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Tectonic evolution of SE Asia: introduction

R O B E R T H A L L 1 & D. J. B L U N D E L L
SE Asia Research Group, Department of Geology
Royal Holloway, University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 OEX, UK
1 Fax no. (44) 01784 471780 Email

SE Asia is probably the finest natural geological volume) and is often used as an explanatory tool in
laboratory in the world yet is still not geologically orogenic belts elsewhere in the world. He draws
well known. It is a spectacular region in which the attention to the deformation of the upper plate in
manifestations and processes of plate collision can these convergent settings and emphasizes the
be observed at present and in which their history importance of a three-dimensional understanding
is recorded. It is a region that must be understood of the process. In this rapidly evolving region,
if we are to understand mountain belts, arc information from slip vectors and geodetic
development, marginal basin evolution and, more measurements will allow a fourth dimension of
generally, the behaviour of the lithosphere in time to be included as data accumulate, which will
collision settings. Furthermore, the region is raise the important problem of whether and for how
developing rapidly on the economic front, and a long the present motions can be assumed to extend
major part of this rapid development is built on back into the past.
natural resources. The geological reasons for the Two well-known areas of oblique convergence,
distribution of these resources are therefore of the Sumatra and Philippine Sea plate margins,
major importance for the inhabitants of the region illustrate the realities of present tectonics, first
and for attempts to discover and exploit them. in identifying small plates or smaller tectonic
These were some of the thoughts which stimulated elements, and second in providing a kinematic
the collection of papers (Fig. 1) in this volume. description. The increase in obliquity of con-
In order to understand the development of this vergence between Java and north Sumatra has long
complex region an essential first step is to identify been considered to result in thrusting normal to the
the key features of the active tectonics and deter- subduction trench and arc-parallel movement on
mine how plates and sub-plate lithospheric frag- the Sumatran fault. However, as McCaffrey points
ments are moving. How successfully can rigid plate out, this simple model does not predict some
tectonics be applied in describing present tectonics? important features, such as subduction west of the
Where are the boundaries between plates? What are Andaman Sea and differences in amounts of exten-
the rates at which different parts of the region are sion between north and south Sumatra. Malod &
moving? The first part of this volume includes a Kemal discuss evidence from marine surveys off
number of papers which deal with these questions, Sumatra and propose that this area can be under-
based upon the application of GPS (Global stood as a number of plate slivers between the
Positioning System) measurements to determining trench and the Sumatran fault, with variations in
the nature and rates of plate movements and plate the partitioning of movement in different parts of
boundary zone deformation, results from the the Sunda forearc. This is explained as the result of
BIRPS deep seismic reflection experiment in the differences in coupling between the subducting and
Banda arc, the first to cross a modern active margin, overriding plates, possibly reflecting the presence
and other geophysical and geological studies. of major structures on the subducting slab, notably
MeCaffrey provides a regional overview of recent an extinct spreading centre on the Indian plate.
GPS results and earthquake data bearing on the Further east, the Philippine fault and trench are also
present plate tectonics. It is ironic that in such an considered as the joint expression of partitioning of
active region the identification of several plates and oblique convergence, but once again applying this
determination of some important relative plate simple model presents problems: how does this
motions, critical to a full kinematic description, are paired trench-fault system link southwards into the
still very uncertain. McCaffrey discusses the way in arc-arc collision of the Molucca Sea? Rangin et al.
which motion is partitioned in obliquely convergent tackle the first important problem of what is
settings, almost the rule in SE Asia. Oblique con- actually present in the zone of transition by
vergence is commonly inferred in the past for SE mapping structures from the south Philippines into
Asia (as shown in many of the later papers in the Indonesia and determining which features belong

From Hall, R. & Blundell, D. (eds), 1996, TectonicEvolution of SoutheastAsia, vii

Geological Society Special Publication No. 106, pp. vii-xiii.
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viii R. HALL t~z D. J. BLUNDELL

t/° ,, q
lo~ 1110° SOUTHcHINA /1;~0°' 0 130° 140° 30~-

.-. !
," ,,",'," -" 12
".-,,,.; ,...

