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In this investigation the derivations that can be generated in the social environment
for language acquisition will be announced; Noam Chomsky exposes the presence of a
mental structure in the production and understanding of any natural language. On the other
hand, the book Syntactic Structures (Chomsky, 1978, original 1957) speaks of an inherent
connection between sounds and their meaning, so that it establishes an obligation with the
linguistic development that occurs in the man also known as Language Acquisition (LAD).
The syntactic component, which has as representation is semantic and phonological that
allows the domination of words in a specific language. The semantic component is one that
allows the rules to be stipulated deep within a structure, and in turn, causes the
representation of meaning to reach the phonological component. Based on the semantics,
you can reach the phonological component that allows giving a logical line to a
conversation created by morphemes, normalizing the pronunciation of words, allowing the
creation of a language. Then it can be concluded that how people talk at home with their
family, or with their friends, has characteristics where patterns and parameters can be
differentiated. It is important to emphasize that language variations are actually "different
languages where there is a distribution of opposite parameters". This is how Chomsky
allows making known the most influential contributions for the understanding of
acquisition in a language, seeing the advantages. that selective form can be explained for
the genetic basis of language.
Taking into account how the LAD is presented, it is intended to investigate that ninth-grade
student of the Nueva Andalucía School can have the English language as a second language
(L2). For four years I have been working as a teacher at the Nueva Andalucía school, which
has allowed me to observe the process of the students during a good time, which allows me
to observe the progress in the learning process that the students during this time with the
Foreign language. However, the recognition of the foreign language makes phonology
difficult due to the internal struggle they have thanks to the roots they present in their
mother tongue. The purpose of the research is to analyze and investigate what is the
appropriate way to present the LAD to the ninth grade students so that they can develop
fluid communication in an L2.
Research question
How does the social environment create its derivations within the acquisition of a
First, we have to talk about language. The above definition makes us understand
that language is a vital part of our society and our identities, thanks to the language we have
a way of communicating with people and expressing what we feel. In sociolinguistics,
variation in languages has subcategories of language, which include dialect, register,
jargon, and idiolect.

Why can we learn a new language?

By learning a new language, we realize that it is not an easy task. There are new
grammar rules that come with many exceptions, new sounds that are difficult to make and
extensive vocabulary to learn, etc. However, we have been able to understand the basic
concepts of language in our first years of life. When a child begins to speak, he begins to
follow grammar rules and applies them to form new and innovative sentences.

What are the main theories about language acquisition?

The best-known theory about language acquisition is the nativist theory, which
suggests that we are born with something in our genes that allows us to learn the language.
He proposes that there is a theoretical language acquisition device in our brain that is
responsible for learning a language. For example, in Wernicke's aphasia, patients with
damage in a certain region of the brain can no longer understand the language. Although
they can still form normal sentences, neither what they say nor the words of others make
sense to them. It is believed that language has a finite number of rules from which we can
build an infinite number of sentences, and the core of these rules is somehow programmed
into our brains.

How do scientists study language learning?

There are many theories, and as a result, there is a theory called "armchair
psychology" that makes us sit and think about the problem. The model is designed to
represent the way we think something happens. For example, a word would be learned
faster if it appeared a lot or if the subject received a lot of information about it. If the model
behaves and "learns" in the same way as we do, it is a good sign that the model is on the
right track.

Problem Statement
One of the first things we learn since we are born is to communicate, and the
channel through which we do this is language. This code may vary depending on the
context, the need and the social environment. It could be nonverbal language, iconic
language, written language, oral language and we can find some other categories. But even
speaking of each of these types there are variations within them. In this document, we focus
on oral language, but not as the term in general but as its variations due to context. In
Spanish, we can find many of these derivations, a great example is a difference between the
language of Spain and the language of Latin America, a difference that is evident instantly.
Within Latin America, it is possible to distinguish many variations, in addition to accents,
expressions, and words change their meanings according to the country. For example, the
common object that we use to drink a soda or a juice from the glass, "Straw", is named in
different ways depending on the country, which is: cigarette, straw, straw, straw, sorbet.
Expressions are also included in these language derivations in Center an South America.
Surely in our own country, we have heard many of these variations, perhaps accents,
expressions, and even words. In Colombia, we have different accents that are very
remarkable, but we also have idioms, expressions, and words that are different, in reality,
we also have different languages. An example of these is: the word "shine" in most of the
country is called "frost" but in Medellin, it is called "glitter". Expressions that change
according to the place as "don't fuck", "well," "look, see" and many others are examples of
derivations in this country.
The research arises in the Nueva Andalucía school located in Soacha Cundinamarca,
where I had the opportunity to work as an English teacher for about four years, which has
allowed the progress of the students under my tutoring during these years; I have been able
to see the progress made by the students and also the improvements that it presents in their
level of English. Any ninth grade as a research base, because the ninth grade students have
been under my direction as course director, which has allowed me to immerse myself more
in their academic process, however, the ninth grade students present moments in which the
Simple vocabulary tends to forget Or simply forget the meaning of certain words seen
before starting a conversation, but who decide to continue their conversation in Spanish OR
mix the two languages. For this reason, I have decided to establish the ninth grade with the
population, to analyze the situation and also find a solution OR strategies that reduce the
impact on students to their maximum potential so that conversations can be presented in a
conventional way using L2 as the Main language within the classroom and in English class.

