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By: Siti Normaya Kamarulzaman

TREES - Alstonia angustiloba
Botanical Name : Alstonia angustiloba
Common Name : Common Pulai, Pulai
Origin : Southeast Asia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 25 to 40m tall
Color : Dark green
Overall Form : Tiered (Pagoda-shaped crown)
Overall Texture : Coarse
Flower : Small creamy white inflorescence; fragrant
TREES - Alstonia angustiloba
Plant Habit :
Full sun, moderate water (Fast growing)

Use in Landscape :
Roadside tree, shade tree, ornamental tree in gardens

Other Uses :
Abscesses and boils can be treated using the latex from the bark. The soft wood
is used in making floor boards, household items, matches, and posts.

Other Species :

Alstonia scholaris Alstonia spatulata

(Indian Pulai) (Marsh Pulai)
Origin: Southeast Asia Origin: Southeast Asia

Alstonia macrophylla
(Hard Alstonia)
Origin: Southeast Asia
TREES - Amherstia nobilis
Botanical Name : Amherstia nobilis
Common Name : Amherstia
Pride of Burma
Queen of Flowering Tree
Origin : Myanmar

Plant Characteristic :
Mature Size : 9 – 12m tall
Color : Dark green
Overall Form : Rounded crown, gentle weeping branches.
Overall Texture : Medium
Flower : Bright crimson red inflorescence, with two of
out of five petals are minutes, and the rest
unequal size.
TREES - Amherstia nobilis
Plant Habit :
Full to moderate sun, medium water

Use in Landscape :

Other Uses :
Young leaves and flowers are edible.
This species has a symbiotic relationship with certain soil bacteria, these
bacteria form nodules on the roots and fix atmospheric nitrogen.

Other Species :

Saraca thaipingensis
(Yellow saraca)
Origin: Myanmar, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia,
Indonesia (Java)

Maniltoa grandiflora
Handkerchief tree
Origin: New Guinea
TREES - Arverrhoa bilimbii
Botanical Name : Arverrhoa bilimbii
Common Name : Cucumber tree
tree sorrel
Belimbing Asam
Belimbing buluh
Origin : Moluccas, Indonesia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 5 - 10m tall
Color : Yellowish-green
Overall Form : Vase
Overall Texture : Medium
Flower :Small, fragrant, 5-petalled, dark purplish red
flowers, emerging directly from trunk,
branches and twigs
TREES - Arverrhoa bilimbii
Plant Habit :
Full sun, medium water

Use in Landscape :

Other Uses :
Fruits can be eaten raw or made into sweet jam, pickles and added into dishes.
Leaves poultice used to soothe itches.

Other Species :

Averrhoa carambola (Starfuit, Carambola)

Origin: Moluccas, Indonesia

Phyllanthus acidus (Otaheite gooseberry,

Malay gooseberry, cermai)
Origin: The Caribbean region, South East
TREES - Azadirachta indica
Botanical Name : Azadirachta indica
Common Name : Neem
Indian lilac
Origin : India

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 15-20 m
Color - Light green
Overall Form - Oval
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - White/ creamy and fragrant flowers are
arranged in more-or-less drooping axillary
panicles inflorescence.
TREES - Azadirachta indica
Plant Habit :
Drought resistant, full sun and moderate water.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Open space garden and walkside.

Other Uses:
Prevent soil erosion and to help in soil conservation and improvement. Other than that almost every part of
the tree has some uses. Durable wood is used for furniture and lumber. Leaves and bark are used in teas,
cosmetics, toothpaste, pet care and medicinal preparations.

Other Species:

Azadirachta excelsa
Origin: Malaysia & Vietnam

Melia dubia
Origin: India
TREES - Brownea grandiceps
Botanical Name : Brownea grandiceps .
Common Name : Rose of Venezuela
Scarlet Flame Bean.
Origin : Venezuela .
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - about 6 m.
Color - brownish-pink and eventually
a uniform shade of green.
Overall Form - spreading .
Overall Texture - fine .
Flower - contain numerous crimson, red, deep
pink or purple tubular flowers, each with
projecting stamens and style.
TREES - Brownea grandiceps

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun , Moderate Water and Semi-Shade .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• In the parks to provide shade because it needs areas where the diameter of the tree to 20 meters.
Other Uses:
• Dried flowers have been used in infusions to treat dysentery. Bark has been used to reduce bleeding
and aid clotting of the blood.

Other Species:

Brownea coccinea Brownea Leucantha

(Scarlet Flame Bean, Mountain (Roso Blanco )
Rose, Rose of Venezuela) Origin: Venezuela .
Origin: Guyana, Venezuela, Brazil
and Trinidad and Tobago .
TREES - Bucida molineti
Botanical Name : Bucida molineti
Common Name : Dwarf Geometry Tree
Spiny Black Olive
Origin : Bahamas (Tropical America)

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : Up to 12m
Color : Green (Green and white, if variegated)
Overall Form : Layered spreading
(Twigs growing densely in layerred)
Overall Texture : Fine
Flower : Yellow and insignificant flowers
TREES - Bucida molineti
Plant Habit :
Full to semi-shade, Intermediate to wet

Use in Landscape :
Ornamental plant

Other Uses :
Planted to provide shade for other plants (Nurse tree); its bark used as tanning
agent and also an ingredient in Sun’s Soup, an American dietary supplement
with alleged anti-cancer properties.

Other Species :

Bucida buceras
(Black olive tree)
Origin: Mexico, Central America, the
Carribean and northern South
TREES - Callistemon splendens
Botanical Name : Callistemon splendens .
Common Name : Bottlebrush.
Origin : Australia.
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - Up to 4-6m .
Color - Dark green
Overall Form - Irregular
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - Individual flower is small with long
and showy bright red stamen, forming
dense bushy inflorescences clustered at
branch tips.
TREES - Callistemon splendens
Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• Suitable for narrows or restricted verges along minor roads, home garden, parks and open spaces and
Can be planted as hedge or screen
Other Uses:
• The nectar-rich flowers are popular with hummingbirds, bees and other insects.
• Flower can used in floral arrangements and bouquets.
• Wood is used ass firewood and for making tool handles.

Other Species:

Callistemon salignus Melaleuca pallida

(white bottlebrush) (lemon bottlebrush)
Origin: Australia . Origin: Australia .

Melaleuca comboynensis
(cliff bottlebrush) Callistemon kenmorrisonii
Origin: New South Wales and (Betka bottlebrush)
Australia . Origin: Australia .
TREES - Cananga odorata
Botanical Name : Cananga odorata
Common Name : Ylang-Ylang Tree
Cananga Tree
Origin : South East Asia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 3 - 5m
Color : Green
Overall Form : Irregular
Overall Texture : Medium
Flower : Drooping, long-stalked, greenish-yellow
(rarely pink) petals, fragant
TREES - Cananga odorata
Plant Habit :
Full to partial sun, moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Fragrant plant, ornamental plant

Other Uses :
Essential oil extracted from flower and used in aromatherapy, perfumery.

Other Species :

Cananga fruticosa
(Dwarf Ylang-ylang)
Origin: Thailand
TREES - Cinnamomum iners

Botanical Name : Cinnamomum iners .

Common Name : Wild cinnamomum .
Origin : India, Indochina, Malaysia.
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - Up to 10-15m.
Color - Dark Green .
Overall Form - Oval .
Overall Texture - Medium .
Flower - Small, creamy white to light yellow,
produced in bunches, pollinated by small
TREES - Cinnamomum iners
Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• Often planted along major roads and expressways as hedge or buffer against traffic and noise and also
planted as a colourful shade tree in parks and gardens
Other Uses:
• Leaves are also traditionally used to treat rheumatism, fever, dysentery, diarrhea and coughs .
• Can be used as butterfly host plant (leaves-food for caterpillar)
• A decoction of boiled roots is commonly given to women after give birth.

Other Species:

Cinnamomum verum Cinnamomum camphora

(Ceylon cinnamon tree) (camphorwood)
Origin: Srilanka . Origin:China, Taiwan,
southern , Japan, Korea, and
Vietnam .
Cinnamomum glanduliferum
(false camphor tree ) Cinnamomum glaucescens
Origin: China , Bhutan , India , (Sugandhakokila)
Malaysia , Myanmar and Nepal. Origin: Bhutan , India and
Nepal .
TREES - Delonix regia
Botanical Name : Delonix regia
Common Name : Royal poinciana
Semarak api
Origin : Many tropical part in the wolrd

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 5-12 m
Color - Red green
Overall Form - Spreading
Overall Texture - fine
Flower - Yellow ,large, with four spreading
scarlet or orange-red petals up to 8 cm
long, and a fifth upright petal called the
TREES - Delonix regia
Plant Habit :
Delonix regia is endemic to the Madagascar's dry deciduous forests but has been introduced into tropical and
sub-tropical regions worldwide. In the wild it is endangered.

Functional Use in Landscape:

its ornamental value, it is also a useful shade tree in tropical conditions
Garden, Park, Seaside, Shade, Specimen, Streetscape

Other Uses:

Other Species:

Delonix elata Delonix decaryi

(Yellow Gul Mohur) Origin: Madagascar
Origin: Somalia

Delonix pumila Delonix floribunda

Origin: Madagascar Origin: Madagascar
TREES - Dracaena draco
Botanical Name : Dracaena draco
Common Name : Dragon tree, Draco
Origin : Canary Island

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 0.9 – 1.2m (indoor)
Color : Blue-green
Overall Form : Umbrella-shaped
Overall Texture :Coarse
Flower : White, Lily-like perfumed flower
(after 10-15 years)
TREES - Dracaena draco
Plant Habit :
Full sun, part shade

Use in Landscape :
Ornamental plant, accent plant, decorative indoor plant

Other Uses :
Medicinal: Its red color resin

Other Species :

Dracaena marginata
Dracaena reflexa
(Red Edged Dracaena)
(Song of India)
Origin: Madagascar, Mauritius
Origin: Madagascar, Mauritius

Dracaena fragrans Dracaena aletriformis

(Dragon Plant) (Large-leavesd Dragon Tree)
Origin: Africa Origin: South Africa
TREES - Eucalyptus camaldulensis
Botanical Name : Eucalyptus camaldulensis .
Common Name : River Red Gum.
Origin : Australia.
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - it reaches 18 m.
Color - grey-green.
Overall Form - Irregular .
Overall Texture - Medium .
Flower - The white flowers appear from
August to November and can be
TREES - Eucalyptus camaldulensis

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and little Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• The speed of growth and resistance to environmental conditions made it useful in public parks.
Other Uses:
• Eucalyptus alba is mainly used for paper making. The timber is used for light and heavy construction,
flooring, boat building, furniture, handles, sporting goods, agricultural implements, joinery, railway
sleepers, poles and carvings. The wood is often used as fuelwood and for making charcoal. Eucalyptus
alba is a bee forage and is used in reforestation programmes and in swampy areas for reclamation
Other Species:
Eucalyptus diversifolia Eucalyptus melliodora
(soap mallee) ( Yellow Box )
Origin: Australia. Origin: South Wales.

Eucalyptus gomphocephala
Eucalyptus propinqua
(Tuart )
( Grey Gum or Small fruited
Origin: southwest of Western
Grey Gum)
Australia .
Origin: Australia.
TREES - Eucalyptus deglupta
Botanical Name : Eucalyptus deglupta
Common Name : Rainbow eucalyptus,
Mindanao gum
rainbow gum.
Origin : New Britain, New
Guinea, Seram, Sulawesi & Mindanao

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 2-60 m
Color - Bright green, inner bark
Overall Form - Irregular
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - Tiny, white, showy, pollinated by bees
TREES - Eucalyptus deglupta
Plant Habit :
moderately wet soil, high humidity, frequent watering neccessary, full sun required

Functional Use in Landscape:

is cultivated as an ornamental tree, for planting in tropical and subtropical gardens and parks. It is not resistant
frosts. The showy multi-coloured streaks that cover the trunk are a distinctive landscape design element.

