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MODULE 5 ASSIGNMENT 2: Sonic Geometry: Communicating with the Universe

1. Three things I significantly learned from the video clip

Despite having mathematical formulas, laws, and theories that we claim govern

the world that surrounds us and its nature, there are still doubts and uncertainties as to

how we came to be today. Because of the civilization that our forefathers had during their

existence, we are tempted to reconsider our own nature and timeline of existence. The

origin of most of the mathematical concepts and ideas we use to apply in engineering and

sciences can be dated back up to 6000 years ago in the Sumerian region of Mesopotamia.

This very first mathematical system were mainly consisted of counting in 12’s and 60’s

which lead to various numerous applications that we have today such as how there are 60

seconds in a minute, 12 inches in a foot, how a circle has a 360 degree angle, and many


2. Three things that are still unclear to me

I don’t quite understand how the ancient Sumerians came up with the idea of

developing a counting system consisted of 12’s and 60’s when the human hand, which I

assume is the very convenient way of having access in terms of counting. If we ever

really were visited by beings that are not from this land and introduced to the Sumerians

this mathematical system, it is unclear as to what these visitors’ intentions really are. On

the other hand, it is also unclear that if the visitors that the ancient Sumerians claim to be

are the Anaks (or the race of ancient giants, whom in the bible were described as

giganticly fierce people who are known slaughterers of small men) how were these giants
able to teach the most basic form of mathematical system when it goes contrary to what

they were stereotyped as.

3. I used to think that

Knowing how the ancient Greeks and romans were the pioneers of a sophisticated

civilization compared to that of the Mesopotamians, the origin of mathematics and the

system that we use today originated from this people. From the video clip I learned that

this was false and that the ancient Sumerians were the first to develop the basic counting

system that are used up until today. Prior to watching the video, I also thought that the

basic mathematical system is comprised of counting from 1 to 10 as these were the most

accessible way for ancient people to count. However, this was not the case and neither

does the way of gaining such knowledge because the basic form of counting system

started in 12’s and 60’s and as the ancient people have claimed through their artifacts,

this system was thought by a race that seemingly did not belong in this world.

4. Three questions that I want to ask about the video clip

Were there really beings from a foreign planet or other extraterrestrial land that

we may not know of that came to the earth and taught us math? If so, what were their true

intentions, and were they the ones responsible for the advancement of the civilization that

we have today? Also, if the speculation is true, did these aliens even left us or stayed here

and we are just not that wary that they are among us? If the claim that the Anaks or the

giants were the ones responsible for teaching the basic counting systems of mathematics,

how would this be possible when these giants are known to be fierce warriors? And how
did they come up with such a system if their stereotype is not applicable to all of their


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