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Engineering Geology, 35 (1993) 1-17 1

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

Activity of the Yakatabari mudslide complex, Porgera, Papua

New Guinea

R. J. Blong ~ and R. C. M. Goldsmith b

aSchool of Earth Sciences, Macquarie University, N.S. IV. 2109, Australia
bPlacer ( PNG ) Pty Ltd, P.O. Box 484, Mr. Hagen, Western Highlands Province, Papua New Guinea
(Received December 28, 1992; revised version accepted May 6, 1993)


The Yakatabari mudslide complex, formed on overconsolidated mudrocks in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea, has a
volume of about 16 x 106 m 3. Detailed examination during 17 years as part of a mining development indicates a variety of
colluvium types with variable properties, but average peak shear strength values of ~b~= 24.5 ° and cv' = 11 kPa. Simple models
using the infinite slope stability assumptions suggest a probability of failure of ~22%.
Several historic failures have occurred within the mudslide complex since 1974 and rates of movement of 40-240 mm/month
have been documented on a number of survey lines. Prehistoric failures are indicated by arcuate scarps across the complex.
Twenty 14C dates from the mudslide indicate a failure history spanning more than 40,000 years. The Yakatabari mudslide
complex appears to be a very long-lived landslide. Landslides of similar longevity appear to have not been described in the
literature but it is unlikely that the Yakatabari example is unique.

Introduction movement of the Indo-Australian plate and the

westwards course of the Pacific plate. Rapid oro-
The Yakatabari mudslide complex near Porgera genesis is evident in the limestone peaks
in Enga Province, Papua New Guinea, has been Kumbipota and Kaijende which reach 3852 m and
under investigation for a number of years. The 3798 m, respectively on the margins of the Porgera
present paper aims to describe the activity of the Valley (Fig. 2). Kumbipota was glaciated at least
mudslide complex using the first 17 years of historic once during the Pleistocene (L6ffler, 1972). The
data derived from observations and measurements geology of the area is complicated by both high-
of movement, and the significant body of prehis- angle intersecting faults and (probably) thrust
toric information derived from geotechnical bore- faulting. Present-day seismic activity for the
holes and radiocarbon dates. The paper also places Porgera area is moderate--Kawatt (1990) suggests
the Yakatabari mudslide complex in the context a 50-100 year return period for a Modified
of other landslides with long histories of activity. Mercalli intensity of VIII.
Four major formations dominate the area. The
Chim Formation (late Cretaceous-early
The Porgera area Paleocene) occupies much of the Porgera valley
(Fig. 2). This formation is composed of grey to
The Porgera area and much of the rest of the black micaceous to carbonaceous mudstone, with
highlands of Papua New Guinea lie within the interbedded siltstone, calcarenite-sandstone and
New Guinea Mobile Belt (Fig. 1). Emergence of grey calcareous, fine-grained, laminated shale
the present land mass began in the early Miocene. (Bain et al., 1975). The mudstones have a basic
The dominant northwest to southeast structural clay mineralogy of kaolinite, chlorite and illite
trend is a consequence of the compressional (Goldsmith, 1991) and break down rapidly on
stresses imposed by the collision of the northwards exposure, especially when alternately wetted and

0013-7952/93/$06.00 © 1993 - - Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. All rights reserved.


l 1~.4OE I 1/8OE %1 1~2< E

2~]:~=> o 2~S-

l i ,~. \'~Bismarck :"Y~"~
I ! .~ -,us//~ -,\ ~o RabauF'~ o
I ; ~ \ .'~\\ )Volcanic ~ ,-3 _) ":J
I i Porg~ra" "'~"" ~ - ~ . ~ '~-b~' ' ' ~ ' ~ ~ i"~/

I i PLATFORM . i] ~,. ~" ..... --- ~--3:

I ~~L_\k~, [~;P~'ua° ,S~AND
L i ~~ ~ \ @.~ x " k Ophiolite 8os_
~2kk'~x ~ Provinc~ c-.= ARCS
I ~ M° reSbye ~"~k~.~"~(b U~ .
[ 0 300 km o
t I i i l L I • "

Fig. l. Location of Porgera in the New Guinea Mobile Belt (after Dow, 1977).


- " "~ =u',~WOTA

FAULT 0 1 2 km

Fig. 2. Simplified geology of the Porgera area (modified after Davies, 1983).

dried. Measurements of rates of sediment loss from of the Chim Formation (Fig. 3). The benchlands
road batters elsewhere in the highlands indicate range in elevation from 2000 to 3000 m.
that the Chim mudstones are among the most The Ieru Formation, crops out to the south and
erodible materials in the world (Blong and southwest of Porgera, and is composed of fine
Humphreys, 1982). In Chim Formation terrain in polymict sandstone which is argillaceous and silty,
the Porgera area numerous mudslides have formed and typically glauconitic, with interbedded silt-
on the 10-12 ° slopes of the colluvial benchlands stone and mudstone. This unit is transgressive to

,× / / / / 2"/

"\,N /




t ~ M M = MUDSLIDE 0 1 2 km

Fig. 3. Simplified geomorphic m a p of the Porgera valley (after Goldsmith, 1990).

