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Q1. Pick a brand and gather all its marketing communication materials.

How effectively has

the brand mixed and matched marketing communications? Has it capitalized on the strengths
of different media and compensated for their weaknesses at the same time? How explicitly
has it integrated its communication program?

BMW as a company. When BMW generates a new car that name is “BMW-Exclusive X”. People
see this and they inference like that “Did you see the new car of BMW, it must be safe, strong”
etc. This is company effect on brand equity. Country of origin is also important. When people
buy a car they consider its origin country and when we think our example, BMW is a German
car. Germany is the pioneer in car industry. This provides considerable advantages to the
company. Channels of distribution is also important. A consumer may infer certain
characteristics about a brand on the basis of where it is sold. For example when we buy a smart
phone, we generally choose “Samsung Store, Apple Store”,we don’t buy the smart phone from
a street vendor. If the smart phone is sold in a store like I mentioned before, people think this
product should be good quality. Consider these in our BMW example. Co-branding provides
some advantages to BMW. Suppose that BMW combines with Mercedes-Benz. This would
generate greater sales than before. This combination can reduce the cost of product
introduction because it combines two well-known images. We can say countless advantages to
this. Licensed character could be effectively leveraged for BMW. BMW can find some licensed
characters like Vin Diesel. The rationale behind these strategy is that a famous person can draw
attention to a brand and shape the perceptions of the brand. On the other hand when BMW
generates a new designed car, nobody can generate this type of car without permission of
BMW. Because Licensing provides legal protection for trademarks. Sponsored events can
contribute to brand equity by becoming associated to the brand and improving brand
awareness, adding new associations, or improving the strength, favorability, and uniqueness of
existing associations. Suppose that BMW will be the sponsor of Formula 1. Finally, marketers
can create secondary associations in a number of different ways by linking the brand to various
third-party sources. Suppose that new BMW car is introduced in a car magazine

Q2. What do you see as the role of the Internet in building brands? How would you evaluate
the Web site for a major brand—for example, Nike, Disney, or Levi’s? How about one of your
favorite brands?

he world is moving faster than ever with constantly evolving technologies, emerging social
media platforms, viral videos, trending topics, streams of memes, algorithm updates, increased
mobile adoption, apps and so on, making it easy to forget about one of the few things that
stays constant through it all…the brand. Online marketing fast. Very fast. And that means that
as a brand, you need to define and separate yourself from your competitors smartly and
distinctively. The digital space offers a variety of ways to get your brand out to the world, and it
can often escalate the impact of the brand even more than traditional media can, because it
gets to the consumer more rapidly. Whether they’re on their phones, their tablets or their
personal computers, the digital
environment reaches them wherever they are, and provides opportunities for far better
engagement, because it’s real time interaction. Digital media helps brands build a community
for their consumers, allowing them to share their journey in a more personal way, thereby
humanizing the brand. It’s about an experience more than anything else. And it can help brands
connect with existing & potential consumers. To get to your consumers then is the first
important component. You need to create social media presences for your brand, and get
connected with your consumers through channels such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram,
Pinterest, LinkedIn and Google+ where you can open a space for interaction between
consumers & your brand. This can help you understand what you can do better as a brand, and
also what works for you target audience. Understand what your business objectives are and
align your social presence with them.

Q3. Pick up a current issue of a popular magazine. Which print ad do you feel is the best, and
which ad do you feel is the worst based on the criteria described in this chapter?

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