General objectives
 Identify the effects that regions have on the dialect, taking into account the culture
and environment surrounding the subject to be investigated.
 Analyze the influence that the environment around them in order to present a
development plan that allows the fluency of 9th-grade students in a daily
environment clearly in a foreign language

Specific objectives
 The dialect according to the regions.
According to the previous text, we can say that the dialect has some regional and
social derivations according to the person, which affects the way of communication
of the person. This project aims to identify the differences we can find in
pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary due to differences in cultures and

 Learning new languages

We have made it clear that there is a difficulty in learning a new language, but also
that it is important to learn from it. The document clarifies that learning is facilitated
at an early age due to the easy learning we have when we are young or when we are
children. We also talk about the benefits of learning a new language, as it facilitates
our communication internationally, our communicative part expands and we could
acquire new vocabulary.

 Describe student fluency in L2.

It is important to take into account the fluency that ninth-grade students handle,
which allows evaluating the LAD they have been obtaining during the academic
process presented by the teacher. This must keep in mind the age of the ninth grade
students to be able to present projects that are following their social interests, and
also that inspires confidence in the students to implement the phonology and
semantics belonging to the English language.

 Analyze the environment.

Analyze the influence that students have on their daily environment
It is necessary to carry out a research or an analysis of the daily environment
presented by the ninth grade students and also to influence the students by
empowering them with the knowledge that will serve them in their family and social

information collection
As information gathering, the activities presented during the class that is intended to
implement the English language as L2 will be used more subtly and efficiently for 9th
grade students to understand the English language without the need for translation or
mixing of the two languages within a conversation; another collection of data will be given
through exhibitions and conversations that are presented with English-speaking people
outside the institution who present their service within the classroom

The investigation will be carried out during a semester (four months) within the
schedule presented by the Nueva Andalucía school with an hourly intensity of five hours a
week, which allows the students to have a daily English class and it can also take carry out
a continuous process.

Literary review
Acquisition of language
First, at the beginning of this Saussure century, a linguist from Geneva was the
fundamental differentiation that has allowed considerable development in the study of
language. At the same time, we speak of dual reality, that is; It is possible to speak two
different things, with that it refers to language and speech. Although their relationship is not
so far from being a cultural instrument, therefore, it can be deduced that it is an individual
behavior, however, it is impossible to live on each other, since this leads to the
development of the human being. Indeed, the acquisition is related to the instrument and
development is the skill that is used. When talking about this part, it was expected that the
subject had already acquired the language at 6 - 7 years, currently that person continues to
develop this part for the rest of his life. In other words. Is the language learned or inherited?
If we talk about culture, it is an inheritance, but it is biological; It is linked to the structure
of your brain. By this I mean that language will always exist as long as there are a social
group and a brain. For Charles Morris, the relation of signs such as syntax and semantics
lead to the study of pragmatics. It should be noted that Darwin with his biographical
method that consisted of writing descriptive diaries of children's language since parents
usually write them, having as a starting point the lexicon and not the context of the
conversation. However, Taine was the one who started with this method and in 1877
published an article in the "Mind" magazine about children's language. Preyer is also
considered the founder of the method of newspapers with his book "The soul of the child"
of 1882. From the beginning, Piaget appears in the world war, where he says that language
depends absolutely on thought. At the same time, Jespersen's public "Language" is witness
to the children's language, so they kept linguistics open in two directions. In 1934,
Vygotsky says that language is not subordinate to thought but that they are two independent
things although they are related.

Dialects emerge from society and territorial changes.

There are many theories and research on society as the most important piece in the
learning process, a process that has as its first objective, the acquisition of language;
Vigotsky himself said: "Speech is fundamentally a social product." The transcendence of
society in language leads us to understand that just as society changes throughout history,
language does too; and just as these changes imply transformations in time, they also imply
changes in space. «It is ... a system of broken signs of a common language, alive or lost;
normally, with a specific geographical limitation, but without a strong differentiation
compared to others of common origin. Secondly, dialects can be called »linguistic
structures« simultaneous to others, which do not reach the category of language ». Dialects
as differentiations within their language, are not structured, but arise from the changes of
society over time and are born in limited territories where the same linguistic, lexical and
phonetic rules are connected.

Colombian social and regional dialects.

When we talk about language derivations we can talk about dialects, but first of all,
we need to define what the meaning of this word is. In the Bulletin of the Caro and Cuervo
Institute, the word dialect is defined as "variant of the language delimited in space, time and
social structure", which is equivalent to a "grouping of historical forms of speech
characterized by a set of functionally limited and subordinate to a larger entity, of which it
is a part and of which the model norm takes its ideal language and the functions that the
dialect normally does not fulfill ». Here it is possible to identify the impact of society and
the region where a language is learned because it depends on it and its history that there are
different variations of a language. According to Siervo Mora in Colombia, there are
different dialects divided by some possible categories. By geography: Andean, Atlantic,
Pacific, Orinoquia and Amazonia; by ethnography: coastal, caucano, antioqueño, chocoano,
santandereano, tolimense, cundiboyacense, llanero and andean-southern; by sociology:
coastal, caucano-chocoano, antioqueño, tolimense, santandereano, cundiboyacense, llanero
and andean-southern; by dialectology: coastal, antioqueño, nariñense-caucano, tolimense,
santandereano, cundiboyacense and llanero.

“La Teoría Lingüística de Noam Chomsky: del inicio a la Actualidad” - scielo
Fundación Universitaria Los Libertadores

“Adquisición del Lenguaje” - Psicolinguistica Saussure. Interacción Pragmática,

semiótica - Tradición descriptiva. Niños, Chomsky, Piaget, Vygotsky. Teorías.
< df>

“adquisición del lenguaje. El principio de la comunicación”. Macarena Navarro Pablo.

Universidad de Sevilla

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