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Grounded theory


The grounded theory is the common methodology that a researcher looks when he is
researching the data on any specific topic. There are many views in which they have said that it is
one of the general method which has been popularised by the qualitative research method
approach. Further we will get to know more about Grounded Theory in terms like its history,uses,
pros and cons, views behind the theory, role in ethonography and many more.


Grounded theory is general method that is concerned with the generation theory where the
word grounded discloses that the data is systematically collected and analysed. But generally this
theory ignores or doesn’t consider the things as social relationships and the behaviors of the groups
that falls under the social processes It was developed by Glassur and Strauss in California, USA while
they were having their study of ‘Awareness of dying’. In all, it can be said that it is a general
methodology for developing theory where the data is systematically collected and then analysed.

When we trace back this theory, it was developed during the mid1960s with the noteworthy
work in clinical social science of Barney Glaser and Anselm Strauss and the subsequent publication of
The Discovery of Grounded Theory, (Glaser and Strauss, 1967). It was then published in 1965 with
‘awareness of dying’ title. Further description was entitled and majorly there were three main aims
mentioned in the book like: rationale to lessen the gap between social scoence theory and empirical
data, provide a logic for grounded theory and legitimize the quantative research. While the book is
for the most part recognized as the original work on grounded theory, Glaser (1998) speaks that he
was really working on developing a method in his doctoral work at Columbia University and that he
composed the principal draft of Discovery, later imparting it to Strauss who added remarks and
composed an extra three sections (pp.22-27). While Glaser and Strauss were later to differ about the
exact idea of the strategy and stop their expert cooperation, Glaser is for the most part perceived as
having held both the soul and the substance of the first work (Locke, 2001, p.64). His subsequent
publications, along with Discovery, give itemized records of the crucial standards of the technique
(Glaser, 1978, 1992, 1998, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2007). His latest methodological guide (2008),
specifically, recognizes grounded theory as a general research method.

A turning moment in accepting of the theory came after the publication of Awareness of
Dying. Their work on dying helped establish the influence of grounded theory in medical sociology,
psychology, and psychiatry. From its beginnings, grounded theory methods have become more
prominent in fields as diverse as drama, management, manufacturing, and education.

Usage of grounded theory

Basic theory is a general methodology with systematic guidelines for collecting and analyzing
data to produce a middle-class theory. The name "sound theory" reflects the basic premise that
researchers can and should develop theories from rigorous empirical data analysis. The analysis
process consisted of data coding; Development, review and integration of theoretical categories;
and writing analytical stories during investigations. Barney G. Glaser and Anselm L. Strauss (1967),
creators of sound theory, initially suggested that researchers participate in simultaneous data
collection and analysis, which has become a routine practice in qualitative research. From the
beginning of the research process, the researcher coded the data, compared the data and codes,
and identified the analysis guidelines and initial categories to be developed through further data
collection. The basic theory of the topic studied begins with concrete data and ends with its
representation in explanatory theory.

Advantage and disadvantage of grounded theory


 Well Grounded theory can identify both the local nature of knowledge and the conditioned
nature of practice.
 Basic theory provides "a thick picture that identifies areas of conflict and contradiction.
 Basic theory can better determine what actually happened.
 As a general theory, theory can easily be adapted to study various phenomena.


 Well-grounded theoretical methods usually produce large amounts of data which are often
difficult to manage.
 Researchers must be familiar with sound theoretical methods.
 There are no standard rules for identifying categories

how grounded theory used in ethnography

What should an ethnographer learn in this area? Whatever happens there. By staying open
to situations and actions and the people in them, ethnographers have the opportunity to work from
scratch and keep track of whatever they find most interesting.

Study participants allowed ethnographers to see their world and their actions in it. The
purpose of many ethnographies is to obtain an internal picture of the world under study. However,
like other researchers, ethnographers use theoretical training and methodological tools in their
work. From the perspective of research participants, the outcome might ironically be reports from
outside parties.

Although standard textbooks require openness and acceptance of behavior in this area,
ethnographers have introduced different styles to their research. The research problems, the
participants they encountered, and the limitations they faced shaped their participation. In one
setting, ethnographers can find participants who wish to tell their personal and collective stories. In
other cases, the technographer can only be accepted if he offers a new presence in the area. The
extent to which ethnographers move from passive observation to full participation depends on the
specific study, including objectives, access arrangements, participation, reciprocity, and emerging
relationships with members. It is likely that the ethnographer was more involved in the scene than
would be expected. In the same way, he might find this presence in a different order than expected.

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