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Educational Assessment

Planning for ClassRoom Test

The first step in measurement is?

A. Decision of what to measure
B. Development of the test
C. Administering the test
D. None

Instrument used for measuring sample of behavior is?

A. Test
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation

Limited to quantitative description of pupil’s performance is?

A. Test
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation

The purpose of the evaluation is to make?

A. Decision
B. Prediction
C. Judgment
D. Opinion

A formal and systematic procedure of getting information is?

A. Test
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation
The process of obtaining numerical value is?
A. Test
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation

Procedures used to determine person abilities is?

A. Maximum performance test
B. Typical performance test
C. Norm performance test
D. Criterion performance test

In which question marking will be more reliable?

A. Completion
B. Short answer
C. Multiple choice question
D. Essay

Objective type question have advantage over essay type because such questions?
A. Are easy to prepare
B. Are eay to solve
C. Are easy to mark
D. None

Test involving the construction of certain patterns are called?
A. Intelligence test
B. Performance tests
C. Scholastic test
D. None

In multiple choice items the stem of the items should be?

A. Large
B. Small
C. Meaningful
D. None
Which appropriate verb will you use to make an objective behavioral?
A. To know
B. To appreciate
C. To understand
D. To construct

Objectives representing the purposes of instruction of a teacher are called?

A. Performance
B. Instructional
C. Attainment
D. None

A sum of questions is?

A. Test
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation

The first step in measurement is?

A. Decision of what to measure
B. Development of the test
C. Administering the test
D. None

The purpose of formative evaluation is?

A. Decision of what to measure
B. Development of the test
C. Administering the test
D. Monitoring progress of students

To assess achievement at the end of instruction is?

A. Placement Assessment
B. Formative Assessment
C. Summative Assessment
D. Diagnostic Assessment
The least in scope is?
A. Test
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation

Permanent difficulties in learning are investigated in?

A. Placement Assessment
B. Formative Assessment
C. Summative Assessment
D. Diagnostic Assessment
Running description of active behavior of a student as observed by the teacher is?
A. Anecdotal record
B. Autobiography
C. Interview
D. None

A test very popular with class room teacher is?

A. True false test
B. Multiple choices
C. Matching
D. Completion test

The summative evaluation is?

A. Diagnostic
B. Cerifying judgment
C. Continous
D. None

Vast of all in scope?
A. Test
B. Measurement
C. Assessment
D. Evaluation

A multiple choice question is composec of question referred as?
A. Stem
B. Distracter
C. Foil
D. Response

Which question has increasing objectivity of marking?

A. Unstructured essay
B. Structured essay
C. Short answer
D. Multiple type questions

The test measures what we intend to measure. This quality of the test is called?
A. Reliability
B. Validity
C. Objectivity
D. Usability

The length of a test is an important factor in obtaining a representative?

A. Mean
B. Median
C. Mode
D. Sample

Alternative response item is?
A. True / False items
B. Right / wrong
C. Correct / incorrect
D. All above

Identifying relationship between two things is demonstrated by?

A. True / False items
B. Matching items
C. M.C.Q items
D. Completion items
The statement of problem in M.C .Qs is?
A. Premise
B. Response
C. Stem
D. None

The most widely applicable test item is?

A. True / False items
B. Matching items
C. M.C.Q items
D. Completion items

Which one is not the type of test of test by purpose?

A. Standardized Test
B. Essay Type Test
C. Objective type test
D. Norm referenced test

The type of the test by method is?

A. Standardized Test
B. Essay Type Test
C. Objective type test
D. Norm referenced test

Test that measure learning outcome of students is

A. Achievement test
B. Aptitude test
C. Criterion reverenced test
D. Norm referenced test

If the sample of the question in the test is sufficiently large enough, the quality of test
A. Adequacy
B. Differentiability
C. Objectivity
D. Reliability

The quality of test showing ease of time, cost, administration and interpretation is
A. Usability
B. Differentiability
C. Objectivity
D. Reliability

Constructing Objective Test Items

The multiple choices item consist of:

A problem & alternative solution

A problem & distractors

A problem & solution

Options & distractor

The problem in multiple choices item is presented as:




