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ELSEVIER Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542


Technology integration: Managing technological evolution

in a complex environment *
Marco Iansiti
Hart,ard Uniuersity, Graduate School of Business Administration, Boston, MA 02163, USA
Final version received January 1994


We report on an empirical investigation of product development in an environment characterized by discontinu-

ous technological change. Our sample is composed of field-based observations on 27 projects and 61 technical
problem solving attempts by all leading organizations developing high performance mainframe computers. Different
organizations attained very different levels of R & D performance, as indicated by development lead time, R & D
productivity and technical product improvement. We show that the differences in performance are correlated with
skills and routines aimed at technology integration. High project performance is linked to a broad approach to
resolving critical problems, merging deep technical knowledge with a detailed understanding of the specific
environment in which the new technologies would be applied. Effective organizations are characterized by a 'system
focused' approach. The approach involves an emphasis on project specification and concept development, a number
of specific routines that probe the systemic impact of technical options on the existing capabilities of the
organization, as well as the retention of individuals with direct experience of related product introduction efforts.

1. Introduction in well-established and sophisticated organiza-

tions (e.g. T u s h m a n and A n d e r s o n , 1986; H e n -
Technological evolution is a subtle process, derson and Clark, 1990). In this work, we argue
frequently leading to shifts in the competitiveness that the effective m a n a g e m e n t of technological
of firms. Several authors have shown that p r o d u c t evolution in such settings is f o u n d e d on a set of
d e v e l o p m e n t in an environment u n d e r g o i n g tech- skills and routines that make up what we call the
nological c h a n g e is given to frequent failure, even technology integration process.
A new p r o d u c t is the fruit of the fusion of new
and existing knowledge. Novel technical concepts,
* Work supported by the Division of Research, Harvard
Business School. The author would like to acknowledge exten- such as may arise from the science base, can be a
sive discussions with Kim B. Clark, Takahiro Fujimoto, Re- critical contributor of new knowledge for p r o d u c t
becca Henderson, Tarun Khanna, Dorothy Leonard-Barton, development. However, to be used effectively,
Susan Pope, Warren Smith, Marcie Tyre and Eric Von Hip- these concepts must be carefully selected and
pel. Takahiro Fujimoto, Kim B. Clark, Warren Smith and a d a p t e d to match the complex requirements of an
Tarun Khanna were also instrumental in performing the field
work. David Williams and Paul Conway of the Loughborough organizations's existing environment. This is the
University of Technology were very helpful in arranging and focus of technology integration.
performing fieldwork at the European research sites. Technology integration consists of the set of

0048-7333/95/$09.50 © 1995 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

SSDI 0048-7333(94)00781-2
522 M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542

knowledge-building activities through which novel they followed a specific set of routines (which we
concepts are explored, evaluated, and refined to outline in some detail below) to investigate the
provide the foundation for product development. broad impact of novel technical possibilities on
The process is integrative since managing the product functionality and production system per-
relationship between new and old knowledge may formance. Third, they dedicated to the process a
require the combination of a variety of sources of group of individuals with rich experience of previ-
information, from fundamental science to the de- ous integration efforts and a detailed knowledge
tails of the manufacturing environment. It is of the organization's existing capabilities. We
rooted in the early stages of a development pro- characterized organizations following this ap-
ject, and results in the creation of specifications proach as 'system focused' - i.e. focusing on the
which define the basic technological path to be systemic impact of novel technical concepts. Sys-
followed in a given project. The technology inte- tem-focused organizations achieved a good match
gration process frames the project, providing a between technical concepts, product architecture
critical road map to guide design and develop- and production process characteristics. This led
ment activities. The activities, therefore, set the to effective project execution, short development
direction for the evolution of knowledge in an time, and high R& D productivity.
organization and provide a critical opportunity These results show that the ability to manage
for the management of technological evolution. product development is not only a function of
This paper reports on an empirical investiga- effective planning at the strategic level and strong
tion of the impact of technology integration rou- project management. Success is also linked to
tines on the performance of product development routines and approaches for technology selection,
projects in environments characterized by discon- evaluation and adaptation. These ensure that the
tinuous technological change. The work is based details of an organization's knowledge base evolve
on field investigations of organizational processes in an appropriate fashion to provide the right
and problem-solving activities in projects aimed foundation for product development activities.
at the development of technologically advanced Without the right foundation, product develop-
products. All projects fundamentally altered the ment projects will be plagued by poor outcomes,
competence base of each organization, making low productivity and long lead times.
use of novel technologies and causing the obso- The paper begins by developing a set of con-
lescence of established capabilities. jectures on the drivers of development perfor-
Our analysis shows the existence of striking mance in complex environments characterized by
differences in project performance. For example, discontinuous technological change. The conjec-
we found a factor of three differences in the tures, relating organizational processes and a
productivity of different geographical groups of problem-solving approach to development perfor-
projects aimed at the development of similar mance, are then tested using data from a cross-
products (Iansiti, 1992b, 1993). However, we sectional study of product development in the
found that these differences were not correlated mainframe computer industry. Our empirical
with traditional drivers of development perfor- analysis is based on 27 case studies of develop-
mance such as project management and cross- ment projects and 61 case studies of technical
functional communication. They were, instead, problem solving activities, and includes all major
related to activities that took place before the competitors in the industry. We end by discussing
projects had reached the design and development the implications of our results.
The more effective organizations followed a
2. Development performance under discontinuous
process characterized by several factors. First,
technical change
they exercised a distinct and explicit emphasis on
technology integration activities, and dedicated Our work is aimed at studying environments in
substantial resources to their execution. Second, which the development of new products involves
M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542 523

discontinuous technological change. By discontin- 1989; Cusumano, 1992; Cusumano and Nobeoka,
uous, we mean that relationships between prod- 1992; Bowen et al., 1993). This work demon-
uct functionality, process requirements and disci- strates the effectiveness of several specific rou-
plinary expertise change, necessitating a substan- tines and approaches. Allen and his collabora-
tial evolution in the knowledge base of the devel- tors, for example, documented the impact of
opment organization (as in Anderson and Tush- communication patterns on the performance of
man, 1990; Henderson and Clark, 1990). In this R & D projects (Allen, 1977, 1986; Allen et al.,
section, we will develop a set of propositions 1980b). Clark and Fujimoto identified the critical
which analyze the effectiveness of specific prob- impact of internal and external integration rou-
lem-solving patterns and organizational processes tines on product development performance (e.g.
in this type of environment. We will claim that Clark and Fujimoto, 1991). However, most of this
effectiveness is driven by a technology integration research stream was performed in environments
process which proactively encourages the thor- in which the basic technologies were stable, and
ough evaluation of a wide range of technical did not specifically address the challenges identi-
possibilities and design approaches. This hinges fied by the literature on technological evolution.
on a broad approach to problem solving and This work aims to fill some of the gap between
decision making, which is open to the evaluation these two bodies of knowledge: existing research
of novel possibilities and to the reorganization of on organizational response to technological evo-
design tasks. This is rooted in the management of lution, and on the management of R & D organi-
project specification activities, which may precede zations.
the bulk of product development tasks, aimed at
project execution. 2.1. Problem-soh, ing approach
Little is known about which specific product
development approaches are effective if discon- Problem-solving activities are a fundamental
tinuous technological evolution causes the obso- engine of technological evolution (e.g. Dosi and
lescence of established capabilities in the organi- Marengo, 1992; Iansiti and Clark, 1993). They
zation. Many academics have studied the re- drive the evaluation of new ideas and the genera-
sponse and adaptation of organizations to techno- tion of new knowledge. We therefore begin from
logical change (e.g. Burns and Stalker, 1961; Moch the basic premise that effectiveness in product
and Morse, 1977; Ettlie et al., 1984; Clark, 1985; development is linked to the problem-solving be-
Abernathy and Clark, 1985; Dewar and Dutton, havior of individuals in an organization.
1986; Tushman and Anderson, 1986; Anderson Problem-solving processes have been studied
and Tushman, 1990; Henderson and Clark, 1990). extensively by a number of authors (e.g.
Their work clearly characterized the adverse im- Frischmuth and Allen, 1969; Mintzberg et al.,
pact of technological discontinuities (e.g. Tush- 1976; Simon, 1978). Frischmuth and Allen (1969)
man and Anderson 1986; Henderson and Clark, developed a model of technical problem-solving
1990). However, it did not focus on how to coun- emphasizing two streams of activities: the genera-
teract these negative consequences and manage tion of solutions, and the generation of criteria
technological evolution proactively. Nor did it (or frames) for evaluating those solutions. They
identify which specific routines could be effective pointed out that a characterization of both activi-
in integrating such technological change in the ties is essential in understanding engineering
development of new products. problem-solving strategies.
This academic base is complemented by a sec- Recent authors have focused on the essential
ond stream of research aimed at exploring the role played by frames of reference in technical
drivers of effectiveness in R & D management and problem solving. Dosi and Marengo (1992) ar-
product development (e.g. Allen, 1977; Allen et gued that the evolution of frames of reference is
al., 1980a; Katz and Allen, 1985; Keller, 1986; the foundation for learning and technological
Clark and Fujimoto, 1989a,b, 1991; Fujimoto, evolution in an R & D organization. Schrader et
524 M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542

