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The Effect of Dorsata Honey on Total Cholesterol and

Plasma LDL Level in Hypercholesterolemic Patients

dr. Zuhriana K. Yusuf, M. Kes, dr. Nanang Roswita Paramata, M. Kes, dr. Sitti Rahma

Medical Departement, Gorontalo State University, Indonesia.

Data analisis :

Introduction • Shapiro wilk

• Paired T. Test
Normal distribution test
Difference total cholesterol
Cholesterol Consuption and plasma LDL level
between before and after
giving dorsata honey
• Unpaired T. Test Analisis between
treatmen group &
Cholesterol total
Hypercholesterolemic Atherosclerosis
Plasma LDL control group

Mordibitas & Effect of Dorsata Honey on Decreasing
Mortalitas PJK total Cholesterol LDL plasma
Farmacology Therapy Farmacology Therapy

Dorsata Honey
• Wali (2004) Cholesterol 75 mg
Source : Primary Data 2015
Consume honey every day
• Yaghoubi et. all (2008) Honey Differences in the effect of therapy (treatment)
PJK Risk
• Composition :
and without therapy (control) on the reduction
- Fruktosa 38% of total cholesterol
- Glukosa 31%
- Macronutrien & Micronutrien
- Antioksidan : Fenol acid, Flavonoid dll.

Aims : To determine the effect of anti-oxidants dorsata

honey on level of total cholesterol and LDL plasma in
patients with hypercholesterolemia. Source : Primary Data 2015

Methodology Conclusion
Research Design : True experimental-pre and post test only The dorsata honey antioxidant effect on the levels
Control group design of total cholesterol and plasma LDL levels ini
Population : Hypercholesterolemic patients in gorontalo hypercholesterolemia patients.
Sample : 34 Responden purpossive sampling
Induction criteria : - age 30-60 year References
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Diunduh di Diunduh pada tanggal 2 April 2014
First day and after 15 days

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