In matching type test premises refers to items:

For which match is sought

Selected for match

Describing the item

Non of these

Matching type consists of:

Two Columns

Three Columns

Four Columns

Five Columns

Item in the left hand column are called:




Item in the Right hand column are called:





The column for which the solution is made are called:





The main characteristics of an objective text is:

Reliability of socres

Adequate content sampling

Measure lower level of cognitive abilities

All of these

S=R-W is formula to correct guessing in:

Multiple choice items

Alternative Response items

Completion item

Fill in the blank

S=R-W/3 is formula used to correct guessing in multiple choices items






Relationship of a score with 100 is called:




Mean point average

Short answer items are answered by word,phrase,number or symbol & is a complex

from of objective type was said by:





Objective Types question have advantage are eassy type beacuse such question:

Are eassy to prepare

Are eassy to solve

Are eassy to mark

Test criteria Thinking

A test popular with classroom teacher is:



Matching Test

Multiple choices

The Most commonly used guessing correction formula to predit and control:




In multiple choice items,the stem of the item should be:



Meaning ful


A multiple Choice question is composed of question or statement refer on:





Which one is supply type test item:


MCQS item
Completion item

Matching item

What is the list suggest in MCQs is called:




Non of these

Bad Distractor is that which:

Attract High achievers more then lower achievers

Does not attract all any student

Attract High achievers & lower achievers quality

All above

Accuracy In Measurement Called:



All of these

Which type of Text ends to have lowest reliability:





Multiple Choice Question provide a board Sampling:





Reliability is concerned with______of Student:




All of these
Raw scores of text are as:





All the in coorect alternative are called:





The Best measure to avoid guessing in a structured test is to use:


Completion item

Matching item

Mulitple Choice items

The Final product of measurement is:

Test item




The most significant advantage of True-false item is:

Wide Sampling

Item validity

Ease of contrustion

Elimination of guessing

Good Distractor is that which:

Attract High achievers more then lower achievers

Attract lower achievers more then high achievers

Attract equally high and low achievers

Does not attract

Constructing subjective test items

The set of guidelines to evaluate the performance of on assignment is termed as;

A: Rubric

B: Reporting



Analytic rublics focuses on...... Characteristics at a time

A: multiply

B: one

C:more than one

D: two

In which scoring process, performances are rated separately ;

A: Analytic scoring Rubric

B: Hotistic Rubric

C:generic scoring Rubric

D: Extended scoring Rubric

Which scoring process includes the specific feed back about the performance of
pupil ;

A: Analytic scoring Rubric

B:Holistic Rubric

C:Generic scoring Rubric

D:Extended scoring Rubric

The critical reason can be best evaluated by ;

A:Oral typ test

B:Objective type test

C:Essay typ test

D:Subjective type test

Test which permit freedom of responses ;

A:Essay type

B:Objective type

C:summative type

D:Oral type

Divergent thinking of pupil is measured by;

A:Oral type test

B:Objective type test

C:Summative type test

D:Subjective type test

Which test type is more economically used ;

A:Subjective test

B:Objective test

C:Oral test

D:Summative test

Subjective type test are also called ;

A:Summative type test

B:Objective type test

C:Diagnostic type test

D:Essay type test

Complex learning out comes can be measured by ;

A:Formative type test

B:Essay type test

C:diagnostic type test

D:Summative type test

"halo" effects in evaluation means ;

A:One's characteristic is influenced by another characteristics

B:Student gives best answer in beginning of answer best get more marks

C:Quality of handwriting of handwriting of examiner influenced examiner

D:Length of answer rather than depth of content influence marketing

Restricted response question limits ;




D:A and b

Restricted response questions are more ;




Generic scoring Rubric distinguish

A:Analytical performance and exemplary performance

B:Average performance and diagnostic performance

C:Exemplary performance and competent performance

D:Satisfactory performance and competent performance

Essay type question are ;

A:Relatively easy to make

B:Relatively difficult to make

C:Relatively less tim consuming in marking

D:None of these

Essay type "items are classified as" ;