Other Uses:
Occasionally used as charcoal, the Rainbow Eucalyptus’ wood is its major selling point. The wood is used for
particleboard, boats, construction lumber, plywood, and many other options

Other Species:

Eucalyptus globulus Eucalyptus camaldulensis

(southern blue-gum) (river red gum)
Origin: Australia Origin: Australia

Eucalyptus grandis Eucalyptus marginata

(flooded gum) (jarrah)
Origin: New South Wales Origin: Western Australia
TREES - Eurycoma longifolia
Botanical Name : Eurycoma longifolia
Common Name : Tongkat Ali
Pasak Bumi
Long Jack

Origin : South East Asian region

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 10-18 m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - Oval
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - are dioecious, with male and female
flowers, each flower with very small
TREES - Eurycoma longifolia
Plant Habit: Eurycoma longifolia
It grows in Full to partial sun, well-drain soil, Moderate watering, air-layering.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Ornamental shrubs
Residential Planting, terrestrials Garden planting,

Other Uses:
The plant is used in the traditional medicine of Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam.
Tongkat Ali is listed among the top five herbs to be developed on a large scale.To support this commercializatio

Other Species:

Eurycoma harmandiana Eurycoma apiculata

TREES - Ficus benjamina
Botanical Name : Ficus benjamina
Common Name : Weeping fig
Benjamin fig
Ficus tree
Origin : Asia & Australia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 30 m
Color - Dark green
Overall Form - Oval
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - Small yellow pale blossoms
TREES - Ficus benjamina
Plant Habit :
Tolerance of poor growing conditions; it does best in bright, sunny conditions but will also tolerate
considerable shade. It requires a moderate amount of water.

Functional Use in Landscape:

The weeping fig makes a very large and stately tree for parks and other urban situations, such as wide roads.
Also can be used as houseplant and bonsai.

Other Uses:
Ficus benjamina has been shown to effectively remove gaseous formaldehyde from indoor air.

Other Species:

Ficus carica Ficus longifolia

(Fig) (Alii fig/ Banana leaf fig)
Origin: Middle east & Western Asia Origin: India & Southeast Asia

Ficus microcarpa Ficus macrophylla

(Hill’s weeping fig) (Moreton bay fig)
Origin: Australia Origin: Eastern coast of Australia
TREES - Ficus elastica
Botanical Name : Ficus elastica .
Common Name : Indian Rubber Tree.
Origin : India, South Asia.
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - Up to 30m in height
Color - Dark glossy green.
Overall Form - Spreading .
Overall Texture - Coarse.
Flower - Both the tiny male and female
flowers develop inside the fig-like
inflorescence, which is fixed on a leaf
TREES - Ficus elastica

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• Usually grown in large parks or open spaces, where it can be allowed to fully
Other Uses:
• The wood is light and non-durable and is used in making cheap furniture.
• All parts of the tree contain white latex, which was used for a long time in the
rubber industry. However, nowadays it has been replaced by latex from Para-
Rubber Tree (Hevea brasiliensis)
Other Species:

Same as Ficus benjamina

TREES - Ficus elastica (Burgandy)
Botanical Name : Ficus elastica var burgundy
common name : Rubber fig
Rubber bush
Rubber tree

Origin :Southest Asia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 30–40 m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - Spreading
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - Require a particular species of fig
wasp to pollinate it in a co-evolved.
TREES - Ficus elastica (Burgandy)
Plant Habit :
in frost-free climates from the tropical to the Mediterranean and inside in colder climates as a houseplant.
Although it is grown in Hawaii, the species of fig wasp required to allow it to spread naturally is not present

Functional Use in Landscape:

is grown around the world as an ornamental plant

Other Uses:
in frost-free climates from the tropical to the Mediterranean and inside in colder climates as a houseplant.
Although it is grown in Hawaii, the species of fig wasp required to allow it to spread naturally is not present

Other Species:

Ficus elastica Roxb

(bunoh seteroh )
Origin: Sri Lanka
TREES - Ficus lyrata
Botanical Name : Ficus lyrata
Common Name : Fiddle-leaf fig

Origin : Western Africa

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 12–15 m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - Spreading
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - In their natural habitat and outdoors
fiddle leaf plants will produce flowers
and then fruits, however, indoors it
rarely happens.
TREES - Ficus lyrata
Plant Habit :
Keep soil evenly moist at all times, needs Bright, do not overwater or leave plant sitting in water

Functional Use in Landscape:

It is a popular ornamental tree in subtropical and tropical gardens, and is also grown as
a houseplant in temperate areas, where it usually stays shorter and fails to flower or fruit. Like most figs, it is
frost tender.

Other Uses:
Indoor decoration and design

Other Species:

Ficus carica Ficus palmata

( Fig) (Punjab fig)
Origin: Middle East Origin: Mid-himalaya

Ficus deltoidea Ficus fraseri

(Mas Cotek) (white sandpaper fig )
Origin: Southeast Asia Origin: Australia
TREES - Filicium decipiens
Botanical Name : Filicium decipiens .
Common Name : Fern Tree.
Origin : India and Sri Lanka .
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - Up to 20 m in height.
Color - glossy green.
Overall Form - Oval .
Overall Texture - Fine .
Flower - Small, pinkish-white and numerous .
The male and female flowers are held
in separate groups .
TREES - Filicium decipiens

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• An attractive ornamental species suitable for planting along roadsides or in parks and gardens.
• It makes for a good shade tree due to its dense wide crown .
Other Uses:
• The wood of the Fern Tree has economic value and is used for house building .

Other Species:

1 - Filicium decipiens Thwaites, 1760

2 - Filicium longifolium (H.Perrier) Capuron 1969
3 - Filicium thouarsianum (DC.) Capuron 1969

Filicium longifolium Filicium thouarsianum

TREES - Garcinia hombroniana
Botanical Name : Garcinia hombroniana
Common Name : Beruas
Origin : Southeast Asia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 4.5-6 m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - Spreading
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - are whitish, and occur terminally in
clusters of 1-3
TREES - Garcinia hombroniana
Plant Habit :
It grows on rocky and sandy coasts.
It also grows well in acid clay soils, and tolerates drought as well as high rainfall

Functional Use in Landscape:

It is suitable for planting along streetscapes, parks, gardens, and coastal areas/parks for its dense leafy.

Other Uses:
The fruit of seashore mangosteen is aromatic but with thin, sour flesh. It could probably be used to make
juices and jellies. The roots and leaves are used medicinally to relieve itching.

Other Species:

Garcinia afzelii Garcinia gummi-gutta

(Bitter kola ) (Brindleberry)
Origin: Cameroon Origin: Indonesia

Garcinia atroviridis Garcinia gummi-gutta

(Asam keping) (Mundu)
Origin: Malaysia Origin: Indonesia
TREES - Hopea odorata
Botanical Name : Hopea odorata .
Common Name : Merawan Siput Jantan.
Origin : Indochina, Northern Malaya Peninsula.
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - growing to 25-30m or more in height.
Color - dark green.
Overall Form - conical .
Overall Texture - Medium .
Flower - Small and pale yellow in colour
TREES - Hopea odorata

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .

Functional Use in Landscape:

• An increasing popular species for roadside shade planting due to its fast growth and straight upright
form .
Other Uses:
• The attractive yellowish-brown timber (sometimes called Merawan) is very hard and heavy and is
reported to be more durable than teak. It is resistant to fungal and termite attack and is used for
general construction, boats, furniture, flooring, joinery, turnery and weatherboards.
Other Species:
Hopea parviflora Hopea ponga
(Hopea,Iron wood of Malabar , ( Thingam )
White Kongu) Origin: India .
Origin: India.

Hopea utilis
(Black kongu )
Origin: India .
TREES - Hura crepitans
Botanical Name : Hura crepitans .
Common Name : Indonesia Umbrella Tree.
Origin : Tropical America .
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - about 20m in height.
Color - dark green.
Overall Form - spreading .
Overall Texture - Coarse .
Flower - Tiny reddish male flower occur in
cone-like spikes and the dark red
female flowers are solitary.
TREES - Hura crepitans
Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Lots Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• Sandbox Tree is suitable for planting in gardens and parks, but because of its ultimate potential size, is
not for the average yard. .
Other Uses:
• The common name comes from an ancient use of the immature fruits, when hollowed out and filled
with fine sand, as quill holders and blotting mechanisms.
• The timber is used for general carpentry, boxes and crates, veneer and plywood, joinery, furniture,
fibreboard and particleboard.
Other Species:

Hura polyandra
(Arbol del diablo)
Origin: Mexico
TREES - Jacaranda obtusifolia
Botanical Name : Jacaranda obtusifolia .
Common Name : Jambu Merak, Jacaranda.
Origin : South America .
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - up to 12m high.
Color - light green.
Overall Form - Irregular .
Overall Texture - fine .
Flower - The bell-shaped flowers are
bluish-violet in colour with a white
throat and are borne in large
bunches on the ends of the twigs.
TREES - Jacaranda obtusifolia

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .

Functional Use in Landscape:

• used as an ornamental tree in parks and gardens and in the aesthetics of the streets.
Other Uses:
• The wood is used in carving, woodcraft, veneer and furniture.

Other Species:

Jacaranda mimosifolia Jacaranda arborea

(jacaranda, blue jacaranda, black ( flowering plant )
poui, or as the fern tree) Origin: Cuba.
Origin: South America .

Jacaranda caroba
Jacaranda caerulea
(Brazilian Caroba-tree )
( boxwood or cancertree)
Origin: Cerrado vegetation in
Origin: West Indies, including
Brazil .
Cuba and the Bahamas.
TREES - Juniperus chinensis
Botanical Name : Juniperus chinensis .
Common Name : Blue Juniper.
Origin : Chinese & Japan.

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - up to 1-20m high.
Color - dark green.
Overall Form - conical .
Overall Texture - fine .
Flower - have a whitish waxy
bloom, and contain 2-
4 seeds
TREES - Juniperus chinensis
Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• This popular ornamental tree or shrub in gardens and parks.
• Provides good height when incorporated with foundation plantings.
Other Uses:
• The Chinese juniper is widely used in bonsai.

Other Species:

Juniperus sabina Juniperus horizontalis

(savin juniper or savin) (creeping juniper or
Origin: mountains of central and creeping cedar)
southern Europe and western and Origin: northern North
central Asia America.

Juniperus virginiana Juniperus squamata

(red cedar, eastern red cedar ) (flaky juniper or Himalayan
Origin: North juniper)
Origin: China.
TREES - Khaya senegalensis

Botanical Name : Khaya senegalensis .

Common Name : Senegal Mahaogany.
Origin : Tropica Africa .
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - A very large and tall tree
growing in excess of 30m in height .
Color - Dark green .
Overall Form - Oval .
Overall Texture - Medium .
Flower - Small (less than 1cm wide), pale white
in colors with 5 small petals, and occur in
clusters .
TREES - Khaya senegalensis
Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• As a shade or avenue tree, particularly at parks and along major roads and expressways.
Other Uses:
• The wood is highly valued for its beautiful figurative grain and its rich reddish mahogany brown clour.
• It is used in furniture and cabinetwork, joinery, fixtures, flooring, boat building, decorative veneers,
construction and household utensils.
• The bark contains tannin and is used for treating leather.
Other Species:

Khaya anthotheca
Khaya grandifoliola
( East African mahogany)
(African Mahogany)
Origin: Africa .
Origin: Benin, the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, Ivory
Coast, Ghana, Guinea, Nigeria,
Sudan, Togo, and Uganda . Khaya ivorensis
(Lagos mahogany )
Origin: Africa .
TREES - Leptospermum brachyandrum
Botanical Name : Leptospermum brachyandrum .
Common Name : Weeping Tea Tree.
Origin : Australia .
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - growing up to 4m in height.
Color - green.
Overall Form - Irregular .
Overall Texture - Medium .
Flower - Flowers are small, white in colour.
TREES - Leptospermum brachyandrum

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• used as an ornamental tree in parks and gardens and in the aesthetics of the streets
Other Uses:
• It belongs to the family of Tea Trees which derived its name from the early colonial settlers in Australia
who boiled the leaves to use as a substitute for tea .

