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Get Ready to Lead!

Lesson 6 Percy Buttons

cultural background 文化背景
1. Road is a hard surface for cars, buses etc to drive on. In Australia, there is a famous road
called“Great Ocean Road”(大洋路).When written on signs, “road” is usually spelt RD or Rd.
2. Street is a road in a town or city, with houses or shops on each side. In England, there is a famous
street called“Downing Street” (唐 宁街 ,东 西向 ) and in Australia, there is a famous street
called“George Street”(乔治街,南北向). In Canada there is a famous street called“Robson
Street”(罗布森街,东南-西北向)等. When written on signs, “street” is usually spelt ST or St.
3. Avenue is a road in a town, often with trees on each side. There is a famous road
called“Shaftesbury Avenue”(沙夫茨伯里大街)where there're many theatres in the west side
of London. When written on signs, “Avenue” is often spelt AVE or Ave. In America, Avenue often
refers to a wide and busy street with luxurious buildings on both sides.
4. Way often refers to a small street or alley. There is an exception. “Broadway”(百老汇大街)is
a busy and big street in New York and many famous operas are performed here similar to
Shaftesbury Avenue in London.

new words& phrases 生词和短语

1. house 住宅
1). detached house: It is a house that is built on its own land. It's not connected to other houses.
2). semi-detached house: It is a house that is connected to another house on one side.
3). terraced house: It is a house that is connected on both sides to another house.

2. apartment/ flat 公寓
Americans use the word apartment whereas British people use the word flat.

3. villa 别墅
It is more luxourious than a normal house. They are usually found in the countryside or near a
beach. Villas often have large gardens and a swimmig pool.

4. bungalow 平房
It is a house with only one floor. It doesn't have a cellar(地下室), attic(阁楼) or stairs.

5. cottage 小屋;村舍;(农舍式的)小别墅
It is found in the countryside. It is usually small and made of stone instead of bricks.

6. cabin 小木屋
It is a wooden house that is usually
very small. It is often found in a forest or woods.
《汤姆叔叔的小屋》Uncle Tom's Cabin

7. knock at 敲……
1). 动词短语
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e.g. The little girl knocked at her mother’s door on a stormy night. 小女孩在一个暴风雨的晚上敲
2). 名词短语
e.g. They heard a knock at the front door.  他们听到前门有一敲门声。
含有 knock 的常见短语:
① knock about / around 漫游,闲逛;(狠)打
② knock down 击倒;拆除
③ knock...out of 把……敲出来
④ knock into sb 撞到某人身上
⑤ knock off 停止(工作)
⑥ knock over 打翻
⑦ knock at 敲门/窗等

8. ask for sth 要求/寻求……

ask sb for sth 向某人寻求……
e.g. I know that this is a bad time to ask for help.  我知道在这时候要求帮助不合适。
e.g. Ask for a refund if the goods are faulty.  商品如有缺陷,可要求退款。
e.g. when you have trouble, you can ask me for help. 当你有麻烦时,你可以向我寻求帮助。

9. 英文中常见量词的用法
1). 描述“一群”
一群人 a crowd / group / team of people;an army of people
一群牛、象、马、天鹅 a herd of cattle / elephants / horses / swans
一群鸟、鹅、母鸡、羊、燕子 a flock of birds / geese / hens / goats / swallows
一群猎狗、狼 a pack of hounds / wolves
2). 描述“一阵”
一阵哭泣 a burst of tears
一阵笑声 a burst of laughter
一阵喝彩 a burst of cheers
一阵炮击 a burst of gunfire
一阵雷声 a burst of thunder
一阵瓢泼大雨 a flood of rain
3). 神奇的 piece
piece 可表示“片”、“块”、“件”、“项”、“条”、“篇”、“首”、“幅”、“张”等
a piece of bread / paper / wood / furniture / land / advice / news / meat / cloth / music
4). a pair of
在英语中,成双成对的物品一般需要用 a pair of:
一副眼镜 a pair of glasses
一把剪刀 a pair of scissors
一条裤子 a pair of trousers / pants
一把剪钳 a pair of pliers
一双筷子 a pair of chopsticks
5). 其他常见量词举例
a drop of water 一滴水 a flood of people 人潮如涌
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a flood of tears 泪如泉涌 a cube of sugar 一块方糖
a layer of rock 一层岩石 a cloud of smoke 一团烟雾
a beam of light 一束光线 a block of wood 一块木头
a bar of chocolate 一块巧克力 a loaf of bread 一个面包
a grain of rice 一粒米 a dash of salt 一撮盐
a handful of people 少数几个人

10. in return adv. 作为回报

e.g. In return, we drove John back home. 返回途中,我们开车把约翰送回家了。
in return for 作为对……的报答
e.g. Can I buy you lunch in return for your help?  感谢你帮忙,我请你吃午饭好吗?