al. (1992) emphasized the difficult nature of prob- tioning of design tasks employed in previous
lem framing and solving in situations character- product generations (Clark, 1985; Von Hippel,
ized by high ambiguity (see also McDonough III 1990a). Problem-solving efforts would have
and Barczak, 1992). Efficient problem-solving in needed to be framed broadly to probe proactively
ambiguous situations will require new reference for potential new linkages between previously
frames to allow for a recombination of new and unrelated knowledge bases. This leads to our first
old disciplinary bases. proposition.
Projects involving discontinuous technological
change will give rise to ambiguous problem situa- Proposition 1. In a complex environment char-
tions, the solution of which may require new acterized by technological discontinuities, high
relationships between knowledge bases. This will problem-solving efficiency (and development
create the need for new search procedures and performance) will be associated with approaches
information-processing patterns. Effective prob- that sample a broad base of disciplinary exper-
lem-solving in a project characterized by techno- tise - involving the search for and processing of
logical discontinuities will therefore require more information from disciplinary knowledge bases
innovative frames, involving a greater breadth which were previously unrelated.
and flexibility of approach than is appropriate in
an incremental environment.
Development performance is indicated by several
We draw on an example from the work of
variables (including engineering productivity and
Henderson and Clark (1990) to illustrate this
development lead time), as discussed in detail in
point. Evolution from contact to proximity mask
Section 3 and in the appendix.
aligners in the photolithographic equipment in-
dustry elevated the importance of the product's
mechanical systems and changed fundamental 2.2. Project specification
linkages between component characteristics and
product performance. This caused critical prob- Many authors have argued that problem-solv-
lems for R & D organizations and the failure of ing patterns will reflect the routines present in an
Kasper, the incumbent firm. organization (e.g. March and Simon, 1958; Ar-
The essence of Kasper's problem was the fact row, 1974; Nelson and Winter, 1982). Problem-
that technological evolution had altered the tradi- solving behavior will therefore be linked to the
tional linkage between problem-solving tasks. For specific routines that characterize the organiza-
example, a contact mask aligner worked by hold- tion's product development activities (see also
ing the optical mask pressed directly against the Clark and Fujimoto, 1991; Bowen et al., 1993).
surface of the semiconductor wafer. In a proxim- We have found it useful to differentiate be-
ity aligner, the optical mask was held away from tween two types of product development rou-
the wafer, but the mask still needed to be pre- tines: 'project specification' and 'project execu-
cisely parallel to it. This created a number of tion'. Project specification routines set the scope
subtle new interdependencies between design and objectives of the project. Project execution
tasks. For example, it linked the design of the routines carry out the steps necessary to achieve
mask holder to the design of the wafer-holder the specified objectives. While specification rou-
system. Two technical problems which were pre- tines frame the problems in a development effort,
viously unrelated now had to be framed in an execution routines will complete the problem-
integrated fashion. solving cycles within the specified frames (Iansiti
We argue that Kasper's failure might have and Clark, 1993). Using Clark's design hierarchy
been averted if it had been able to detect the framework, specification routines define the hier-
required changes in the pattern of problem fram- archy, while execution routines carry out the de-
ing and solving. To do this, Kasper would have cisions imbedded in the hierarchy (Clark, 1985).
had to break away from the hierarchy and parti- Within Von Hippel's task-partitioning approach
M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542 525

(1990a), specification routines are aimed at parti- build up momentum to complete the project in
tioning the overall design problem into smaller the specified direction.
subproblems, making up manageable tasks which Making use of this opportunity is the essence
can subsequently be executed. of an effective technology integration process. To
If the knowledge base surrounding a develop- do this, established routines should proactively
ment project is turbulent, project specification induce a broad and informed approach to deci-
routines will be difficult and critical, since the sion making and problem solving. The approach
structure of problem solving for a future product should consider a variety of options, and match
will be substantially different from that for past these to the frequently stringent limitations of
products (Clark, 1985; Von Hippel, 1990b). Clark existing systems. The approach should emphasize
(1985), Henderson and Clark (1990) and Von the early generation of information about the
Hippel (1990a,b) have all pointed out that a criti- potential impact of novel approaches on the orga-
cal source of difficulty encountered by organiza- nization's capabilities. Moreover, project specifi-
tions in responding to novel situations is their cation should be kept flexible until informed de-
continued reliance on obsolete historical design cisions can be made, avoiding closing the window
approaches, which results in the suboptimal spec- prematurely.
ification of development activities.
Project specification routines tend to occur in 2.3. Effective management of technology integra-
the early stages of a development project (Iansiti tion
(1991), 1992a). While it is clearly impossible to
specify all tasks completely before project execu- The effectiveness of project specification rou-
tion begins, the most critical decisions regarding tines will be linked to the generation of knowl-
the approaches to be taken in a project are usu- edge about the interactions between new ap-
ally made during the planning and concept devel- proaches and the existing capabilities of the orga-
opment stages (Wheelwright and Clark, 1992). nization. This will involve evaluating the impact
These decisions have an important explicit impact of specific changes in the technologies employed,
on a project, since they define its principal objec- for example, to establish new needs and new
tives. In addition, the decisions also carry a criti- constraints. The effective execution of these tasks
cal implicit impact, since the specified objectives will require a broad understanding of the existing
may be achievable only through the execution of characteristics of the organization. Such under-
certain activities, or the development of new standing will allow the recognition of new poten-
competences. In a disk-drive development pro- tially beneficial interrelationships between knowl-
ject, for example, specification decisions on the edge bases, as well as awareness of the emer-
size and weight of the subsystem will explicitly gence of constraints in previously distant branches
influence future design tasks. They will also have of the design hierarchy for a product.
a critical implicit impact: making the drive small, In the example from Henderson and Clark's
for instance, will necessitate redesigning the me- work on the photolithography industry (Hender-
chanical systems and developing miniaturization son and Clark, 1990), we would argue that the
capabilities. essential mistakes in the incumbent's approach
We argue that project specification routines were made during project specification. Hender-
will be essential to the effective execution of son and Clark describe the problem:
technology integration. The routines provide a
critical 'window of opportunity' (Tyre and Or- Kasper conceived of the proximity aligner as a
likowski, 1991) for managing technological evolu- modified contact aligner. Like incremental im-
tion in the organization. Once the window is provements to the contact aligner before it,
closed, the basic options and approaches will design of the proximity aligner was managed as
have been selected, tasks will have been parti- a routine extension of the product line...
tioned and assigned, and the project will rapidly Kasper's failure stemmed primarily from fail-
526 M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542

ures of recognition (Henderson and Clark, in a scattered and compartmentalized fashion.

