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Zachary Almy

HopewellJunior High
Math 7

1. Topic
a. Distributive Property, more practice
2. Standards
a. CC- properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
3. Learning Objectives
a. Students will be able to generate equivalent expressions using the distributive
b. Students will be able to solve the equivalent expressions they have made.
c. Students will be able to generate an expression based on realworld problems.
4. Materials
a. Laptop
b. Microphone
c. Textbook- "Math" Course 2 Volume 2- Mcgraw Hill
d. Microsoft Whiteboard
e. Microsoft Teams
f. Google Classroom
g. Chapter 4 HW Practice Worksheet
5. Lesson
a. Introduction
i. Go over the homework from the previous day. lf none of the students
have any questions, pick a few problems to go over as a class to make
sure the students have a general understanding. Go over question #40 on
the homework as well.
b. Development
i. Present the "Chapter 4 HW Practice" worksheet and ask the students to
look it over and request any questions they would like to see on the
board. Do a minimum of 4 questions, and make sure to pick one from
each section.

c. Evidence of d ifferentiation
i. When walking through the question together as a class, instead of telling
the students everything they have to do, use the effective questioning
strategy. This strategy gives the students the guidance they need but also
promotes criticalthinking while solving these problems.
d. Closure
i. Explain to the students that the rest of the worksheet is assigned for
homework. Go over the process of properly submitting the homework and
explain the grading scale. Also cover common mistakes students usually
make, and reiterate what to do to avoid those mistakes.
1. Specifically
a. Remember to watch the negative signs.
b. Be cautious of which side the term is on. Always distribute
the single number into the quantity.
c. When working with fractions, multiplying straight across.
d. Unlike terms cannot be combined, for example a + b must
remain a + b.
e. Make sure to show all your work.
6. Assessment/Evaluation
a. Students will be evaluated on allthree objectives from this lesson from the
worksheet done in class and later turned in as homework. These problems will
be graded on effort rather than on correctness. This is to allow the students to
practice and allow me to view what areas they need to work on before the next
graded assignment.
b. The students will also be assessed on all three objectives on the quiz on monday
of next week.
7. Mod ifi cati ons/Ad a ptati o n s
a. Students will be able to message me on teams if they have any questions or if
they need any help.
8. Self Evaluation
a. This lesson was ihe first time I actually got to teach a lesson to the A Group of
students. The lesson was okay, but definitely not my best work. The students in
the A group haven't been joining the Teams Meetings I have been having with
the B group. This means that most of the students were very behind. So I had to
take a lot more time on the homework than I had planned and didn't get through
the worksheet as much as I wanted too. I made a deal with them and said if they
all promised to join the Teams meetings from now on, I will bump the quiz to
Tuesday/Wednesday and review on Monday. Hopefully this will encourage them
to start coming to the meetings when they are at home.

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