Chim Formation and also, generally, forms reces- 7-10 million years ago. The small stock and dyke-
sive terrain. like bodies are substantially disrupted by faults.
Mendi Group rocks in the study area are domi- Gold and silver mineralisation at Porgera occurs
nated by mid-late Eocene pale micritic limestones around and within the margins of the intrusive
which form the Payam massif east of Porgera. The bodies and in the associated breccias. The Chim
group also contains fine calcarenite, minor siltstone Formation around the intrusive complex has been
and calcareous quartz sandstone (Davies, 1983). divided into four lithological units, three of which
The Darai Limestone of early Oligocene to mid- have been altered by intrusion and associated
Miocene age is a cream, buff and grey bioclastic, hydrothermal processes (Handley, 1987).
algal limestone, bedded and massive with sizes Although a tephra mantle, five to six metres
ranging from micritic to rudaceous. This cliff- thick, from upper Pleistocene stratovolcanoes
forming unit dominates the Porgera valley with (such as Mts. Hagen and Giluwe) should cover
near-vertical cliffs towering hundreds of metres the Porgera area (Pain, 1982), only small patches
and culminating in the peaks of Kaijende and of reworked and in situ tephra have so far been
Kumbipota. Spectacular karst landforms have identified on narrow ridge crests in the south of
developed on some outcrops (Williams, 1971). the valley. The removal of the tephra, the rapid
The middle Miocene Lai siltstone which breakdown and erodibility of the mudstones, the
outcrops south of Kumbipota is a grey calcareous extensive mudslides, and the steep high limestone
siltstone and mudstone with minor beds of argilla- slopes all testify to an active geomorphic
ceous micritic limestones and fine calcareous sand- environment.
stone (Davies, 1983). The area of outcrop within Rainfall at Porgera is high throughout the year.
the present study area is very limited. At Alipis (about 2350 m), near the toe of the
Intermediate and basic intrusive rocks of the Yakatabari mudslide (Fig. 2) mean annual rainfall
Waruwari Intrusive complex were emplaced within (18 years of record) is 3663 mm. At Waruwari
folded and contorted Chim Formation sediments camp (about 2600 m), at the head of the mudslide,

mean annual rainfall (five years) is 4230 mm. weathering of weak sedimentary rocks or consoli-
Monthly rainfalls appear to be higher in dated sediments. Multiple shear planes may exist
February-April and October. Rainfall probably with failure occurring through softened but intact
increases further toward the high limestone peaks materials as well as along previously sheared
to the south. The combination of high rainfall, surfaces.
diurnal temperatures ranging 10-20°C throughout Figure 4 illustrates the setting of the Yakatabari
the year, the moderate to high elevations, and low mudslide complex. The Waruwari intrusive com-
wind levels result in an excess of moisture at the plex forms a prominent barrier to the north with
ground surface and in the subsoil. four peaks--Peruk (2608 m), Roamane (2687 m),
Until recently, land use in the Porgera Valley Rambari (2795 m) and Waruwari (2781 m)--and
was dominated by subsistence agriculture. Gold side slopes ranging up to 60 ° along the Roamane
mining by sluicing began in the 1960s both by Fault Scarp. Many of the slopes expose bedrock;
expatriate companies and endeavours by the local scars of shallow debris slides and rockfalls are
Ipili people. Being adjacent to the intrusive com- common. The southern side of the Yakatabari
plex, the Yakatabari valley has undergone pro- Valley is marked by the diorite intrusion at
gressive development as feasibility studies and Tawisakale and the low, poorly defined Alipis
construction began, culminating in the opening of ridge, forming the drainage between the
the US$ 1 billion Porgera Joint Venture mine Yakatabari and the Kogai to the south east.
in 1990. The headwaters of Yakatabari Creek rise as
Although numerous mudslides occur on the small tributaries near Waruwari camp. Between
colluvial benchlands of the Porgera Valley, the Waruwari and Tawisakale the steep, cascading
proximity of the Yakatabari mudslide complex to stream enters a broad colluvium-filled valley which
the mine (Figs. 2 and 3) and its subdued topogra- descends 275 m to an elevation of 2125 m at the
phy (evidently suitable for the construction of mine Yakatabari-Kogai junction at an average slope of
facilities in an environment where flat land is at a 9 °. A number of drill holes to bedrock indicate
premium), have meant that the Yakatabari area that the sub-colluvial floor of the valley is irregular,
has been more intensively studied than other mud- with an earlier stream channel filled in places by
slide complexes in the valley. Nonetheless, the more than 30 m of colluvium. The thickness of
Yakatabari mudslide is believed to be typical of the colluvium is indicated on Fig. 5. Although
those in the area except in that some of its charac- contours have not been drawn in the lower part
teristics are derived from its proximity to the of the valley, thicknesses are known to be at least
intrusive complex. 10 m, and probably much more, throughout most
of this area. It is noteworthy that the colluvium
The Yakatabari Mudslide Complex does not thin between Alipis Camp and the Kogai
River. The total volume of colluvium in the valley
The term mudslide is used here in the sense is probably about 16 million m 3 (Goldsmith, 1990).
proposed by Hutchinson and Bhandari (1971) and Figure 6 provides a broad classification of collu-
Brunsden (1984) and in the same way that the vial types and a map of distributions. At the head
term earth flow is used by Keefer and Johnson of the valley, and along the northern margin,
(1983). Characteristics of mudslides include move- colluvium is derived from debris slides and rock-
ment by both side slip and internal deformation falls from the steep slopes of the intrusive complex.
(with the former dominant), with rates of move- This colluvium includes fragments of altered sedi-
ment varying through time. Surging of portions of ments, calcareous sediments, black sediments and
a mudslide may occur, sometimes as a result of igneous rocks. Around Tawisakale the colluvium
undrained loading. A mudslide may exhibit is dominated by diorite cobbles and gravels from
marked downslope variations in width, depth and this intrusive stock. In general, the debris slide
velocity. Mudslides occur most commonly in soft- colluvium is a sandy-clayey gravel or silty-gravelly
ened clayey, silty or fine sandy soil derived from clay with zones of gravelly-clayey silt. Colours