1990, pp. 25-26). New technical possibilities are then selected for
their individual potential, not for their impact on
Kasper engineers had framed and specified the the product and production system as a whole. In
development of proximity aligners just as they contrast, system-focused organizations emphasize
had done with previous contact aligners. an extensive and proactive analysis of the impact
We would speculate that Kasper's failure was of individual design possibilities on the integrated
not inevitable, but a consequence of its develop- properties of the entire network of design deci-
ment process. Kasper would have benefited from sions. If circumstances require it, a system-focused
a technology integration process that proactively process will therefore break with past design ap-
encouraged the re-evaluation of the existing pat- proaches.
tern of design decisions, devoting both resources A system-focused process hinges on a thor-
and expertise to the tasks. Kasper's process ap- ough (but flexible) foundation of 'system' knowl-
pears to have been so focused on the design of edge. The information required for evaluating the
contact aligners that it missed the implications of interaction between novel technical approaches
the new design on system architecture. We would and the existing environment is not easily stored
argue that the failure might have been averted if or transferred from individual to individual (see,
Kasper's project specification process had been however, Leonard-Barton, 1988; Von Hippel,
more 'system focused': if it had proactively 1990b; Clark and Fujimoto, 1991; Von Hippel
searched for the possibility of discontinuous tech- and Tyre, 1993). The value of individual experi-
nological change, supported by a broad knowl- ence in such situations is very high (e.g.
edge base and a flexible approach to problem Leonard-Barton, 1988). System-focused organiza-
solving. tions will therefore retain individuals with the
A system-focused process for technology inte- experience base necessary to investigate the broad
gration first of all emphasizes project specifica- impact of individual design decisions. These pro-
tion tasks by dedicating adequate resources and fessionals will drive project specification, becom-
time to them. As with Kasper, many organiza- ing the 'architects' or 'integrators' of the future
tions do not focus attention on this aspect of product. These will be individuals with knowledge
product development, and the activities are per- of past reactions to discontinuous technological
formed by a variety of organizational subgroups change-experience with incremental design will

System Focus
emphasis on project specification
generation of knowledge of systemic impact
of individual design choices
systematic retention and application of
system knowledge

Development Performance

sampling broad disciplinary expertise in
problem identification and solution

Fig. 1. A framework for development performance in environments characterized by discontinuous technological evolution.
M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542 527

not suffice, as shown by the Kasper example. process in situations characterized by discontinu-
System-focused organizations will emphasize the ous technological change. We will now go on to a
growth of such experience over time and value description of our empirical approach, and to an
these individuals highly. analysis of our results.
Our definition of system-focused organizations
is summarized in Definition 1.
3. Empirical approach
Definition 1. System-focused organizations are
characterized by a development process that: Our empirical work was designed to perform
(1) emphasizes and dedicates adequate re- quantitative and qualitative analysis of R & D per-
sources to technology integration, particularly formance in an environment characterized by dis-
during project specification; continuous technological change. The mainframe
(2) focuses on the early generation of knowl- computer industry, with a history characterized
edge of the potential impact of individual deci- by technical excellence and strong emphasis on
sions on the broad characteristics of the exist- technology as a competitive weapon, is ideal for
ing product and production systems; this task. The mainframe has exhibited a well-de-
(3) retains past knowledge of related technol- fined set of functional features that are simple to
ogy integration efforts ('system knowledge'). track. Although measures of product quality and
technical performance have remained relatively
We conjecture that in a discontinuous techni- constant, the results achieved have increased dra-
cal environment, system-focused organizations matically over time. Performance improvements,
will be more effective than other organizations in achieved through the introduction of novel tech-
developing new products (see Fig. 1). nological concepts, caused substantial shifts in
the structure of the knowledge base required to
Proposition 2. System-focused organ&ations will design the new products (Iansiti and Khanna,
be associated with high levels of development 1992). The industry therefore provides an envi-
performance in environments characterized by ronment in which technological discontinuities
discontinuous technological change. are common, while at the same time product
performance measures are stable enough to allow
To close the logical loop, we propose that for a good analytical comparison of different pro-
system-focused organizations ought to be charac- jects.
terized by a broader problem-solving approach To obtain comparable observations, we fo-
than other organizations. A focus on project spec- cused on the development of technologies associ-
ification activities will engender the consideration ated with the packaging and interconnect system
of a broader set of alternative solutions in prob- of the mainframe processor, the 'multi-chip mod-
lem-solving attempts. ule'. Mainframe multi-chip modules connect indi-
vidual integrated circuits to each other and to the
Proposition 3. System-focused organizations will rest of the computer. Their design is critical to
be associated with a broader approach to solving the speed and reliability of the system. In the
problems than other organizations-this will in- words of a senior executive at a leading company,
volve information search and processing activi- they are "the most critical subsystems in the
ties that cross a broader base of existing disci- product, and among the most difficult to develop".
plinary expertise. Our full-scale empirical research was preceded
by a year-long pilot study (Iansiti (1991), 1992a).
To summarize, we have developed a set of During that time, we had discussions with techni-
propositions that relate development perfor- cal and industry experts and focused on extensive
mance to the problem-solving approach and other informal investigations of two organizations, one
characteristics of an organization's development based in the US and one in Japan, involved in the
528 M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542

development of modules for mainframe comput- Table 1

ers. These investigations were used to develop Summary of principal variable definitions (see Appendix for
the basic conceptual and empirical frameworks
Total lead Time elapsed between the beginning of
for the study. In particular, we developed a pre-
time the project and market introduction. The
cise indicator for system focus based on the fac- project beginning is defined as the start
tors outlined in Definition 1. After the end of the of the first scientific investigations of new
pilot phase, we collected observations on the ma- technologies specifically targeted for pos-
jor projects performed by firms in the industry sible inclusion in the new product design
over the past 10 years. Our sample was made up effort

of all companies in the mainframe computer in- Concept lead Time elapsed between the beginning of
dustry, including US, European and Japanese time the project and the end of the technology
firms. integration phase. The latter is signaled
by the emergence of a firm and detailed
In each company, one or more projects were technological concept for the new prod-
analyzed in detail, for a total of 27 projects. uct
Structured and unstructured interviews were per-
Development Difference between total lead time and
formed with scientists, engineers and managers at lead time concept lead time. Indicates the time
different hierarchical levels in the organization spent during the 'development' stage of
and involved with the most critical aspects of the project. During this phase the activi-
each project. A questionnaire was used to guide ties focus on the detailed design of the
product and associated processes, based
some of the interviews. We recorded the histories
on the concept and specifications estab-
of each development effort, tracking the comple- lished during the previous stages
tion of each major step as well as the resources
Person years Level of technical and managerial human
used. We also gathered observations on the basic
of engineer- resources used for the length of the
characteristics of the organizations involved and ing and scien- entire project. Includes engineers, man-
on the processes employed, as well as on the tific activity agers, scientists and technicians internal
behavior patterns of the managers and engineers. and external to the firm
These observations were used to develop esti- Technical Ratio of the number of 'logic gates' per
mates of R & D performance and project-specific content square centimeter achieved by the pro-
indicators of system focus (see Tables 1 and 2 and ject to the best value achieved in the
the appendix). industry (best in class) at the time of
product introduction. The measure is a
Furthermore, we captured examples of individ-
good characterization of the overall func-
ual approaches to design choice and problem tional performance of the device, and
solving by gathering detailed case histories of 61 depends on all critical aspects of the
problem-solving efforts. We interviewed the indi- design
viduals involved and cross-checked the informa-
tion by examining written technical accounts. The
problems were selected as being 'the most diffi- ational definitions of the variables, and provides
cult technical bottlenecks' in each project, as additional details on our methodology.
evaluated by the engineering managers in each
firm. The problem-solving efforts were coded and 3.1. Problem-solving path analysis
analyzed to develop an indicator of problem-solv-
ing breadth, which was used to test Propositions 1 The test of Propositions 1 and 3 developed in
and 3. Section 2 necessitated developing a framework
The empirical work comprised several full days for analyzing the disciplinary breadth of the prob-
of interviews at each of the company sites per- lem-solving attempts. Our approach was based on
formed over multiple visits. The main empirical a technical analysis of the path taken in the 61
part of the study was completed in a period of 2.5 problem-solving cases captured during our empir-
years. The appendix develops more precise oper- ical work. Our measure of problem solving
M. lansiti /Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542 529