" ~ A China
',.)~.. ',CAMBODIA ~ / 1 8 ~ Sea PHILIPPINE Pacific


.o- N ~ SULAWES, ~ .~

- '),SUMATRA~ ~ ~ 22 ~ ,
~-' : JAVA 24 - - BANDI.~o ~
Indian ~ B ~ U ~ oooj~----~ J
.lo* Ocean i~ .(-fl 4, 5, 61
1O0° 110* 120* 1

Fig. 1. Areas discussed in the papers in this volume. 1: McCaffrey; 2: Malod & Kemal; 3: Rangin et al.; 4: Richardson
& Blundell; 5: Snyder et al.; 6: Hughes; 7: Milsom et al.; 8: Metcalfe; 9: Packham; 10: Hall; 11: Simandjuntak &
Barber; 12: Richter & Fuller; 13: Stokes et al.; 14: Lovatt Smith et al.; 15: Hutchison; 16: Omang & Barber; 17: Ngah
et al.; 18: Tjia & Liew; 19: Clennell; 20: Mccourt et al.; 21: Samuel & Harbury; 22: Wakita et al.; 23: Wilson &
Bosence; 24: Bergman et al.; 25: Ali et al.; 26: Vroon et al.; 27: Linthout et al.; 28: Charlton; 29: Malaihollo & Hall;
30: Baker & Malaihollo; 31: Pubellier et al.; 32: Crowhurst et al.; 33: Wopfner; 34: Zhou et al.