I i
, OE / / / /
/ / / ,'~.

|X X X X
t x x x / I
|X X X X

N X xX :

WARUWARI/2795m~ x
INTRUSIVE / ~ . - i


.~" 0,,//w_\,~,
~'~'",'-.. c~P


0 200 400

Fig. 4. Yakatabari valley--simplified geology and colluvium.

range from grey to brown and orange-brown. Alluvial deposits are concentrated down the
Clasts form more than 50% of the volume and the main Yakatabari channel (Fig. 6). These deposits
matrix is firm to stiff. Boulders range up to 5 to consist of irregular beds of silty to sandy gravel,
10 m in size. with some clasts up to large boulder size. The
Towards the centre of the valley "bouldery clay" alluvial deposits result from reworking and win-
colluvium predominates with various proportions nowing of the other colluvial deposits.
of boulders and gravels of mudstone, sandstone Figure 6 also indicates a small area of mudstone
and "erratics" of limestone. This colluvium is a outwash fan on Roamane Creek where angular
gravelly-clayey silt or silty clay, with clasts forming gravel-sized mudstone fragments have concen-
less than 20% of the volume. Clasts are subangular trated in lenticular units less than one metre thick.
to subrounded and randomly oriented, with few These deposits, derived from debris flows from
boulders exceeding 2 m in diameter. Shale clasts areas underlain by mudstones, are more common
tend to be smaller than intrusive clasts. Wood than the map suggests. The grey, firm, fragments
fragments up to 1 m in length are common. The of mudstone break down readily to a silty clay.
matrix ranges from stiff to soft, depending on the Areas where a weathered soil profile has formed
moisture content. on the colluvium are also shown on Fig. 6. Large
R.J. B L O N G A N D R.C.M. G O L D S M I T H

I 720100E -- \\ I




'\~-r YOKOLAMA 2
"\\_ CAMP



Fig. 5. Yakatabari valley--colluvium thickness.

areas of the colluvial deposit are covered by slope- These results were erroneously reported as residual
wash deposits of organic clayey silts with some values by Blong (1985). Triaxial tests on bouldery
sand and fine gravel. These deposits are soft to clay colluvium from elsewhere in the Porgera valley
very soft and wet, particularly in extensive drainage confirm the Iowa test results. Limited evidence
depressions (Goldsmith, 1990). from back analyses suggests ~br' values range from
Given the variety of types of colluvium it is not 18 to 21 °
surprising that the geotechnical properties are vari- Using the mean strength values from the Iowa
able. Liquid limits average 40% but range from tests on Yakatabari landslide materials, a failure
23 to 77% (24 samples) and plastic limits average plane slope of 10°+5 °, a vertical depth to the
19% with a range of 4 to 49%. Organic contents failure plane of 15-20 m, ~= 18 kN/m 3, ~w=9.8
range from 4 to 53% (four samples). Field shear kN/m 3, and the ratio of water table height above
strength tests using the Iowa down borehole device the slide plane to the depth of the slide plane as
(Handy and Ferguson, 1976; Wineland, 1976) indi- 1.0 in an infinite slope stability model (Skempton
cated ~bp'= 24.5 +6.8 ° and Cp'= 11.0_ 5 kPa on 27 and DeLory, 1957), suggests a factor of safety in
tests on the Yakatabari landslide. Nearly all the the range F = 1.35 to F = 1.5. However, when these
tests were undertaken on bouldery clay colluvium. data are used in a simple probabilistic model

72000E 73000E




:~r CAMP

-~-- ojx



Fig. 6. Yakatabari valley--colluvium types.

(McMahon, 1982) the probability of failure is (3) The probability of failure falls considerably as
about 22%. Similarly, if residual strength values the angle of friction, ~b', increases from 10° to 18°,
of q~/=18+5 ° and c / = 5 + 5 k P a are used, the but outside these values the change is reduced.
probability of failure is estimated as 37%. The stability analyses and the sensitivity analyses
Sensitivity analyses (cf., Selby, 1982, Chapter 6) emphasise the importance of taking into account
on a stochastic basis using peak strength conditions the variability of both the strength of the colluvium
indicate the most sensitive conditions include: and other conditions at failure.
(1) The probability of failure increases markedly
from about 20% at a water level ratio of m = 1, to Historic Failures
75% at m = 1.5 (i.e., under artesian conditions
although there is no evidence that such conditions Given the strength parameters of the colluvium
have occurred for any substantial portion of the and the stability conditions suggested by probabi-
landslide at a given time); listic infinite slope stability analyses, it is not
(2) The probability of failure varies considerably surprising that there is substantial historical evi-
for shear plane slopes of 10-18 °, but the change dence of movement within the Yakatabari mud-
is much less outside this range; and slide complex.