breadth is linked to the number of independent information search and processing activities in
knowledge bases or disciplines sampled during each problem-solving effort. The number of
each problem-solving attempt. We call our ap- knowledge bases sampled during the identifica-
proach 'problem-solving path analysis'. tion of the problem-solving effort was used as the
Technical problem-solving processes were indicator of the breadth of the problem-solving
studied in detail by Allen (1966) and by path. A path was defined as being 'narrow' if only
Frischmuth and Allen (1969), who showed that a single knowledge base was employed. The path
they proceed through a recognizable and codable was defined as being 'broad' if more than one
path. This is consistent with broader studies of knowledge base was employed. Additionally we
human problem-solving (e.g. Mintzberg et al., made the distinction between context-specific
1976), which showed that problem-solving pro- breadth and context-independent breadth. 2 The
cesses may be modeled as cyclical activities in analysis was aggregated to arrive at an index of
which individuals frame the problem, search for problem-solving breadth for an organization. This
information, process that information, and either was defined as the percentage of problems ana-
select a solution or cycle back to search for addi- lyzed which were classified as broad. 3 Indexes of
tional information (see also Hauptman and Pope, context-specific breadth and context-independent
1992). breadth were defined similarly.
Our approach was based on tracking the path
of different problem-solving efforts and docu- 3.2. Organizational ~,ariables
menting which knowledge bases were employed.
We first defined a set of fundamental knowledge We used the ideal profile index method to
bases in the field of multi-chip module design. develop an index of system focus (e.g. Van de
After consultations with several technical experts, Ven and Drazin, 1985; Venkatraman, 1987; Fuji-
we arrived at the identification of nine knowledge moto, 1989; Clark and Fujimoto, 1991). The one
bases. Six of the knowledge bases are established year pilot study was important in the develop-
disciplines in applied science and engineering, ment of the index. Over this period of time, we
and largely independent of firm-specific contexts. worked with experienced managers and engineers
These are ceramic material science, semiconduc- to translate the three general factors described in
tor material science, metallurgy, polymer chem- Definition 1 into a set of specific, measurable
istry, structural engineering (mechanical design)
and thermal engineering, t Three of the knowl-
edge bases are instead specific to the context of 2 An example may help to clarify our methodology. In one
each firm: knowledge of the architecture and instance, a group of metallurgists discovered that the copper
system design of the firm's mainframe computer, formulation they were using in their design developed trou-
knowledge of the firm's manufacturing process, blesome holes when processed at certain temperature ranges.
In response to this they developed a novel, proprietary copper
and knowledge of the capabilities of the firm's paste formulation which resolved the problem. This problem-
suppliers. solving path was defined to be narrow, since only metallurgi-
After identifying these disciplines, we coded cal knowledge was employed. In contrast, a group of cerami-
which knowledge bases were sampled during the cists in a different firm found that the surface of the ceramic
substrate they had developed exhibited cracks which impaired
its structural stability. The resolution of this problem was not
limited to ceramic engineering. The researchers found out
1 Ceramic material science has been consistently linked to that a polymer used in sealing the substrate cover would fill
ceramic substrate design, semiconductor material science to up the cracks in the ceramic, eliminating the problem. This
the design of silicon substrates, metallurgy to chip bonding, problem case was classified as broad, since the identification
polymer chemistry to the application of thin-film polyimide and solution of the problem combined different knowledge
materials and to certain chip-sealing techniques, structural bases (ceramic material science and polymer chemistry).
engineering to the design of the module housing and reliabil- 3 The analysis was not performed at the project level to
ity analysis and thermal engineering to the design of the allow for a greater sample of problem cases for each breadth
critical cooling system. calculation.
530 M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542

variables that applied to the mainframe module problem-solving breadth in Table 4. The relation-
environment (see Table 2). The indicators shown ship between development lead time and prob-
in Table 2 (all 0-1 variables) were added to lem-solving breadth is significant at the 1% level
construct the index. The individual impact of and negative, indicating that greater breadth is
each indicator was also analyzed independently. linked with development speed, in accordance
with Proposition 1. The relationship between lead
time and context-specific breadth is also signifi-
4. Empirical results cant and negative. However, model A6 indicates
that the relationship between context-indepen-
We begin by investigating the association be- dent breadth and lead time is not significant. 5
tween problem-solving breadth and project per- The difference in significance between con-
formance, and continue by looking at the rela- text-specific and context-independent breadth in
tionship between system focus and project perfor- both productivity and lead time models leads to
mance. We then close the logical loop by examin- an interesting interpretation of the results. Con-
ing the association between system focus and text-specific breadth referred to the inclusion of
problem-solving breadth. environment-specific knowledge bases in the
problem-solving effort. These included knowl-
4.1. Problem soluing and performance edge of the firm's manufacturing capabilities,
knowledge of the firm's mainframe design (out-
Tables 3 and 4 present results consistent with side of the module subsystem), and knowledge of
Proposition 1.4 Project performance, as repre- supplier capabilities. In contrast, context-inde-
sented by either person years or development pendent breadth included general, universally ap-
lead time, is significantly associated with prob- plicable, traditional disciplines, such as ceramic
lem-solving breadth in model A1. The coefficient material science or thermal engineering. Our re-
for problem-solving breadth has a negative sign, sults indicated that the components of problem-
indicating that the higher the breadth the lower solving breadth correlated with project perfor-
the person years (and thus the higher the produc- mance are those specific to the firm's environ-
tivity). Technical content was included explicitly ment, such as the awareness of subtle design and
in the regressions, rather than using content-ad- manufacturing considerations.
justed person year figures. Its relationship with This result is consistent with the likely evolu-
person years is positive (the higher the technical tion of knowledge in an R & D organization. Over
content the more resources necessary for the time, as different generations of products are
project) and significant at the 1% level. developed, engineers involved in module design
Table 3 shows regressions including context- are likely to develop an awareness of which basic
specific and context-independent problem-solving disciplinary knowledge bases are linked to each
breadth indexes. The regression results are in-
triguing. While context-specific breadth is highly
significant (and negatively correlated with person
years) context-independent breadth is not signifi- 5 Additionally, in contrast with the productivity regressions,
cantly associated with project performance. the impact of technical content in lead time regressions is not
significant. This may reflect the observation that organizations
These results are similar to those found in are frequently forced to complete the module design by a
regressions between development lead time and specific deadline, which is defined by the introduction of the
entire mainframe system. In response, they tend to add re-
sources to the project until they feel the deadline can be met.
Productivity may therefore be a more representative perfor-
4 The problem-solving path analysis was not carried out for mance measure for the organization. While development lead
three of the organizations in our sample. The n u m b e r of time may be driven by managerial schedule, the total person
degrees of freedom in analysis involving problem-solving in- years required for project completion are a direct representa-
dexes is therefore lower than that for the entire sample. tion of the challenges and difficulties encountered.
M. lansiti /Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542 531

other. Ceramicists are going to learn some metal- In contrast with well-defined traditional disci-
lurgy, since the design of ceramic multi-chip mod- plinary knowledge bases, context-specific knowl-
ules has always included layers of metallic circuits edge is more subtle and changes more rapidly (as
to conduct electric signals. The design of ceramic new manufacturing equipment is introduced, or
and metal layers has traditionally been closely as new suppliers are selected, for example). The
interlinked, requiring the integration of the two interactions between context-specific knowledge
knowledge bases. Over time, one would therefore and individual design choices are therefore likely
expect an organization to develop a hierarchy of to experience more significant shifts as products
design decisions with branches in which metal evolve. This makes the effective application of
and ceramic choices are closely related, naturally context-specific knowledge a substantial chal-
leading to problem-solving progressions which in- lenge, leading to clear differences in performance
volve both knowledge bases. between projects.

