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Name Pradyumn Bisht

Roll NO. 1629

Sem VI
Subject OM III

Question “Most people often hear and not listen.” Explain.

Hearing and listening may seem like they serve the same purpose. However Listening and
Hearing are two separate things.

 Hearing means that sounds come into your ears whether you want it or not,It is not a
conscious decision to hear.It ‘s just the physical experience the sense of sound. The
act of hearing is rather simple and basic
 Listening on the other hand is the active process of receiving and responding to
spoken messages and sometimes unspoken messages. It involves analyzing and
interpreting the message. In listening apart from ears our other senses are involved as
well. For example are eyes noticing the body language and gestures of the speaker.
The meaning of LISTEN -
 ‘L’ means Look Interested.
 ‘I’ means Involve Yourself By Responding.
 ‘S’ means stay on target.
 ‘T’ means Test your Understanding
 ‘E’ means Evaluate the Message.
 ‘N’ means Neutralize your Feelings.

As “Most people often hear and not listen” is the reason that people who succeed at work, or in
marriage or friendships, are ones that have honed their ability to listen.

Human can actually hear and understand at a rate of 200 words per minute or more. So when we
are listening, there is a fair amount of excess capacity between our ears and our brains.
(Attentive) listening is far more challenging, more demanding, and more difficult than hearing.
The first step to overcome this is to recognize that effective listening is an active process

Seven stage process of listening

This is cyclical process

1. Hearing – receiving the info from the speaker.

2. Selecting – identifying the info that is totally out of context and eliminate the same.
Preliminary selection that is taking place.
3. Attending – focusing the attention on the remaining after the preliminary elimination.
Segregate into primary & secondary or major & minor.
4. Understanding – whatever info has been segregated, a meaning is assigned to it. Where
and in which part of the situation or decision making process will a particular info be
5. Evaluating – analysing the info.
6. Remembering – storing the info in the brain because as and when a situation will arise the
corresponding will be used.
7. Responding – giving the feedback

The art of being a good listener takes focus, patience, and a sincere desire to really communicate
with others. While listening is only one side of a conversation, it is usually the neglected side.

An effective listener has the following characterstics

 Effective listeners don’t interrupt,

 Effective Listeners remain patient
 Effective Listeners maintain eye contact
 Effective Listeners show interest
 Effective Listeners concentrate on what the speaker is saying
 Effective Listeners ask valid questions

In the business environment and business communications, active listening has paramount
importance. Marketing, sales and customer service staff will be far more successful and
respected if they learn and practice the art of active listening. They need to listen to understand
the problem their potential customer is trying to solve. Only when they have this knowledge can

the employees convincingly demonstrate how product or service can effectively and
economically solve the consumer's problem, thus increasing their odds for success.

Active listening in business communication is the only effective means to rapidly uncover
information that is critical to satisfying the customer.For eg. As the customer speaks, concentrate
on what the customer is saying rather than thinking about how you want to respond, Do not
interrupt. peoople like to talk and do not like to be cut off, focus on the tone, inflection and body
language , Empathize with the speaker. Think from the perspective of the speaker.etc.

Answer 2.


A Skonda car manufacturing company announced its intention to recall a number of

vehicles, equipped with airbags inflators manufactured by Takata. The company, which is at

present in India through a wholly-owned arm Skonda Cars India Limited (SCIL), announced that

the latest recall of faulty airbags will impact most of the models which were manufactured since

2013. The SCIL, India stated that the recall of faulty air bags inflators was based on utilitarian

principle. The management also argued that in their view as long as the action provided them

with more measureable benefit than costs as their action is right. List down your arguments

based on utilitarian principle as to whether the management decision is right or not.


The management decision of SCIL to recall to recall a number of vehicles, equipped with faulty
airbags inflators is right based on utilitarian principles.

Utilitarianism is an ethical belief that decisions should be made based on the overall
consequences of the actions and how they impact everyone. It focuses on making decisions
based on the greater good for all or as many as possible. Utilitarianism takes into account a cause

and affect mentality. These beliefs mean that corporations should be making decisions based on
the outcome of the company as a whole, the shareholders, the employees and the consumers.

In my opinion the management decision of Skonda to recall the faulty cars was right as this will
increase happiness among Skonda customers because this will shown that Skonda cares about
helping out the customers and that they are not just using them for money. Additionally, Skonda
has made the call to recall it’s car models so as to ensure the safety of it’s customers and
ensuring their and their family’s happiness and longlife.

Although you could argue that this would displease the stakeholders because since they may
have to replace all the airbags in the car it would cost the company a large sum of money which
would affect the stakeholders. However the decision to recall even though it may seem expensive
at the present moment it would lead to a greater reputation and increased shareholder wealth in
the long run because of the preventive measures being taken by Skonda to ensure happiness and
safety of its customers. Eventually leading to more loyal customers and greater brand reputation
in the long run.

As far as employees of Skonda are concerned admittedly they will have to work extra hard to
rectify the defects. However the decision to recall would ensure that they receive higher wages in
the long run due to greater reputation and increased profitability of Skonda in the loing run
.Because for Skonda the happinees and safety of its customers is of paramount importance


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