to which plate, a demanding task. Their use of the set, in the upper plate, is antithetic, and more
technique of multibeam mapping, combined with recent. They argue that these structures changed
geophysical evidence, is producing highly detailed orientation and migrated north because buoyant
maps, in many cases of much higher quality than continental crust blocked the subduction zone,
those available for land areas nearby, and revealing although Australia continued to move north. Using
unsuspected structures. the BIRPS images to estimate the volume of
The arguments surrounding the tectonics of the material in the collision zone they infer that an
Banda arc, and some of the complexities of the earlier Neogene collision event, involving a
collision zone, for example its curvature, age of separate microcontinental fragment or outer margin
the Banda Sea, and significance of deep basins such high, must have preceded the present phase of
as the Weber trough, also illustrate the difficulties collision which began at about 2.4 Ma. Snyder
of linking simple kinematic models to reality. Very e t al. draw attention to unusual features of the
recently two BIRPS deep seismic reflection profiles BIRPS 'Timor' sector of the Banda orogenic zone,
have crossed the Banda arc and imaged the deep including a Bouguer anomaly and thin sediment
structure of the central part of the Australia- cover implying a thicker continental crust than
SE Asia collision zone. Richardson & Blundell normal beneath the accretionary complex, a very
discuss how deep reflectors can be linked to recent narrow forearc, and presence of the volcano
seismicity, and their connection to structures on Gunung Api in the backarc. Like Richardson &
land. They identify two sets of divergent structures Blundell, they infer the presence of additional
in the collision zone: a southern set dipping in the Australian margin crust but suggest it formed either
same direction as subduction is related to the a promontory of the Australian margin or a pre-
subducted Australian margin, whereas a northern breakup extensional basin within the former pas-
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sive margin, now inverted and thickened. Also like Ceno-Tethys. Assembly began with the formation
Richardson and Blundell they deduce that the of Cathaysia in the Late Devonian-Early
deformation has advanced across the collision Carboniferous and its growth continued within the
zone, causing crustal fracturing in the backarc Palaeo-Tethys in the later Palaeozoic. As the
region and allowing magmatic uprise and under- Meso-Tethys opened by Late Carboniferous-Early
plating beneath Gunung Api. Hughes et al. have re- Permian rifting of the northern margin of
processed part of the Timor section to bring out the Gondwanaland so the Palaeo-Tethys began to
details of the Timor trough and the accretionary close, and so subsequently did the opening of the
wedge developed on its northern flank. Australian Ceno-Tethys result in elimination of the Meso-
shelf sediments are clearly imaged, relatively Tethys. The final stage of the reassembly of
undisturbed, and beneath a low-angle decollement Gondwana in Asia is not yet complete but the
above which are highly deformed sediments present complexity of the region, as well as the
stacked in a complex set of thrust sheets indicative comprehensive grasp of so many disciplines in
of the northward underthrusting of the Australian earth science required to attempt the task of
continent. However, a covering drape of sediment describing its development, give an indication of
indicates that deformation in this area has been Metcalfe's achievement in producing a compre-
inactive for about 1 Ma. hensible synthesis.
One feature that has bedevilled discussions of the A description is an essential step in identifying
Banda arc is the significance of the deep troughs the driving processes and modelling the develop-
which parallel the arc, which in a superficial way ment of the region. Reconstructing SE Asia in the
have characteristics of trenches, but when studied Cenozoic requires a description of India-Eurasia
more carefully seem to be in the wrong position. collision, the motion of the Philippine Sea plate and
Milsom et al. present evidence that the deformation the present collision of Australia with eastern
front between Australia and the Banda arc extends Indonesia. Eurasian extrusion models have proved
between the Kai islands, in the region of maximum popular with many workers in SE Asia, partly
curvature of the arc, rather than following the because of the striking similarities of plasticine
apparent subduction-related feature of the Aru models to tectonic maps, and partly because they
trough. They conclude that the arc must have offer a means to explain and link different events.
been a continuous feature before collision with a As with many major advances, the extrusion model
curvature acquired recently. has also been effective in provoking other new
The present setting of the region is both the start ideas and the search for new evidence. Paekham
and the end point in attempts to comprehend its considers the relationships between the observed
development. The start, because an understanding geology and different models of the region, review-
of what is present provides the first clues of ing the timing of different events, the evidence
what has happened in the past few millions or tens from crustal volumes for extrusion, and the
of millions of years, leaving traces in the slabs relationship between predicted and observed
beneath the arcs, the arcs themselves, and in the palaeomagnetic measurements. In east Asia and
stratigraphic record of the arc regions as well as the western SE Asia the estimates of rates and amounts
Sunda continental shelf further north. The end, of movements predicted by the extrusion model,
because the present is the result of what has and those that can be determined, are becoming
happened in the past, and many of the present much closer. The inadequacies of the fit cannot just
features of the region may be explicable only in be explained as weaknesses of the model but also