Other Species:

Leptospermum lanigerum
Leptospermum laevigatum
(woolly tea-tree)
(Coastal Tea Tree)
Origin: Australia .
Origin: Australia

Leptospermum petersonii Leptospermum liversidgei

(lemon-scented tea tree) (swamp may, olive teatree,
Origin: Australia. or lemon teatree)
Origin: Eastern Australia..
TREES - Manitoa browneiodes
Botanical Name : Manitoa browneiodes .
Common Name : Handkerchief Tree.
Origin : Australia .
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - small tree, 5-10m in height.
Color - dark green.
Overall Form - Oval.
Overall Texture - Coarse .
Flower - It produces a bunch of white flowers
with papery brown bracts which grow
from the ends of branches .
TREES - Manitoa browneiodes

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• it is commonly planted in parks, open spaces and traffic islands and its beautiful flowers add a brilliant
splash of colour to surroundings.
Other Uses:
• The Handkerchief Tree produces a moderately hard, fairly strong and durable timber generally used
for construction, furniture, veneer and charcoal.

Other Species:

Maniltoa lenticellata
( Silk Handkerchief Maniltoa grandiflora
Tree, Cascading Bean) (handkerchief
Origin: Queensland, Torres tree and pokok sapu
Strait Islands, and Guinea. . tangan )
Origin: Asia .
TREES - Messua ferrea
Botanical Name : Messua ferrea .
Common Name : Penaga Lilin
Origin : Sri Lanka, India, Indochina, Malay
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - can grow to 30m or more.
Color - dark green.
Overall Form - Oval .
Overall Texture - Medium .
Flower - Large, white and very fragrant with a
bright yellow centre and are up to 4cm
TREES - Messua ferrea
Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• Ceylon Ironwood is planted along roadside for its conical canopy and attractive red-orange young
leaves, which add interest to the landscape .
Other Uses:
• The timber is used for railway croass-ties, heavy construction, boat building, tool handles and mine
• The leaves have been used to treat fever, sore eyes and leprosy .

Other Species:

Mesua stylosa Mesua ferruginea

(Suwanda) (Sembawang tree )
Origin: Sri Lanka.. Origin: Southeast Asia .
TREES - Michelia champaca
Botanical Name : Magnolia champaca (sym)
Common Name : Cempaka
Yellow champaca
Origin : India

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 30 m
Color - Green
Overall Form - Umbelliform
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - The flowers are pale yellow to orange
and fairly large. They are also very
fragrant. The flowers have 15 tepals that
curve up towards the tips and many
stamens (pollen producing structures)
TREES - Michelia champaca
Plant Habit :
Full sun, with moderate watering or more during hot sun. Low growth rate

Functional Use in Landscape:

Ornamental tree and ornamental flower. Usually use in thematic and therapeutic garden.

Other Uses:
Use as fragrance, religious ritual, timber and the fine grain wood is used for the construction of buildings,
furniture, toys, and carvings.

Other Species:

* Similar to Magnolia figo

TREES - Murraya koenigii
Botanical Name : Murraya koenigii
Common Name : Curry tree
Curry leaves
Sweet neem leaves
Origin : India & Sri Lanka

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 4-6 m
Color - Green
Overall Form - Irregular
Overall Texture - Moderate
Flower - Small white and fragrant flower
TREES - Murraya koenigii
Plant Habit :
Full sun to part shade, medium water and low maintenance.

Functional Use in Landscape:

House plant and herbs plant or edible plants.

Other Uses:
The leaves of the curry tree are used as an important herb in the medical science of Ayurveda. They are
believed to have anti diabetic properties and are remarkable for patients suffering from the sugar disease

Other Species:

Murraya paniculata
(Orange jasmine)
Origin: South China and India
TREES - Murraya paniculata
Botanical Name : Murraya paniculata
Common Name : Orange jasmine
Mock orange
Origin : South and Southeast Asia, China
& Australia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 2-4 m up to 7 m
Color - Dark green
Overall Form - Oval
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - Terminal, corymbose, few-flowered,
dense and fragrant. Petals are 12–18 mm
long, recurved and white (or fading cream)
TREES - Murraya paniculata
Plant Habit :
Likes to be grown in a rich, moist, well drained soil in full sun to part shade. Best sited in locations sheltered
from strong winds.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Ornamental plant and hedges

Other Uses:
The crude ethanolic extract of leaves of Murraya paniculata has antidiarrhoeal, antinociceptive and anti-
inflammatory activities. Yuehchukene a dimeric indole alkaloid, can be extracted from the root.

Other Species:

Murraya koenigii
(Curry leaf tree)
Origin: Himalaya
TREES - Pelthophorum pterocarpum
Botanical Name : Pelthophorum pterocarpum.
Common Name : Batai Laut
Origin : Indochina, Malesia .

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - Up to 15-20m .
Color - Green .
Overall Form - Spreading .
Overall Texture - Fine .
Flower - The brilliant yellow flowers
TREES - Pelthophorum pterocarpum

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• Attractive and popular wayside tree .
Other Uses:
• The bark is believed to have medicinal properties and is taken internally to cure dysentery and applied
externally to relieve sprains, muscular aches and ulcers.
• Bark contains a yellow-brown dye and used in batik dyeing .
• Wood is sometimes used for fuel .

Other Species:
Peltophorum dubium
(Ibira-pita) Peltophorum dasyrrhachis
Origin: Argentina , Paraguay, (Alight)
Uruguay, and Brazil . Origin: Southeast Asia
(Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos,
Peltophorum africanum Malaysia, Thailand,
(African blackwood - African wattle Vietnam )
- Rhodesian wattle )
Origin: Africa .
TREES - Pisonia alba
Botanical Name : Pisonia alba
Common Name : Mengkudu siam
Lettuce tree
Moonlight tree
Origin : Philippines & Sri Lanka

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 1-5 m
Color - Yellowish green
Overall Form - Irregular
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - Very small and inconspicuous, white in
colour. Flowers are borne in small globular
clusters. Rarely flowering.
TREES - Pisonia alba
Plant Habit :
Full sun and moderate water.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Ornamental foliage and roadside tree

Other Uses:
The young leaves come in handy as a leafy vegetable. They also have medicinal properties and people cook
and eat the leaves when suffering from rheumatism or arthritis.

Other Species:

Pisonia brunoniana Pisonia umbellifera

(parapara) (birdlime tree)
Origin: New Zealand Origin: Asia & Madagascar

Pisonia grandis Pisonia wagneriana

(grand devil's-claws) (Kauaʻi catchbirdtree)
Origin: India & Pacific Oceans Origin: Hawaiian islands
TREES - Plumeria obtusa
Botanical Name : Plumeria obtusa
Common Name : Kemboja
Graveyard flower
Origin : Bahamas,Belize Guatemala &

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size -5m
Color - Green
Overall Form - Spreading (Umbrella like)
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - White fragrant flower with 5 large waxy
TREES - Plumeria obtusa
Plant Habit :
Prone to rot at waterlogged, poorly drained or compacted soil. Drought tolerance and preferred full sun

Functional Use in Landscape:

Ornamental flower for garden and roadside tree.

Other Uses:
Flower use to make necklace or deities also as lei in Hawaii. As traditional medicine as remedy againts

Other Species:

Plumeria acuminata Plumeria alba

(Hawaii lei flowers) (White frangipani)
Origin: Phillipines Origin: Central America and
the Caribean

Plumeria rubra Plumeria pudica

(red frangipani) (Bridal bouquet)
Origin: Mexico, Central America, Origin: Panama, Columbia &
Colombia and Venezuela Venezuela
TREES - Plumeria rubra
Botanical Name : Plumeria rubra .
Common Name : Red Frangipanni
Kemboja .
Origin : Australia .
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - small tree, 5-8m in height.
Color - dark glossy green.
Overall Form - spreading .
Overall Texture - Coarse .
Flower - large and attractive, about 5-6cm in
size with 5 petals . They are fragrant
and colourful and occurs in various
shades of red or dark pink
TREES - Plumeria rubra
Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• it is commonly planted in parks, open spaces and traffic islands and its beautiful flowers add a brilliant
splash of colour to surroundings..
Other Uses:
• rubra flowers is used to necklaces as offerings to deities or as decoration for coffins. The leaves of this
species are used in the care of sores and made into soothing infusions Also the flowers and bark of it
are used in traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of fever, bacillary dysentery, pertussis and
so on .
Other Species:

Plumeria obtusa
(Singapore graveyard flower)
Origin: West Indies including Plumeria pudica
Bahamas; Mexico, Belize, (Golden Arrow or Gilded
Guatemala, and Florida . Spoon)
Origin: Panama,Colom
Plumeria alba bia and Venezuela .
(caterpillar tree )
Origin: Central America and the
Caribbean .
TREES - Podocarpus macrophyllus
Botanical Name : Podocarpus macrophyllus
Common Name : Yew plum pine
Buddhist pine
Fern pine
Origin : Souther Japan and Eastern China

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 20 m
Color - Bluish Green
Overall Form - Conical
Overall Texture - Fine
Fruit - Ellipsoidal fruits are fleshy, olive-green,
berry-like cones that ripen to purplish
TREES - Podocarpus macrophyllus
Plant Habit :
Full sun to part shade requirement with medium water and low maintenance.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Thematic garden, roadside and bonsai also hedge.

Other Uses:
The ripe cone arils are edible but the seed can not be eaten. The bark are resistance to termite and water
thus its use as quality wooden houses in Japan.

Other Species:

Podocarpus gracilior Podocarpus latifolius

(East African yellowwood) (Real yellowwood)
Origin: Eastern Africa Origin: South Africa

Podocarpus henkelii Podocarpus falcatus

(Long leaf yellowwood) (Common yellowwood)
Origin: South African Origin: South Africa
TREES - Polyalthia longifolia
Botanical Name : Polyalthia longifolia .
Common Name : Ashoka Tree.
Origin : South India, Sri Lanka .
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - grow over 10 m in height.
Color - Fresh leaves are a coppery brown color
and are soft and delicate to touch, as the
leaves grow older the color becomes a light
green and finally a dark green.
Overall Form - conical .
Overall Texture - Medium .
Flower - In spring the tree is covered with delicate star-
like pale green flowers. The flowers last for a short
period, usually two to three weeks, are not
conspicuous due to their color.
TREES - Polyalthia longifolia

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• The leaves are used for ornamental decoration during festivals. The tree is a main attraction in
gardens throughout India. The tree can be cut into various shapes and maintained in required sizes.
Other Uses:
• the tree is mostly used for manufacturing small articles such as pencils, boxes, matchsticks, etc.

Other Species:

Polyalthia fragrans Polyalthia nitidissima

(Gowrimara) ( Canary Beech, Shiny Leaf
Origin: India. Tree)
Origin: Australia.

Polyalthia coffeoides
Polyalthia cerasoides
(Coffee Ashok , Malayalam )
( Cherry Ashok )
Origin: Asia .
Origin: Asia .
TREES - Pometia pinnata
Botanical Name : Pometia pinnata .
Common Name : Kasai Daun Besar.
Origin : India, Indochina, Malaysia.
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - up to 40m in height .
Color - green.
Overall Form - Irregular .
Overall Texture - Coarse .
Flower - Its minute cream-white hairy
flowers grown on branched catkin-
like clusters hanging from the leaf
TREES - Pometia pinnata

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Lots Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• Street planting, Avenue Planting ,Commercial Garden planting.
Other Uses:
• A medium-weight timber generally used for interior construction, flooring, joinery, furniture and
• It is also used for veneers and producing charcoal.
TREES - Samanae saman
Botanical Name : Albizia saman (sym)
Common Name : Rain tree
Hujan Hujan
Pokok pukul 5
Origin : Latin America

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 25 m
Color - Green
Overall Form - Spreading (Umbrella)
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - Inflorescence one or two together on
peduncles; flowers in heads on short
pedicels. Calyx, greenish. Corolla yellow or
red, stamens silky, pale crimson color.
TREES - Samanae saman
Plant Habit :
Prefers a position in full sun. A fairly easy tree to grow, tolerant of a range of conditions, it grows on light or
heavy soils and tolerates infertile or waterlogged conditions. Normally found on neutral to moderately acid
soils. Established plants are very drought tolerant
Functional Use in Landscape:
Big open space or garden. The tree is grown to provide shade for other crops, including cocoa, coffee, tea
and peppers. The dome-shaped, low crown provides a very strong shade even at low sun positions. The
leaves fold up during rain, allowing more moisture to reach the crops below
Other Uses:
A decoction of the inner bark and fresh leaves is used as a treatment for diarrhoea.

