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Interviewer :

1. Lip Service
 Hello, good morning!
Hello, good morning.
 How are you?
I’m good thank you.
 What is your name?
My name is Afif / Dinda
 May I ask you about this exhibition?
Yes sure, you may.

 What do you know about this exhibition?
 How many times have you been to the exhibition?
 What do you think about the exhibition this year?
 What are you reason for visiting this exhibition?
 In your opinion, what are the profit of this exhibition for visitors?
 You have seen this exhibition? Haven’t you?
Yes, I have.
 Is it according to your expectations?
 In ANEXPO last year's, Did you also come last year to this exhibition?
 Whom did you come here with?
I came with my friends.
 You have accessed this exhibition site? Haven’t you?
 Tenant/product to search
Tenant/exhibitor peserta pamerannya bagaimana
Harganya pas apa ngk?
 What about the marketing strategy, is it good?
 Is the signed clarity clear?
 Product queries
Punya kupon?
Produknya apa aja.
 What do you expectation for Anexpo the next year ?
 Can you name the 3 products in this exhibition? if you can, i will give you a gift
Yes you right congratulation, you got this.
 Thank you for coming to our exhibition, hopefully you can come to the exhibition
next year.
Thank you, sure I will come to the Anexpo next year.

Aufa : Hallo Good afternoon!

Dinda : Hey, Good afternoon.
Aufa : Let me introduce myself, my name is Aufa as food sales promotion,
what’s your name?
Afif : My name is Afif
Dinda : My name is Dinda
Aufa : Okay Dinda, May I have your time for interview?
Afif Or Dinda : Sure, it’s our pleasure
Aufa : Okay. If I may know, where did you two come from?
Afif : We come from Tanjung Priok
Aufa : Wow, Tanjung Priok it’s quite far away from here, thank you for coming
to this event.
Aufa : What vehicle did you go with to get here?
Dinda : We went here by commuter line.
Aufa : Ahh I see. Did you both really like to attend events like this?
Afif : Sure, We like to attend exhibitions like this, we usually visit exhibitions
in the Jakarta area.
Aufa : Very exciting! What do you know about ANEXPO exhibition?
Afif : The ANEXPO exhibition is an exhibition that provides various types of
products including food and clothing. and the theme of this year's ANEXPO is about
international culinary
Aufa : I think you both really like events like this. Is there any other reason you
came to this event?
Dinda : We really like to try the specialties of each country, and Anexpo provides
all the foods that exist in each country, that's why we are very interested to coming here.
Aufa : It fits perfectly with both of your hobbies, very happy to be culinary.
Aufa : How long does it take you to visit an event like this
Afif : We usualy visited an exhibition like this twice a month, or If there is an
interesting exhibition outside that time, we won't hesitate to come
Aufa : How do you know about this event and the site access to this event
Dinda : We found out about this exhibition from an advertisement on Instagram
then after we saw the schedule and theme of the event it really made us interested in visiting here
then we ordered tickets online.
Aufa : So, you knew about this event from Instagram, and there are many foods
available from various countries at this exhibition, what food do you like the most?
Afif : The food we like the most of course comes from Indonesia and also from
the west. Like satay, batagor, siomay, and pasta.
Aufa : Okey, I have a foods products that I would like to introduce, Do you
know any "Pondan" brand products?
Dinda : Yeahh, i know it Pondan is a product in the form of powder for making
foods such as brownies, ice cream, and pudding
Aufa : True!, Pondan has just released a newest product, is a pudding with
matcha flavor. This product is a new and the only one in Indonesia.
Dinda : It’s so interesting. I really love matcha and I never taste pudding with
matcha flavor before.
Aufa : Yes and we also offer fifthy percent vouchers for all Pondan products by
minimum one hundred thousand rupiahs shopping
Dinda : Wow, How we can get the vouchers?
Aufa : Okay, if you want the voucher, you should answer two questions from
me. And the first question is “what you think or your opinions about this event?”
Dinda : Let me answer the question first before Dinda answer it. I think
ANEXPO Exhibition with culinary theme helps me a lot to know about foods from many
different countries. Here we can try so many foods with a cheap price.
Dinda : True, I agree with Afif, we found a food that we never knew before like
Pudding Matcha that you offered before , and the exhibition gave us a lot profit like voucher,
free sample of foods, and many more.
Aufa : So what your expectation for the next year’s event, if ANEXPO open the
exhibition again?
Afif : I hope next year's exhibition can run an even more good by inviting
famous guest stars and next year it will have an interesting theme again like now.
Aufa : Okay hopefully Anexpo will be more good for every next year, but do
you think the marketing strategy of Anexpo Exhibition is good?
Dinda : I think the strategy of marketing is good because anexpo has made
advertisements through social media and the price of entrance tickets and food prices here are
very cheap, that's why many young people come here

Closing :
Aufa : Okey, I have one another question for you. If you can answer about
"Pondan" product I will give one pudding matcha product by Pondan for you guys.
Dinda : Aaah thankyou, Please let we know the question, I’ll answer it.
Aufa : Of all Pondan products, which product do you like the most? And why
do you want to buy Pondan product?
Dinda : I knew Pondan Product since I was a little kid, I remember when my age
still eight I guess I’m so in love with pudding. In the day my mom just got home from
Supermarket and bought Pudding by Pondan product. And then my mom asked me to make a
pudding. I was very happy when I made pudding for the first time it’s very easy and taste is so
Afif : Yeah Dinda my reasons just like you Pondan is very easy to cook and the
taste so delicious. That’s why I always buy this product if I want to eat something sweet like
cake, brownies and pudding. You know guys are very rare to be able to cook or make delicious
food, but after I tried to make something from pondan I became happy to cook.
Aufa : Yeay congratulations !! I’m so satisfying with your answer. And you
both deserve to get a free matche pudding by Ponda product from me. It’s for you Dinda, and it’s
for you Afif, thank you for the time once again.
Afif & Dinda : Aaah you are very welcome.

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