terms of what has now disappeared and can only be emphasize the variable quality of data and their
inferred. Thus, our understanding of the region and uncertainties. Packham concludes that a regional
its development is an iterative synthesis, each new understanding of SE Asia requires a better under-
step forward requiring a reconsideration of present standing of the timing of deformation, especially
and past. The second section of the volume there- uplift, in the Himalayas and central Asia, a clearer
fore begins with three overview papers intended to picture of whether rotations detected using palaeo-
synthesize earlier observations which may provoke magnetic data are regional or local, and much new
new research improving and extending our present stratigraphic information, particularly in the eastern
regional understanding. part of the region.
Metealfe reviews the pre-Cretaceous develop- The key role of palaeomagnetic data in develop-
ment of SE Asia and east Asia and shows that the ing regional models is a theme discussed by Hall in
region has grown by addition of allochthonous an attempt to produce a kinematic model for the
terranes which separated from different parts of whole of Cenozoic SE Asia. At the centre of the
Gondwana. Their northwards movement was region is the island of Borneo from which rotations
accompanied by the opening and closing of recorded appear to be in conflict with those pre-
three successive oceans: the Palaeo-, Meso- and dicted by an indentation model. Further east, new
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data from the Philippine Sea plate confirm long- the Late Jurassic and that the Indosinian Orogeny,
term clockwise rotations of the whole plate currently assumed to be of Permian or Triassic age
suggested by many earlier studies. The attempt to is significantly younger than commonly assumed.
synthesise these results suggests that, even if Based largely on seismic data, Lovatt Smith et al.
Cenozoic extrusion of continental fragments from suggest regional tilting, compressive folding,
east Asia is accepted, this has not been the most reverse faulting and basin inversion in Thailand
important driving force in the development of the record important phases of structural development
marginal basins of eastern SE Asia. According to which pre-date the currently assumed Tertiary age
this model, development of marginal basins was of structuring. If correct, these interpretations have
linked physically and temporally, and opening implications for hydrocarbon exploration and
appears to be mainly subduction-related rather than potential. Hutchison draws attention to the contrast
indentor-driven. This new model does suggest between tectonic models of the South China Sea
some possible configurations for the region which region and the geology of Borneo and proposes that
are different from those previously accepted and the term Rajang Group should be more carefully
may provoke reconsideration of some evidence, applied. An older turbidite sequence, assigned to
especially the habit of looking for local explana- the Rajang Group proper, represents an accre-
tions of tectonic phenomena. The animation which tionary prism compressed and uplifted between the
accompanies the paper reminds us that regional Schwaner Mountains volcano-plutonic arc and a
events may have causes outside the immediate area, South China Sea microcontinent during an Eocene
and the manifestation of plate movement changes orogeny. Similar but younger turbiditic rocks
may propagate gradually across the whole region, deformed by a Miocene orogeny are interpreted not
as plate boundary changes in one area cause as deposits of a forearc, but as derived from the
changes in others. Several aspects of the model, eroding and uplifted Rajang Group, and should be
such as the proposed ages of some basins, for separated from it. A further record of the late
example the Banda Sea, remain to be tested by Mesozoic or early Tertiary subduction setting of
ocean drilling, palaeomagnetic work, and strati- the NE Borneo margin is to be found in the large
graphic and structural studies. Darvel Bay Ophiolite Complex of Sabah.
The remaining papers in the volume are arranged Mineralogical and geochemical studies by Omang
broadly in geographical order. Simandjuntak & & B a r b e r suggest its formation in a supra-
Barber illustrate the variation in orogenic styles subduction zone environment, but with com-
from different parts of Indonesia. The present plexities due to high T-low P deformation along a
diversity and complexity of tectonic processes in transform fault. High P-T garnet pyroxenites and
SE Asia may provide keys to the interpretation of amphibolites found as clasts in Miocene rocks were
other orogenic belts. The differences in the history derived from a metamorphic sole underlying the
of deformation within the region may leave traces complex, formed during subduction and emplace-
other then geological structures and Richter & ment of the ophiolite.
Fuller discuss the still thorny question of the Within the Sunda shelf are sedimentary basins of
implications of palaeomagnetic data from the South China Sea and adjacent areas which
Sundaland and Indochina. They conclude that record a link between east Asian tectonics and the
different parts of Sundaland and Indochina have plates beyond the subduction zones bounding SE
deformed in different ways; some parts as small Asia. The importance of pre-existing structures in
blocks with rotations indicating local deformation, controlling tectonic development is often forgotten
some extrusion-driven rotation, principally in and Ngah et al. suggest that the Malay, Penyu and
Indochina, and some parts recording the results of West Natuna basins originated in the Late
deformation dominated by the oblique subduction Cretaceous as three rift arms that developed during
of the Indian plate. Distinguishing between such doming of continental crust above a mantle plume.
areas for the whole SE Asia region is an important The hydrocarbon potential of these basins was
task for geologists and palaeomagnetists for the subsequently influenced by changes in stress