Table 2
Indicators of system focus (see Definition 1 and the Appendix)
Factor 1. The organization emphasizes and dedicates adequate resources to technology integration, particularly during project
1. Integration group exists The responsibility for project specification (integration) is localized in a single
organizational unit or core team. This unit is defined to be the integration group
2. Integration team dedicated The core scientist/engineer team is dedicated to integration activities for this
product line

Factor 2. The organization focuses on the early generation of knowledge of the potential impact of individual decisions on the
broad characteristics of the existing product and production systems
3. Day-to-day contact with plant Integration group is in on-going day-to-day contact with manufacturing plant
4. Fix production problems Integration group is responsible for major production problems on on-going
product lines. The group therefore has continuous awareness of the production
5. Manufacturing engineering group not The core of the development of the production process is performed by the
on critical path integration group. The integration group has direct knowledge of process
6. Relocation at uncertainty source Integration group moves to the major sources of technical uncertainty, such as the
pilot or production facility. The group therefore has direct access to these sources
7. Choose production volume equipment Integration group drives production equipment choices. The integration group
therefore has direct knowledge of the production equipment
8. Interacts with system group Integration group interacts directly with mainframe system designers. The group
has rich contact (not through liaisons) with experts on system architecture
9. Interacts with component groups Integration group interacts directly with component designers, such as chip
developers. The group has rich contact (not through liaisons) with experts on
semiconductor design

Factor 3. The organization retains past knowledge of related technology integration efforts ('system knowledge')
10. Technical expert exists Individual with great depth and breadth of knowledge is in the integration group.
This technical 'guru' captures a rich experience base
11. Technical expert is project manager The expert is a driver and champion of the entire project (more than an advisory
12. 'T' specialization Integration team members are deep in a specified technical area but are exposed
to a wide variety of activities
13. Continuous cycle (firm) The firm markets a continuous stream of technically related products. The
potential for accumulating a rich experience base exists. This is not a 'first of a
kind' effort
14. Continuous cycle (group) The integration group works on a consistent stream of products, with continuity in
members. The individuals in the group become a rich repository of the impact of
technical change on the environment
532 M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542

Table 3
Regression results on the association between person years, problem-solving breadth indexes and technical content
D e p e n d e n t variable Person years Person years Person years
Model n a m e A1 A2 A3
Constant 364.46 294.08 110.03
Problem-solving - 5 2 4 . 8 0 ***
breadth (205.61)
Context-specific - 4 7 8 . 9 9 **
breadth (195.09)
Context-independent 63.37
breadth (409.43)
Technical content 576.28 **** 549.01 **** 589.21 ****
(183.94) (186.22) (209.46)
F-test 8.46 8.13 4.07
P 0.002 0.002 0.031
Adjusted R 2 0.374 0.363 0.197
Residual degrees of 23 23 23
The table displays regression coefficients unless otherwise indicated; numbers in parentheses are standard errors. * significance at
the 10% level; ** significance at the 5% level; *** significance at the 2% level; **** significance at the 1% level; ***** signifi-
cance at the 0.1% level.

An example illustrates typical differences in ing the annealing process--this was due to a
problem-solving approaches. One organization difference in expansion rates between the ce-
began experiencing a problem during experi- ramic and the metal paste that made up the
ments on a prototype of the ceramic substrate module substrate. After much effort, material
early in the specification stage of the project. The scientists developed new metal paste composi-
substrate would 'buckle', changing its shape dur- tions and temporarily resolved the problem.

Table 4
Regression results on the association between development lead time, problem-solving breadth indexes and technical content
D e p e n d e n t variable Development lead Development lead Development lead
time time time
Model name A4 A5 A6
Constant 5.73 5.46 3.98
Problem-solving - 3.28 ****
breadth (1.10)
Context-specific - 3 . 4 5 ****
breadth (0.99)
Context-independent 1.98
breadth (2.25)
Technical content 1.46 1.24 1.45
(0.99) (0.94) (1.15)
F-test 5.67 7.51 1.32
P 0.010 0.003 0.285
Adjusted R 2 0.330 0.343 0.103
Residual degrees of 23 23 23
The table displays regression coefficients unless otherwise indicated; numbers in parentheses are standard errors. * significance at
the 10% level; ** significance at the 5% level; *** significance at the 2% level; **** significance at the 1% level; ***** signifi-
cance at the 0.1% level.
M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542 533

Table 5 composition of the metal paste. Once again the

R e g r e s s i o n results o n the a s s o c i a t i o n b e t w e e n project perfor- problem appeared to have been resolved. How-
m a n c e variables, system-focus indexes a n d t e c h n i c a l c o n t e n t
ever, when the substrate was transferred to the
Dependent variable P e r s o n years D e v e l o p m e n t lead
production facility, it recurred again, causing ad-
time ditional delays. These problems combined to de-
Model name B1 B2
lay the project for a total of 2 years.
Constant 567.68 6.62
System focus -52.64 ***** - 0 . 2 8 5 *****
A second organization experienced the same
(12.76) (0.0726) buckling problem. Rather than limiting the search
Technical content 590.94 ***** 1.56 for solutions to the field of metallurgy, however,
(155.03) (0.882) the engineers involved in early project specifica-
F-test 15.95 9.33
tion (the 'integration group') framed the problem
P 0.0001 0.001
Adjusted R e 0.535 0.391
broadly and searched for solutions in a number of
R e s i d u a l d e g r e e s of 24 24 different contexts. They examined the potential
freedom of using new materials, changing the architecture
T h e t a b l e displays r e g r e s s i o n coefficients unless o t h e r w i s e of the product, or modifying its production pro-
i n d i c a t e d ; n u m b e r s in p a r e n t h e s e s are s t a n d a r d errors. * sig- cess. Moreover, they tried a combination of the
nificance at the 10% level; ** significance at the 5 % level; above solution strategies. They had a very good
• ** significance at the 2 % level; **** significance at the 1% awareness of how the different elements of the
level; * * * * * significance at the 0.1% level.
product and production system might have an
impact on this problem. For example, members
However, when the module was transferred to of the integration group had helped select the
the pilot plant, the problem recurred. Once again, manufacturing equipment, and were aware that
the material scientists were called in to refine the some of its characteristics might have a subtle

