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The Sun and the Universe:

- Our sun is one of many stars in the universe
- A middle-aged average sized, yellow star
- Made of mostly Hydrogen and Helium
- 99.8% of the mass in solar system
- 4.6 billion years old
- 93 million maters form the earth.

- Dark areas on the sun’s surface.

Energy from the sun.

- Powers the water cycle.
- Provides energy for living thins producers.

Life cycle of stars:

1. Nebula
2. Protostar
3. Main sequence star
4. Red giant
5. Planetary nebula
6. White dwarf
7. Black dwarf.

- The study of planets, our moon, stars (including our sun) and
the universe.

- A group of stars that forms a pattern.

Star chart:
- A map of the night sky.

The Solar system:

Milky way Galaxy:

- The solar system is a small part of a much larger system
called the milky way.

Solar system:
- The sun and the bodies that revolve around it make up the
solar system.

The 21st century solar system:

- Sun
- Terrestrial planets
- Asteriod belt
- Jovian planet
- Kuiper belt
- Oort cloud.

Terrestrial planets:
(Mercury, venues, earth and mars)
- Earth-like “rocky planet”
- Largest is earth
- Only in the inner solar system.

Rocky planets:
- Solid surface
- Mostly, silicates and iron
- High density (rock and metal)
- Earth, venus and mars have atmosphere.

The jovian planets:

( Jupiter, saturn, uranus and Neptune)
- Largest planets atleast 15 times mass of earth
- Only in the outer solar system (5-30 AU)
- No solid surfaces (mostly atmosphere)
- Low density.

Gas giants (Jupiter and Saturn):

- Thick H/He atmosphere, liquid hydrogen mantle ice core.
Ice giants (Uranus and Neptune):
- Ice/rock, core and mantle thin H/He atmosphere.

Dwarf planets:
- 1st asteriod discovered in 1801

- Trans-neptunian object discovered in 1930

- Trans-neptunian object discovered in 2005

- Trans-neptunian suspected

- Trans-neptunian suspected.

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