future. patterns which Tjia & Liew argue resulted from
Even the most carefully constructed regional the interplay of Eurasian extrusion driven by Indian
kinematic models are totally dependent on basic indentation, and changes in directions and rates of
data revealing the timing of tectonic events and the motion of the plates in the Pacific and Indian
evidence for them. The papers concerned with Oceans. Borneo is situated in the middle of this
areas around the South China Sea suggest the need region at the south side of the South China Sea and
for revisions of models as well as new interpreta- ought to record the effects of these changes. The
tions of relationships between effects and supposed geology of Sabah is therefore of considerable
causes. In Laos, Stokes et al. argue that suturing of regional interest since, if Borneo has rotated, it is
the Shan-Thai and Indochina blocks occurred in an area where the consequences should be most
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obvious. Clennell discusses the interplay between A good stratigraphic base is fundamental to
large-scale regional plate motions (his 'far-field attempts to interpret the tectonic evolution of the
tectonics') and pre-existing structures and local region and Wakita et aL provide an example of
tectonic influences for the development of the how this is achieved by detailed radiolarian studies.
unusual circular basins of Sabah. These papers on The Bantimala Complex and Balangbaru
sedimentary basins show that we are still some way Formation of south Sulawesi record critical events
from clearly linking local and regional tectonics. in the accretionary growth of the SE Sunda
Tjia and colleagues show that there were reversals margin and dating based on micropalaeontological
in the sense of movement on important faults, that evidence is difficult to obtain and interpret since the
the effects of fault movements differ from area to turbidite sequences yield few fossils, and these may
area, and that there is still uncertainty in the timing be reworked. Radiolaria, which can often be
of fault movements. Clennell infers that basins in assigned to narrow zones, provide an additional
Sabah appear not to record some tectonic events means of comparing the ages of different litho-
because they were decoupled due to the thick- logical units and suggest the Bantimala Complex
nesses of underlying muds and m61anges. and Balangbaru Formation are contemporaneous,
Sumatra is an area where a long history of sub- requiring a modification of previous tectonic
duction should be recognizable since the island is interpretations. From the same region Wilson &
usually considered to have been situated above the Bosenee show how redeposited limestones of the
northward-subducting Indian plate from at least the Tonasa Limestone Formation can be used as indi-
Mesozoic. Despite this there appear to be distinct cators of tectonic activity. Detailed measured
periods characterized by igneous activity, separated sections, well dated by fossils, illustrate how a
by intervals with little or none. McCourt et al. use very clear palaeogeographic picture can be deduced
isotopic dating and geochemistry to identify and linked to larger-scale tectonics. Their results
plutonic episodes and their character, which they provide a basis for regional interpretation and will
link to plutonism elsewhere in Sunda margin. be of considerable interest to those exploring for
Understanding the tectonic significance of the hydrocarbon in the frontier regions of east
igneous episodes needs to be the next step forward. Indonesia. Sulawesi is currently much less well-
McCourt et al. speculate that variations in the known than it deserves to be, especially con-
obliquity of convergence, and collision of sidering its large size and critical position at the
allochthonous terranes are implicated, although Eurasia-Australia-Pacific junction, and recent
Neogene and younger strike-slip faulting compli- results have shown that simple tectonic models for
cates the picture. It would be useful to consider the its development need reconsideration. Bergman et
Cenozoic history of this margin in the light of al. present data from west Sulawesi which will need
known plate motions, although the major un- to be incorporated in new models and speculate
certainty here is not the motion of the Indian plate on possible solutions. Of considerable interest is
but the orientation and position of Sumatra; the evidence, based on isotopic studies, for a
different regional models show very different magmatic contribution from old Australian-type
configurations for the early Tertiary. The Cenozoic continental crust to the Tertiary plutonic rocks of
history of this margin is clearly complex as west Sulawesi. Bergman et al. also focus attention
indicated by other papers in the volume and on the structures around the Makassar Strait. This
Samuel & H a r b u r y show that this complexity is has previously been widely accepted to be an exten-
still far from understood. In their paper, based on sional basin but they interpret it as a foreland basin
detailed studies on land in the Sumatran forearc bounded by converging Neogene thrust belts, with
islands, principally Nias, they interpret the the late Miocene western Sulawesi magmatic
Mentawai fault system not as a strike-slip fault, but arc recording continent-continent collision. The
as an extensional structure with late contractional collapse of the orogenic belt is seen as the cause of
reactivation. If correct, at least one of the plate young extension in the region. The rapid changes
slivers of the forearc proposed by Malod & Kemal predicted by the model are certainly consistent
either does not exist or is of very recent origin. with the variety and speed of tectonic processes
Samuel & Harbury's work also illustrates the currently observed in SE Asia.
importance of field-based studies in providing a The Neogene collisions of continental fragments
firm stratigrapbic basis for the interpretation of in Sulawesi are a principal cause of its geological
other evidence, such as seismic and marine geo- complexity and Ali et al, provide some insights into
