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Trade Review

1: Trade Routes

Watch this Review video: Silk Roads, Indian Ocean, & Trans-Saharan Routes

As you watch, answer the questions below. You may need to pause the video and do a little Googling now and then!
Question Your Answer

When was the Silk Road most effective? When large empires controlled all the land across, which they

What two empires were trading on the Silk Road in 200 The Roman empire and Han China

What kind of things were spread on trading routes that Culture, religion, and diseases
were not goods and services?

How did Buddhism change during this time? Describe the The outward changes was the original teachings of the
inwards and outward changes. Buddha rejected the material world as illusion, but the
Buddhist monasteries were often the grateful recipients of
laughs gifts from traveling merchants. The inward changes
were largely doctrinal because the oldest form of
Buddhism was strictly speaking atheist, but a new form of
Buddhism called Mahayana the Buddha became a deity
and there was an increased in compassionate works and
the merit.

How do diseases spread to other civilizations without The civilizations start to develop immunizes to their own
harming their own civilization? diseases and they figure out ways to fight them. But when
those diseases find their ways to other civilizations that
does not have those coping techniques the results could
be bad.

When did the Black Death occur? The black Death occurred between 1346 and 1348

What was the general difference in goods exchanged The general difference was that the Silk Road specialized in the
between the Silk Road and the Indian Ocean trades? exchange of luxury goods, but along the Indian Ocean trade
routes there was a much greater variety of both common goods
and luxury goods.

How did monsoon winds affect trade? Affected trade by making predictable yearly storms and made
the Indian trade route more successful.

What technological advances made the Indian Trade The magnetic compass and the astrolabe.
Routes possible?

Why did the Indian Trade Routes expand during 1200 - The Indian trade route expanded because the first reason
1450 CE? was the the economic revival in China during the Tang
and Song dynasty. Second reason was the rise of Islam,

Consequences of Trade Review

Trade Review
that led to a vast swath of land that was being connected
because of Islam.

What two civilizations emerged due to the expansion of Many surrounding seaports in the Malay Peninsula began
Indian Trade Routes? How and why? competing for the attention of traders and travels and out of this
competition rose the kingdom of Sri Vjo. And then in Africa the
Swahili civilization. This civilization emerged in the 8th century
is basically a set of commercial city-sates and the rulers found
opportunities to trade goods native to their are.

What areas were linked with the trans-Saharan trade North Africa and the Mediterranean

What were the differences between North and South In North Africa the folks mainly produced manufactured
African trade? goods like cloth, glass work, and books. And in South
Africa they were agricultural and produced grain crops,
yams, and kola nuts.

What animal transformed trans-Saharan trade routes? The Arabian camel

What monopoly did Mali hold? Monopoly on the trade of horses, metals, and to generate
they levy taxes on salt and copper

What was the social hierarchy in Mali? The social hierarchy was that at the top was the Royalty under
them were the elite classes then merchants, military/religious,
peasants, and slaves at the bottom.


2: Cultural Consequences

Watch this Review video: Cultural Consequences of Trade 1200 - 1450

As you watch, answer the questions below. You may need to pause the video and do a little Googling now and then!
Question Your Answer

What two things would happen when Religion was carried The new religion took hold in these new places and served to
along the trade routes? What are some examples? unify the people and provide justification for the leadership. Or
the religion syncretized with the religion they encounter. For
example as Buddhism spread into China it met with Taoist
beliefs and then produced a new religion called Zen Buddhism.
Another example is neo-Confucianism.

What was the origin of the Swahili language? Origin from the Bantu language and Arabic, which created

What were the technological advances that helped ships The Stern post rubber, which gave a ship much more precision
and how did they help? in turning. And also the magnetic compass and the Astrolabe
that gave sailors the ability to navigate without relying on starts.

What was the largest city of China at this time? Hangzhou

Consequences of Trade Review

Trade Review
Describe the culture of that city. It enjoys the reputation of being “paradise on earth”, “the
city of silk” and “capital of Chinese tea”. Hangzhou was
also known as the city of entertainment in China

Describe Marco Polo and his importance. Marco Polo left his home in Venice and traveled for many
years among the Chinese and then went back home were
he was then captured. His stories of his travels awakened
people's desires to travel or at least bring goods and
services from these places.

Describe Ibn Battuta and his importance. Ibn Battuta was a Muslim traveler and made it his ambition to
travel all throughout dar al-Islam. His journals of his travels also
had a similar effect on the Muslim population as the writings of
Marco Polo had on the Europeans.


2: Environmental Consequences

Watch this Review video: Environmental Consequences of Trade 1200 - 1450

As you watch, answer the questions below. You may need to pause the video and do a little Googling now and then!
Question Your Answer

What were the products and consequences of the exchange One of those significant crops is Champa rice and bananas.
of agriculture? some of the consequences of the exchange of Champa rice to
China was a massive population growth, but the environmental
impact of Champa rice was that it led to the transformation of
the land in the form of Terrace farming. And the consequence of
bananas was that the Bantu speaking people of Africa were able
to move into regions where yams couldn't grow and whole
populations began to migrate.

What caused the abandonment of Zimbabwe? Over grazing in Great Zimbabwe led to severe environmental
degradation that the whole city was abandoned.

How did the Black Plague spread? The black Plague was mainly spread through fleas.

What group is most responsible for the spread of the Black The mongols

What other ways did it spread? Trough trade routes and as merchants traveled through land.

What % of people died from the Black Death in Europe? 50%

How did the Black Death affect the workforce? Killed most workers and because of this the negotiation of
wages shifted squarely into the hands of the surviving
Consequences of Trade Review
Trade Review

Consequences of Trade Review

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