Other Species:

Albizia julibrissin Albizia amara

(Persian silk tree) (Amara powder)
Origin: Southwestern and Eastern Origin: Africa

Albizia chinensis Albizia falcataria

(silk tree) (Mollucan albizia)
Origin: South & Southeast Asia Origin: Indonesia
TREES - Saraca cauliflora
Botanical Name : Saraca thaipingensis (sym)
Common Name : Gapis daun besar
Yellow saraca
Yellow Ashok
Origin : Indo-china, Java & Malaysia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size -7m
Color - Yellowish to green
Overall Form - Spreading
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - Faintly fragrant, in dense bunches that
arise from the trunk and main branches
in deep yellow colour.. Most of the
flowers in a cluster.
TREES - Saraca cauliflora
Plant Habit :
Partial sun and moderate water

Functional Use in Landscape:

Open park

Other Uses:
The root use to make ‘Parang’ handle

Other Species:

Saraca declinata Saraca indica

(Red saraca) (Ashoka tree)
Origin: Thailand & Burma Origin: India

Saraca dives Saraca multiflora

() (Gapis)
Origin: China, Laos & Vietnam Origin: Asia
TREES - Schizolobium parahyba
Botanical Name : Schizolobium parahyba
Common Name : Tower plant
Brazilian fire tree
Brazilian fern tree
Origin : Brazil (Paraiba river)

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 30 m
Color - Green
Overall Form - Small spreading (tower shape)
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - The numerous bright yellow nectar-
producing flowers
TREES - Schizolobium parahyba
Plant Habit :
Full sun, moderate water and fast growing.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Entrance of garden or hotel, ornamental plant and ornamental foliage. Coastal area.

Other Uses:
Formerly used for dugout canoes, it is now used for toys, boxes, shoe heels, the inner layers of laminated
wood, and paper.

Other Species:

Caesalpinia pulcherrima Caesalpinia ferrea

(peacock flower) (Brazilian ironwood)
Origin: America & West indies Origin: Brazil

Caesalpinia kavaiensis Cassia leptophylla

(pea tree) (Gold medallion tree)
Origin: Hawaii Origin: Brazil
TREES - Streblus asper
Botanical Name : Streblus asper
Common Name : Siamese rough bush
Sandpaper tree
Origin : Southern Asia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 12-30 m
Color - Green
Overall Form - Umbrella-shape crown
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - Dioecious; male in shortly peduncle
globose heads; female axillary, solitary or
TREES - Streblus asper
Plant Habit :
Tropical weather, full sun, dry and moderate water required.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Natural arc tree for entrance or walkway and for screening purpose. Use for bonsai.

Other Uses:
Leaf use as sandpaper, fibre use to make paper and latex obtained by tree have medicinal value.

Other Species:

Streblus elongated Streblus brunonianus

(Tempinis/Kepinis) (Whalebone tree)
Origin: Malaysia and Sumatra Origin: Eastern Australia

Streblus taxoides
Streblus banksii
(Large-leaved milk tree)
Origin: Burma, India
Origin: New Zealand
& Indochina
TREES - Streblus elongatus
Botanical Name : Artocarpus elongatus (sym)
Common Name : Tempinis
Tampine tree
Origin : Sumatra

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 35 m
Color - Dark green
Overall Form - Rounded
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - long flower clusters which develop at the
leaf axils. The male flowers are numerous,
` small, and appeared whitish. The female
flowers are larger, and each look like a
green-ball borne on the flower cluster,
with two arms sticking out of it.
TREES - Streblus elongatus
Plant Habit :
Full sun or semi-shade with moderate water and moderate growth.

Functional Use in Landscape:

It may be suitable for parks and roadsides. The tree has an attractive round crown that provides shade.

Other Uses:
Timber & Products (The plant is harvested for its timber, which is heavy, strong, and durable).
Cultural / Religious (The eastern housing estate in Singapore, Tampines, is named after this tree, probably
due to the abundance of it at that area in the past.

Other Species:

Streblus pendulinus Streblus ilicifolius

(Hawaii’n roughbush) (Merlimau)
Origin: Eastern Australia Origin: Indochina & Malaysia

Streblus brunonianus
(Whalebone tree)
TREES - Swietenia macrophylla
Botanical Name : Swietenia macrophylla

Common Name : Mahogany

Honduran mahogany
Honduras mahogany
Origin : Singapore and Hawaii.
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 20–45m
Color - dark green
Overall Form - irregular
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - each flower small, with five white to
greenish-yellowish petals.
TREES - Swietenia macrophylla
Plant Habit :
Found in all forest types, from the edge of the pine savannah to the climax rainforest, but mostly in mixed hard
forest belts, along riverbanks, on deep alluvial soils of considerable fertility

Functional Use in Landscape:

It has been used in reforestation projects and has proved to be suitable in areas not protected from grazing.
It is used as a shade tree, for example, for cacao, coffee and young plantations of dipterocarps

Other Uses:
Various medicinal uses of parts of the tree are reported from Central America

Other Species:

Swietenia humilis Swietenia mahagoni

(venadillo) (West Indian mahogany)
Origin: Mexico Origin: southern Florida

Swietenia macrophylla
(Honduran mahogany)
Origin: South America
TREES - Syzygium myrtifolium
Botanical Name : Eugenia oleina / Syzygium
companulatum (sym)
Common Name : Pokok Kelat Paya,

Origin : Malaysia and Thailand

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 3-5 m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - Oval
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - White flowers,lightly scented
TREES - Syzygium myrtifolium
Plant Habit :
It grows in Full to partial sun, well-drain soil, Moderate watering, air-layering.

Functional Use in Landscape:

General, Roadside Tree, Coastal, Hedge/Screening, Topiary, Riverine, Container Planting, Bonsai

Other Uses:
Thematic Landscape;Formal Garden, Naturalistic Garden
Formal Garden; Naturalistic Garden

Other Species:

Syzygium cumini Syzygium paniculatum

( jambolan) ( magenta cherry)
Origin: Southeast Asia Origin: New South Wales

Syzygium smithii Syzygium jambos

(lilly pilly) ( chom pu)
Origin: Australia Origin: India
TREES - Syzygium zeylanicum
Botanical Name : Eugenia spicata, Eugenia zeylanica (sym)
Common Name : Kelat Nasi Nasi
Kelat Nenasi
Gelam Paya

Origin : Singapore

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 5-18 m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - oval
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - Cream / Off-White, White, Yellow / Golden.
Axillary, Terminal, Radial. Polycarpic.
TREES - Syzygium zeylanicum
Plant Habit :
It grows in lowland to montane forests, which includes secondary forests, and also in swamps, and by rivers, an
seashores. In Singapore, it can be found in Central Catchment Nature Reserve.

Functional Use in Landscape:

It is suitable for planting along streetscapes, parks and gardens, Moonlight Garden, Naturalistic Garden

Other Uses:
Ornamental Flowers, Ornamental Foliage, Ornamental Fruits, Ornamental Trunk, Fragrant (Flowers: Day, Time
Independent; Fruits)
Edible Plant Parts (Edible Fruits)

Other Species:

Eugenia uniflora Eugenia brasiliensis

( Pitanga) ( Brazil cherry)
Origin: South America Origin: Brazil

Eugenia koolauensis Eugenia candolleana

( Nioi) ( Rainforest Plum )
Origin: islands of Molokaʻi Origin: Brazil
TREES - Tabebuia pallida

Botanical Name : Tabebuia pallida .

Common Name : Cuban Pink Trumpet Tree, Tecoma.
Origin : Mexico, Central America, South America.
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - Up to 18-25m .
Color - Green .
Overall Form - Conical .
Overall Texture - Medium .
Flower - Bisexual, large, showy and trumpet
shaped, about 5-8cm in size. There are few
cultivars producing flowers of different
colors - from white to pink and mauve .
TREES - Tabebuia pallida
Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• This tree is commonly planted along roadsides and in parks and gardens for its impressive flowering
display and also to provide shade and greenery.
Other Uses:
• It is promoted as a treatment for a number of human ailments, including cancer.
• Their wood is of medium weight and is exceptionally durable in contact with salt water

Other Species:

Tabebuia rosea Tabebuia roseo-alba

(pink poui - rosy trumpet tree) ( lapacho blanco)
Origin: El Salvador . Origin: Brazil, Argentina.

Tabebuia ochracea Tabebuia aurea

(ochracea ) (Caribbean trumpet tree)
Origin: South America, Brazil . Origin: South America ,
Brazil, Bolivia, Peru,
Paraguay, and Argentina.
TREES - Terminalia mantaly
Botanical Name : Terminalia mantaly
Common Name : Madagascar almond tree
French mantaly

Origin : Madagascar

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 10-20 m
Color - Green
Overall Form - Layered tree
Overall Texture - Fine/ Soft
Flower - Fine needle like flower inflorescene
TREES - Terminalia mantaly
Plant Habit :
Full sun with moderate water, can stand drought when fully establish.

Functional Use in Landscape:

General, Roadside Tree / Palm, Riverine, Shade Providing Tree / Palm, Container Planting

Other Uses:
Tannin or dyestuff: In its native habitat, the bark and wood are used for dyeing.
Medicine: The bark and wood are used in Madagascar for treating dysentery.

Other Species:

Terminalia acuminata Terminalia cattapa

(Brazil Almond) (Leadwood tree)
Origin: Brazil Origin: Asia, Africa & Australia

Bucida buceras Terminalia chebula

(Black olive tree) (Black myrobalan)
Origin: Mexico, Central America Origin: South Asia, Nepal &
Carribean & South America India
TREES - Xanthostemon chrysanthus
Botanical Name : Xanthostemon chrysanthus .
Common Name : Golden Penda.
Origin : Australia .
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - Up to 12-20 m .
Color - dark glossy green.
Overall Form - Oval .
Overall Texture - Coarse .
Flower - The prominent and attractive flowers
are bright yellow and arranged in large,
dense, rounded, fluffy heads .
TREES - Xanthostemon chrysanthus

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Lots Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• Beautiful bright yellow flowers are a striking contrast against its dark green leaves, making it an
excellent ornamental and garden tree .
• Can planted along roadside, housing estates to add splash off colour .
Other Uses:
• Brilliant flowers are attractive to butterflies, bee and nectar-feeding birds.
• The tree yields a durable hardwood timber can be used for furniture and woodwork.
Other Species:

Xanthostemon verdugonianus Xanthostemon paradoxus

(Magkono) ( bridal tree or northern
Origin: Philippines . penda)
Origin: Australia.
Xanthostemon youngii
Xanthostemon verticillatus
(crimson penda or red penda )
(pronounced zanthos-temon)
Origin: North Queensland .
Origin: Australia.
SHRUBS - Acalypha siamensis
Botanical Name : Acalypha siamensis
Common Name : Tumpat
Teh Kampong
Teh pagar
Origin : East Indies & the Pacific

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 2.5 m
Color : Green
Overall Form : Shrub, erect with many branches
Overall Texture : Fine
Flower : Green color inflorescemce; Female flowers at
the base of the spikes, subtended by large
bracts with toothed margins; male flowers
subtended by minute bracts toward the end of
the spike.
SHRUBS - Acalypha siamensis
Plant Habit :
Full sun, moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Hedge, ornamental foliage

Other Uses :
Leaves is used as a tea and as medicine in the local.

Other Species :

Acalypha australis (Asian copperleaf)

Origin: Asia

Acalypha rhomboidea (Rhomboid

mercury, Copperleaf)
Origin: Eastern Canada and the eastern of
United States
SHRUBS - Agave americana
Botanical Name : Agave americana
Common Name : Agave
Agave cactus
American aloe
Century Plant
Origin : Northern and central Mexico and some parts of
southern USA

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 1-2 m tall, 2-4 m across
Color : Greyish green
Overall Form : Rosette
Overall Texture : Coarse
Flower : Small but tall Inflorescence, in yellow or
greenish-yellow in colour
SHRUBS - Agave americana
Plant Habit :
Full sun, dry to medium

Use in Landscape :
Ornamental plant, hedge

Other Uses :
The flower stem is used to produce a drink call pulque and the leaves as fibers for rope, matting or coarse
clothes and threads. Agave nectar is sold as natural form of sugar.

