

-And a penalty?

Chris gardner -Yeah, a little bit.

- Look, why don't you let me do this?

All right, just relax. Okay?

-Come here. Calm down.

Linda -I have to go back to work.

Chris Gardner - Let's get ready for bed.

Hey, put your plate in the sink
Scene-2 Starts from 16:40 to 1836. It’s part of the movie where they are talking about the
y in happiness.
Chris Gardner-It's written as P-P-Y, but it's
supposed to be an I in "happiness."
Christopher -ls it an adjective?
Chris Gardner -No, actually it's a noun.
But it's not spelled right.
Christopher -ls "fuck" spelled right?
Chris Gardner -Yeah, that's spelled right.
But that's not part of the motto,
so you're not supposed to learn that.
That's an adult word to show anger
and other things.
But just don't use that one, okay?
Christopher -Okay.
Chris Gardner -What's that say
on the back of your bag?
Christopher- My nickname.
We pick nicknames.
Chris gardner -Oh, yeah? What's it say?
-"Hot Rod."
Christopher -Did you have a nickname?
Chris gardner -Yep.
Christopher -What?
Chris gardner -"Ten-Gallon Head."
Christopher -What's that?
Chris gardner -I grew up in Louisiana, near Texas.
Everybody wears cowboy hats.
And a ten-gallon's a big hat.
I was smart back then,
so they called me Ten-Gallon Head.
Christopher -Hoss wears that hat.
Chris gardner -Hoss?
Christopher - Hoss Cartwright on Bonanza.
Chris gardner -How do you know Bonanza?
Christopher -We watch it at Mrs. Chu's.
Chris gardner -You watch Bonanza at daycare?
Christopher -Yeah.
Chris gardner -When? When do you watch it?
-After snack? After your nap?
Christopher -After Love Boat.
I made my list for my birthday.
Chris gardner -Yeah, what'd you put on there?
Christopher -A basketball or an ant farm.
Chris gardner -He says he's been watching TV.
Chinese lady -Oh, little TV for history.
Chris gardner -Love Boat?
Chinese lady -For history. Navy.
Chris gardner - That's not the Navy.
I mean, he could
watch television at home.
We're paying you $1 50 a month.
If he's gonna be sitting around...
...watching TV all day,
we're taking him out of here.
Chinese lady Go pay more at other daycare
-if you don't like Navy TV.
You late pay anyway.
You complain. I complain.
Chris gardner-Can you at least put the dog upstairs
in your room or something?
Chinese lady- Bye.
Scene 3: The scene starts from 55:08 minutes to 56:00 minutes. After playing
basketball his father gives him some advice. Christopher is packing his basketball in
a plastic bag

Chris gardner: Don't ever let somebody tell you... can't do something.
Not even me.
-All right?
-All right.
You got a dream... gotta protect it.
People can't do something
...they wanna tell you
you can't do it.
If you want something,
go get it. Period.
Let's go.
Scene 4: The scene starts from 1:40 hr to 1:40:27 sec
Mr. Frohm- Chris, you got five bucks?
I left my wallet upstairs.
Chris gardner-Let me run up and grab that
for you, Mr. Frohm.
Chris gardner- No, I gotta be at CAL Bank at 4,
and I'm late.
Mr. Frohm -I'll pay you back, honest.
Chris gardner -Five is good?
Mr. Frohm - Five is lovely. Thank you.
Chris gardner -Thank you.
Scene 5: The last scene about chris getting the job after struggling. 1:48 hr to 1:50

Mr. Frohm -Hi, Chris.

Chris gardner -Mr. Frohm, good to see you.
-Nice shirt.
-Thank you, sir.
-Hey, Jay.
Chris gardner -Chris, sit down, please.
Mr. Frohm -I thought I'd wear a shirt today.
Chris gardner -You know,
being the last day and all.
Well, thank you. Thank you.
Mr. Frohm -We appreciate that.
...wear one tomorrow though, okay?
Because tomorrow's
going to be your first day...
...if you'd like to work here
as a broker.
Would you like that, Chris?
Chris gardner -Yes, sir.
Mr. Frohm - Good. We couldn't be happier.
So welcome.
-Was it as easy as it looked?
Chris gardner -No, sir. No, sir, it wasn't.
Mr. Frohm -Good luck, Chris.
Chris gardner -Thank you. Thank you.
Mr. Frohm Oh, Chris.
I almost forgot.( Bringing out the Five dollar note)
Thank you

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