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Reflection#1: 21st Century Learning, Teaching, Research and Service

What comes to mind whenever we hear 21 st-century learning and teaching?

We might answer digital literacy, internet-based learning, collaboration,
learning by doing, learner-centered, critical thinking, K-12, research, and a
plethora of other meanings.
Classrooms have evolved when it comes to structure and delivery. Students
were graded based on their performance and learning outcomes. Teachers
and educators find ways to continue nurturing the capacity, adaptability,
and understanding of the learners by allowing them to apply the knowledge
they acquired in every lesson. Moreover, 21 st-century learning is about
establishing competencies and making integration with other subjects or
The adaptation of the K-12 program in our educational system in the
Philippines makes it possible to incorporate research and service-learning
programs that can be integrated into kindergarten up to college levels. It
enables them to connect the academic curriculum to the actual community
problem and the solving process, allowing them to demonstrate civic
While 21st-century learning has its challenges and issues, it empowers both
the teachers and the learners in so many ways. The traditional approaches
and strategies in teaching were upgraded to improve the students’ skills
while they are mastering the content of the lesson. Gone are the days that
they all need to memorize information, recall the lesson, and to copy and
answer questions.
In this new era of learning, students can create, synthesize, reflect, and
evaluate information from the lesson. Thus, they are also able to integrate it
into other concepts and subjects. Aside from the usual 3Rs, children are also
learning the 3Cs: creativity, communication, and collaboration.

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