Figure 7 outlines areas of historic failures and failure volume was at least 4.4 × 10 6 m 3. Movement
ground displacements. The 1974 landslide occurred continued until April 1975. The failure appears to
in late December and involved an area of about have been essentially a planar translational slide,
22 ha. The landslide was preceded by heavy rain- with the ground surface broken into small blocks
falls during several days and a swampy area to the separated by tension cracks.
west of the toe filled with water, but the main Another failure occurred in December 1983 in
initiating event is likely to have been sluicing of the same area. Movement occurred in the sluice
gold from the toe area of, perhaps, 100,000 m 3 of box area over a period of at least six days.
colluvium. In the toe area the slide moved as much Compensation was paid to local landholders on
as 100 m; seven survey stations west of the sluice an area of 5.05 ha, indicating a minimum volume
area showed movements of about 52 m at 54°T of about 1 × l 0 6 m a, but the actual failure volume
up to 1 March, 1975. Near the head of the slide, must have been several times larger. Again the
movement was probably only a few metres, but failure appears to have been of a translational
ground cracking occurred well beyond the area nature but with the major component of movement
mapped on Fig. 7 (Anonymous, 1975). The depth toward Yakatabari Creek at approximately 90°T.
of the failure plane was probably 20-30 m and the Apart from these major movements evidence

72000E 73000E
_ .,)


• 46000N

,,# ~?tY O K O L A M A 1


/ ill • "" \- YOKOLAMA 2
v .¢. ~ -p .,r .r ,,( ",,~ ~ . ~ C A M P

"~ ~(
4"5000N ~x FIGS 8 & 9




Fig. 7. Areas of historic failure and displacement.


from one survey marker suggests continued creep late 1988 and May 1989, but peak movements
of the mudslide complex, at least in the lower third reached 100 mm in three hours on 1 June, 1989.
of the Yakatabari mudslide complex. Survey Peg Five monitoring lines were established across
C1 (see Fig. 7) moved 8.06 m at 24-28°T with a the Yakatabari mudslide complex and periodically
vertical fall of 2.26 m between 1976 and May 1981. resurveyed between May 1989 and January 1990
This average creep rate of about 30 mm/week (Fig. 7). The survey markers are steel pickets 2 m
occurred outside the areas of known failures and in length driven 1.5 m into the ground and
between the 1974 and 1983 landslides. cemented in place. Figure 7 indicates the locations
In November 1984 a debris slide occurred on of the survey lines and the total movement vectors
the eastern slopes of Waruwari (Fig. 7). This failure during the survey period.
covered a lower slope area of about 0.5 ha to a Line 1 data indicate a general ENE movement
depth of about 1.5 m, but involved a total volume in accord with the orientation of the valley. Line
of about 19,000 m 3. This landslide is probably 2 produced little reliable data. Line 3 data indicate
typical of the feeder slides which load the landslide a convergent movement toward the Change House
source area. and divergent movement at the toe of the larger
In 1986 local failures were reported in Pundi's mudslide to the south. Line 4 data also show
garden (Mules, 1986). Several tension cracks were divergent and convergent movements with move-
mapped in the middle of the valley upslope of the ment directions influenced by local topography.
present explosives plant. The ground movements Line 5 shows consistent movement NNE to north
cannot be related to any particular event. west. Rates of movement are difficult to assess due
More recent movements have occurred in both to survey errors but the most reliable data indicate:
upvalley and downvalley areas of the Yakatabari
mudslide complex. As a result of the placement of Line 1: 40--240 mm/month
waste rock from the 28 level Adit in 1987-1989, Line 3: 40-- 150 mm/month
the area covered by the 1974 and 1983 failures has Line 4 : 4 5 - - 1 3 5 mm/month
become active again. Although the total monitored Line 5: 50--150mm/month
movements have been only 250-500 mm the foun-
dations for the Underground Mine Change House
Elevation changes for Lines 3 and 4 reach maxima
have been affected.
of - 12 and - 60 mm/month, respectively.
In June 1989 a mudslide with a volume of about
Borehole collars surveyed in August-September
700,000 m 3 occurred in the upper part of the valley
1988 and in June 1989 produced elevation differ-
(Fig. 7). The track of this !andslide was at least ences of 0.4-0.6 m.
500 m in length and 80-100 rn irl width, Borehole Undoubtedly some of the survey data are in
monitoring indicated shear failure at 21.6 m depth,
error, ~htat the summary presented on Fig. 7 indi-
the bedrock contact, but failure may have been on cates that large are0~, if not 0[! 0~ea~ 0,f thee
multiple shears with weathered, sheared mudstone mudslide complex are moving, or hove moved
extending more than 5 m beneath the base of the during the historic period (1974-1991) at rates of
colluvium in some boreholes. Compressional and 0.5 to 2.0 m/year, with several areas surging at
tensional features developed at the surface as the rates up to several orders of magnitude greater for
mudslide moved over bedrock at depths varying limited periods.
from 7.5 to 21.6 m. Upslope of the Pangia work- Given the estimated volume of colluvium of
shop, numerous curved to planar tension cracks 16 x 106 m 3, the cross-sectional area of the mud-
indicated a high bedrock surface. Back-tilted water slide toe of 4000 m 2, and a mean creep rate of
and fuel tanks beside the workshop and the raked 50 mm/month the entire body of colluvium could
supports to the workshop roof indicated compres- be removed from the valley in less than 7000 years
sional forces on the adjacent upslope side. Survey assuming that no re-supply occurred from the
data indicated movements of about 2 m between surrounding slopes or from basal erosion.