Other Species :

Agave augustifolia ‘Marginata’ Agave attenuasta (Lion’s

(Caribbean agave) tail, Swan’s neck)
Origin: Mexico Origin: Mexico

Furcraea foetida ‘Mediopicta’ Agave tequilana (Agave

(Striped False Agave) tequila, Blue agave)
Origin: Mexico Origin: Mexico
SHRUBS - Alphelandra squarosa
Botanical Name : Alphelandra squarosa
Common Name : Zebra Plant
Origin : Brazil

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 1-2m tall, 1-2m wide
Color : Dark green with prominent white lines
Overall Form : Oval
Overall Texture : Coarse
Flower : Bright yellow inflorescence grown
from the yellow bracts (yellow spikes)
SHRUBS - Alphelandra squarosa
Plant Habit :
Semi-shade to full shade, moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Ornamental foliage and flower, indoor plant

Other Species and variety:

Aphelandra hartwegiana Aphelandra aurantiaca

(Yellow Aphelandra) (Fiery Spike)
Origin: Panama and Colombia Origin: Central and South

Aphelandra scabra Aphelandra squarrosa ‘Snow

(Aphelandra) White’
Origin: Southern Mexico to (Snow White Zebra Plant)
Northern South America Origin: Brazil
SHRUBS - Artabotrys hexapetalus
Botanical Name : Artabotrys hexapetalus

Common Name : Manoranjini

ylang ylang vine
climbing lang-lang.
Origin : India

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 2,4- 3 m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - Oval
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - The flowers are greenish in the
beginning and turn yellow and very
fragrant .
SHRUBS - Artabotrys hexapetalus
Plant Habit :
Dry low country, in forests, rather common, forming often dense masses of matted woody stems overhead in S

Functional Use in Landscape:

The plant can be used to provide a screen

Other Uses:
The flowers are used to scent tea[
The fruit is used to treat scrofula[
The flowers yield an essential oil that is used in perfumery

Other Species:

Artabotrys hexapetalus Artabotrys siamensis

(manoranjini) (Ylang ylang)
Origin: India Origin: India
SHRUBS - Baphia nitida
Botanical Name : Baphia nitida
Common Name : Camwood
Origin : Tropical Africa

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 2.5 -10 m tall
Color : Dark green
Overall Form : Shrub - oval
Overall Texture : Coarse
Flower : Flower are white,pea-like and fragrant, with a
bright yellow centre.
SHRUBS - Baphia nitida
Plant Habit :
Full sun, moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Hedge or screening, fragrance

Other Uses :
Use as building materials, dye, folk medicine and as a cosmetic in the local
community; Wood are use as timber and products like red and reddish brown
dye and making walking sticks.

Other Species :

Baphia racemosa (Violet pea)

Origin: South Africa
SHRUBS - Calathea lutea
Botanical Name : Calathea lutea
Common Name : Cigar Calathea
Cuban Cigar
Mexican Cigar Plant
Habana Cigar
Origin : Tropical America region

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 1.8m to 3m tall
Color : Whitish - green
Overall Form : Oval, clump
Overall Texture : Coarse
Flower : Tiny yellow flowers, emerged between reddish
brown bracts of 30cm tall stem, that looks like an
erect cigar-shaped or candelabrum display
SHRUBS - Calathea lutea
Plant Habit :
Partial shade, moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Ornamental, informal hedge, screening and masking walls

Other Uses :
Wax is extracted from the leaves. Its leaves are used for thatching, wrapped
items and made into waterproof baskets.

Other Species :

Calathea loeseneri Calathea crotalifera

(Brazilian Calathea) (Rattlesnake plant)
Origin: Central and South Origin: Mexico to Ecuador
America, the Caribbean

Calathea ‘Silver Plate’ Calathea undulata

(Silver Plate Calathea) Origin: Peru, Brazil
SHRUBS - Calathea makoyana
Botanical Name : Calathea makoyana
Common Name : Peacock plant
Catheral windows
Origin : Eastern Brazil

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 45 cm tall
Color : White and dark green
Overall Form : Oval and bushy
Overall Texture : Coarse
Flower : Purple and white insignificant
SHRUBS - Calathea makoyana
Plant Habit :
Part shade to full shade, moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Specimen; container or above-ground planter; border; ground cover; accent;
suitable for growing indoors

Other Uses :

Other Species :

Calathea musaica Calathea concina

Origin: Brazil (Concinna Calathea)
Origin: Brazil

Calathea ornate
Calathea insigins
(Ornate Calathea)
(Rattlesnake plant)
Origin: Guyana, Colombia,
Origin: Brazil
SHRUBS - Cananga fruticosa
Botanical Name : Cananga fruticosa
Common Name : Dwarf Ylang-ylang Tree
Origin : South East Asia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 2m tall
Color : Green
Overall Form : Bushy irregular
Overall Texture : Coarse
Flower : Drooping, long-stalked, greenish-yellow
(rarely pink) petals, fragant(more profuse than
Cananga odorata)
SHRUBS - Cananga fruticosa
Plant Habit :
Full-sun, moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Fragrant plant, ornamental plant

Other Uses :
Essential oil extracted from flower and used in aromatherapy, perfumery
(especially in Chanel No.5).

Other Species :

Cananga odorata
(Ylang-ylang Tree)
Origin: South East Asia
SHRUBS - Cheilocostus speciosus
Botanical Name : Costus speciosus (sym)
Common Name : Crepe Ginger
Origin : Southeast Asia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 1 to 2 m
Color : Dark green
Overall Form : Spiral to irregular-shaped shrub
Overall Texture : Medium
Flower : White crinkled flowers, blooming on the
dark red cone-shaped bract
SHRUBS - Cheilocostus speciosus
Plant Habit :
Full sun, semi-shade, much to moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Ornamental flower and foliage/ Roadside Tree Hedge / Screening, Flowerbed /

Other Uses :
Stem and fruit are edible; Medicinal uses such as poultice to relief coughs, fever
and leprosy in Malaysia, to treat colds, pneumonia, and rheumatism in India

Other Species :

Costus barbatus (Red Tower Costus spiralis (Cane of Virgin)

Ginger) Origin:South America
Origin: Costa Rica

Costus chartaceus (Christmas

Costus spicatus (Indian Head
Origin: Colombia & Ecuador
Origin: West Indies
SHRUBS - Cordyline fruticosa
Botanical Name : Cordyline fruticosa
Common Name : Cabbage Palm
Good Luck Palm
Hawaiian Ti
Origin : East Asia, Indo-China to Australia and the
Pacific Islands.

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 1- 2m tall
Color : Bright green
Overall Form : Erected rosette
Overall Texture : Coarse
Flower : Showy, fragrant, whitish- purple
SHRUBS - Cordyline fruticosa
Plant Habit :
Part shade to full shade, moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Ornamental leaves

Other Uses :
Widely used in Hawaii. Leaves: as skirt in Hawaii traditional dance. Roots : as
glossy covering on surfboards. Rhizomes: fermented and distilled to make
okolehao, a liquor.

Other cultivars :

Cordyline fruticosa ‘Firebrand’ Cordyline fruticosa ‘White’

(Tree of King)

Cordyline fruticosa Cordyline fruticosa ‘Kiwi’

‘Inscripta’ (Kiwi Ti)
Origin: New Zealand
SHRUBS - Cordyline fruticosa ‘Tricolor’
Botanical Name : Cordyline fruticosa ‘Tricolor’
Common Name : Hawaiian Ti Plant
Tricolor Ti Plant
Origin : East Asia, Indo-China to Australia and the
Pacific Islands.

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 1- 2m tall
Color : Green with some pink and white
Overall Form : Erected rosette
Overall Texture : Coarse
Flower : Showy, fragrant, cream-colored
SHRUBS - Cordyline fruticosa ‘Tricolor’
Plant Habit :
Part shade to full shade, moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Ornamental leaves

Other Uses :
Widely used in Hawaii. Leaves: as skirt in Hawaii traditional dance. Roots : as
glossy covering on surfboards. Rhizomes: fermented and distilled to make
okolehao, a liquor.

Other cultivars :

Same as Cordyline fruticosa

SHRUBS - Crinum asiaticum
Botanical Name : Crinum asiaticum
Common Name : Bakung
Poison Bulb
Bawang Hutan
Origin : Mascarenes to subtropical and tropical Asia
(including Singapore) to the southwest Pacific

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 0.5 and 1.0 m
Color :Light green
Overall Form : Rosette
Overall Texture : Coarse
Flower : White , fragrant flowers grow in clusters
SHRUBS - Crinum asiaticum
Plant Habit :
Full sun to part shade, moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Ornamental flower and foliage, fragant flower at night.

Other Uses :
Have very high medicinal value. Its leaves is used to treat wound and abscesses.
Juice of the fresh bulb is used as an emetic. Root for aiding childbirth and
postpartum harmorrhage.

Other Species :

Crinum bulbispermum Crinum xanthophyllum

(Crinum) (Golden Leaf Crinum)
Origin: South Africa Origin: Malenesia

Crinum amabile Crinum moorei

(Giant Spider Lily) (Moore’s Crinum)
Origin: Sumatra Origin: Southern Africa
SHRUBS - Cyperus alterifolis
Botanical Name : Cyperus alterifolis
Common Name : Umbrella papyrus
Umbrella sedge
Umbrella palm
Origin : Madagascar, Mauritius, Reunion
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size :1 to 2 m
Color :Green
Overall Form : Umbrella herbaceous
Overall Texture : Fine
Flower : Small, greenish white flower grow in clusters
SHRUBS - Cyperus alterifolis
Plant Habit : Semi- shade, lots of water

Use in Landscape : Commonly use water garden for it’s ornamental foliage.
Used as ornamental indoor plant

Other Species :

Cyperus haspan Cyperus rotundus

(Dwarf papyrus sedge) (Coco-grass, Purple nut
Origin: Africa, Asia to sedge)
Australia. Origin: Africa, central Europe
and Asia

Cyperus papyrus Cyperus squarrosus

(Papyrus sedge, Paper reed) (Bearded flatsedge)
Origin: Africa Origin: Africa, Australia and
SHRUBS - Dieffenbachia seguine
Botanical Name : Dieffenbachia seguine.
Common Name : dumbcane.
Origin : West Indies, south to Brazil and Bolivia
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - up to 1 m tall.
Color - green, and often with variegated white
Overall Form - Irregular.
Overall Texture - Coarse .
Flower - It has showy white flowers.
SHRUBS - Dieffenbachia seguine

Plant Habit :
Prefers cultivated as an ornamental plant in temperate shade gardens and as a potted house plant
and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• used office and Home garden.
Other Uses:
• cultivated as an ornamental plant
Other Species:

Dieffenbachia amoena
( dumbcane )
Origin: west Indies . Dieffenbachia wendlandii
Origin: southern Mexico
(Querétaro, Veracruz,
Dieffenbachia costata Oaxaca, Chiapas) south to
Origin: Colombia, Ecuador, Panama
SHRUBS - Dracaena augustifolia
Botanical Name : Dracaena augustifolia
Common Name : Narrow - Leaf Draceana
Origin : Southeast Asia, Australia(Queensland)

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 1m
Color : Dark green
Overall Form : Slight drooping
Overall Texture : Medium
Flower : Insignificant green inflorescence
SHRUBS - Dracaena augustifolia
Plant Habit :
Semi-shade, moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Ornamental foliage, interiorscape/ indoor plant

Other Uses :
Young leaves can be cooked and eaten as a side dish with rice. The leaves is
used for colouring an Indian pastry made of glutinous rice

Other Species :
Similar with Dracaena draco

Dracaena braunii
(Lucky Bamboo)
Origin: Africa
SHRUBS - Dracaena fragrans
Botanical Name : Dracaena fragrans
Common Name : Constalk dracaena
Dragon plant
Origin : Tropical Africa

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size :
Color : Green to dark green
Overall Form : Erect narrow crown and droopy leaves
Overall Texture : Coarse
Flower : Inflorescense are white with a fine red or
purple central line on each of the lobes and
are highly fragrant
SHRUBS - Dracaena fragrans
Plant Habit :
Full sun to semi shade, moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Ornamental foliage, use as hedge and as indoor plant

Other cultivars :

Dracaena fragrans Dracaena fragrans ‘Lindenii’

‘Massangeana’ (Lindenii Corn Plant)
(Mass Cane)
Origin: Africa

Dracaena fragrans ‘Kanzi’’

Dracaena fragrans ‘Victoriae’
(Corn Plant)
(Victoria Corn Plant)
Origin: Africa
SHRUBS : Dracaena surculosa
Botanical Name : Dracaena surculosa
Common Name : Golddust Dracaena

Origin : Africa (West tropical Africa)

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 1-10 m
Color - dark green
Overall Form - oval
Overall Texture - fine
Flower - 7–8 cm long; sweetly scented;
followed by small roundish berries in a brilliant reddish
SHRUBS : Dracaena surculosa
Plant Habit :
can be grown in a bottle garden; need bright light; the temperature should be
moderate; water Dracaena surculosa moderately to keep the potting mixture moist.

