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Meghan Murray

HRM 441


1. What is the purpose of each type of job analysis, and how can the three types

described in this chapter be combined to produce an overall understanding of

work in an organization?

a. The first type of job analysis is job requirements, the purpose of this is to collect

different information to help identify the specific KSAOs that are needed for each

specific job. The second type of job analysis technique is competency. The

purpose of competency is to get information regarding what determines KSAOs

and jobs that go hand-in-hand with the overall needs of an organization. The third

type of job analysis is job rewards, rewards are important to see what the best

reward/incentive approaches are for employees. These three job analyses can be

produced to understand the overall workflow in an organization. For example,

taking what’s required for the job, what’s the need for the organization and what

is needed from employees creates a full circle helping benefit each part of the


2. How should task statements be written, and what sorts of problems might you

encounter, in asking a job incumbent to write these statements?

a. Task statements are very important, they are descriptions of major tasks and jobs

that an employee will be doing for that specific position. Task statements need to

be written very clearly and critical. They need to be written in a certain form

including beginning with action verbs, who or what the employee does and

indicating the output off the verb. Lastly you need to make sure you include

wouldn’t equipment and different tools, computer programs or policies that are
used within the organization. Some problems you might encounter with writing

task statements can be the statement does not actually mirror the correct jobs that

will need to be performed. It can lead to legal issues and by not hiring the correct

candidate for the overall job. This can only set up the employee for failure but

also the organization costing them time and money.

3. What would you consider when trying to decide what criteria to use for

gathering indications about task importance?

a. I think you should consider what type of knowledge, skills and abilities that the

employee should possess to perform the job. Also take into consideration the

direct duties and responsibilities that have high importance that the employee

must do. Lastly look at how much time tasks will take to complete and how much

work will be used to evaluate employee performance.

4. Why do you think HR professionals were not able to very accurately predict the

importance of rewards to employees?

a. I think HR professionals are not able to accurately predict the importance of

rewards for employees for a few reasons. For example, HR professionals have to

Survey employees, gathering that data might not be very accurate in an

organization versus outside. It’s difficult for HR professionals to determine the

awards that actually might motivate individuals because the range is so skewed.

Also, when assessing the importance of rewards to employees it’s tough to assess

questions that truly reach employee preferences, desires and motivations. Which

leaves data not being accurate or beneficial to HR professionals.

5. Assume you are assisting in the conduct of job analysis as an HR department

representative. You have encountered several managers who want to delete

certain tasks and KSAOs from the formal job description having to do with

employee safety, even though they clearly are job requirements. How should

handle this situation?

a. I would handle the situation by sitting down with all the managers and explaining

to them why this is such a beneficial and crucial part of the job requirements. If

employee’s safety is not clearly highlighted in certain KSAOs within the

description and something happens on the job, possible negative outcomes

outweighs just adding them to the job description. I would really push for all the

managers to understand the importance and if they still did not agree I would take

it above them to the next level of leadership. When someone’s safety comes into

play it is a large issue for the organization. When adding certain tasks and KSAOs

to the job description it can help hire someone more equipped to deal with

handling situations better to prevent injury and save the organization time and


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