Prehistoric failures Boreholes located in the colluvium also provide

considerable data on the colluvial history of the
Although the historic period, in terms of data valley. A total of five exploration holes, 19 geotech-
on ground failures, only began at Porgera in 1974, nical holes and 38 test pits have penetrated the
considerable geomorphic information is available colluvial fill (Fig. 7). These data not only allowed
relating to the history of the Yakatabari mudslide the construction of an isopach map of colluvium
complex. thickness (Fig. 5) but also assisted in the identifica-
The drainage pattern of the Yakatabari valley tion of numerous phases of valley infilling as a
is markedly asymmetrical with long tributary result of landsliding.
streams flowing obliquely across the strike of Two cross-sections of the valley based on bore-
the main valley. It seems likely that Yakatabari hole data are presented in Figs. 8 and 9. Locations
Creek has been displaced progressively eastward of the cross sections between the 40 level Adit and
as the valley has been infilled by colluvium derived the Pangia workshop, are given on Fig. 7.
mainly from the intrusive ridge to the north. At Figure 8 is drawn almost normal to the length
several locations (e.g., F, G, and H on Fig. 7), of the valley. A former buried channel of
channels have been deformed by past landslide Yakatabari Creek reaches a depth of 21.6 m in
activity. Borehole 88-1160. The fall in the bedrock surface
It also seems likely that large-scale failures of at 88-1162 probably represents the flank of a
the colluvium have occurred at unspecified dates deeper channel to the north. This channel is shown
in the relatively recent past. Aerial photograph at borehole 88-1164 on Fig. 9. Both cross-sections
interpretation and ground inspection have revealed emphasise the variety of colluvial materials filling
four linear to arcuate changes in slope which cross the valley and the difficulties in correlating layers
the entire mudslide complex (B, C, D and E on from borehole to borehole.
Fig. 7). Each of these features is believed to repre- Wood remains from boreholes and near-surface
sent the headward part of a failed block, involving exposures have been radiocarbon dated to provide
millions of cubic metres of colluvium. age estimates at 20 locations (Table l; Fig. 10).


RL (m)
--.,.-.__ 88-1154

2360 -

Yakatabari Ck
.1160 J 88-1161 88-1162

_ . - . _ -\
._-. - - _


2330 -
0 25 50 metres

[~ Top soil Silty sandy clay colluvium ~ Clay colluvium

Silty clay colluviurn / Bouldery clay colluvium, ~ Mudstone bedrock
slope wash M = mudstone
Gravelly clay colluvium S = sandstone ~ Core loss
D = diorite
L = limestone T e x t u r a l descriptions from Unified Soil Classification

Fig. 8. Cross-section A--Yakatabari valley (see Fig. 7 for cross-section location).



RE (m)
2380 - ~

• 8-1164

- A
-- \ 14C 13.7ka ~
2360 - - \ 14C 18ka --
- -~ 14C 14.8ka

2350 - -

-- \ 14C27.7ka_

-- 14 C 24.7ka f ~D Matrix predominantly"grey~"-- - - ~ M

_ _\ ~D green / grey 14C33.3ka- .
2340 - _ --~
-- % ':.~D M ~-- 1~.44C.>42.5ka-
- - 1 4 0 38k-~a ~

2330 - VE = 2"5

Fig. 9. Cross-section B--Yakatabari valley (see Fig. 7 for cross-section location and Fig. 8 for symbols).


Radiocarbon age estimates, Yakatabari mudslide complex

Sample No. Radiocarbon Age Pretreatment and comments

yr b.p.

SUA-696 41,000 + 5100 cellulose preparation; no dilution

- 3100
SUA-829 23,850_+315 acid/alkali/acid pretreatment
SUA-830 1335__.60 acid/alkali/acid pretreatment
SUA-831 1210+85 acid/alkali/acid pretreatment
SUA-832 28,130-+510 acid/alkali/acid pretreatment
SUA-833 40,700 + 3100 cellulose preparation;
- 2200 acid/alkali/acid
SUA-2306 40,800+ 1000 acid/alkali/acid
SUA-2307 32,350 + 340 acid/alkali/acid
SUA-2308 2270 -I-60 acid/alkali/acid
Beta-29581 4660_+ 70* acid/alkali/acid
Beta-29582 9750 + 250* bulk soil sample; multiple combustion; low organic content; extended
counting time; acid only
Beta-29583 33,250_+ 1790* acid/alkali/acid
Beta-29584 > 42,390* acid/alkali/acid
Beta-29585 13,630_+ 100" acid/alkali/acid
Beta-29586 17,980 + 220* acid/alkali/acid
Beta-29587 14,740 + 80* acid/alkali/acid
Beta-29588 27,700 -I-500 acid/alkali/acid
Beta-29589 24,640 + 450* acid/alkali/acid
Beta-29590 37,940 + 3010* low organic content; extended counting time; acid/alkali/acid
Beta-34933 > 33,780 acid/alkali/acid

"13C adjusted age.