physical evidence, and they infer a long exten- how tectonic models can be tested using palaeo-
sional history for the Sumatran forearc, with major magnetic data. In Buton, large rotations are
extensional structures later reactivated, again with recorded, but are apparently very local, and were
possible links to changes in plate motions such as very rapid. This work reinforces the value of, and
the angle of convergence. need for, many more palaeomagnetic studies in SE
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Asia in order to separate local from regional some of the history of the plate boundary zone, and
motions. Buton is one of several continental establishing the timing of tectonic events.
fragments which are now being reassembled in SE Malaihollo & Hall report new stratigraphic data
Asia. These include Australian and Sundaland from Bacan which record the early arc history
material but their origin can often only be inferred of the Philippine Sea plate and the arrival of
from indirect arguments, commonly controversial. continental crust, providing a basis for distinguish-
Vroon et al. suggest that isotopic evidence can ing different tectonic models. Baker & Malaihollo
contribute to solving this problem and show how discuss the timing of volcanism in the islands of
different types of continental crust can be charac- Halmahera immediately north of Bacan, which
terized by analysis of igneous and sedimentary records the initiation of subduction of the Molucca
rocks. They suggest that different parts of east Sea plate beneath Halmahera and the development
Indonesia have provenances in southern New of the present-day arc-arc collision. Volcanism
Guinea, north Australia, Pacific New Guinea and began in the middle to late Miocene and migrated
Sundaland, leaving the tectonicians with an northwards implying that the double subduction
additional tool but, in this area, some additional system was established between about 15-12 Ma.
problems to solve. This evidence still remains to be incorporated in
In the midst of the continental fragments of east models linking east Indonesia to the Philippines.
Indonesia are the deep basins of the Banda Sea, as Pubellier et al. provide further evidence from the
yet unsampled by the ocean drilling programme, southern Philippines critical to linking the two
and of uncertain age. Linthout et al. report new areas and understanding the development of the
isotopic ages from Seram implying Neogene present tectonic setting described earlier in the
spreading in the southern Banda Sea before volume by Rangin et al. Once again, the theme of
ophiolite obduction on Seram in the Late Miocene. partitioning of oblique convergence is emphasized.
These ages are broadly consistent with ages of In addition, there are complications reflecting
rocks recovered during recent dredging in the Neogene changes in plate motions and the com-
Banda Sea and with the tectonic reconstructions of plexities of intra-arc deformation. Strain has been
Hall, although the great depths and low heatflow partitioned between several orientations of faults,
measurements remain apparent inconsistencies. On reactivated at different stages as thrusts and wrench
the north side of the Banda Sea the Sorong fault faults, as well as subduction zones. Of particular
system separates Australia from the Philippine interest is the way in which this development has
Sea and Molucca Sea plates and terminates in the resulted in intra-arc extension and fragmentation
continental fragments of east Sulawesi. The timing within the Philippines.
of movement on the strike-slip faults has never The interplay of subduction and strike-slip
been clear, although recent work suggests this plate faulting is a theme which appears in many of the
boundary zone became a strike-slip system in the papers in the volume. Ancient strike-slip motion is
early Miocene. The timing of movements and the often difficult to demonstrate and quantify and is
distribution of continental crust in this region is of consequently often neglected. However, there is
major interest, not least in the search for hydro- evidence, traditionally linked to the convergent
carbons, since this is an area of established pro- component of collision, which may be differently
duction, recent discoveries, as well as active interpreted. Crowhurst et al. show that fission
exploration, all linked to Australian crust. Based on track data suggest that the Papuan metamorphic
stratigraphic arguments, Charlton argues that two rocks may be interpreted as representing early
of the basins, the Salawati basin of western New Neogene extension after arc collision, rather than
Guinea and the Tomori basin of eastern Sulawesi, contraction-related metamorphism. These argu-
were originally a single sedimentary basin, now ments may be applicable in other parts of SE Asia
separated by latest Miocene to Quaternary move- where fission track and isotopic ages are revealing
ments on the fault, implying a left-lateral displace- unsuspected events, very young ages, and short
ment of about 900 km. Movement on the fault time periods for the very complex tectonic
system is one of the latest complications in the evolution of many parts of the region.
development of east Indonesia; on the south side of The volume concludes with two papers from
the fault system is Australian crust while on the south China accompanied by interpretations of
north side are the arc-arc collision of the Molucca the timing and significance of events. Wopfner
Sea and the clockwise-rotating Philippine Sea suggests that the Baoshan and Tengchong Blocks
plate. In the fault zone, which includes several in western Yunnan have a Gondwana origin,
major splays, are fragments of both Philippine Sea supported by the presence of Upper Palaeozoic
and Australian origin and Bacan is one of the glaciomarine deposits, cold-water faunas and
islands which includes rocks of both provenances. Glossopteris. The terranes separated from
Bacan therefore offers the possibility of elucidating Gondwana in the Early Permian and docked with
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. ° .


