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Rosalva Besson

Competency statement V
To ensure a well-run, purposeful program that is responsive to participant needs.

To ensure that I have a well-run, purposeful program responsive to participant needs I will have
a positive, trusting relationship with families including families of children with disabilities and
families that come from a different cultural background. Having a classroom that is warm and
welcoming is important, it needs to be arranged in a way that is easy for the children to move
around and make it safe and functional for children with disabilities. The materials in each
center are safe, appropriate, and easy to reach. The curriculum is purposeful, planned, and
playful. Organization and consistency are two major factors in having a well-run program. The
student’s files are kept orderly and up to date, the schedule and lesson plan are near the
entrance of the classroom on the family information board along with resources and volunteer
opportunities for families. To encourage preschool teacher to work together as team we will
meet regularly to plan experiences and discuss children’s progress, share observations about
each child in the program, and provide a variety of developmentally appropriate experiences
for the children in our care. We as teachers need to have a good attitude and willingness to

CS V a: When a child gets injured, we are responsible for documenting it. We write down a
brief description of the injury, what we applied to the injury if applicable, we than place the
report in the child’s bag. It is important to do this because the teacher might not be there when
the child gets picked up or the other teachers might not know of the injury or forget to let the
parent know. Observation and documentation are an important part of the program because it
helps teachers know where the child is in reaching certain milestones and to document all the
progress the child has made since the beginning of the school year. This is something you can
show parents during parent teacher night. With these observations, the teacher can see if she
needs to change her curriculum, alter it, or consult with the director or school psychiatrist to
refer a student to the IEP program. When observing the child is important to write down what
you see and not assume how the child is feeing.

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