12 R J . BLONG A N D R.C.M. G O L D S M I T H

I I I I ~ \
72000E 73000E ~

41.0 ~

PERUK 40"0 /¢~--

• ---~\ 32.3x - , ~ , , /

46000N \ 28 LEVEL A ~I

279sin ..() X
~ -- ~ - ~ " ,\ ; )7/
/,'/ / .~ Lh )t

RAMBARI JL 22.5m- 27-H ,-,--::::=-~ ,~:, ( -, ~7(" ,,

- c,z~'~ J136,5m- 38-0t----.-'~&~ _ _~ ~ . " -.'- ,~,.J~,;:-=~
WARUWARI ":,¢[/z "1 -I ~ . X28:1 ~" ~ - ~ <- .-v,<./ / , . - - -
X23"9.~. \ -~40LEVEL •l]!m - 33'3 ~ .) x .~,~xJt
e/ol m ~ 2"3 X ~ADIT J14m - >42'5 l . . . . .x r,OT/x'O\~ `
~'~, ~ _~,5.__~ ~21m -" 9'81. . . . ~ ~ ..... ",~.
"\, ~ II°m- 4.7 •~;" /, ~ ~ // ,
1.9 J( ~ ~ ~'=-,',/ /( l,/

CAMP \~\ >~,J ~ ~- x O.. \ ~~ (

4-5000N ~xx I ITAWlSAKALE ~l'~x Ix /~- ~ \ \


121 m 9"81• YEARS BP (ka)

0 200 400
METRES 33 X DATE IN 1000's YEARS BP (ka)

Fig. 10. Radiocarbon age estimates from the Yakatabari valley--sample location, depth and ages (ka).

Radiocarbon assays were performed by the N W G landsliding (as occurs at the present day), with
Macintosh Centre for Quaternary Dating at the surface timber decaying within a few years, the
University of Sydney, Australia, or at Beta available dates imply (but do not prove) that the
Analytic Inc., Coral Gables, Florida. Sample pre- Yakatabari mudslide complex has been active for
treatments are indicated in the table. Samples were virtually all of the period; it is not possible to
counted for a minimum 1000 min. Where 13C/12C identify periods of more than a few thousand years
ratios were determined laC adjusted ages are when the mudslide was stable. Nonetheless, the
reported. presence of a number of buried soils within the
Figures 8-10 indicate that at least some of the colluvium indicates periods of relative stability of
colluvium in the Yakatabari Valley dates back to the groundsurface for at least parts of the mudslide
more than 40,000 years. Any errors in the older complex.
age estimates are only likely to result in even older The older ages generally relate to the deepest
true ages. However, as Fig. 11 indicates, the 20 parts of the colluvium or from the toe area of the
radiocarbon age estimates span virtually all of the mudslide. Although inversions of ages occur in
last 40,000 years. As pieces of wood are most likely some boreholes (e.g., Borehole 88-1164 on Fig. 9)
to be incorporated into the colluvium during active these can be readily explained by the shearing of

0 j
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48

ka BP

Fig. 1 I. H i s t o g r a m o f r a d i o c a r b o n a g e e s t i m a t e s .

older landslide debris over younger--a not uncom- this period without evacuation of the colluvium
mon phenomena at the present day. from the valley. However, large portions of the
Consideration of the dated sequences, the known mudslide complex appear to creep for many years,
slope processes and the distribution of colluvial punctuated by shorter periods of more rapid move-
materials suggests the following history of the ment. Although most measurements postdate
Yakatabari valley: mining activity, other nearby and little disturbed
* Initial erosion of the fluvial valley; mudslide complexes (e.g., the Maiapam, Fig. 3)
* Debris slides, concentrated around the perimeter appear to have behaved in a similar fashion.
of the main valley, extending down the drainage The apparent longevity of the Yakatabari mud-
lines and incorporating underlying softened slide complex is of considerable interest given the
mudrocks; significant climatic changes that have occurred
* Remobilisation of debris slides, contributions during the last 40,000 years and the present day
from slopewash, fluvial reworking; creep rates. Although Porgera is only 5o30' south
* Development of mudslides within debris slide of the Equator it is likely that the climate of the
colluvium and slopewash; region was significantly different during the glacial
* Internal deformation of mudslide colluvium due maximum. Kumbipota, rising to 3852 m, 5 km
to creep and/or plastic deformation; southwest of the Yakatabari sustained a 3.5 km
* Break up of the mudslides into back-tilted slump long glacier (Fig. 3) which produced terminal
blocks and the formation of surface depressions moraines extending down to 3300-3400 m eleva-
with swamp deposits; tion (Lfffler, 1972). No investigations of the glacial
* Weathering of ground surfaces which have sequence have been undertaken but it is assumed
remained relatively stable for sufficiently long that the glaciation history is similar to that on
periods to produce oxidised orange-brown soil other high mountains in Papua New Guinea and
horizons. indicates maximum cooling at 23-16 ka years BP
The sequence outlined above, or parts of it, may (Hope, 1980). Pollen analytical studies have not
have recurred many times in the history of the been undertaken in the Porgera Valley but detailed
Yakatabari valley with occasional flushing from studies at Sirunki, 50 km to the east, and at other
the valley of colluvial sediments. Nonetheless, the sites in the Papua New Guinea Highlands suggest
present Yakatabari mudslide complex began to the following variations in climate (Swadling and
form at least 40,000 years ago and has been active Hope, 1991; Hope, 1980):
frequently, or continuously, ever since. Clearly, 32-28 ka: Forest advance to higher altitudes within
movement of the whole colluvial mass at rates of the framework of a fluctuating cold, possibly
about 50 mm/month cannot continue for much of drier climate;

