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Verbo Español Presente 1p/2p Pasado Clasificación Ejemplo

Ask Preguntar Ask, asks Asked Regular I'm going to ask you something
Be Ser/Estar am, are, is Was, were Irregular I am 20 years old
Call Llamar Call, calls Called Regular I will call you at 5
Come Venir Come, comes Came Irregular Do you want to come?
Do Hacer Do, does Did Irregular He drives very well
Feel Sentir Feel, feels Felt Irregular I feel sick
Find Encontrar Find, finds Found Irregular I'm going to find the cat
Get Tomar Get, gets Got Irregular Get me those papers
Give Dar Give, gives Gave Irregular I will give you food
Go Ir Go, goes Went Irregular I will go to class in the morning
Have Tener Have, has Had Irregular I have cookies in my bag
Hear Oir Hear, hears Heard Regular Can you hear me?
Know Saber/Conocer Know, knows Knew Irregular I know her
Leave Dejar Leave, leaves Left Irregular Leave me at home
Like Gustar Like, likes Liked Regular I like pizza
Live Vivir Live, lives Lived Regular I live in Venezuela
Look Mirar Look, looks Looked Regular Look at me
Make Hacer Make, makes Made Irregular Lets make some cookies
Need Necesitar Need, needs Needed Regular I need wáter
Say Decir Say, says Said Irregular I say no
See Ver See, sees Saw Irregular I saw you yesterday
Take Tomar Take, takes Took Irregular Let me take my book
Talk Hablar Talk, talks Talked Regular Can we talk?
Tell Decir Tell, tells Told Irregular I need to tell you something
Think Pensar Think, thinks Thought Irregular I was thinking in you
Try Intentar Try, tries Tried Regular Let me try again
Use Usar Use, uses Used Regular I use to walk here
Want Querer Want, wants Wanted Regular I want chocolate
Wash Lavar Wash, washes Washed Regular Wash your car
Work Trabajar Work, works Worked Regular I work at home

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