A:Extended response items

B:Restricted response item

C:Extended response and restricted response item

D:None of the above

Question that allow student to present their ideas in a coherent and logical way
are called ;

A:Extended response question

B:Restricted response question

C:A and b both


Question that allow student to restrict to the form and scope of his answer are
called ;

A:Extended response question

B:Restricted response question

C:A and b


An extended response type of essay question permit a student to demonstrate it's

ability to;

A:Recall factual knowledge

B:Evaluate factual knowledge

C:Organize factual knowledge

D:All of these

In essay type question; the word "what, who which and where are used to
measure ;

A:Lower mental process

B:Middle mental process

C:Higher mental process

D:None of these

In essay type question, the word" contrast "used to measure ;

A:Lower mental process

B:Higher mental process

C:Middle mental process

D:Non of these

Item that requires a student to structure a long written response up to several



B:Short question answers items

C:Competition test items

D:Fill in the blanks

The student ability to respond complex situation is assessed through ;

A:Short answer type items

B:Restricted response item

C:Extended response item

D:Completion type item

Integration and application of high level skills are stressed in ;

A:Short answer type item

B:Restricted response item

C:Extended response item

D:Completion item

Topics of limited scope are assessed by ;

A:Short answer type item

B:Restricted response item

C:Extended response item

D:Completion test item

Short answer item can measure efficiency students and ability to ;

A:Recall specific, information

B:Analyze the information received

C:Synthesis the different bits of information

D:Evaluation the worth of something

A brief written response is required in ;

A:Short answer type item

B:Restricted response item

C:Extended response item

D:Completion type item

The homogeneous material is used in single exercise cod ;

A:Matching text

B:Multiple choice text

C:True false item

D:Alphabetical item

Evaluation is an umberalla that covers;




D:All of the above

In general, as text length is increase, test reliability,


C:Both a and b


Test Appraisal

Test item is acceptable which its facility index range from


Test item is very easy when value of facility index is higher then

Relationship of a score with 100 is called


Which of the following method should be use for establishing reliability of questions?
Test retest method
Split half method
Parallel from method
Relational equivalence method
Which of the following statement is true for the relationship between reliability and
validity of a research tool?
A reliable test is always valid
Valid test is must be reliable
Reliable test is never valid
No one

Which degree is used to a test measure what it is supposed to measure?


______ is the degree to which a test measures an intended content area.

Construct validity
Content validity
Concurrent validity
Predictive validity

An investigator conduct the factor analysis of test to be used in research.Its mean

Construct validity
Concurrent validity
Content validity
Predictive validity

___ is the degree to which a test can predict how well an individual will do in future.
Construct validity
Concurrent validity
Predictive validity
Content validity

Which degree is used for a test consistently measure whatever it measure?

Which method measure estimate reliability?
Kuder-Richardson Method
Split half method
Test retest method

What is formula of reliability estimate?


Which of the following can not be used as synonym of reliability?


Which test have low reliability?

Difficulty of test
Length of test
Spread of score

Which play an important role in obtaining reliable measure of achievement?


In item analysis include

Item difficulty
Discrimination power
Effectiveness of distracter
All of these
Formula of facility index

Which degree is used test item discriminate between pupils with high and low
Item difficulty
Discriminate power
Effectiveness of distracter
No one

Formula of discriminate power


___ can be used as major categories with the objective forming the subcategory.
Course content

A test will be easy to administer when

Directions will be simple
Sub tests will be few
Time of test will be suitable
All of these

Instrument used for measuring sample of behavior is

Limited to quantitative description of pupils performance

Which questions are difficult to make with reliability?

Unstructural essay
Structure essay
Short answer

The characteristics of a test to siscriminate between high achiever and low achiever is?