Functional Use in Landscape:

ornamental plants.

Other Uses:
Dracaena surculosa is an ideal houseplant for cooler areas where will be thrive in
warm spot free from droughts. In warmer areas grow outdoors in a sheltered spot.

Other Species:

Dracaena Marginata
Dracaena Braunii
(Dragon Tree)
(Lucky Bamboo)
Origin: Madagascar
Origin: Africa

Dracaena Fragrans
(Corn or cornstalk plant)
Origin: Africa
SHRUBS : Duranta repens
Botanical Name : Duranta repens
Common Name : Golden Dewdrop, Sky-Flower,

Origin : Mexico to South America and the


Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 4-8 m
Color - dark green
Overall Form - oval
Overall Texture - Meduim
Flower - pale blue , pleasant
fragrance; spring, summer and fall
SHRUBS : Duranta repens
Plant Habit :
plant grows in part shade/part sun, high Drought tolerance , poor
Soil salt tolerances.
Functional Use in Landscape:
Ornamental plants.
Other Uses:
border; mass planting; specimen; container or aboveground planter; naturalizing;
screen; reclamation plant; espalier; foundation; attracts butterflies; cascading down a
Other Species:

Duranta erecta
(Brazilian skyflower)
Origin: Mexico, Central America

Duranta vestita
SHRUBS - Eichhornia crassipes
Botanical Name : Eichhornia crassipes
Common Name : Water hyacinth
Origin : South America

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - up 0,5m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - Stolonizing
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - Mostly lavender to pink in colour with
six petals
SHRUBS - Eichhornia crassipes
Plant Habit :
The plants also create a prime habitat for mosquitos, the classic vectors of disease

Functional Use in Landscape:

Other Uses:
-used as a braiding material and a source of fibers.
-used for making bags, footwear, wreaths, hats, vases, Christmas lanterns, and more decorative materials.
-are used as a raw material for paper

Other Species:

Eichhornia azurea
(anchored water hyacinth)
Origin: America
SHRUBS - Ervatamia coronaria
Botanical Name : Tabernaemontana divaricata (sym)
Common Name : Pinwheelflower
crape jasmine
East India rosebay

Origin : India

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 1.5–1.8 m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - oval
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - have the characteristic 'pinwheel'
shape; appear sporadically all year;
being white.
SHRUBS - Ervatamia coronaria
Plant Habit :
It grows in lowland to montane forests, which includes secondary forests.

Functional Use in Landscape:

it is grown as a house/glasshouse plant for its attractive flowers and foliage

Other Uses:
They are used in Ayurvedic medicine and the tradional medicine of South East Asia, the Malay Peninsula,
Indonesia, and Ambon Island.

Other Species:

Tabernaemontana alba Tabernaemontana attenduata

(white milkwood) Origin: Venezuela
Origin: Central America

Tabernaemontana africana Tabernaemontana alternifolia

Origin: tropical Africa Origin: Cameroon to Angola
SHRUBS - Euphorbia tirucalli
Botanical Name : Euphorbia tirucalli
Common Name : pencil tree
pencil cactus
milk bush.

Origin : Southern Africa

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 3-10 m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - oval
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - yellow, inconspicuous, and carried in
clusters at the apex of the short
SHRUBS - Euphorbia tirucalli
Plant Habit :
grows in semi-arid tropical climates.It has a wide distribution in Africa

Functional Use in Landscape:

In tropical and subtropical climates, Euphorbia tirucalli is used as a specimen or background plant and in
mixed hedges.

Other Uses:
Use as planted hedges around smallholdings, habitations and livestock pens. In this way mosquitoes and
other intruders can be kept out.
Have medicinal value

Other Species:

Euphorbia milii Euphorbia esula

(Christ thorn) (green spurge)
Origin: Madagascar Origin: central&southern Europe

Euphorbia characias Euphorbia amygdaloides

(Mediterranean spurge) (wood spurge)
Origin: Mediterranean Basin Origin: Europe, Turkey
SHRUBS - Excoecaria cochinchinensis
Botanical Name : Excoecaria cochinchinensis.
Common Name : Chinese croton
Blindness tree
Buta Buta
Jungle Fire plant
Origin : Southeast Asia and China.
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - up to 1–2 m.
Color - Red green .
Overall Form - spreading .
Overall Texture - Coarse .
Flower - Flower Colour : Green
Flower Location :Axillary
SHRUBS - Excoecaria cochinchinensis

Plant Habit :
Prefers full sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• General, Roadside Tree / Palm, Parks & Gardens, Hedge / Screening,
Groundcover, Interiorscape/ Indoor Plant, Container Planting.
Other Uses:
• it has been used in herbal medicine to treat gastric ulcers.
• Though the plant is considered poisonous, it has beneficial uses as an
antiparasitic, antipruritic, and haemostatic treatment.
Other Species:

Excoecaria dallachyana
Excoecaria agallocha
( Scrub Poison
(Milky Mangrove)
Tree or Brush Poison
Origin: E. Asia - southern
Tree )
China, Indian subcontinent,
Origin: the Clarence
Myanmar, Thailand, Vietnam,
River, New South Wales
Malaysia, Indonesia,
to Townsville,
Philippines, New Guinea,
Queensland. .
Australia, Pacific Islands
SHRUBS - Furcraea foetida
Botanical Name : Furcraea foetida.
Common Name : Giant Cabuya
Origin : Caribbean and Northern South America .
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - up to 1 m tall.
Color - yellow green .
Overall Form - rosette .
Overall Texture - Coarse .
Flower - greenish to creamy white, 4 cm long, and
strongly scented , they are produced on a large
inflorescence up to 7.5 m tall.
SHRUBS - Furcraea foetida

Plant Habit :
Prefers full sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• used Parks and Home garden.
Other Uses:
• The plant is cultivated in subtropical and tropical regions for products and as
an ornamental plant for gardens. Its leaves are used to produce a natural
fiber similar to sisal.

Other Species:
Furcraea hexapetala
Furcraea andina
( Cuban Hemp)
Origin: America - Venezuela,
Origin: Colombia, Ecuador, and
Ecuador, Galapagos,
Caribbean and Mexico.

Furcraea selloa Furcraea cabuya

(Maguey ) ( Cabuya )
Origin: Northern S. America - Origin: Northern S. America -
Colombia and Ecuador. Venezuela, north through
Central America to Mexico .
SHRUBS :Grammatophyllum speciosum
Botanical Name : Grammatophyllum speciosum
Common Name : Tiger orchid, giant orchid,

Origin : Java, Malaya & Vietnam.

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 2.5 m - 7.62 m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - Oval
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - yellow or dark red spots, can bear
up to 80 ,lowest flowers have no lip.
SHRUBS :Grammatophyllum speciosum
Plant Habit :
Required moderate water and full sun

Functional Use in Landscape:

Ornamental shrubs
Residential Planting, terrestrials Garden planting,

Other Uses:
Tea is rich in nitrogen and potassium, which are useful ingredients for plant growth and flowering.
the flowers are used to move qi and relieve cough.
In traditional Malay medicine, cultural use and as deodorant

Other Species:

Grammatophyllum elegans Grammatophyllum scriptum

Origin: Philipine Origin: Philipine

Grammatophyllum stapeliaeflorum
(Die Fledermaus)
Origin: Philipine
SHRUBS - Gynura procumbens
Botanical Name : Gynura procumbens
Common Name : Longevity spinach
Origin : Southeast Asia, Africa

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 0,3- 01 m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - Oval
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - Flowering heads are panicled, narrow,
yellow, and 1 to 1.5 centimeters long,
Orange flowers are similar in size.
SHRUBS - Gynura procumbens
Plant Habit :
By streams in forests, sandy slopes, climbing on shrubs or trees.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Other Uses:
The edible leaves are sometimes harvested from the wild for local consumption, The plant also has local
medicinal uses and is grown to control insect pests of rice plants. An ornamental plant, especially when in
flower, it is often cultivated in the tropics and grown as a house plant in the temperate zone

Other Species:

Gynura bicolor Crassocephalum crepidioides

(okinawan spinach ) (ebolo )
Origin: China Origin: Tropical Africa

Gynura aurantiaca Gynura nepalensis

(purple passion ) Origin: China
Origin: Southeast Asia
SHRUBS - Hymenocallis speciosa
Botanical Name : Hymenocallis speciosa.
Common Name : green-tinge spiderlily.
Origin : the Windward Islands in the eastern
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - a height of up to 50 cm .
Color - yellow green .
Overall Form - rosette .
Overall Texture - Medium .
Flower - white with a slight greenish tinge
SHRUBS - Hymenocallis speciosa

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun to Partial Shade and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• used Parks and Home garden.
Other Uses:
• The leaves are stripped and used to stimulate hair growth .

Other Species:

Hymenocallis rotata
Hymenocallis littoralis
( streambank spiderlily)
(beach spider lily )
Origin: the north-central
Origin: warmer coastal regions of
portions of the US state of
Latin America .

Hymenocallis latifolia Hymenocallis occidentalis

(mangrove spider-lily or perfumed ( hammock spider-lily or
spider-lily ) northern spider-lily.)
Origin: the coasts of Florida, Origin: the southern United
Mexico, and the West Indies States.
SHRUBS - Loropetalum chinensis
Botanical Name : Loropetalum chinensis var Rubrum
Common Name : Chinese fringe flower
Fire dance

Origin : Japan & Southeast Asia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size -2m
Color - Deep reddish-purple
Overall Form - Rounded
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - Flowers are in clusters at the end of short
branches, with thin, strap-like petals
SHRUBS - Loropetalum chinensis
Plant Habit :
Full sun to part shade with medium water requirement and low maintenance.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Hedge or border in garden or roadside and ornamental foliage and topiary plant

Other Uses:

Other Species:

Hamamelis virginiana Hamamelis mollis

(Witch hazel) (Chinese witch hazel)
Origin: Eastern north America Origin: Eastern China

Hamamelis vernalis Hamamelis japonica

(Ozark Witchhazel) (Japanese witch hazel)
Origin: Ozark Plateu Origin: Japan
SHRUBS - Magnolia figo
Botanical Name : Magnolio figo
Common Name : Cempaka telur
Banana shrub
Port wine magnolia
Origin : China

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 1-4 m
Color - Dark Dusty green
Overall Form - Rounded
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - Fragrant flowers, which are cream-white,
purple rounded, or light-purple, and
strongly scented.
SHRUBS - Magnolia figo
Plant Habit :
Full sun to part shade with medium water take with low maintenance.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Evergreen hedge, ornamental plant and fragrant theme garden.