28-14 ka: Cooler, with the treeline descending to of burial. At depths of 8 to 14 m, age estimates
~ 2200 m in intermontane valleys of the highlands, range from 4000 t o > 40,000 years.
though the treeline may have been higher on the These data indicate that neither a simple creep
outer flanks (e.g., Porgera) and in wetter areas; model with colluvial inputs at the end of the basin
15-9 ka: Retreat of the snowline began before 15 and (un)steady transport to the mudslide toe, nor
ka, with the treeline reaching 2900 m by 13 ka and a basin infill model satisfactorily explain the distri-
reaching present elevations by 9 ka. By 10.5 ka bution of dated wood samples. While components
the climate was similar to the present with the of both models probably contribute to the known
implication that the preceding period was wetter. distribution of ages, 20 radiocarbon assays are
At Sirunki, 50km east of Porgera and at a insufficient to unravel either the complex behaviour
similar altitude to the Yakatabari valley, three of the mudslide or the influence of climatic
alternations from forest to grassland occurred variations.
between 35-20 ka. However, in the Wahgi valley,
50 km further to the east, at elevations of 1600 to Implications
2000 m, no signs of climatic change are evident
over the same period (Hope, 1980). These data, Observations of the Yakatabari mudslide com-
particularly the glaciation of Kumbipota at the plex since 1974 indicate that at least portions of
head of the Porgera Valley, suggest significant the surface have crept for substantial periods at
upper Pleistocene temperature changes in the rates of 40-50 mm/month. Some areas have experi-
Yakatabari area but little evidence is available enced failure with downslope movements of 100
concerning the moisture regime. m or more in short periods. Surface features
Although both the climatic record and the produced before mining activity began suggest that
relatively large-scale movements had also occurred
record of mudslide activity are far from complete,
in the recent past.
there is, to date, little evidence on Fig. 11 to
In areas where overconsolidated mudrocks
suggest or to deny that the rate or frequency of
abound, sediment supply is rapid, water tables are
mudslide movement has been influenced by cli-
high, and shear strength parameters of the colluvial
matic variations.
mass indicate significant probabilities of failure,
In an earlier paper based on much less complete
episodic mudslide movement would appear to be
evidence than is now available Blong (1985) sug-
the norm. While short-term creep rates indicate
gested that the colluvium became progressively
that the entire Yakatabari valley could be evacu-
younger upvalley and that the data could be
ated of its colluvium in less than 10,000 years, the
interpreted to indicate that the mudslides have
20 radiocarbon assays and the variety of colluvial
moved downvalley about 2500 m in about 40,000 types indicate a >40,000 year history of valley
years, at an average maximum rate of about filling. On the basis that fallen timber can only be
60mm/yr. In Fig. 12 the age ranges on wood preserved in the Porgera environment by burial in
samples are plotted against distance from the toe a landslide, the spread of radiocarbon ages and
of the mudslide complex. It is clear that there is their distribution through the mudslide complex
little relationship between distance and age, with imply at least 40,000 years of episodic landslide
the entire span of age estimates being found at movement, probably interspersed with lengthy
1600 to 1800 m from the toe. As these age estimates periods of creep.
occur generally in stratigraphic order (Figs. 8 and The Yakatabari mudslide complex appears to
9) it seems that age does increase with depth at be a very long-lived landslide. The nearby
least for the central part of the mudslide complex. Maiapam landslide (Fig. 3) has been at least epi-
However, this appears to be not true for the infilled sodically active for the last 50-60 years. Timber
valley as a whole; Figure 13 indicates that when buried in the upslope end of the Porgera airstrip
all 20 radiocarbon age estimates are considered (destroyed by landslide movement in 1991) pro-
there is little relationship between age and depth vided a radiocarbon age of 4590 ___50 yr b.p.


• .~ ~----~

1200 +


4 8 12 16 20 24 26 32 36 40 44 48

Fig. 12. Scatter diagram-radiocarbon age versus distance from toe. Error bars on the vertical axis indicate uncertainties in location;
those on the horizontal axis indicate ___one standard deviation of the radiocarbon age estimate.

r ~



~ 2o





~, 8 ~'2 1'6 2'0 2'4 2'8 3~ 3~ 4'0 ~,


Fig. 13. Scatter diagram-radiocarbon age versus depth of burial. Error bars on the vertical axis indicate uncertainties in depth of
the samples; those on the horizontal axis indicate + one standard deviation of the radiocarbon age estimate.

