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Students will be able to use dynamics and apply it to music

Student will be able to use correct singing posture
Students will be able to use a blend sound with dynamics to create music

HCI/AD.12 The student will demonstrate music literacy
HCI/AD.14 The student will demonstrate vocal techniques and choral skills.
HCI/AD.15 The student will identify and demonstrate expressive qualities of choral music.

- Pencil
- Music

- Warm Ups
- Review the different dynamics (2 minutes)
- Piano, Mezzo Forte, Mezzo Piano, Forte, Fortissio
- Mark it in the music, scavenger hunt type of deal, where are the p, mp, mf, f, ff (1
- Sing songs being super extra with dynamics! Over the top! (4 minutes)
- Blend, what does it mean (2 minutes)
- Found Tonight Blending and Dynamics (5 mintie)
- Extra sections that need help
- Found tonight again only the mf forte spots

Detailed Order

Hello everyone! Lets begin with Warm-Ups!

Warm Ups:

In for 4 out for 8,16
In for 8 out for 32, 40
Breathe and Clap
Paper Airplane Breath

Ma Me Mi Mo Mu (give consistent beat the whole time)

Mommy Made me Mash my MnM’s

1,2,3,4,5,4,3,2,1,1,3,5,3,1 (again on solfege)
1,2,1,.. Do, Do, Re,Do, Re, Mi,


Fish and Chips

Viva Musica

Found Tonight

Please take out Found/Tonight and a pencil. Today we are going to be talking about the
dynamics and how to blend with dynamics in this song. You can have a seat

Lets quickly review what dynamics are. Write these in cursive If we see a P in the music what
would mean Piano, how does piano sound when we sing, quite. Next if MP, which means Mezzo
Piano, when we sing that we sing medium quiet, next comes MF, which means medium loud,
next is F which is forte which means load, and last is FF, which is fortissimo.

We are going to go through our music and circle every dynamic in the music. Please grab a
pencil and circle the dynamics. Starting on Page one...ect

Now we are going to sing through the whole song, but follow the dynamics in the most extra
way you can, and i will help you out as we go. The difference in MF and MP are one is a slightly
louder or softer, but both sound similar.

Sing through the song

What we just did was super extra, but it helped create a purpose.

We are also going to talk about Blend, to blend in music means to sound like one. So when we
sing found tonight I know we are all singing different parts but if we sound like one working

Let's sing the very last page where we are all singing together, and using the idea of dynamics
lets blend our voices.

With this idea of blending, we also need to make sure we are following dynamics, so starting on
masseuse 22, lets talk about how we can use both dynamics and blend, who can tell me what
the dynamic (MP), right so knowing that how can we blend while also being medium quite.
Sing til measure 28.

The next part we need to focus on blend is measure 29 pick-up with sopranos until 42. There
are lots of dynamics in here so how does our blend change?
Looking at 42, the Bariotnes come in with P followed by the altos, then the sopranos come and
creating this unique blend of both parts, lets run it and see how it sounds,

Nice, lets run the whole thing now thinking about this idea of blend and dynamics throughout the


If students are struggling with parts, break it down note for note, or sing with the group.

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