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gender equality: a world with

Why gender inequality continues to be a problem for the Colombian economy?

Gender inequality has existed for more than a century where women and men (massively women)
have been physically, sexually and emotionally attacked for the simple fact of their gender. Of
course Colombia has improved in this regard, however it continues to be one of the sustainable
development goals for 2030 where it is necessary to achieve equity for women, girls and people
with different identities according to UNICEF.

The purpose of this essay will be explain why gender inequality continues to be a problem for the
Colombian economy so I will say that I believe that it continues to be a problem for the economy
because women have disproportionate roles in the workplace, causing inequality in wages, an
imbalance in economic resources and a decrease in goods and services, which affects GDP and
economic development. All this will be demonstrated later with 3 arguments, the first one will

first argument:
It is known that women have been denigrated, they have been denied for years the participation
in tasks that are believed to be exclusively male, they have lived with glass ceilings and this has
been demonstrated with the figures where only 38% of 50% of women occupy a job position and
of this 38% the majority have more hours of work and more unpaid work in their homes, which if
they were paid would contribute approximately 12 billion dollars. But how does all this affect our
economy? According to DANE, the salary gap depends on whether the woman or man are single,
the number of children and others, however, generally the income of men is higher than that of
women, where they earn 1.23 million and women 1.07 million. Which generates a decrease in
goods and services, therefore GDP would be negatively affected because the full potential is not
being exercised (female participation), thus obtaining a negative effect at the macroeconomic
level, according to researchers Carmen Pagés and Claudia Piras, from Banco Interamericano de
Desarrollo (BID)

On the other hand, it has been shown that women have a higher education rate than men, "for
every eight women with higher education in Colombia there are seven men who have reached the
same educational level" (Palomino, 2015) but Despite this, women continue to be at a
disadvantage in relation to cultural, social, economic, political and social issues. Women surpass
men at an intellectual level and this includes the orange economy which is affected by gender
inequality and this is because one of the most important factors of this is intellect and creativity,
but Colombia wastes the participation of women in tasks such as painting or cooking where only
20% of women belong to these, which contribute 3.19% to Colombia's GDP

contributes to culture
Gender equality is a smart economy ”

La igualdad de género es una economía inteligente”.

Economía naranja

El País - Noticias Tarija Bolivia - Aumentar el empleo femenino puede apuntalar el crecimiento
económico (
¿Por qué preocuparnos por la desigualdad en Colombia? | Uniandes
Las mujeres en Colombia | ONU Mujeres – Colombia (
La desigualdad de género, un obstáculo en Colombia | Colombia | EL PAÍS (
La igualdad de género es una tarea pendiente (
Avance de Colombia en materia de equidad de género en 2019 - Mujeres - Vida - ELTIEMPO.COM
Igualdad de género - La Agenda 2030 en Colombia - Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible
Desigualdad de Género en Colombia | Países | Informe de Países y Riesgos (
Según el Foro Económico Mundial la igualdad de género se alcanzará dentro de 170 años - Noticias
Uruguay, LARED21 Diario Digital (
En la mira: Las mujeres y los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS): ODS 5: Igualdad de género |
ONU Mujeres – Sede (
Economía e igualdad de género: ¿dónde está el problema? - Razón Pública (
nov-2020-brecha-salarial-de-genero-colombia.pdf (
Colombia, puesto 40 en igualdad de género | Economía | Portafolio
Las (pocas) oportunidades laborales de las mujeres, en cifras (
Igualdad de género | UNICEF Colombia
La desigualdad de género y el sistema económico — CELAG
ABC Economía Naranja | Ministerio de Cultura de Colombia (
Mujer y trabajo en Colombia: un panorama aún sombrío :: Coomeva la cooperativa de los
Economía naranja - ¿Qué es?, principios, características y ejemplos (
Economía inteligente: dividendos de la igualdad de género - AMIIF
Cifras de mujeres en ciencia y tecnología en educación en Colombia - Novedades Tecnología -
Tecnología - ELTIEMPO.COM
Economía inteligente: dividendos de la igualdad de género - AMIIF
Microsoft PowerPoint - uso_tiempo_freire (
0008.pdf (
Según sexo (

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