Table 6
T h e c o r r e l a t i o n b e t w e e n i n d i v i d u a l i n d i c a t o r s of system focus a n d d e v e l o p m e n t s p e e d a n d productivity
P e r s o n years Development
residuals lead t i m e r e s i d u a l s
1. I n t e g r a t i o n g r o u p exists -0.63 ***** -0.445 ***
2. Integration team dedicated - 0.439 ** - 0.393 **
3. D a y - t o - d a y contact with p l a n t - 0.525 **** - 0.539 ****
4. Fix p r o d u c t i o n p r o b l e m s - 0.446 **** - 0.392 **
5. Manufacturing engineering - 0.432 ** - 0.402 **
g r o u p not on critical p a t h
6. R e l o c a t i o n at u n c e r t a i n t y - 0.514 **** - 0.478 ***
7. C h o o s e p r o d u c t i o n v o l u m e - 0.343 * - 0.419 **
8. I n t e r a c t s w i t h system g r o u p - 0.550 **** - 0.449 ***
9. I n t e r a c t s w i t h c o m p o n e n t - 0.447 *** - 0.667 *****
10. T e c h n i c a l e x p e r t exists
11. T e c h n i c a l e x p e r t is project -0.285 -0.127
12. 'T' s p e c i a l i z a t i o n - 0 . 5 4 6 **** - 0 . 5 8 2 ****
13. C o n t i n u o u s cycle (firm) - 0.149 - 0.205
14. C o n t i n u o u s cycle (group) - 0.503 **** - 0.576 ****

P e r s o n y e a r a n d d e v e l o p m e n t lead t i m e r e s i d u a l s are t a k e n from a r e g r e s s i o n b e t w e e n t e c h n i c a l c o n t e n t a n d p e r s o n years and

d e v e l o p m e n t lead time, respectively. I n d i c a t o r n u m b e r 10 h a d zero v a r i a n c e a n d thus its c o r r e l a t i o n c o u l d not b e c o m p u t e d .
* significance at the 10% level; ** significance at the 5 % level; *** significance at the 2 % level; **** significance at the 1% level;
* * * * * significance at the 0.1% level.
534 M. lansiti/ Research Policy 24 (1995)521-542

impact on the annealing rate for the substrate. As project performance. Table 6 displays the correla-
a result, they moved temporarily to the pilot plant tion between the different 0 - 1 variables making
to characterize the problem on the new produc- up the system-focus index, and the residuals of a
tion equipment, which had only recently been regression between the two main development
delivered. After extensive analysis and the con- performance variables and the technical content
sideration of a variety of solutions, the integra- of each project. The uniformly negative correla-
tion group solved the problem by adjusting the tion indicates that the system-focus indicators are
equipment to control (but not eliminate) the indeed consistently associated with higher pro-
buckling and by planarizing the substrate using a ductivity and lower development lead time. For
polymer layer. In contrast with the other organi- the majority of the cases, the association is
zation, the solution was robust and the problem strongly significant. For variables 10, 11 and 13
did not recur. Integration group members had there was a lack of substantial variation between
managed to resolve a difficult problem early by the projects.
framing it broadly and by making use of a novel Our results indicate that a system-focused pro-
combination of context-specific knowledge bases. cess for technology integration is linked with de-
velopment performance in this environment. In
4.2. System focus and performance other work (Iansiti, 1992b, 1993) we have investi-
gated the impact of geographical origin on devel-
Table 5 investigates the impact of organiza- opment performance. While Japanese companies
tional process on performance. Our results are were, on average, more productive and faster
consistent with Proposition 2, and show that sys- than US and European companies, regressions
tem focus is significantly associated with person including system focus as well as geographical
years and development lead time (at the 0.1% dummy variables indicated that only system focus
level). The association is negative, indicating that was significantly related to performance. A sys-
system-focused organizations completed develop- tem-focused development process could explain
ment projects more quickly and using fewer re- performance differences between as well as within
sources. As with the previous regressions, techni- geographical regions. Additionally, we investi-
cal content is significantly associated with person gated the impact of more traditional approaches
years but not with development lead time. to development effectiveness, such as cross-func-
To probe the consistency of the system-focus tional integration and project leadership (Allen et
index, we now examine the relationship between al., 1980b; Clark and Fujimoto, 1991). While the
the individual routines making up the index and traditional factors did show occasional positive

Table 7
Regression results on the association between problem-solvingbreadth indexes and system focus
Dependent v a r i a b l e Problem-solving Context-specific Context-independent
breadth breadth breadth
Model name C1 C2 C3
Constant - 0.0747 - 0.218 0.145
System focus 0.0615 ***** 0.0636 ***** - 0.0024
(0.0082) (0.0094) (0.0086)
F-test 55.93 45.82 0.084
P 0.0001 0.0001 0.774
Adjusted R 2 0.687 0.656 -0.038
Residual degrees of 24 24 24
The table displays regression coefficients unless otherwise indicated; numbers in parentheses are standard errors. * significance at
the 10% level; ** significance at the 5% level; *** significance at the 2% level; **** significance at the 1% level; ***** signifi-
cance at the 0.1% level.
M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542 535

correlation with productivity and development Table 8

lead time, our analysis indicated (Iansiti, 1993) Problem characteristics and outcomes for differentorganiza-
tional groups
that only system focus was consistently associated
The problem: Total System- Other
with development performance.
sample (%) focused organiza-
These results are consistent with our concep- organiza- tions (%)
tual framework. In this environment, dominated tions (%)
by discontinuous technological evolution, tradi- Was identified before 69 75 62
tional organizational approaches to project man- concept selection
agement did not appear to be sufficient to achieve Was worked on before 67 75 59
a fast and productive development organization. concept selection
Was fixed before 44 59 28
While effective companies appeared consistently
concept selection ***
characterized by good project management prac- Recurred after concept 25 16 35
tice (as described, for example by Clark and Fuji- selection *
moto, 1991), these practices did not differentiate Caused delays late in 56 41 72
them from less effective competitors. The most the project ***
critical activities in differentiating companies were Concept selection corresponds to the end of integration activi-
instead rooted in the early stages of product ties, which take place before detailed design has begun, as
development and were aimed at technology inte- described in Section 2. Problems 'identified' were ones that
project members had conjectured would be particularly chal-
gration. The most effective organizations empha-
lenging during the project. Problems 'worked on before con-
sized the critical role played by project specifica- cept selection' were ones to which the organization had de-
tion tasks, a broad approach to the evaluation of voted some resources before the integration phase was com-
design choices, and the value of accumulating plete. Problems 'fixed' before concept selection were ones
knowledge of previous technology integration ac- whose early solutions were robust enough to work in the final
production environment. Problems which 'recurred' were ones
whose early solutions did not work in the final production
environment. Problems which 'caused delays late in the pro-
4.3. Development process and problem-solving ap- ject' were ones that were not 'fixed before concept selection'.
proach *** indicates that values for the 'system focused' and 'other'
groups were significantly different at the 2% level, as indi-
cated by a t-test. * indicates that the significance level was
Table 7 displays the results of three regression
models that relate an organizational approach to
problem-solving breadth. In accordance with
Proposition 3, the problem-solving breadth index The evidence from Table 8 indicates that sys-
is significantly associated with system focus. Simi- tem-focused organizations approach technical
larly, context-specific breadth and system focus problems in a manner significantly different than
are significantly related. In contrast, context-in- the rest of the sample. The difference is not in
dependent breadth is not associated with system problem identification, however. Organizations in
focus. These results are consistent with the re- the entire sample appeared to do a good job of
gressions presented above and close the logical identifying potential problem areas early in the
loop in linking problem-solving breadth, system project, before concept selection was completed.
focus and development performance. Most of the critical technical challenges in the
Table 8 displays some important characteris- project were apparently obvious enough to be
tics of the problem-solving attempts we analyzed, targeted for early action. The real differences
grouped by type of organization. The distinction appear when one considers the robustness of
between 'system-focused' organizations and 'other early solutions. System-focused organizations
organizations' was based on the system-focus in- were characterized by a significantly higher pro-
dex. System-focused organizations were defined portion of problems that were fixed by early
as having a system-focus index greater than sam- efforts, and thus by a significantly lower percent-
ple average. age of late problems. In other words, system-
536 M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542