11. stand on his head 倒立

stand 常见短语:
1). stand aside or stand back 往旁边站; 往后站
e.g. I stood aside to let her pass me. 我往边上站以让她从我身边过去。
2). stand up 站起来
e.g. When I walked in, they all stood up. 我走进去的时候,他们全体起立。
3). stand to gain/lose something 有可能 (获得、失去)
e.g. The management group would stand to gain millions of dollars if the company were sold.  

12. 区分 late/latter/later/latest/last
1). late 做 adv. 表示时间上的晚或迟
2). lately 作 adv.=recently 表示最近
3). later
a). later 作 adj. 表示“后期的”
b). later 作 adv. 表示后来,接在具体的时间段之后 表示“……之后” 如:3 days later
4). latter 一般跟定冠词 the 之后,表示列举的两个事物中的后者,与 the former(前者)相对
5). last
a). last 用作 adj. :表示“最后的”与 first 相对。表示“上一次的”,与 next 相对,还可以表
b). last 用作 adv. 表示“最后,上一次”
6). latest 是 adj. 表示“最近的,最新的”

13. everyone, everybody 与 every one 的用法辨析

1). everyone 与 everybody 用法和意义完全相同,意为“人人”或“每人”,只是后者比前
e.g. Stop reading and listen to me, everybody. 大家不要读了,听我说。
e.g. Everyone who is over 18 years old has the right to vote. 每个人满了 18 岁都有选举权。
注:everyone 和 everybody 只能指人,不能指物;并且在通常情况下,其后不接表示范围
的 of 短语
2). every one 与以上两词不同:它不仅可以指人,还可以指物,而且其后还通常接表示范围
的 of 短语。如:
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e.g. Every one of the windows was broken. 每个窗户都是破的。
e.g. He shook hands with every one of the students. 他与每个学生握手。

14. once a month 一月一次 (是频率副词短语)

usually (80%)
often (60%)
sometimes (40%)
seldom (10%)
hardly (5%)
rarely (5%)
never (0%)

1. 过去完成时与过去进行时
1). 过去完成时和过去进行时的构成
过去完成时 过去进行时

基本用法 表示动作发生在“过去的过去” 表示过去某个时刻或某段时


肯定句 主语+had+过去分词+其他. 主语+was/were+现在分词+其


否定句 主语+hadn’t+过去分词+其他. 主语+was/were+现在分词+其


疑问句 Had+主语+过去分词+其他? Was/Were+主语+现在分词+其


状语 for two days, as soon as, already, yet, at the time, at this time
never, hardly, by+ 表 示 过 去 的 时 间 yesterday, the whole morning,
点,before 从句,when 从句等。 all day yesterday, from nine to
ten last evening, when 从
句,while 从句等

2). 过去完成时的用法口诀
过去完成时,是“过去的过去”。谓语用“had+过去分词”莫忘记。疑问词很容易,只把 had
句前提;否定句也容易,had 之后 not 添。

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2. 形容词与副词的比较等级
1). 比较等级的用法口诀:
两者若是一个样,as…as 要用上。
甲不如乙加 not,意思与 less…than 差不多。
程度递增“越来越…”,比较级用 and 来连接。
两种情况同时变,The more…,the better 是样板。
2). 结构
类型 结构 含义 例句

A=B as+原级+as 与……一样 She is as tall as her mother. 她和


A≠B not as/so + 原级+as 不及…… The weather here is not as/ so
hot as that in Wuhan.
less+原级+than 比…… He thinks English is less
important than Chinese.
A>B 或 A<B 比较级+than 比…… Bill works harder than Mike.

表示程度的递增 比较级+and+比较级 越来越…… My hometown is becoming

more and more beautiful.
两种情况同时变化 the+ 比 较 级 , the+ 比 越…….,越… The older I get, the happier I
较级 …. feel. 越老我感到越幸福。

三者及三者以上进行 the+最高级+比较范围 最…… Jim is the tallest in our class. 在

对比 我们班吉姆个子最高。
Lucy dances (the)best of all in
our class.

3). 比较等级的变化口诀:
词尾若有-e,直接加-r 就可以。
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辅音字母加-y,要把-y 改-i。
最高级加-est,前面加 the 莫忘记。
形容词若是多音节,只把 more/most 前面写。

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