Facility index of an item determine

Ease or difficulty
No one

Discrimination power of an item is acceptable when it value range from


Test item discriminates 100% when its value for discrimination is

Measuring of learning outcomes in affective
and psychomotor domains

Which of these is an issue while designing an appraisal programme?

a) Equality
b) What methods of appraisal are to be used
c) Quantity
d) cost of effectiveness

When appraisals are made by superiors,peers,subordinates and clients then it is


a) 360 degree feedback

b) 180 degree feedback
c) Self-appraisal
d) None of the above

What is the best description of anecdotal records?

a) Teacher’s general observations

b) Anything the teacher sees of hears
c) Factual descriptions
d) Interference made by teachers

Which of these is an advantage of the critical incidents methods while performing

performance appraisal?

a) minimize inventory costs

b) negative incidents are generally more noticeable than positive ones
c) evaluation is based on actual job behavior
d) none of the above

Which performance appraisal methods consumes a lot of time?

a) essay method
b) rating scales
c) critical incident
d) tests and observation

What needs to be included in an anecdotal record?

a) Student’s name
b) Date of incident
c) Setting
d) All of the above

Which of these is an issue while designing an appraisal programme?

a) Quality
b) What methods of appraisal are to be used
c) Quantity
d) Cost of effectiveness

How many types of rating scales

a) 3
b) 6
c) 2
d) 4

In______an individual is generally watched in a real situation.

a) Standardized observations
b) Natural observation
c) Controlled observation
d) Uncontrolled observation

Observation is more _ as actual behavior of the child is recorded.

a) Natural setting
b) Immediate detection of problems
c) Reliable and objective
d) Useful for young and shy children

.---of observer may hamper validity and reliability of observation.

a) Less accuracy
b) Interference
c) Subjectivity
d) Lack of competency

____“an anecdotal record is a report of a significant episode in the life of a student.

a) Rath
b) Brown and Martin's
c) Jones
d) William wiersma

The interviewer should listen to the candidate candidly and with patience.

a) Good listener
b) Frankness
c) Limited information
d) No dominance

Which of the following is not a commonly used type of rating scale?

a) Anecdotal
b) Descriptive
c) Graphical
d) Numerical

It is _ to plan, construct and administer.

a) Ease
b) Personal information
c) Dependability
d) High coverage
Record is a report of a significant episode in the life of a student it is known as _____.

a) Checklist
b) Rating scale
c) Peer Appraisal
d) Anecdotal

 The simplest of the devices is a personal list of behavior or items it is known as...

a) Checklist
b) Observational techniques
c) Natural observation
d) Interview

Write the following limitation is commonly used in Questionnaire?

a) Lack of motivation
b) Less accuracy
c) Slow and laborious
d) Lack of competency

It is not haphazard looking around for general impression...

a) Observation is specific
b) Observational result
c) Observation is quantitative
d) Observation is record

Graphic rating scale are subject to all of the following problems except....

a) Unclear standards
b) Halo effects
c) Leniency
d) Complexity
All of the following are usually measured by a graphic rating scale except...

a) Generic dimensions of performance

b) Performance of actual duties
c) Performance of co - workers
d) Achievement of objectives

When designing an actual appraisal method the two basic considerations are....

a) Who should measure and when to measure

b) When to measure and what to measure
c) What to measure and who should measure
d) What to measure and how to measure

Which of the following types of observation except...

a) Controlled
b) Uncontrolled
c) Natural
d) Graphical

Hat is the first step in the appraisal process?

a) Defining the job

b) Administering the appraisal tool
c) Making plans to provide training
d) Giving feedback

which of the following is the easiest and most popular technique for appraising
employee performance?

a) Alternation ranking
b) Graphic rating scale
c) Likert
d) MBO

which performance appraisal technique lists traits and a range of performance values for
each trait?

a) Behaviorally anchored rating scale

b) Graphic rating scale
c) Forced distribution
d) Critical incident

which appraisal method combines the benefits of narrative critical incidents and
quantified scales by assigning scales points with specific examples of good or poor

a) Behaviorally anchored rating scale

b) Constant sums rating scale
c) Graphic rating scale
d) Alternation ranking

Anecdotal Record is related to

a) Description of a particular episode/behavior/event in someone’s case

b) Complete record of a child/student during his/her school education
c) Record of the memories of the school life
d) Record of small stories

_______ is necessary to create a tension free atmosphere

a) Compassion
b) Confidence
c) Approval
d) humour

In the ________ of record problems related to his/her behavior are noted down

a) First type
b) Third type
c) Fourth type
d) Second type

Grading and Reporting of Results

Assigning a latter grade or number for each subject includes in:

A. Traditional marking system

B. Fail –pass system

C. Percent grading

D. Criterion reference grading

Grades in assessment are:

A. Provide data for parents on their children progress

B. Certify promotional status and graduation

C. Serve as an incentive to do school lesson

D. All of these

Grading system in which student performance is compared with clearly define

learning task is:

A. criterion reference grading

B. Norm reference grading

C. Norm curve grading

D. Objective reference grading

What is the type of marking and reporting system?