Cathaysia in the Late Triassic, although Tertiary as for the many inhabitants of the region, in helping
strike-slip faulting on the Nujiang Line has juxta- to develop its resources and mitigate its hazards.
posed the two terranes. Z h o u et al. reinterpret part
of the history of SE China, diverging in particular This Special Publication arose from a conference on the
from the traditional practice of relating major Tectonic Evolution of SE Asia held at the Geological
unconformities to separate orogenies, and Society in London in December 1994. In addition to the
suggesting instead that they record different stages reasons outlined above for the conference, the London
in the evolution of a single orogeny following early University SE Asia Research Group wished to mark the
Mesozoic collision between the South China and retirement of Dr A. J. Barber in 1994. Tony Barber
the South China Sea blocks. initiated several of the studies which are presented as
publications in this volume and was instrumental in
SE Asia is one of the most exciting regions of the developing the programme of the SE Asia Research
globe for any earth scientist. The size, difficulties Group over many years, particularly by fieldwork
and practicalities of the region demand a long-term throughout the region. We wish him a long and happy
investment of effort but the rewards are illustrated retirement.
by the papers in the volume. These give an insight We thank all of the following who provided reviews of
into how the history of the region will be un- manuscripts: J. R. Ali, M. Allen, M. G. Audley-Charles,
covered, as well as providing an overview of A. J. Barber, H. Bellon, S. C. Bergman, J. C. Briden, C. S.
present regional tectonics and its development. Bristow, T. R. Charlton, J. Charvet, B. Clennell, D. Q.
Because of the rapid rates of movements in many Coffield, M. C. Daly, J. E. Dixon, C. Elders, R. Ellam,
A. Fortuin, M. Fuller, R. J. Garrard, N. S. Haile, N. A.
parts of the region new geodetic tools and
Harbury, K. C. Hill, A. J. Hurford, C. S. Hutchison, S. J.
increasingly refined methods of examining earth- Kelly, J. Malod, S. J. Matthews, R. McCaffrey,
quake data mean that realistic and rapid tests of M. Menzies, I. Metcalfe, J. S. Milsom, A. H. G. Mitchell,
regional and global plate models are possible. The G. Moore, S. J. Moss, R. J. Murphy, G. J. Nichols,
challenge for the future is to examine how far G. Packham, C. D. Parkinson, S. Polachan, M. Pubellier,
interpretations of these data can be pushed back A. J. Racey, C. Rangin, J-P. Rehault, M. A. Samuel,
into the past, to improve kinematic descriptions and D. Snyder, P. Styles, R. E. Swarbrick, M. E Thirlwall,
models, and to identify the processes which have E Tongkul, J. J. Veevers, R. von Huene, G. K. Westbrook,
led to the complexity of the region and which can H. J. Wensink. We are especially grateful to Diane
Cameron who carried out many of the major tasks related
be applied to older orogenic belts. In these tasks,
to organizing the conference, in addition to her assistance
there remains an important role for the field in reviewing and editing the manuscripts. Simon Baker,
geologist as well as those developing and applying Steve Moss and Moyra Wilson also provided considerable
new technologies. An improvement of our under- assistance during the preparation of the volume, for which
standing will have benefits for knowledge as well we are extremely grateful.

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