( S U A -2305). T h e r e is little r e a s o n to d o u b t t h a t unusual. F e w landslides have been so extensively

o t h e r m u d s l i d e c o m p l e x e s in the P o r g e r a Valley d a t e d , t h o u g h m a n y are k n o w n to have m o v e d at
have similar o r even g r e a t e r longevity. Similarly, least episodically for the few decades o f o b s e r v a -
long-lived landslides have n o t been d e s c r i b e d in tion. Certainly, landslides with r e c o r d e d m o v e -
the l i t e r a t u r e so far as the a u t h o r s are aware, b u t m e n t s s p a n n i n g several d e c a d e s are n o t u n c o m m o n
it m a y be incorrect to r e g a r d the Y a k a t a b a r i as (see for e x a m p l e , K e r r a n d D r e w , 1969; Brunsden,
16 R.J. B L O N G A N D R.C.M. G O L D S M I T H

1974; Wasson and Hall, 1982; Nieuwenhuis, 1991) Dating, University of Sydney, gave valuable advice
and Chandler (1971) has suggested a landslide in on the interpretation of radiocarbon results. This
Northamptonshire (United Kingdom) experienced paper is published with the permission of Placer
phases of movement in the Late Glacial period, (PNG) Pty Ltd, managers of the Porgera Joint
in the Iron Age, and since the 17th century. Venture.
Hutchinson (1973) reported more than 40 move-
ment episodes in less than 200 years on a 3 km
long stretch of Norfolk coast.
In many areas of the northern hemisphere from Anonymous, 1975. Report to the Department of Minerals and
which large, episodically active mudslides have Energy on the landslip at the Porgera Alluvial Mining
been reported (e.g., British Columbia-Bovis, 1986), Property. Porgera, PNG, Unpubl.
Bain, J.H.C., Mackenzie, D.E. and Ryburn, R.J., 1975.
mudslide formation must post-date deglaciation. Geology of the Kubor anticline, Central Highlands of Papua
In areas such as the highlands of Papua New New Guinea. Aust. Bur. Miner. Resour. Geol. Geophys.
Guinea where late Pleistocene climatic fluctuations Bull., 155, 106pp.
probably had relatively little geomorphic impact, Blong, R.J., 1985. Mudslides in the Papua New Guinea
Highlands. Proc. IVth Int. Conf. Field Workshop Landslides,
mudslide longevity might be the norm rather than
Tokyo. pp. 277-282.
the exception. In Papua New Guinea mudslide Blong, R.J. and Humphreys, G.S., 1982. Erosion of road
initiation presumably dates from tectonic move- batters in Chim Shale, Papua New Guinea. Civil Eng. Trans.
ment and/or fluvial downcutting to expose Chim Inst. Eng., Australia, CE 24(1): 62-68.
Bovis, M.J., 1986. The morphology and mechanics of large-
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scale movement, with particular reference to southwest
the Porgera Valley (Fig. 3) are the product of British Columbia. In: A.D. Abrahams (Editor), Hillslope
mudslide activity. In this context, the apparent Processes. Allen and Unwin, New York, N.Y., pp. 319-341.
longevity of mudslides is limited by episodic move- Brunsden, D., 1974, The degradation of a coastal slope, Dorset,
ments and creep which transport the wood on England. Inst. Br. Geogr., Spec. Publ., 7: 79-98.
Brunsden, D., 1984. Mudslides. In: D. Brunsden and D.B.
which longevity estimates are based from the sites Prior (Editors), Slope Instability, Wiley, Chichester, Ch.
of incorporation to distant river channels where 8: 363-418.
the wood is eroded from the mudslide complex. It Chandler, R.J., 1971. Landsliding on the Jurassic escarpment
is unlikely that the longevity of the Yakatabari near Rockingham, Northamptonshire. Inst. Br. Geogr., Spec.
Publ., 3: 111-128.
mudslide complex is unique. Davies, H.L., 1983. Wabag, Papua New Guinea 1:250,000
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Acknowledgments Dow, D.B., 1977. A geologicalsynthesis of Papua New Guinea.
Bur. Miner. Resour., Geol. Geophys. Bull., 201, 41 pp.
Goldsmith, R.C.M., 1990. The Yakatabari mudslide complex,
Our work in the Porgera area began in 1976.
Porgera, Papua New Guinea. M. Geoscience thesis,
Without the early assistance of Rudy Jezernik and Macquarie University, N.S.W.
M o u n t Isa Mines Ltd and the subsequent support Goldsmith, R.C.M., 1991. Large excavation in weak mudstones
of Vic Botts, G a r t h Wilson and D o u g Fraser of for the Porgera Mine plant development. In: R. Rogerson
(Editor), Proc. PNG Geology, Exploration and Mining
Placer Pacific Pty Ltd for travel, accommodation,
Conference. Aust. Inst. Min. Metall., Rabaul, pp. 167-174.
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logistical assistance we would not have been able In: Proc. Conf. In Situ Measurement Of Soil Properties. Am.
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borehole shear tests. Barry Voight of Pennsylvania Flora of New Guinea, pp. 223-248.
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