A. Traditional marking system

B. Pass-fail system

C. Letter to parents

D. All of these

Norm reference test are design to rank pupil ____.

A. Learning

B. Achievement

C. Knowledge

D. Effort

The test in which student performance is compared with other students:

A. Criterion referenced grading

B. Pass-fail grading

C. Percent grading

D. Norm reference grading

In norm reference grading the comparison is between:

A. Group

B. Individual

C. Area

D. Interest

Drawback of traditional marking system:

A. Student strength and weakness in learning not indicated

B. Predict future achievement

C. Report strength and weakness of pupil

D. None of the above

Measure of student performance against a certain criterion as:

A. Norm reference

B. criterion reference

C. Fail-pass

D. Norm curve

A list of objectives is checked or rated in:

A. Fail-pass system

B. Check list of objectives

C. Multiple marking

D. Traditional marking

The flexible way of reporting student progress to parents involves in:

A. Letter to parents

B. Fail-pass system

C. Traditional marking system

D. Multiple marking

Purpose of parent teacher meeting is:

A. Establish cooperation between teacher and parent

B. Flexible procedure for communication between teacher and parent

C. To provide information regarding

D. All of the above

For more information in progress report traditional marking system replace


A. List of objects

B. Letter grading

C. Fail-pass system

D. All of above

Marking and reporting system based on____.

A. Clearly define educational objectives

B. Learning outcomes

C. Letter grading

D. All of above

A number letter or symbol indicating student level of accomplishment is known


A. Grading

B. Evaluation

C. Numerical Rating

D. Graphic grading

Two-category marking system consist of____.

A. Checklist of objectives

B. Fail-pass system
C. Traditional marking system

D. Letter of parents

Percentile rank can best be defined:

A. The actual score received on a test

B. The percentage on a test

C. Students who received passing scores

D. None of above

For effective use of parent teacher conference, it is necessary ____.

A. Share information with parents

B. Planning a course of action with parents

C. Preparing for conference

D. All of above

Percent grading involves_____.

A. Average score and convert into percent

B. Fail-pass grading

C. Compare student result to some more else

D. All of above

The main purpose of parent teacher conference…

A. Establish parent teacher cooperation

B. To overcome limitations of traditional report

C. To present student progress report

D. All of above
Traditional marking includes ___.

A. Letter grade and number

B. Numbers

C. Student achievement

D. Score

The grade to which intended outcomes have been achieved:

A. Achieved

B. Grading

C. Conference

D. Marking

Student performance are summarized by mean of letter in:

A. Traditional marking system

B. Pass-fail system

C. Checklist of objectives

D. Multiple marking

Letter to parents give information regarding:

A. Strength, weakness learning needs of pupil

B. Students marks

C. Student pass performance

D. Student percentage

Counselors use report to help pupil:

A. To develop better self-understanding

B. To make more realistic educational and vocational plan

C. to present strength and weakness of student in different subject

D. All

The process used to communicate knowledge gained from assessing student


A. Reporting

B. Grading

C. Marking

D. All

Parent teacher meeting is productive when:

A. Carefully planned

B. Teacher is skilled

C. Both a and b

D. None

Pupil score compared with other pupil in______ grading.

A. Relative grading

B. Absolute grading

C. Fail pass grading

D. Percent grading

Student score compared to specific performance standard in:

A. Relative grading

B. Fail pass grading

C. Percent grading

D. Absolute grading

One of the reasons for grading is:

A. To motivate student to work hard

B. To reduce achievement level

C. Both a and b

D. None

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