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● Voice: Good volume, annunciation and pace (4 minutes) during the presentation.

● Slides: Slides should include high quality images, and pertinent and accurate

● Content Organization: Slide content should be logically organized, and students

should properly utilize images and information on the slides during their presentation.
There should be a clear division of labor (students present different parts of the

● Connections to the Renaissance: Show us how this subject reflects the spirit of the

● Artistic and/or Technical Innovations: Inform us on what is new/experimental about

the work. Inform us on the innovative techniques, artistic styles, or artistic choices
present in the work (e.g., new paints, golden triangle, vanishing point,
realism/naturalism, shadows and light).

● Context of the Creation of Your Subject: Informs us on when it was made, how it
was made, and why the artist made it. Show us the unique history, story or purpose of
your subject.

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