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Exposure And
Activity 1
1. B. Natural Disasters
2. A. Displaced Population
3. D. Health Risks
4. C. Food Scarcity
5. B. Emotional Aftershocks
6. C. Food Scarcity
7. B. Emotional Aftershocks
8. C. A Large influx of Refugees
9. D. Due to torrential rains that lasted for several days
10. B. The storm surge it brought is unexpected.

Activity 2

1. A. Displaced Population
2. B. Food Scarcity
3. D. Emotional Aftershocks
4. C. Health Risks
5. C. Health Risks
6. D. Emotional Aftershocks
7. A. Displaced Population
8. D. Emotional Aftershocks
9. C. Health Risks
10. B. Food Scarcity
Activity 3
1) Population loss is caused by a sudden impact, such as
a natural disaster or a war. We provide urgent short-
term relief by ensuring clean water and sanitation, as
well as emergency medical services. Population loss is
caused by a sudden impact, such as a natural disaster.
2) Natural and man-made disasters have had overt and
indirect effects on human wellbeing, causing physical
trauma, acute illness, and mental trauma, as well as a
rise in morbidity and mortality associated with chronic
diseases. There are different kinds of disasters that can
give a lot of trauma to people. Earthquakes and wind
disasters can give injuries that require intensive care.
3) The most important impact a crisis may have on the
food chain is a short-term price increase as it reacts to
fluctuations in the availability of transportation. As a
consequence, poverty is developed and perpetuated,
raising the prevalence of food shortage and
malnutrition. It hurts all facets of food welfare, reducing
economic and physical access to food, as well as its
affordability and stability.
4) Traumatic stress reactions, like aftershocks after an
earthquake, are emotional "aftershocks" that we may
feel following a personal, cultural, or national tragedy.
These people frequently have flashbacks, fear, sadness,
mental numbing, difficulty sleeping, hallucinations,
exaggerated reactions to loud sounds, and other
symptoms. We see related reactions in victims of
stressful incidents such as natural disasters, home fires,
terrorist threats, auto crashes, and witnessing violent
activities, and as our knowledge of PTSD grows, we can
more readily recognize and resolve it.

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