Other Uses:

Other Species:

Michelia/Magnolia Alba Michelia doltsopa

(White champaca) (Sweet michelia)
Origin: East Asia Origin: Eastern Himalaya

Magnolia champaca Michelia Gracipes

(Cempaka) (Magnolia yunan)
Origin: Indomalaya Origin: Yunan
SHRUBS : Mussaenda philippica
Botanical Name : Mussaenda philippica
Common Name : Bangkok Rose

Origin : Philippine

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 3–5m
Color - Dark green and glossy
Overall Form - Oval
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - White, cream or orange
SHRUBS : Mussaenda philippica
Plant Habit :
Required moderate water and full sun and low Maintenance

Functional Use in Landscape:

ornamental plants and It is used for ground cover

Other Uses:
Medicinal used for jaundice

Other Species:

Mussaenda erythrophylla Mussaenda Frondosa

(Ashanti blood) (Mus wenna)
Origin: Philippine Origin: E. Asia
SHRUBS - Neomarica longifolia
Botanical Name : Neomarica longifolia
Common Name : Walking iris
apostle's iris
apostle plant.
Origin : South America

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 0,9- 1,2m
Color - Yellowish-green
Overall Form - Spreading
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - ,Yellow, emerge from what appears to be just
another leaf, but is really a flower stalk structured
to look like the other leaves; they are 5–10 cm
SHRUBS - Neomarica longifolia
Plant Habit :
Low-nutrient, well-drained soils and forest debris in humid areas.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Parks & Gardens, Flowerbed / Border.

Other Uses:
Some Neomarica species such as N. northiana, N. longifolia, and N. caerulea are common ornamental
plants that are easily cultivated both in gardens in subtropical and tropical regions, and as houseplantsin
temperate areas.

Other Species:

Neomarica northiana
Neomarica Gracilis
(North's false flag )
(apostle plant )
Origin: Brazil
Origin: Mexico

Neomarica caerulea
(apostle plant )
Origin: Mexico
SHRUBS - Pandanus pygmaeus
Botanical Name : Pandanus pygmaeus .
Common Name : Pandan kuning.
Origin : Madagascar.
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - up to 0.3 m to 0.6 m tall.
Color - yellow green .
Overall Form - rosette .
Overall Texture - fine.
Flower - Cream-coloured Flowers, produced in
inconspicuous clusters on short peduncle.
SHRUBS - Pandanus pygmaeus
Plant Habit :
Prefers Sun/Partial Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• General, Coastal, Flowerbed / Border, Container Planting.
Other Uses:
• eaves are used in Southeast Asian cooking to add a distinct aroma to rice and curry dishes
such as nasi lemak.
Other Species:

Pandanus tectorius
( Screwpine )
Pandanus leram
Origin: Southeast Asia -
(Nicobar Breadfruit)
Indonesia, Philippines,
Origin: Nicobar and Andaman
New Guinea, Australia
Islands to Indonesia.
and throughout the
Pacific Islands.
Pandanus odorifer
Pandanus utilis
(Padang )
( Bacona)
Origin: E. Asia - China, Indian
Origin: Indian Ocean -
subcontinent, Myanmar, Thailand,
Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Malaysia,
Indonesia, Philippine.
SHRUBS - Philodendron selloum
Botanical Name : Philodendron selloum (sym)
Common Name : Lacy tree philodendron
Horsehead philodendron
Origin : South America

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 8 to 10 feet tall and 6 feet or more wide
Color - Dark green
Overall Form - Horizontal/ Semi-oval
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - The inflorescence consists of a 1 ft (0.3m)
long purplish red spathe enclosing an
upright spadix with many tiny petals
SHRUBS - Philodendron selloum
Plant Habit :
Evergreen plant that can grow under full sun, partial shade, or full shade with moderate water requirement.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Used in beds under trees to soften the stark trunks and serve as a foliar background for lower plantings. Use
as large entryway accent, informal hedge, single yard specimen, privacy screen, along a fence, corner-of-the-
house shrub, camouflage plant, container plant

Other Uses:
Bug repellent

Other Species:

Philodendron hederaceum Philodendron melanochrysum

(Heartleaf philodendron) (Black Gold Philodendron)
Origin: Central America & Carribean Origin: Colombia

Philodendron verrucosum
Philodendron xanadu
(Ecuador philodendron)
(Split-leaf philodendron)
Origin: Costa Rica, Panama,
Origin: Brazil
Columbia, Ecuador & Peru
SHRUBS - Phyllantus myrtifolius
Botanical Name : Phyllanthus myrtifolius
Common Name : Ceylon Myrtle
Mousetail Plant
Myrtele-leaf leaf-flower
Origin : Sri Lanka, Southeast Asia, Australia &
Tropical Americas

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size -3m
Color - Purplish to green
Overall Form - Weeping (Bushy)
Overall Texture - Very fine
Flower - Flowers are typically longer than the
leaves and hang down by slender, red
filament-like stalks, ending in a roundish
bowl-like flower
SHRUBS - Phyllantus myrtifolius
Plant Habit :
Full sun with moderate water

Functional Use in Landscape:

Hedge, bonsai , ornamental foliage & flowerbed or border.

Other Uses:
Medicinal (This plant contains tannins which have anti-bacterial activity.)

Other Species:

Phyllanthus emblica Phyllanthus mirabilis

(Malacca tree) (Leafflower)
Origin: Nepal, India, Sri Lanka Origin: Indochina

Phyllanthus niruri
(gale of the wind)
Origin: India
SHRUBS - Sanchezia nobilis
Botanical Name : Sanchezia nobilis
Common Name : Zebra plant
Tiger plant
Origin : South America

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 1.5 m
Color - Yellow and green
Overall Form - Spreading
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - Yellow, Orange inflorescence flower
SHRUBS - Sanchezia nobilis
Plant Habit :
Full sun during growing period and can stand partial shade when stabilize. Medium water but can tolerate a
lot of water.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Ornamental foliage that are good for hedges and borders. This plant suitable for road median planting.
Can be grown with hanging or weeping style.

Other Uses:

Other Species:

Sanchezia speciosa Sanchezia oblonga

(Whitevein) (Bankesia)
Origin: Eduardo & Peru Origin: Eduardo & Oblivia

Sanchezia parvibracteata Sanchezia peruviana

Origin: Tropical Australia (Leonard)
Origin: Peru
PALM - Areca catechu
Botanical Name : Areca catechu
Common Name : Areca palm
Pinang palm
betel palm
Origin : South East Asia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 12 - 30m tall, 10 -15m thick in trunk
Color : Yellowish green
Overall Form : Round
Overall Texture : Coarse
Flower : Yellow and fragrant inflorescence, Unisexual
PALM - Areca catechu
Plant Habit :
Full to mederate sun, low water

Use in Landscape :
Roadside trees, ornamental (in indoor, normally will not reach full size)

Other Uses :
Fruit are popular for chewing in South east Asia countries; stem as building material and furniture; and
seed for tannin

Other Species :

Archontophoenix alexandrae (Alexandra

Origin: Australia

Adonidia merrillii (Christmas Palm,

Kerpis palm, Manila Palm)
Origin: Phillipines
PALM - Bismarckia nobilis “silver”
Botanical Name : Bismarckia nobilis "silver".
Common Name : Silver bimarck , Pure Silver.
Origin : Madagascar.
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - up to 10-15 m high.
Color - Silver - grey .
Overall Form - Oval.
Overall Texture - Coarse .
Flower - small brown flowers which, in
female plants, mature to a brown
ovoid drupe, each containing a single
PALM - Bismarckia nobilis “silver”

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• used as wayside , Parks and Home garden , Its silver color makes it specially against a dark green
background .
Other Uses:
• Trunk emptied and flattened for use as planks or in partition walling; leaves used for roofing and
PALM : Dypsis lutescens
Botanical Name : Dypsis lutescens
Common Name : Yellow palm, Golden cane palm,
Butterfly palm, Bamboo palm

Origin : Madagascar, southern America

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 6–12 m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - Oval
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - Yellow flowers in summer
PALM : Dypsis lutescens
Plant Habit :

Functional Use in Landscape:

Excellent for screen, informal hedge or privacy wall. Very popular indoor houseplant. It is grown as
an ornamental plant in gardens in tropical and subtropical regions, and soil salt tolerances, elsewhere
indoors as a houseplant.

Other Uses:

Other Species:

Dypsis ambositrae Dypsis cabadae

( ambositra palm) ( cabada palm)
Origin: Madagascar Origin: Madagascar

Dypsis decaryi Dypsis leptocheilos

( Palma segi tiga ) ( Redneck palm)
Origin: Madagascar Origin: Madagascar
PALM - Licuala grandis
Botanical Name : Licuala grandis
Common Name : Ruffled Fan Palm
Vanuatu Fan
Palas Palm.
Origin : Vanuatu

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - up 3 m
Color - lightgreen
Overall Form - Spreading
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - White, Smooth, Cluster /
PALM - Licuala grandis
Plant Habit :
is comfortable in full sun as long as the humidity is high. In the sub-tropics, where there are longer periods with
rain this palm requires some shade and regular watering

Functional Use in Landscape:

Roadside Tree / Palm, Interiorscape/ Indoor Plant, Container Planting

Other Uses:
Indoor decoration and design.

Other Species:

Licuala spinosa
(Mangrove Fan Palm)
Origin: Southeast Asia
Licuala ferruginea
(Fan Palm)
Origin: Malaysia
Licuala ramsayi
Origin: Australia
PALM - Licuala spinosa
Botanical Name : Licuala spinosa
Common Name : Mangrove Fan Palm
Origin : southeast Asia
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 3- 4 m
Color - Evergreen
Overall Form - Oval
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - Flowers are borne in stalks arising
from among the leaf bases.
PALM - Licuala spinosa
Plant Habit :
Near the sea, sometimes growing immediately behind the mangrove and within the influence of salt water,
sometimes on banks and in ravines near the sea

Functional Use in Landscape:

Roadside Tree / Palm, Interiorscape/ Indoor Plant, Container Planting.

Other Uses:
The tree is harvested from the wild for local use as a food.
It is often grown as an ornamental.
The bark is used in combination with other plants for the treatment of tuberculosis.

Other Species:

Licuala ferruginea
Licuala ramsayi
(Fan Palm)
Origin: Malaysia
Origin: Australia

Licuala Grandis
(Ruffled Fan Palm)
Origin: Vanuatu
PALM - Livistona chinensis
Botanical Name : Livistona chinensis.
Common Name : chinensis fan palm.
Origin : China , Taiwan.
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - up to 9-15 m high .
Color - green .
Overall Form - fan shaped, Oval .
Overall Texture - Coarse .
Flower - clusters of 4-7, sub globes in
bud, 2-2.5 mm long, white to
yellowish .
PALM - Livistona chinensis

Plant Habit :
Likes direct sun , bright situations and Moderate Water .

Functional Use in Landscape:

• The palm is cultivated as an ornamental tree in gardens and conservatories.
Other Uses:
• The fibres, extracted from the sheath and the petiole of the leaves, are made into cordage .

Other Species:

Livistona saribus
Livistona mariae
( taraw palm )
(central Australian cabbage palm
Origin: Southeast Asia .
or red cabbage palm)
Origin: Australia

Livistona australis Livistona humilis

(cabbage-tree palm ) ( The sand palm )
Origin: Australia. Origin: Top End of the
Northern Territory in
PALM - Livistona rotundifolia
Botanical Name : Livistona rotundifolia.
Common Name : Serdang palm.
Origin : Australia , Asia.
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 18 m to 27 m high .
Color - green .
Overall Form - fan shaped, Oval .
Overall Texture - Coarse .
Flower - Bisexual flowers , colour
cream / off-white ,grouping
cluster / inflorescence and
location of flowers in axillary .
PALM - Livistona rotundifolia

Plant Habit :
Likes direct sun and Moderate Water .

Functional Use in Landscape:

• used as wayside , Parks and Home garden.
Other Uses:
• It is commonly cultivated as a ornamental plant.