focused organizations actually fixed the problems fectively appears to hinge on the ability to nur-
in early efforts. In other organizations, individu- ture a critical group of individuals, which we have
als thought the problems had been eliminated, called the 'integration group'. These individuals
although these had in fact only been postponed retain knowledge of the complex interactions be-
to later project stages. In resolving the problems tween the disciplinary bases involved in a se-
at these early stages, system-focused organiza- quence of development projects. While they will
tions made more proactive use of technology not possess the complete knowledge necessary to
choice and project specification activities. execute all project tasks, they have a good under-
These findings are consistent with our expecta- standing of how the bases are related, and the
tions that a broader approach to problem solving capability to integrate the effort of others.
is linked to the organizational routines that guide Effective technology integration is not carried
technology selection activities. Moreover, they out at a strategic level. Rather, integration group
paint an intriguing picture of the difference be- members are involved in the day-to-day problem-
tween more or less effective problem-solving solving activities, specifying their direction and
strategies. Much of the literature has focused on scope. For example, what counts is not just un-
the importance of problem identification in ap- derstanding that both materials engineering and
proaching technically ambiguous problems (Hen- production expertise may be needed. Instead, in-
derson and Clark, 1990; Schrader et al., 1992). tegration group members must have the experi-
Our findings indicate instead that a broad prob- ence and capability to realize that a given solder-
lem-solving strategy must be carried out consis- ing material may have a subtle impact on a spe-
tently throughout the testing stages. It may not be cific inspection machine. The subtlety is in the
enough to identify a potential problem through details of the interaction between knowledge
broad discussions, say by conducting a brain- bases.
storming exercise, and then designating a special- Ensuring good cross-functional communication
ized professional to problem resolution. The is not enough for effective integration at such a
identification and implementation of a robust so- microscopic level. In the words of a project man-
lution may require search strategies and testing ager in one of the most effective organizations,
routines that are as broad as those involved in " . . . w e no longer have the luxury to spend much
problem identification. time communicating-the problems are too com-
plex and the time is too tight... To solve this
problem we try to develop individuals with a
5. Discussion T-shaped pattern of skill: deep in one area, broad
in m a n y . . . " This 'T-shaped' skill pattern charac-
5.1. System focus, technology integration and the terizes effective integrators: while they have the
integration group depth of knowledge necessary to understand
technical options, they also have experience of
Our results have shown that in an environment how their discipline base interacts with other
characterized by discontinuous technological knowledge bases and context-specific factors.
change, development performance is related to These findings add evidence to the discussion
the process of technology integration. The rou- by Henderson and Clark (1990) suggesting that
tines and problem-solving approaches linked with certain firms fail by not recognizing the impact of
high performance focus on the development of a subtle evolutions in product architecture. In our
good match between new technical possibilities environment, each late problem in a project may
and the organization's existing capabilities. They be thought of as a microscopic failure. While
emphasize the integration of deep knowledge of these failure instances are not dramatic, when
the existing environment (i.e. context-specific aggregated, they do contribute to major project
knowledge) with the specification of project tasks. delays and inefficiencies, which may lead to sub-
The capability to perform these activities ef- stantial decreases in market share. The role of
M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542 537

the integration group is to lead the evolution of change from previous generations: they 'simply'
the development project so as to avoid such fail- substituted new materials for existing ones. The
ures, by applying its rich knowledge base and project incurred dramatic delays and cost over-
achieving robust technical solutions. runs, however, because the managers had not
realized that their substitutions completely re-
5.2. Managing the structure of knowledge structured the knowledge base required to manu-
facture the product. This was not obvious, since
Our empirical work has indicated that technol- the new materials could in fact use the bulk of
ogy integration routines in the specifcation of a the existing manufacturing equipment. What the
development project can have a critical impact on managers did not realize was that the equipment
the structure of decision making in the remainder would have to be used in a very different way.
of the project. This has important implications The new materials were more sensitive to process
for the evolution of knowledge. Over time, an parameters, and their final quality was critically
organization's aggregate knowledge base and its dependent on different aspects of the equipment
information-processing capability will adapt to the than the older generation. For example, in the
structure of the design tasks (Lawrence and new product generation, there was a much closer
Lorsch, 1967; Galbraith, 1973; Clark, 1985). Pro- linkage between the details of metallization and
ject specification decisions have the potential to ceramic sintering processes than ever before. Ad-
alter the structure of knowledge distribution, spe- ditionally, while the sintering ovens used were
cialization and decision making, and can there- largely unchanged, precise control of their dy-
fore be a critical link in managing the structure of namic temperature profile had suddenly become
the organization's knowledge base. critical.
Henderson and Clark emphasized the subtle Approaching innovation from our perspective
but critical impact of technological discontinuities allows consideration of a broad set of issues not
on the competitiveness of firms. However, their linked to the physical architecture of the product.
focus was on the physical architecture of the The potential is not limited to the analysis of the
product, emphasizing the linkage between spe- interaction between technical choice and produc-
cialized knowledge and component design. Our tion process. Instead, we go back to the work of
work investigates what we believe is a similar Marple (1961) and Clark (1985) in using the en-
fundamental phenomenon, but with a different tire set of design choices to analyze the impact of
manifestation. The projects in our sample were technological evolution on product and process
not characterized by reconfigurations in the link- design. 6 Products, in this framework, should not
age between system and components. Even if we simply be thought of as an aggregation of compo-
view the processor module itself as a system, the nents, but the integrated outcome of a complex
basic elements that make it up (mainly the sub- system of knowledge.
strate, cooling system and integrated circuits) did Additionally, we emphasize that the evolution
not change. They still contributed to the function- of this knowledge system can (and should) be
ality of the product in the same way as they had managed proactively throughout the process of
in previous generations. On the other hand, we technology integration. As product requirements
argue that the projects had a critical 'architect- evolve, R & D organizations should make use of
ural' impact on the product's knowledge base, this opportunity to specify the direction of devel-
shifting relationships between new and existing opment activities. Integration group members will
disciplinary expertise. impact the evolution of knowledge by influencing
The subtle impact of technological evolution
on the knowledge underlying the manufacturing
process was especially important. In one example, 6 Marple, for example, included choices concerning the
managers explained to us that they had specifi- manufacturing system in his hierarchy of product design (Mar-
cally designed the latest module to minimize any pie, 1961).
538 M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542

