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Name: Gabriella Baez Date: March 24, 2021

Teaching Ex. # ___________________________ Section: C

2nd grade
Concept(s): Forte, piano and timbre

Objective(s): Students will be able to:

 Define forte and piano.
 Illustrate forte and piano.
 Understand the differences between forte and piano.

State Standard(s):
(B) Knowledge and Skills
 (1c) use known music terminology to explain musical examples of tempo, including presto, moderato,
and andante, and dynamics, including fortissimo and pianissimo.
 (6c) distinguish between rhythms, higher/lower pitches, louder/softer dynamics. Faster/slower
tempos, and simple patterns in musical performances
(C) Cross-curricular second language acquisition essential knowledge and skills
 (1C) use strategic learning techniques such as concept mapping, drawing, memorizing, comparing,
contrasting, and reviewing to acquire basic and grade-level vocabulary.
 (2E) use visual, contextual, and linguistic support to enhance and confirm understanding of
increasingly complex and elaborated spoken language.

Materials: Forte/piano cards, recordings, computer

Key of the Lesson: Forte/piano

Grade/Age Level: 2nd grade


1. Prepare students by giving an illustration.
a. “Imagine that we all spoke with the same volume (Ex. Teacher gives an example of someone
speaking monotone.) Wouldn’t that be boring? Now what if I spoke with different volumes. (Ex.
Teacher gives an example of someone speaking with enthusiasm/whisper/yelling) Wouldn’t
that be more interesting compared to the first one? Well like people, music has different levels
of volume to make it fun and interesting.”
2. Review objectives of the activity
a. “Today we are going to review two different volumes that are found in music which are forte
and piano.”

 Present forte/piano cards
a. Students review symbols and definitions.
i. Strategy: Ask the students questions
1. What musical concept have ya’ll learned that means loud/ quiet?
 Students listen to the first couple of seconds of the recording:
a. “Four Seasons”
b. “Surprise Symphony,” etc.
c. Bonus: “Mischief Managed” from Harry Potter Prisoner of Azkaban
Class chooses a silent action to represent each dynamic level.
d. First: forte
e. Second: piano
 Teacher will play recordings a second time while the students add silent actions. During the
recording, the teacher will display the music symbol cards to help the students make connections.

1. The teacher will demonstrate a variety of volumes when speaking. The students will make the silent
action for the level of volume presented.
a. Teacher speaks loud… students make the silent action that represents loud.
2. Teacher will ask for volunteers to do variety of volumes and the students will make the silent action
that corresponds to the volume.

1. During the activity, the teacher will assess the student’s silent actions (responses).

 What is forte?
 What is piano?
 Why do we use them?

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