Other Species:

Livistona saribus
Livistona mariae ( taraw palm )
(central Australian cabbage palm Origin: Southeast Asia .
or red cabbage palm)
Origin: Australia

Livistona humilis
Livistona australis
( The sand palm )
(cabbage-tree palm )
Origin: Top End of the
Origin: Australia.
Northern Territory in
PALM - Phycosperma macarthurii
Botanical Name : Ptychosperma macarthurii
Common Name : Macarthur Palm
Darwin Palm

Origin : Australia, New Guinea

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size -6m
Color - Light green
Overall Form - Cluster palm (Crown of arching)
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - Inflorescences multi-branched, cream,
about 0.6 m long, emerging from below
the crownshaft.
PALM - Phycosperma macarthurii
Plant Habit :
Light requirement: full sun, partial sun or partial shade, shade tolerant. Soil tolerances: clay; sand; loam;
slightly alkaline; acidic; well-drained. Drought tolerance: high. Aerosol salt tolerance: low. Pest resistance:
resistant to pests/diseases

Functional Use in Landscape:

Roadside palm

Other Uses:

Other Species:

Ptychosperma elegans Ptychosperma salomonense

(Solitaire palm) (Island palm)
Origin: Florida Origin: Solomon Island

Ptychosperma schefferi Ptychosperma cuneatum

(Scheffer palm) (None)
Origin: New guinea Origin: Papua New Guinea
PALM - Raphis excelsa
Botanical Name : Raphis excelsa
Common Name : Lady palm
Broadleaf lady palm

Origin : Southern China and Taiwan

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size -4m
Color - Dark green
Overall Form - Oval
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - Fleshy flower containing three petal
fused at the base.
PALM - Raphis excelsa
Plant Habit :
Full sun, partial sun or light shade with medium water needs.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Grown in garden or indoor.

Other Uses:

Other Species:

Rhapis humilis Rhapis multifida

(Slender lady palm) (Jade palm)
Origin: China Origin: Southern China

Rhapis subtilis Rhapis flabelliformis

(Thailand lady palm) (Miniature fan palm)
Origin: Southeast Asia Origin: Southern China
PALM - Ravenala madagascariensis
Botanical Name : Ravenala madagascariensis.
Common Name : Travellers palm
Origin : Madagascar .
Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - height of 15-30 m.
Color - green.
Overall Form - The enormous paddle-shaped leaves
are borne on long petioles.
Overall Texture - Coarse .
Flower - Large, white and very fragrant with a
bright yellow centre and are up to 4cm
across. Flowering are usually irregular.
PALM - Ravenala madagascariensis

Plant Habit :
Prefers Full Sun and Moderate Water .
Functional Use in Landscape:
• The leaves are arranged into two rows, giving the impression of a gigantic fan Which gives it beautiful
shape, different from the rest of the trees .. Be in public parks.
Other Uses:
• The seed oil is sometimes used for cooking.
• Sugar can be extracted from the sap of the trunk.
• The bark is used for making floors in houses.
CLIMBER - Bauhinia kockiana
Botanical Name : Bauhinia kockiana
Common Name : Kock’s Bauhinia
Red Trailing Bauhinia
Origin : Peninsular Malaysia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 6-12m tall, branch 3-6m outwards
Color : Green
Overall Form : Climbers
Overall Texture : Coarse
Flower : Orangy red
CLIMBER - Bauhinia kockiana
Plant Habit :
Full sun to semi-shade, moderate water

Use in Landscape :
Ornamental flower

Other Uses :
Mainly use in landscape as specimen for trellises, arbors and pergolas, even as a
stand-alone at the entrance to a patio.

Other Species :

Bauhinia corymbosa (Orchid Vine)

Origin: China

Bauhinia x blakeana (Hong Kong Orchid

Tree )
Origin: Hong Kong
CLIMBER - Bauhinia aureifolia
Botanical Name : Bauhinia aureifolia
Common Name : Golden bauhinia
Gold leaf
Golden leaf of Narathiwat
Origin : Thailand

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size -
Color - Light green and golden velvet
Overall Form - A woody vine, it climbs by means of
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - In cluster cream/off-white flower
CLIMBER - Bauhinia aureifolia
Plant Habit :
Prefer full sun and moderate water

Functional Use in Landscape:

Ornamental plant, ornamental foliage and fragrant flower for trellis, arbour or pergola.

Other Uses:
None/ Exotic plant

Other Species:

Bauhinia acuminata Bauhinia divaricata

(White/Snowy orchid tree) (Pompom orchid tree)
Origin: Malaysia, Indonesia & Philippine Origin: China, Jamaica & India

Bauhinia vahlii Bauhinia racemosa

(Maluu) (Bidi leaf tree)
Origin: India Origin: Southeast Asia
CLIMBER : Epipremnum aureum
Botanical Name : Epipremnum aureum
Common Name : Money plant,
golden pothos
Origin : Mo'orea, Solomon Islands

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 20 m
Color - yellow green
Overall Form - spreading
Overall Texture - coarse
Flower - showy, white, yellow, or light green
CLIMBER : Epipremnum aureum
Plant Habit :
Required moderate water and full sun and low Maintenance

Functional Use in Landscape:

Good houseplant for sunny to shady areas.
Other Uses:
It is used for ground cover
Best grown in bright indirect light or in part sun locations with protection from afternoon sun
Easily propagated from stem cuttings.

Other Species:

Epipremnum pinnatum Epipremnum aureum

(dragon-tail plant) (Devil’s ivy)
Origin: E. Asia , Australia Origin: Solomon Islands

Epipremnum silvaticum
Origin: E. Asia , Australia
CLIMBER - Monstera deliciosa
Botanical Name : Monstera deliciosa
Common Name : Swiss cheese plant
Hurricane plant

Origin : Southern Mexico & Panama

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - Up to 20 m
Color - Dark green
Overall Form - Irregular
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - Composed of a special bract called a
spathe enclosing a spadix.
CLIMBER - Monstera deliciosa
Plant Habit :
Required high humidity and shade. Can be grown as houseplant with moderate water.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Houseplant and ornamental foliage.

Other Uses:
The aerial roots have been used as ropes in Peru, and to make baskets in Mexico.
In Mexico, a leaf or root infusion is drunk daily to relieve arthritis.
In Martinique the root is used to make a remedy for snakebite cure.

Other Species:

Monstera friedrichsthalii Monstera siltepecana

(Swiss cheese) (Monstera karstenianum)
Origin: Peru, Ecuador &Brazil Origin: Mexico

Monstera pinnatipartita
Monstera borsigiana (Split leaf)
(Mexican breadfruit) Origin: Central America
Origin: Mexico & Colombia & Carribean
CLIMBER - Piper sarmentosum
Botanical Name : Piper sarmentosum
Common Name : Kaduk
Wild pepper
Wild betel
Origin : Southern China, India, Indochina,
Malaysia, Indonesia &

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 0.3 – 0.6 m
Color - Dark green
Overall Form - Creeping
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - Erect, cylindrical flowering shoots are 1–2
cm long, and consist of small, stalkless and
petal-less white male or female flowers
CLIMBER - Piper sarmentosum
Plant Habit :
Partial shade and a lot of water.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Its attractive glossy dark green leaves. It makes a good border plant or ground cover for shaded to semi-
shaded sites. Ornamental Foliage, Ornamental Fruits, Fragrant (Foliage). General, Roadside shrub, Parks &
Gardens, Small Gardens, Flowerbed / Border, Groundcover, Interiorscape/ Indoor Plant, Container Planting
and natural thematic garden.

Other Uses:
Edible plant and have medicinal value.

Other Species:

Piper nigrum Piper auritum

(Black pepper) (Mexican pepperleaf)
Origin: India Origin: America

Piper longum Piper darienense

(Indian long pepper) (Kana)
Origin: Java, Indonesia Origin: Panama & Columbia
CLIMBER - Quisqualis indica
Botanical Name : Combretum indicum (sym)
Common Name : Rangoon creeper
Drunken slayer
Chinese honeysuckle
Origin : Phillipines, India and Malaysia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 3-8 m
Color - Light green
Overall Form - Creeping
Overall Texture - Medium
Flower - The Star shape flowers are fragrant and
tubular their color vary from white, pink
and red.
CLIMBER -Quisqualis indica
Plant Habit :
Full sun or partial shade with lot of water.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Pergola creeper

Other Uses:
Herbal medicine, decoctions of the root, seed or fruit can be used as antihelmintic to cure diarrhea. Leaves
can be use to relieve pain caused by fever.

Other Species:

Combretum coccineum Combretum constrictum

(Flame vine) (Thailand powderpuff)
Origin: Madagascar Origin: Tropical Africa

Combretum quadrangulare Combretum zeyheri

(Sakae naa) (Bushveld tree)
Origin: Southeast Asia Origin: Kenya
CLIMBER - Tillandsia usneoides
Botanical Name : Tillandsia usneoides
Common Name : Spanish moss
Janggut tok adam
Origin : Southern United State

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 3-6 m length
Color - Grayish white
Overall Form - Epiphytic plant that grows hanging upon
larger trees like hair or beard.
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - Solitary; tiny, inconspicuous and fragrant
at night, apparently sessile. The flowers of
this species have three sepals and three
greenish petals
CLIMBER - Tillandsia usneoides
Plant Habit :
It is tolerant both in full sun and in partial shade where the climate is warm enough and has a relatively high
average humidity.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Aesthetic appeal
Natural curtain

Other Uses:
Spanish moss is use for protection of insect, taking cover in its thick masses. Zebra longwing butterflies roost
in it at night. Many species of birds use strands of moss to build their nests.

Other Species:

Tillandsia Lorentziana Tillandsia ‘Houston’

(Air plant) (Silvery air plant)
Origin: Bolivia and Brazil Origin: Arizona USA

Tillandsia tricolor
Tillandsia abdita
(Red tint air plant)
(Red ball)
Origin: Central America
Origin: Mexican
& Mexico
GROUND COVER - Arachis pintoi
Botanical Name : Arachis pintoi
Common Name : Yellow Peanut Plant
Pinto Peanut
Origin : Brazil

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size : 0.2m to 0.5m
Color : Yellowish bright green
Overall Form : Creeper, ground cover
Overall Texture : Fine
Flower : Bright yellow, pea-shaped, produced
on short axillary racemes. Free-
GROUND COVER - Arachis pintoi
Plant Habit :

Use in Landscape :
Ornamental flower, commonly use as flowerbed, ground cover.

Other Uses :
Mainly used as a pasture legume for grazing. Its creeping habit prevents its use
in cut-and-carry systems. Used as cover crop in oil plantation.

Other Species :

Arachis repens Arachis glabrata

(Grama-amendoin, (Creeping forage peanut)
Creeping Peanut) Origin: Brazil
Origin: Brazil

Arachis hypogaea
(Peanut, Groundnut Plant)
Origin: Brazil
GROUND COVER - Neoregelia carolinae
Botanical Name : Neoregelia carolinae
Common Name : Blushing bromeliad

Origin : South America

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 45 cm
Color - Green with red centre
Overall Form - Funnel-shaped rosettes with noticeable
red coloration at the centre.
Overall Texture - Coarse
Flower - Violet to lavender blooms in a “raceme”
inflorescence .
GROUND COVER - Neoregelia carolinae
Plant Habit :
Prefer partial shade but can tolerate full shade, high humidity and medium water.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Houseplant or conservatory plant. Use as ground cover or bushy shrub.

Other Uses:

Other Species:

Bromeliad guzmania Aechmea fasciata

(Scarlet star) (Silver vase/ Urn plant)
Origin: Central and South America Origin: Brazil

Vriesea splendens Aechmea blanchetiana

(Flaming sword) (Blushing tiger/ Orange)
Origin: Central and South America Origin:
GROUND COVER - Ophiopogon jaburan
Botanical Name : Ophiopogon jaburan
Common Name : Giant lily turf
Mondo grass
Jaburan Lilyturf
Origin : Tropical Asia

Plant Characteristic:
Mature Size - 0.3-0.6 m
Color - Light green
Overall Form - Oval (Bushy)
Overall Texture - Fine
Flower - Flowers are bell-shaped. They are arranged
in inflorescences known as racemes in which
one main axis bears several stalked flowers.
GROUND COVER - Ophiopogon jaburan
Plant Habit :
Full sun, partial or full shade and require medium water.

Functional Use in Landscape:

Ground cover and ornamental foliage or showy flower.

Other Uses:
It is used for hacking dry coughs, dry tongue and mouth and constipation

Other Species:

Ophiopogon chingii Ophiopogon japonicus

(Blue berry grass) (Dwarf turf lily)
Origin: Japan Origin: China, India, Japan

Ophiopogon planiscapus Ophiopogon jaburan ‘Vittatus'

(Black turf lily) (Variegated mondo grass)
Origin: Japan Origin: Japan

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