the scope of problem-solving activities and the Allen, T.J., D.M.S. Lee and M.L. Tushman, 1980a, Technol-
specification of projects. Their role is to be the ogy transfer as a function of position in the spectrum from
research through development to technical services,
architects of the organization's knowledge base,
Academy of Management Journal 22 (4) 694-708.
creating a good foundation for the evolution of Allen, T.J., M.L. Tushman and D.M.S. Lee, 1980b, R&D
product development activities. performance as a function of internal communication,
In generalizing the results of our study to project management, and the nature of work, IEEE Trans-
other environments, the critical factor should actions on Engineering Management, EM-27 (1).
Anderson, P. and M. Tushman, 1990, Technological disconti-
therefore be the structure of the whole knowl-
nuities and dominant designs: A cyclical model of eco-
edge base required for development. This implies nomic change, Administrative Science Quarterly (Decem-
that our propositions could be tested in a broad ber).
variety of industries, not all of which entail prod- Arrow, K., 1974, The limits of organization (Norton, New
ucts that are traditional 'systems', but whose York).
Bowen, H.K., K.B. Clark, C. Holloway and S.C. Wheelwright
knowledge base is complex and undergoes dis-
(Editors), 1993, Vision and capability: High performance
continuous change. These range from advanced product development in the 1990s (Oxford University
materials to chemicals and plastics, and from Press, New York).
biotechnology to software. The impact of object- Burns, T. and G.M. Stalker, 1961, The Management of Inno-
oriented programming on the evolution of soft- vation. (Tavistock Publications, London).
Clark, K.B., 1985, The interaction of design hierarchies and
ware applications is an example of a discontinu-
market concepts in technological evolution, Research Pol-
ous evolution that fundamentally rearranged the icy 14 (5) 235-251.
structure of software development and its associ- Clark, K.B. and T. Fujimoto, 1989a, Overlapping problem
ated knowledge base. solving in product development, in: Kasra Ferdows (Edi-
Additional research is needed to generalize tor), Managing international manufacturing (North-Hol-
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7. Appendix: Empirical design The third subindex group (indices 10-14) indi-
cates whether knowledge of the interactions of
This appendix provides additional details on new choices with the characteristics of the prod-
the methodologies employed in this work. uct and production system is retained over subse-
quent product generations. For example, indica-
7.1. The system focus index tor 14, continuous cycle (group), provides infor-
mation as to whether members of the integration
The system focus index is the unweighted sum group work on a stream of products, facilitating
of the 14 discrete variables listed in Table 2. It learning across projects and a seamless transfer
probes into the mechanisms that exist for captur- of system knowledge. 7
ing and accumulating knowledge about the pro-
duction process and the rest of the system. More- 7.2. Measures of development performance
over, it provides an indication of the level of
'system knowledge' that converges into the gener- We developed several measures to character-
ation of project specifications. The index is made ize the evolution and performance of the differ-
up of three subindexes, each corresponding to ent organizations and development projects (see
one of the factors in the definition of system Table 1). Measures were estimated from com-
focus. pany records and interviews. Interviews were
It is not feasible, within the scope of this work, cross-referenced to test the accuracy of the fig-
to provide a detailed description and motivation ures. The person years measure indicates the
for all of the indicators in Table 2. However, it level of engineering productivity of each project:
may be useful to discuss a few examples. The first the lower the person years figure (given a specific
subindex explores the organization's emphasis on level of project content), the higher the productiv-
the most fundamental project specification activi- ity of the organization. The measure includes all
ties (indicators 1 and 2). It focuses on the 'in- human resources used in the project, including
tegration group', which is defined as the group of engineers, scientists, technicians and managers.
managers and engineers responsible for specify- Supplier contributions were also included in the
ing the detailed technological concept for the figures.
new product. The group therefore sets up the Total lead time indicates the time elapsed
most critical project specification tasks and de- between the first explorations of technical possi-
fines the basic structure of the design hierarchy
for the new product (Iansiti (1991) 1992a). Indica-
7 It may be surprising that there is no indicator in the list
tor 1, integration group exists, provides informa-
that deals with the impact of information technology. We
tion as to whether the role of integrator is singled found that the impact of information technology tools such as
out and emphasized by the organization. CAD systems in retaining system-level knowledge was quite
The second subindex group indicates the inte- limited in this context. While the application of CAD was
gration group's degree of focus on the discovery extensive in performing basic design tasks such as circuit
layout, application of information systems was very limited at
of interactions between new design possibilities
the technology integration and concept development stage.
and the organization's existing capability base This appeared to be related to the extensive ambiguity pre-
(indicators 3-9). It therefore gives an indication sent in these early stages of the project, which made the
of the extent to which the organization is assess- application of structured C A D / C A E systems difficult.
M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542 541

bilities for a new product and its market intro- tion, respecifying the basic structure of design
duction. Total lead time is divided into concept choices can be quite difficult in a complex pro-
lead time and development lead time. Concept ject.
lead time measures time elapsed between the The fundamental development performance
first technical explorations and the choice of measures we used in our analysis were develop-
technical concept. The technical concept is a ment lead time and engineering productivity. Pro-
specification of how individual technical ideas ductivity figures indicate the efficiency of an or-
and possibilities will be combined or 'integrated' ganization in developing products. Differences in
(Iansiti (1991) 1992a) to make up the new prod- development lead time are also important. A
uct. The concept establishes which design and shorter development stage allows an organization
manufacturing technologies will be used in the to commit later to a particular technological con-
product and outlines how these will function as cept. This offers an important advantage in the
an integrated system to deliver the project objec- ability to adjust to evolving customer preferences
tives. Furthermore, it also outlines how different and to sample the latest available technical infor-
organizational subgroups (internal and external mation in the choice. Additionally, the develop-
to the firm) will combine to develop the product. ment stage in the process tends to require a much
The technical concept therefore establishes a ba- higher level of human and capital resource com-
sic structure for the design hierarchy of the new mitment than the exploration and integration
product. The choice is a major milestone in the stages. A shorter development stage therefore
development process and is easily identifiable has the potential to lead to substantial develop-
from interviews and project records. ment cost and productivity advantages. Both pro-
The development lead time indicates the time ductivity and lead time measures were statistically
spent performing the detailed design of the prod- adjusted for differences in project content which,
uct and its associated production processes. We as described below, offers a precise indication of
define it as the time elapsed between the estab- the technical functionality (performance quality)
lishment of the technical concept and product of the subsystem.
introduction. It therefore indicates the time
elapsed after the organization has committed it- 7.3. Measures of project content
self to a specific set of technological possibilities,
and performed the complex set of activities that The choice of a highly standardized technical
are required to transform a concept of the future environment was instrumental in allowing us ac-
system into a real, functional.and manufacturable curately to measure the lead time and productiv-
entity. The development lead time also indicates ity of different development projects. Given that
the time during which the bulk of the resources all projects in the sample were aimed at the
are allocated to a project. development of similar and well-characterized
While project specification and project execu- products, data gathered on the person years of
tion tasks will take place in any of the develop- effort and years of time elapsed could easily be
ment stages outlined, the bulk of activities before normalized for the relatively minor differences in
the development of the technical concept are the content of the different projects. As we show
aimed at project specification. On the other hand, in our analysis, content adjustments did not influ-
the bulk of the activities after concept selection ence our basic results, although they did improve
are aimed at project execution. While some de- the statistical significance of the relationships.
gree of project specification is possible after the We developed several independent measures
development stage has begun, we rarely wit- of project content, based on very different consid-
nessed such situations. In practice, once a frame- erations. The technical content measure is em-
work for the project has been specified, basic phasized in this manuscript. It is based on a
tasks have been partitioned, and organizational primary functional performance variable charac-
subgroups have started working on project execu- terizing the module: the number of logic gates
542 M. lansiti / Research Policy 24 (1995) 521-542

packaged in a given area of substrate (number of time, for example) were also used, which indi-
gates per square centimeter). The measure is a cated no substantial differences. We also devel-
good characterization of the overall functional oped measures which focused on the relative
performance of the device, and depends on all functional performance of the new products at
critical aspects of the design: the electrical me- the time of technical concept choice (concept
chanical and thermal characteristics of the sys- content), rather than at product introduction. Fi-
tem. The technical content is defined as the ratio nally, we developed a measure based on internal
of the number of gates per square centimeter company evaluations of the project's difficulty
achieved by the project to the best value achieved (process content; see Iansiti (1991) 1992b). Use of
in the industry (best in class) at the time of these alternate measures did not change our re-
product introduction. The measure is expressed suits in a substantial manner. 8
as a ratio to account for the significant time-lags
between product introductions (given the rapid
pace of technological change in the industry, ab-
solute standards (time-independent) do not exist). 8 The different measures of content defined were highly
correlated, indicating that they indicated a consistent level of
The use of a measure based on the gate den- difficulty in each project. Both process and concept content
sity is not critical, however. Other technical mea- were significant at the 2% level in regressions with technical
sures (based on the line density or machine cycle content.

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